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530, Freshwater Pic of the Day
Acanthurus olivaceus Forster &
Schneider 1801, the Orange Spot/Shoulder Tang. A hardy fish out of
Hawaii and elsewhere, but unfortunately, a behavioral terror in the
ranks of A. lineatus. This is an active fish that grows to
more than a foot in length. Place only with MEAN tankmates. A
hybrid of some sort supposedly. LA LFS 2012 |
Pomacentrus alleni Burgess 1981,
Allen's or Andaman Damselfish. Andaman Sea, the Similans off of
Thailand. A hardy beauty that grows to a maximum of two inches and
does well living solitarily. This one in a reef aquarium at Jordan
Stari's 2012. |
Pseudanthias bicolor (Randall 1979), the
Bicolor Anthias. Indo-Pacific, Mauritius to the Hawaiian Islands.
To five inches in length. Also a hardy large reef aquarium species.
Here at the SIO, Birch Aq. 2012 |
Serranocirrhitus latus
Watanabe 1949, the Fathead or Hawkfish Anthias. Deep bodied, and to
about five inches in the wild. Shy, though hardy for the subfamily.
Resides in caves by day. Need hiding spaces in captivity and
peaceful tankmates. |