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Erythropodium caribaeorum, Encrusting Gorgonian. Form encrusting mats that look hairy when polyps are extended, smooth, light colored, like leather when
retracted. Key Largo 2014.
Erythropodium caribaeorum, Encrusting Gorgonian. Form encrusting mats that look hairy when polyps are extended, smooth, light colored, like leather when
retracted. Here growing on a unifacial sea fan in Key Largo 2014.
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Canthigaster rostrata (Bloch 1786), simply
called the Sharpnose Puffer. Tropical west Atlantic
species, common and inexpensive. To five inches. Eats mainly seagrass (and
some invertebrates) in the wild.
Key Largo 2014.
Chaetodon capistratus
Linnaeus 1758, the Foureye Butterflyfish. Tropical west Atlantic,
Caribbean To six inches. A broad feeding strategy, but still does poorly
in adapting to captive conditions.
Key Largo 2014.