FAQs on Water Sprites,
Related Articles: Water Sprites,
Watersprite in an aquarium growing in as a floating

Too long roots on water sprite
I ordered water sprite from an online pond business, as no lfs sells
water sprite anywhere. It is the easiest plant and the hardest to
obtain. Anyway I got three and they are about 24 inches long each
, but that is because the root is about 10 inches long. The
plants are floating in a 20 gallon long and I was wondering if it is ok
to trim off about 6 inches of that long root or does it need to stay
that way. I guess I am just scared of making any mistakes
Thank you!!
<No problem in trimming Ceratopteris roots, as long as the plants
are healthy. Bob Fenner>
Ceratopteris vs. Poeciliidae and Pterophyllum
Hate to be bothering you again, but yet another question. Do freshwater
angel fish eat water sprite??
<Not normally. But they might peck at if from time to time if
there's flake food hidden there.>
Also I was wondering if guppies do, not that I keep them together with
angels, but since guppies are herbivores like platies, I believe, would
they go after the water sprite?? Thank you!!!
<Neither Guppies nor Platies should eat Water Sprite to any serious
Guppies and Platies will peck at algae, that's all.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Water sprite and lighting 12/1/11
I was wondering how much light Water Sprite needs to stay alive in a 20
gallon long or a 29 gallon tall?? Can it survive with the typical long
florescent bulb that is 6500K and 20 watt bulbs you get at the hardware
store or does it need much more than that? Thank You!!
<Hello Judy. Water Sprite (Ceratopteris thalictroides) is not fussy.
While it enjoys bright light, it will grow, albeit more slowly, under
mediocre lighting. So give it a whirl and see what happens. You should
be okay. And yes, generic fluorescent tubes are fine, provided the
wattage and colour temperature suits. 6500 K is more than adequate for
plants. By the way, incandescent light bulbs are utterly useless in
aquaria, providing unwanted heat more than anything else. So if you
can, replace with much more efficient compact fluorescent bulbs
instead, which are actually pretty good in small tanks with water
depths less than 25 cm/10 inches. Cheers, Neale.>
Ceratopteris cornuta, avail.
I had this plant in my aquariums 30 years ago and thanks to your site I
was able to identify it. But I have not been able to find it for sale
on any of the websites or local pet stores. Can you help me locate an
on-line source for this plant?
Thank you,
<Hmm'¦ yes, this species is only patchy in distribution,
for some inexplicable reason. In the US the species Ceratopteris
thalictroides is commonly the "Water Sprite" though other
names, such as Indian Fern or Floating Fern are common too. Whether or
not Ceratopteris thalictroides and Ceratopteris cornuta are the same
plant, or different names used (incorrectly) by the trade for the same
plant is unclear to me. Cheers, Neale.>
"Fish Help" re: unexpected
livebearer fry; traps; feeding; Ceratopteris
Hey there Jacquie here again. Just a little update. The molly that was
pregnant with the platy aborted the pregnancy (as u said) and the platy
has not bugged her since. But oddly no other male has either. Now to
the cool news I finally had some success! I put my pregnant Dalmatian
Mollie into a newly set up 30 gallon tank (I used water from the other
tanks so the cycling would go easier) and sure enough she had her
babies after a couple weeks! I was out when she started so she ate a
lot of them and a lot of them were still born but when all was said and
done I have 7 happy healthy babies! Any suggestions to keep them that
way? And also I was thinking of making a Plexiglas (sp?) partition with
a lot of small holes in it so I can put a pregnant momma fish in it and
keep her away from the babies. Would that be safe for the tank? I
figured that would be better than those little birthing nets that they
sell at the pet store. Don't know if u can see it but here is one
of the little ones swimming around the heavily planted bottom.
<Greetings. There are two ways to handle unexpected fry with the aim
of keeping as many alive as possible. The first is to add bunches of
floating plants. By preference, fry hide at the top of the tank.
Floating plants providing hiding spaces for the crucial first 2-3 weeks
needed to get big enough to avoid being eaten. Something like Indian
Fern (Ceratopteris thalictroides, sometimes called Water Sprite) is the
ideal but at a pinch common "Elodea" (the cheap pondweed sold
for use in goldfish aquaria) will work almost as well. The downside to
"Elodea" is that is usually doesn't do well in tropical
aquaria because it needs intense lighting to survive at high
temperatures. Indian Fern is more difficult to get hold of, but it
infinitely more easy to grow.
The second approach is to corral the fry into a breeding trap, again
for the first 2-3 weeks. Breeding traps work extremely well used this
way, and in fact I have one in use right now for some newly hatched
Oryzias melastigma. Breeding traps have the positive side of being good
for allowing you to spot feed the fry without overfeeding the adults,
and you can use finely powdered baby fish food in the trap (Hikari
First Bites is excellent) 3-4 times per day while offering the adults
their usual 1-2 meals of regular-sized flake. The downside to breeding
traps is they're unsightly and awkward to install in some tanks.
Even if you use a breeding trap, it's wise adding some floating
plants too, as these provide cover for the newborn fry and you'll
find you're able to rescue far more fry this way compared to just
using a trap on its own and hoping some fry survive long enough for you
to see them. Floating plants like Ceratopteris also provide shelter for
the pregnant females away from annoying or aggressive tankmates. Note:
do not put the pregnant female in the breeding trap. Most traps are too
small for this to be safe, and the stress can cause real harm
to them, including causing miscarriages. Far better to use the traps
for the fry, as/when you find them. Cheers, Neale.>
Silver / Tri Colour Sharks, losses (It's a mystery!
RMF?) 7/30/09
Hello Crew,
Having a problem with our Bala Sharks. We have lost two of them in the
last three weeks.
<Oh dear!>
Symptoms : Starts with cloudy eyes, this seems to spread backwards and
looks almost like a fungus spreading. The fins, particularly the
Pectoral and Dorsal start to look as though there is some sort of
rot'. The fish seems fine but stops eating
'enthusiastically' although it does still eat. After a period
of approx 6 weeks the fish is found swimming upside down and dies soon
<Hmm... putting aside the obvious -- old age -- if it's the same
species of fish getting damaged, infected, and then dying, there's
two obvious explanations. One is that there's a species specific
virus (or equivalent)
in your tank. This isn't likely though, and the classic cases, like
Neon Tetra Disease and Dwarf Gourami Iridovirus are well known and
easily recognised. The more likely explanation is that something has
changed in the tank, perhaps environmental, perhaps social, that means
this particular species of fish no longer "works" in this
Aquarium : 2000 Litres approx (7ftx3ftx3ft), 3mm Dorset Pea natural
Filtration : 2 Eheim Pro III 2180's
Heating : Hydor under gravel 2 * 300w (supported by integral heaters in
filters but filter heaters are rarely required)
Circulation : 2 Hydor Koralia 4's, 1 Seio M2600
Water Stats : Nitrite 0, Nitrate 20, pH 6.5, water is relatively hard,
temperature 27 Deg C Min, 28 Deg C Max. water changes are carried out
fortnightly and calculated to keep nitrates below 25ppm so it
can vary in amount. Water changes are carried out using Tetra AquaSafe
and a 'Python', gravel is vac'd at same time.
<All sounds fine.>
Stock : 18 Clown Loach ranging from 4 to 8 inches in length, 2 Red Tail
Tinfoils 8 inches, 1 Sailfin Plec 14 inches, 2 Silver Dollars 6 inches,
4 Black Widow Tetra, none of these are showing any signs of any
whatsoever, there are no plants, there is a large amount of 'bog
wood' shelter and places to hide type holes. There are now 5 Bala
Sharks (were 7) ranging from 6 to 11 inches.
<How old are these fish? They do live for around 10+ years, but if
they're substantially older than 10 years, you may simply be seeing
normal mortality.>
Feeding : Principle is JBL Novo Bel but once weekly add frozen
'shrimp' and 'bloodworm', additional variation provided
by JBL Novo Tab.
Feeding is monitored and if the feeding is less than enthusiastic the
next day will be a 'fasting' day.
<I would class Balantiocheilos melanopterus as being a
"heavy" feeder, so one factor is whether they're getting
sufficient food. Make sure your specimens have nicely rounded bellies,
and when viewed from the front, the profile on the flanks is slightly
convex rather than concave.>
Things that I have tried
1 : Increase the vitamin uptake of the fish incase it was a dietary
deficiency using JBL Atvitol for a 4 week period. - effect none.
2 : Treat individual fish in hospital tank using JBL Ektol at
recommended dosage and period. - effect dead within 24 hours.
3 : Treat entire aquarium using JBL Ektol at recommended dosage and
period - effect none except dead filters, never again.
<Have never used JBL Ektol so can't comment on its
efficacy/safety either way. Will make the usual statement that carbon
neutralised such medications and should be removed before use.
Can't think why your filters crashed; do review dosing,
4 : Treat entire aquarium using eSHa 2000 at recommended dosage and
frequency - effect another dead Bala shark.
<I do use eSHa 2000, and find it to be very reliable, even with
catfish and pufferfish.>
I now have another shark showing the cloudy eye and am out of ideas, I
cannot keep throwing chemicals at this, it is damn expensive to treat
2000 litres, no other fish show any signs of problems.
Best regards,
<There's no obvious reason from the data here why your Bala
Sharks aren't doing well. So would suggest taking another approach:
is there anything that might have stressed/be stressing them? They are
nervous fish, and when alarmed, sometimes throw themselves into the
glass or at the hood. Clown Loaches and Silver Dollars should be fine,
but the Red-tail Tinfoil Barb, Barbonymus altus, is a big, boisterous
fish that tends to be rather restless. Similarly, Black Widows can be
nippy, though this varies, and sometimes they're utterly harmless
(but mine never were...). I'd also consider age, how much
you're feeding them, and whether there's anything outside the
tank, like banging or paint fumes, that might be stressing these fish.
Cheers, Neale.>
<<Is mysterious to me as well... What would just affect the
Balas... I would default to serial water change-outs, the addition of
some hardy, palatable floating plant material (to cut down light, give
the fishes something to chew...) and use a goodly amount of activated
carbon (bagged, in an area of water flow)... BobF>>
Re: Silver / Tri Colour Sharks (It's a mystery! RMF?) --
Would not argue with this at all. In fact if you're anywhere near
Berkhamsted, you're free to come pick up a couple clumps of
Ceratopteris from me! I seem to be throwing out bucketfuls ever couple
of weeks. But seriously, Bob's point is sound. Many of my fish eat
the stuff, and it certainly makes nervous fish -- hujeta gar, red-tail
pufferfish -- much less skittish, and much more settled than otherwise.
Really, I'd class Ceratopteris as almost as useful as heaters and
Cheers, Neale
<Yowzah! I swear Neale and I are two individuals! Perhaps characters
would have a better, more accurate connotation. Cheers! BobF>
Re: Silver / Tri Colour Sharks (It's a mystery! RMF?) --
Funny boy! Yes, I'm a recent convert to Ceratopteris. Not sure how
I'd live without the stuff now. I think pet shops should give a
leaf or two away with every fish! I started off with a few fragments,
and now I have tonnes in every tank, and even some in the pond.
<C. thalictroides is one of my all time... olde... faves>
My Ameca splendens seem to eat nothing else. They refuse flake food
entirely when they have the stuff.
Cheers, Neale
<And you, BobF>
Water Sprites, and planted tank algae control
I have a question about water sprites. I currently have a 46 gallon
bowfront with discus. They are doing great and have amazing coloration,
but I'm having some brown algae problems. I'm assuming it's
diatom algae.
<Very likely, if the stuff is a slippery or greasy brown-yellow film
on the inside of the glass.>
Feedings usually consist of flakes, pellets, or frozen foods that are
fed twice a day and they eat all the food they are given. I use
deionization to filter the source water which comes from a well, and
use Kent Discus
Essential to replace minerals. The tank pH is around 6.4 with ammonia 0
ppm, nitrite 0 ppm, and nitrates about 20 - 30 ppm, and phosphate is 0
I do about 20 gallon water change every week. I've read that water
sprites take in nutrients with their leaves due to poor root
<May well be true. Can't imagine it matters either way.>
Is this true and will a heavy water sprite populations help with my
algae and nitrates?
<Floating plants generally can help, provided they're growing
Personally, I find Amazon Frogbit (Limnobium laevigata) much, much
better in this regard; it grows at an astonishing rate even under
moderate lighting. It has long roots that produce a wonderfully shady
habitat that
fish enjoy. It's also very pretty, and it's low-lying leaves
don't get scalded by the lights in most hoods. By contrast,
I've never found Water Sprite (Ceratopteris thalictroides) either
easy to establish or particularly fast growing. I have tanks containing
both species, and the Amazon Frogbit grows at least ten times faster! I
can remove clumps of the stuff weekly, and yes, my tanks are
essentially algae-free. I wipe the glass down maybe once every 2-3
I read that water sprites make for a good floating plant. I was
planning on using them for a floating plant with 96 watts of 6700K CF
lighting. I know discus do not like bright lighting. So I was hoping
the floating water
sprites would give shading to my discus as well as help starve the
algae of nutrients and help with nitrates. Thank you for your time and
great advise I always receive from your crew.
<Hope this helps, Neale.>
Water Sprite problems 2/5/08 Dear
Crew, I bought 2 sprigs of Water Sprite (Ceratopteris thalictroides)
about 5 weeks ago. Initially it was doing well, producing strong green
violins and opening into large fronds. However, the last week I have
noticed that the growth seems very weak. The new violins are small and
white. The older material is producing lots of offshoots and has taken
on a wilty, almost melty appearance. I take it the plant is not doing
well and is trying to put off pups to survive. I have the plants
floating (they were rooted in the gravel at the LFS) in a 10G tank lit
with 2 10W compact fluorescent bulbs. The inhabitants are 9 Glowlight
Tetras which I feed tropical flakes once a day 5 times a week and
freeze-dried bloodworms once a week. My pH is around 7.6 and I keep the
temperature at 79F. I do not have CO2 injection or add any fertilizers.
From what I understand this should be taking over my tank. Any help you
can provide will be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Evan <Hello
Evan. On paper at least things sound good, but the "watts per
gallon" rule doesn't actually hold with very small tanks or
very big tanks. It only really works for medium-sized tanks in the
40-50 gallon size range. This will sound counterintuitive I know, but
tanks as small as 10 gallons actually need a huge amount of light to
get rapid plant growth or to cultivate bright-light species. If
you're wondering, you need about 70-100 watts of light over a 10
gallon tank to get solid plant growth with light-hungry species!
It's all to do with the surface area of the tank and the depth of
the tank, which don't scale precisely with the volume of the tanks
sold to aquarists (in other words, a 10 gallon tank isn't a
scaled-down version of a 55 gallon tank, but a completely different
shape. In fact it is a tank with a proportionally smaller surface area
that the 55 gallon tank, but proportionally greater depth. This
isn't to say you *can't* grow plants in very small tanks -- you
can. It's just that some degree of trial and error seems to come
into play, where you have to experiment with various species to see
what works in your particular tank. From personal experience, things
like Java fern, Anubias, Cryptocorynes, and so on work brilliantly in
small tanks and can be used to make nice planted tanks. This is likely
one of your issues. The other issue will be fertilisation: plants need
fertiliser, either added to the water or put into the substrate.
Ceratopteris does best as a floating plant, so the liquid fertilisers
are the way to go. You could try this to see if it helps, but if that
doesn't, I'd suggest just trying some other plants, preferably
ones tolerant of low-light conditions. Cheers, Neale.>
Referencing your website (specifically Ceratopteris
article) 2/28/07 Greetings, <Hi there> I was looking
into referencing certain specific points from your Ceratopteris article
titled Water Sprites, Ceratopteris apparently, found in the Aquarium
Gardner series. I would greatly appreciate any information as to how to
properly reference the page in question, as there doesn't seem to
be a date or much specific information of any kind. Much appreciated!
Ian K <Mmm, was generated by me... about five years back. Cite by
the URL: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/PlantedTksSubWebIndex/ceratopteris.htm
Bob Fenner>
Ceratopteris Purchases (in PA) Dear WetWebMedia folks:
<cheers> I have searched, unsuccessfully so far, for an aquarium
store where I can purchase some water sprite. None of the
stores in my area of PA carry it because they consider it a nuisance
plant in aquaria. <what part of PA are you from? In in
Pittsburgh.. have seen Elmer's Aquarium Monroeville carry it almost
weekly. Also what of That Fish Place in Lancaster? There are also the
aquarium societies in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia that have tons of it
at their monthly meetings> I lost the crop of it that I had many
years ago and would like to replace it. Thanks, Mike Case <this will
not be tough to find Mike... at worst, do a keyword search of the genus
on Google.com with the word "purchase"... and you will find a
vendor. Anthony>
Watersprite Hello Bob : I found this site when I used the
Google search engine. I typed in " Ceratopteris cornutus"
Years ago I used this specie of WS. Now all I can find is a watersprite
called "Ceratopteris Thalictroides" Is this type of WS
available from you and if not can you lead me to it. We live in Florida
now. Please reply. Respectfully, Charlie <cheers, Charlie... neither
Bob nor Wet Web Media have anything to sell to the public. We are
volunteers and in the information/content/photography biz. To find the
plant that you seek let me suggest that you browse the various
suppliers on our links page of WetWebMedia.com or continue keyword
searches with the scientific name. There are so many plant suppliers
online that I suspect you will find a source within minutes. Best
regards, Anthony>
Lighting Howdy Bob, Just another question on lighting
arrangements...On my 120g 48x24x24 tank which I will eventually set-up,
I have see-sawed with questions about lighting. For keeping a variety
of corals, I want to eventually setup my tank with sufficient lighting
to help them thrive. I currently have a CSL PC 4x96wt ABS fixture, I
really don't want to deal with MH lights now or in the future for a
number of reasons. <I hear you...> My idea, if I want to
increase light intensity, is to add a 2 bulb VHO fixture with one
actinic and one regular bulb to the top of my tank. Will these lights
together provide sufficient light to grow a wide variety of corals?
<Yes, a very viable plan... some of the higher intensity corals
might have to be placed higher up in the water column, no big deal>
Does the fact that most of the top of my aquarium will be covered
create a problem as far as overheating or poor oxygenation?
<Not covered in the way of air circulation I hope/trust... and do
your best to not have to have anything between your lighting and the
water surface (fixtures, fittings disallowing metal
contamination...> By the way, your advice on throwing in some water
sprite and covering my PC in my FW aquarium has really dented my algae
problems, thank you. Dave <Ah good to hear back on... Ceratopteris
works wonders. Bob Fenner>