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giganteus, the Christmas Tree Worm, family Serpulidae. 1-1 1/2". Two
spiral crowned groups of radioles with a double horned operculum between
them that bears a sharp spine. Tropical West Atlantic, Indo-Pacific. Key
Largo 2014 |
Strombus gigas, the Queen Conch. 6-9 inches typically, to 12 in.
maximum. Have large shells bearing a short conical spire with blunt spikes.
Shells orangish, often covered with algae. Opening rosy pink. Covered by a
claw-like operculum. Head gray with long tentacled eyes. Live in Seagrass
beds, cultured for aquariums. A two inch juvenile in Key Largo 2014 |
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Thalassoma bifasciatum (Bloch 1791), the Bluehead Wrasse (2), one
of the most common reef fishes of the tropical west Atlantic. Females and
juveniles yellow above, white below, with some dark markings. Shown, female specimens in the Bahamas. Females to about five inches in length,
males to near twice that. Juvenile/initial phase individuals in Key Largo
2014 |
Duncanopsamia axifuga Wells, 1936: Long branching corallites.
Whisker Coral, Australia, PNG, Indonesia. Only rarely encountered in the
wild or the pet-fish interest. House of Fins 2013 |