Aquatic Gardens
Ponds, Streams, Waterfalls & Fountains:
Volume 1. Design & Construction
Volume 2. Maintenance, Stocking, Examples
V. 1
Print and
eBook on Amazon
V. 2
Print and
eBook on Amazon
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Small Pond Goldfish Pond Survival
I have a 765 gallon, irregular shaped, sunken pond. It is a 45 mil. EPDM
liner pond. It is a few weeks over 1 year old. It has a pH of about 8.
It has a uv, a fountain, and a submersible filter with a water pump of
about 625 gph. 2 of my adult fish died about 2 days ago. A calico
Shubunkin goldfish and a big white comet. They got gill damage. They got
it from being cooped up with 11 other goldfish. They were in a way too
small 50 gallon tank, with no filter or aeration. They stayed in there
for a day and overnight. My fault entirely. I should have known better.
I got 2 new replacement fish for them today. A little yellow comet and
another redheaded Shubunkin. They are both about 2 inches long. I live
in the Arizona desert. Will the 2 new fish have time to build up their
size and reserves before it gets too cold?
<Should do, but depends on how mild your autumns are and how cold it
actually gets in your winters. Remember, Goldfish can feed and
metabolise down to 10-12 degrees C, using low protein foods such as
wheat germ, but below that they shouldn't be fed anything at all until
springtime rolls round and it warms up above 10-12 C. Very small
Goldfish may do better overwintered indoors, and your 50 gallon tank
should be ample for that.
Mortality of yearling Goldfish can be quite high in cold climates where
ice forms over the pond, but Arizona might well be mild enough for yours
to do okay.>
Thank you.
<Welcome, Neale (in the UK). Have cc'ed RMF to add a more Southwestern
USA perspective.>
<<IF the pond is large enough, deep enough, protected by structure from
much influence of (weather) elements... to not vacillate much thermally
(see WWM re as always); the biota should be fine here. RMF>>
Re: Small Pond Goldfish Pond Survival
Thank you Neale! :)
<Most welcome.>
Pond and Pool
construction About Finished! 7 Megs of
pix! Idiocy! 4/1/14
Pictures of my pond after the pool construction has been completed.
Pool and pond update. They just got done with the final construction phase
of our pool today. All they need to do now is acid wash the pool and fill it
with water. The water in the pond is still clean, except for some muck at
the bottom I will be cleaning when everything is done. The fish (4 comet
goldfish) are all still alive and doing well. Thanks to the blue tarps we
used to shield the pond during construction, no dirt or dust got
into the pond. All seems well at the moment. Any other advice on keeping
ponds and pools together would be appreciated. Thank you.
<Read on!> |
some pond planning questions 2/22/14
Hello WWM Crew! Although it doesn't quite look it out the window,
spring is coming!
I'm reading, learning and planning for it!!!!! I'm looking
for a reasonable custom acrylic maker to design an indoor rectangular
shaped (with rounded corners for Pearlscale goldfish) pond for me, 10'L
x 5'W x 4'D
<... this construct is going to cost at least several thousand
dollars... perhaps a couple of tens of thousands>
(any referrals for the Poconos region of PA
<Oh! Am sending your note to Michelle Lemech; who lives in the area>
or thereabouts would be appreciated!!!!) with custom stand (of course!)
that I'd like slope bottomed to a bottom drain to gravity feed an
EazyPod filter from Evolution Aqua.
From what I gather, it is customary to turn over the pond volume 1-2
times an hour; the pond will be +/- 1500 gallons (5674 liters) so
will the turnover rate be 1500 gallons an hour?
<I'd make it at least twice this>
Do I need to size the pump after the EazyPod for this rate, or will I
need to size it differently to accommodate the protein skimmer as
<... hard to adjust skimmers on freshwater systems to work>
---it requires 3000 liters per hour (793 gallons per hour) plus the
height to get to the top of the unit at the top of the pond? How
do I size the pump for the two units, or do I need two separate pumps?
back to back?
<Better to use separate pumps for sure>
Similar questions appear for the piping dimensions, what are they based
<Lengths of runs, turns, induced drag. A more/less safe guess is to use
the diameter of the lines on the discharge sides of your pumps...
If they're (likely) 1.5 or 2 inch... this is what size plumbing I'd use>
The examples on EAs website show the MAX rates for the EazyPod-10,000 l
p/hr (2,642 gallons p/hr) and the rate shown on
Clarity's website is for the MAX rate of 3,000 l p/hr (793 gallons p/hr)
with 40mm tubing dimensions. EAs example drawings show a 4" bottom
drain to 4" piping.
<This can (and should be) reduced down to 2"... no need for larger>
If my tank is smaller, for fancy goldfish are smaller than their Koi
cousins, but just as messy and as such require overkill filtration,
should it run at the rates/sizes for the actual size of the pond or at
the maximum rate of each appliance?
<For the pond>
How do I size the bottom drain (4" or 2")
pumps and tubing (4" or 2")?
<40 mm... 1.5">
I'd like to send the return water from the EazyPod to a Clarity CL3 foam
fractionator and two water returns to help circulate the water (I
believe the CL3 needs 1.5" tubing, that leaves 2.5" available to split
into two 1.25" TPRs) I am going to hold off U.V. for now, I want
to move into our retirement home first (closing next week!!) and get an
idea of how much natural light there is to affect the pond before I
decide if U.V. lighting is needed or not.
Where do valves/unions/ball joints, etc. go?
<See, read on WWM re:
and please explain the use of each type (very confusing), and when to use
which one. EAs site recommends installing "an isolating valve (3"
or 4") (90-115mm) slide or ball valve on your inlet gravity line before
the EazyPod." So if that needs an
additional one prior to the unit, does the skimmer need one before it
And of course, which type/size?
Okay, to summarize, HELP! with the sizing of bottom drain (4" or 2"),
pipes/tubing (4" or 2"), external pumps to get a 1500 gal. sloped bottom
pond thru the bottom drain, to the EazyPod With Air filter, to the
Clarity CL3 foam fractionator and into the pond. Being a beginner
is brutal---thanks for any guidance you can give me!!!!!
Lisa Also, do you rec. buying a bottom drain
that is aerated? Did I miss anything important to filter this
pond? Thank you so much yet again for so freely sharing hard to
come by advice!!!
<I encourage you to read a bit more re your options... reducing the
length to 8', the height to two or so feet will save you a great deal of
money on this project. Bob Fenner>
260 gallon pond. Design... filtr., maint., ongoing
I am planning a pond for my new backyard.
It will be 260 gallons.
It will be a round pond.
It will be sunken into the ground.
It's dimensions are going to be:
3.5' L x 3.5' W x 3.1' deep
It will have a geotextile underlayment of about 1".
It will have a butyl flexible liner.
It will have edging made of red bricks and mortar.
I live in the Arizona desert.
I do not plan on keeping plants.
I plan to keep comet goldfish in this pond.
I plan to add many floating fake plants to help shade the pond.
My questions:
Which filtration setup would be better for this pond?
<... why do you continue to write back again and again... Why not just
search and read re on WWM?>
Submersible pump, with a fountain head and a uv. Combined with an
aeration pump.
How often should I empty the pond to clean it using this setup?
<... also covered. Are you unable to use the search tool?>
Or should I use:
External gravity pump and uv, connected to a bottom drain with an
How often do I empty the pond to clean it using this setup?
Thank you.
<... Are you trying to trick me? It won't work. B>
No Tricks 7/8/13
Not trying to trick you. Just making sure I got all my bases covered
before I begin my pond.
I do not want to make a costly mistake, or misunderstand the tons of
useful information on your site. I will try again to pinpoint the
information you have been trying so kindly to direct me to.
Thank you for your time.
<Might I point out more specifically what sort of filter I'd likely
Maintenance... I'd have you read over the articles and FAQs under the
tray on the pond subweb en toto.
Bob Fenner>
New Pond Questions 3/10/13
I plan on making a round pond.
It will contain comet goldfish.
Its dimensions are:
3.4' in diameter by 3' deep
It is going to be 195 us gallons.
It is going to be in the Arizona desert.
It is going to have 10 sq. feet of surface area.
It will be a shallow sunken pond.
How much cfm will I need to aerate this pond?
< A couple...>
Would a small fountain be enough to aerate it?
Also, how many comet goldfish can I keep in this pond?
<When small, a dozen or so... as they grow several less>
what gph would I need to run a water pump for a filter in this pond?
<A few hundred gph>
Any suggestions on what type of filter system would be best for this
<Could be a canister type... but I'd make something like the olde ALS
550 as gone over on WWM. B>
Thank you.
Controlling Pond Livestock Levels, algicides 7/11/13
I plan to have a small, shallow, sunken, round pond. It will be 3.4' in
diameter by 3' deep. The pond will be 195 gallons. The pond will have 10
sq feet of surface area. The pond will have a submersible flat box
filter filled with pea gravel. The filter will be rated for 50-250
gallons. The filter will be attached to a 306 gph submersible pump and
fountain kit. I plan to use a plant and fish safe algaecide
<There is no such thing... Might I ask, what is this magic material?>
to control algae. Possibly add a uv later. I plan to scrub the algae and
do a partial water change once a week. Water ph will be 8. I plan on
keeping 3-8 comet goldfish. I plan to clean the whole pond once a year,
in the spring. I plan to clean the filter once a week to once a month.
I live in the Arizona desert.
My question:
What do I do when the fish in my pond become too numerous?
<Remove them... trade them to a local fish store, other hobbyists>
I already heard of these solutions:
1. Using spawning mops to collect eggs, then boiling the spawning mop to
kill the eggs, then feeding the eggs to the fish.
<No; don't do this... won't work and will pollute the water>
2. Giving the fish to a store that sells them.
3. Giving the fish to a breeder or trader.
4. Giving the fish away to people who want them.
5. Euthanasia. I really do not want to try this one. Especially if the
fish is healthy and surviving well on its own.
I cannot put them in another aquarium inside my house either.
Any other suggestions on what to do with pond fish I cannot keep in my
Thank you.
<Numbers 2-4. Bob Fenner>
Re: Controlling Pond Livestock Levels... NOT algicide, but preventative
The magic substance is a Tetra brand pond algaecide.
<Ah, thank you. Searching on the Net re active ingredients I find this
"It is made of the effective natural substances (peat and barley
straw)"... Can be seen here:
It comes in a green bottle. Doctors Foster and Smith website has it for
sale along with other pond and pet products. And thank you for your
<These materials are "magical"; in that they do help prevent algae
proliferation AND do appear "safe" in many settings. I encourage you not
to wait till there are such, but to use the product per instructions, as
a preventative. Bob Fenner>
Pond Construction and Care. Design, liner maint. f's
My round pond will be 3.4' in diameter by 3' deep.
It will have a butyl liner.
It will be shallow.
It will be 195 gallons.
It will have a surface area of 10 sq. feet.
It will contain comet goldfish.
It will have a 2' wide standard red brick edging.
It will have a submersible filter, 306 gph pump, and fountain kit.
The filter will have pea gravel media in it.
Would I need to wear a pair of waders to clean it?
<No; I would stay out of such a system (small volume, liner...)>
Would I need a pond vacuum?
<... some sort of cleaning tools. There's quite an assortment of
What sort of uv should I use? Submersible? Inline?
<This... see WWM re>
Do I need to seal the bricks, to protect them from deterioration from
exposure to the water?
<Nice to have some sort of hard structure for the berm for protection
and to keep stuff and animals out. B>
50 Gallon Pond Questions. STILL refusing to use WWM
I have a 50 gallon above ground pond in my backyard. It have had it
since April of this year. I live in the Arizona desert. The pond
contains 1 comet goldfish. It contains a filter, 306 gph pump, and a
fountain attachment. The pond is cleaned weekly by partial water
changes, fish waste removal, and scurrying algae.
My pond is having a problem with too much algae at the moment.
<Common in small basins/ponds in warm areas; especially if exposed to
I located another filter, pump, and fountain kit, with a built in uv.
The pump is 679 gph. The uv, I know, will help. But is 679 too much gph
for my 50 gallon pond?
<Not too much, but not likely much help here either.... READ HERE: ...
see below>
Also, if I use my current filter system, how would I install a
submersible uv on it?
<... sigh... I wouldn't... READ HERE:
and the linked files above. B>
How would I rig it up with an external inline uv?
Thank you.
Is this pump too strong? 7/13/13
Hello. It's me again.
I am planning my shallow, sunken, round pond.
3.4' in diameter by 3' deep
It will have 10 sq. feet of surface area.
It will be 195 gallons.
I plan on keeping 3-8 comet goldfish in the pond.
I located a submersible filter, pump, fountain, and uv combination
filter for this pond. The pump has a gph of 679. Is this gph too high
for the pond I plan?
I am sorry to bother you all the time, but I have extremely poor math
and computation skills.
<... not necessary to have here>
I am always getting my searches and computations wrong. You are so much
better at these things than I am. I just want to get my information and
computations right, so I do not get it wrong for my pond. This will be
my very first sunken pond. I am very nervous about getting things right.
Also, would a pump with a gph of 306 or 325 work to power the filter, if
the 679
gph pump is too powerful?
Thank you for your time and patience.
<Please... search, read ahead of writing us. Bob Fenner>
50 Gallon Pond Questions. STILL refusing to use WWM
I have a 50 gallon above ground pond in my backyard. It have had it
since April of this year. I live in the Arizona desert. The pond
contains 1 comet goldfish. It contains a filter, 306 gph pump, and a
fountain attachment. The pond is cleaned weekly by partial water
changes, fish waste removal, and scurrying algae.
My pond is having a problem with too much algae at the moment.
<Common in small basins/ponds in warm areas; especially if exposed to
I located another filter, pump, and fountain kit, with a built in uv.
The pump is 679 gph. The uv, I know, will help. But is 679 too much gph
for my 50 gallon pond?
<Not too much, but not likely much help here either.... READ HERE: ...
see below>
Also, if I use my current filter system, how would I install a
submersible uv on it?
<... sigh... I wouldn't... READ HERE:
and the linked files above. B>
How would I rig it up with an external inline uv?
Thank you.
Is this pump too strong? 7/13/13
Hello. It's me again.
I am planning my shallow, sunken, round pond.
3.4' in diameter by 3' deep
It will have 10 sq. feet of surface area.
It will be 195 gallons.
I plan on keeping 3-8 comet goldfish in the pond.
I located a submersible filter, pump, fountain, and uv combination
filter for this pond. The pump has a gph of 679. Is this gph too high
for the pond I plan?
I am sorry to bother you all the time, but I have extremely poor math
and computation skills.
<... not necessary to have here>
I am always getting my searches and computations wrong. You are so much
better at these things than I am. I just want to get my information and
computations right, so I do not get it wrong for my pond. This will be
my very first sunken pond. I am very nervous about getting things right.
Also, would a pump with a gph of 306 or 325 work to power the filter, if
the 679
gph pump is too powerful?
Thank you for your time and patience.
<Please... search, read ahead of writing us. Bob Fenner>
Pond Aeration Question 7/14/13
I plan to have a small, shallow, sunken, round pond. It will be 3.4' in
diameter by 3' deep. The pond will be 195 gallons. The pond will have 10
sq feet of surface area. The pond will have a submersible 679 gph pump,
filter, uv, and fountain kit. I plan to scrub the algae and do a partial
water change once a week. Water ph will be 8. I plan on Keeping 3-8
comet goldfish. I plan to clean the whole pond once a year, in the
spring. I plan to clean the filter once a week to once a month.
I live in the Arizona desert.
I know cfm is used to measure air flow for small air pumps, and hp is
used to measure air flow in larger air pumps.
My questions:
If I get an aerator, What cfm rate would you recommend for the above
<Already responded to>
Do I need to look at hp rather than cfm for this pond?
<Nope... a Tetra Luft pump will be fine>
What cfm rate would you recommend for a 50 gallon, above ground pond,
containing 1 comet goldfish? Do I need to look at hp rather than cfm for
this pond.
<See Tetra's site re>
Where on your site can I find information on cfm and hp for aerator flow
Thank you again for helping me.
Pond for Arizona 7/17/13
I was planning a 3.4' diameter by 3' deep shallow, round, sunken pond. I
was told this would be too small for Arizona. If this is true, what
diameter would you recommend the pond be? How deep should it be? I plan
on keeping 2-3 comet goldfish in the pond at the least.
<Read here:
First tray: Design>
Retaining walls. Ever more random pond design/const. q.s
When would a pond need a retaining wall?
<Mmm; when there's some chance of the edge falling over, or in... from a
hillside let's say. B>
Preformed pond question 7/20/13
Do they make preformed ponds out of EPDM or butyl?
<Mmm, yes; liners, pre-cut/sizes>
If so, where can I find them?
<The Net>
I am looking at a round pond preferably. But I will also accept a kidney
shaped one.
I need a bare minimum of 3.4' diameter by 3' deep.
Do they make EPDM or butyl preformed ponds in this size? Thank you.
<... keep searching>
Sunken Fiberglass Pond Edging 7/22/13
I am looking to install brick edging around a preformed fiberglass pond.
The pond will be sunken.
What do I need to do to properly install brick edging with this pond?
Thank you.
<You'll need to not fill the pond/basin up to the lip of the
fiberglass... the brick needs a foundation dug and poured around the
edge... See reference works on brick/block work re... likely no re-bar
or wire mesh needed... just a trench of poured small-size (3/8") grade
gravel... B>
Flood and retaining wall 7/23/13
The area I plan to put my pond has flood issues during monsoon
season. I an on putting in edging to help keep the water out of
the pond. Would I also need to install a retaining wall?
Thank you.
<A good idea to have something in place... maybe this and/or a French
drain. B>
Test pond in Arizona 7/24/13
I am planning test pond. Its dimensions will be:
40" L x 20" W x 18" deep
It is made of rugged, uv resistant, rigid plastic.
It will be sunken in the ground 18" deep.
It will be a rectangular pond.
It will be 50 gallons.
It will contain 1 comet goldfish.
It has a 2" lip on it going into the pond itself.
I plan to install brick edging on it.
Will this pond do okay in the Arizona heat?
<Depends on where placed... keep reading>
Should I install it like I would a rigid liner?
Is it ok to install a brick edging?
Thank you.
Retaining wall question 7/24/13
I am plan<n>ing an 8" retaining wall around my pond.
Do you have any recommendations on how to build such a retaining wall
for a
shallow, 3' deep, 484 gallon sunken pond. The pond is square and located
the Arizona desert. It will be a small pond next to a large, shallow
Surcharges will eventually apply to the retaining wall because of this.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you.
<... you've been referred to look this up in masonry references... The
make-up of the wall, foundation, mortar, reinforcement (if necessary)
dependent on what is being "retained", what sort of block, brick is
employed. If a simple, free-standing structure, likely herring-bone...
New pond plan questions 7/24/13
Hello. I live in the Arizona desert.
I am now planning a sunken, square pond.
The main pond will have the minimum dimensions:
4.9' L x 4.4' W x 3' deep
It will have a slope on one side.
The slope is where I plan to place my submersible filter system.
The filter has a 679 gph pump, fountain attachment, and a built in uv.
The pond will have a butyl or EPDM liner.
The pond will have a minimum of 484 gallons.
The pond will have a 22 square foot surface area minimum.
The pond will have an 8" bo<a>rder of bricks all the way around the main
I plan to keep 3 comet goldfish in this pond minimum.
The maximum number I might keep in this pond I calculated to be around 9
fish. But I do not want quite that many.
The pond will be aerated with the fountain.
My questions:
Can I turn the brick border into an 8" wide retaining wall?
<Likely so>
Is a fountain alone enough to aerate this pond adequately?
<Yes; as stated prev.>
Is the pond adequate enough to comfortably house 3 comet goldfish?
<And this too...
Thank you.
Retaining wall plans.... fdn. 7/29/13
I live in the Arizona desert, on a flood plain. Most of the time things
are pretty dry. But during monsoon season the area I live in experiences
flooding. I am planning a shallow, square, sunken pond. The main pond
will be 4.10' L x 4.11' W x 3' deep. It will be roughly 379 gallons.
There will be a large, shallow pool and a tree near it. I plan to build
an 8" wide wall around the pond to keep out flood water. The wall will
be made of standard red bricks. I plan to make the wall 2-3 bricks high.
This would make the wall itself around 5-7 inches tall. Is this high
<Can't tell w/ the information provided; but likely yes>
And would I need a foundation for this wall?
<At least a Class 2, yes>
Would I need to lay down compacted gravel as well as concrete if a
foundation is needed?
<This might do by itself, but I would put down concrete/foundation>
Will just using concrete on the foundation be enough for the foundation?
Thank you.
<Welcome. B>
Flood Water and Drainage, ongoing pond des.
Hello. I live in Arizona. I am beginning construction on a shallow,
sunken, square pond in my backyard. It will be an EPDM liner pond. I am
working on digging a 3' L x 3' W x 3' deep hole now, for the deepest
part of my pond.
We have sandy, soil full of grit, gravel, and rocks. Are soil is short
on organic mater, contains potash, is low in nitrogen and phosphorus,
and is high in calcium and sodium. Digging is slow because I have a bad
back and many rocks. I live in a desert floodplain. So during monsoon
season my backyard dose flood.
I plan to build in a concrete footing 4" deep around the edge of the
pond to stabilize it. I also plan to add a brick wall that will be
around 8" tall. The wall is designed to keep flood water out.
I read in a pond construction book that if water is not drained away
properly the liner membrane will bubble up. They recommend in this book
that if the soil has poor drainage issues to add a drainage system.
Given the information I have provide, would I need to install a drainage
Thank you.
<You will not likely need such a drainage system. I suspect your pond
will be full most of the time, and that the original grade under it will
allow any water to percolate. B>
How Much Would I need for my pond? 7/29/13
I live in the Arizona desert, on a flood plain. Most of the time things
are pretty dry. But during monsoon season the area I live in experiences
floods. I am planning a shallow, square, sunken pond. The main pond will
be 4.10' L x 4.11' W x 3' deep. It will be roughly 379 gallons. It will
have a EPDM liner. It will have 1" layer of underlayment and 2" layer of
sand. It will have a 679 gph pump, filter, uv, and fountain combination
submersible filtration system. There will be a large, shallow pool and a
tree near it.
I plan to build an 8" wide wall around the pond to keep out flood water.
The wall will be made of standard red bricks. I plan to make the wall 3
bricks high. This would make the wall itself around 7 inches tall. The
wall will be held together by mortar. The wall will have a concrete
foundation 4" thick. How many pounds of sand would I need? How many
pounds of concrete? How many pounds of mortar?
Thank you.
<... can only guess-timate... Sand... 300 lbs., concrete maybe four
sixty pound bags if you want to use pre-made/mixed; mortar you could
make yourself (just sand and cement, water...) or buy pre-mixed as
well... maybe three bags (sixty lbs. ea.). B>
Re: How Much Would I need for my pond? 7/29/13
Thank you so much for your reply. Do I need to put a waterproof concrete
sealant on the concrete foundation?
Thank you.
Re: Power cord and pond wall 7/29/13
Did I get the installation right except for the biological cycling part?
<... yes>
Re: Power cord and pond wall 7/29/13
Whew! Thank goodness. Thank you so much for all your help and patience.
Power cord and pond wall 7/29/13
I need to place the power cord for my filter under a wall I am planning
for my pond. I an to take the following steps:
1. Dig the main pond, and the trenches for both the wall and the
electric cord.
2. Pour the concrete foundation for the wall. Wait until the concrete is
dry. Add any sealants needed. Let dry again.
3. Add 2" of sand to main pond. Do I add the sand to the concrete
foundation too?
4. Add 1" of underlayment material to main pond and wall area.
5. Add EPDM liner to main pond and wall area.
6. Place power cord that has been placed in PVC protective pipe. Do I
put sand over the cord and PVC?
Place submersible filter in pond
7. Place mortar then bricks. Let dry. Cover cord trench leading from the
pond to my outdoor outlet.
8. Fill pond slowly with water. Add water Conditioner and algaecide.
<... No algicide. See WWM re>
Plug in filter with uv built in and fountain attachment. Let water
settle for at least 12 hours or more. Add 1-3 fish. Done!
<Uh, no... see WWM re biological filtration for ponds. Like aquariums
they have "run in periods" to establish needed microbes>
Is this basically what I should do? Please correct me if I did my
planning wrong. I am not planning on having plants in my pond unless
they are fake.
Thank you.
<Keep reading>
Outdoor outlet and pond permission 7/30/13
Is it legal to place an outdoor electrical outlet on a wooden steak, in
the ground, by my pond, in Arizona?
<It is legal in California... I'd rig as or through a GFI/GFCI>
Would I need a permit to install an outdoor electrical outlet in
<Not as far as I'm aware; but I'd contact a pond group there and ask re>
Would I need a permit to dig my own pond in Arizona?
Would I need a permit to have someone dig the pond for me?
Would I need a permit for water usage for my pond?
<I doubt it>
Thank you.
<I live in Ca.>
How Much Sand, Mortar, and Concrete, pond des.
Sigh! My pond just seems to keep growing on me.
I have begun construction on a pond. The pond will be an oddly shaped
square. It will be 11.8' L x 7.1' W x 3' deep. It will be 963 gallons. I
plan to add an EPDM liner, 1/8 of an inch underlayment, and 2" of sand.
I plan to make a brick and mortar wall around the whole pond. The wall
will be 8" wide and 8" tall minimum. I plan to make a footing for the
wall 4" deep out of concrete.
How much sand, concrete, and mortar roughly would I need for a pond this
Thank you.
<... and eight bags of concrete mix (sixty pounders); that will have
sand and concretions/crushed rock... >
Re: How much sand
I am constructing a pond. The pond will be an oval. It will be 11.8' L x
7.1' W x 3' deep. It will be 963 gallons. I plan to add an EPDM liner. I
plan to use 2" thick layer of sand for an underlayment.
How much sand would I need for this pond?
Thank you.
>... do the math... how many square feet per liner here? How many cubic
inches in a cubic foot? 231... half if there's to be 2"... so how many
inches in a foot? 12... divided into half of 231, divided into the
number of square feet you have here in building this basin. Ok! B>
Re: How much sand 8/11/13
Thank you! Even though my math skills are horrible, I will try to use
the equation you so kindly provided. You would not believe how difficult
it is to find simple equations for such simple questions on the
Internet. Thank you so very much!
<Ah! Am very glad for your comments and efforts. B>
Footing, Cam's pd 8/14/15
Hello. I live in Arizona. I am currently constructing a medium-sized,
irregular shaped, sunken pond. The main pond's dimensions are 7.8' L x 5.5'
W 2.9' deep. Is this deep enough?
<For most purposes, yes...>
It will have a 9" deep shelf near the top of the pond. The right and left
sides will slope towards the bottom.
<... as well as the front and back>
I plan on putting in a wall around the pond. The wall will be made of
standard red bricks and mortar. The wall will stand roughly 7" tall. I plan
to make a footing for the wall 8" Wide and 4" deep. Is the footing wide
enough? Is it deep enough?
<Yes and yes>
The pond will look something like the 2 drawings below when the main pond
has been dug.
Thank you.
<W. B>

Pond construction 8/23/13
I am building a medium-sized, sunken, irregular -shaped pond. The pond
be 11.8' L x 7.1' W x 2.9' deep. It will be roughly 855 us gallons. It
have a shallow end, where the filter will be. And it will have a deeper
in addition to a deep area. It will have short slopes and vertical
There will be a concrete footing and a brick and mortar wall. A picture
the pond design is posted below. This will be an EPDM liner pond with
underlayment material and 2" of sand.
Do I need to layer the sand just on the bottom of the shelves and deep
area? Or do I need to put sand on the slopes and vertical walls too?
Thank you.
<Depends on the nature of the ground... no sharp stones, sticks? No need
for sand. B>
Re: Pond construction 8/24/13
I have soil full of rocks. Even on the vertical walls. It is full of
as well. No roots yet. But a very young tree will be planted on either
of the pond. Can I put sand on the vertical walls?
<... No; IF you have a concern re puncturing the liner, I would cut,
olde carpet twixt it and the basin/hole>
And as the trees age, will their roots puncture my pond membrane?
<Rare... the real risk is the ones that are cut off in making the hole>
If so, what can be done to prevent this as the trees mature?
Thank you.
<Welcome. B>
Wall construction for pond
I plan to put in a red brick wall for my pond. It will be 8" high and
made of mortar and standard red bricks. It will have a concrete footing
8" wide and 4" deep.
Do I start to lay bricks in the concrete footing when it is still wet?
Or do I wait until the concrete is dry?
Re: Wall construction for pond
Thank you!
When the concrete dries, do I dig the dirt away from the trench I dug
for the concrete? Or do I leave that dirt in place as a wall between the
concrete and my underlayment?
<? There shouldn't be any dirt... twixt the surrounding barrier/wall and
the pond. B>
Concrete Footings 8/29/13
Do you put liner and underlay under or over concrete
Thank you.
<Can be under or just to the side of. B>
Re: Concrete Footings –
Do I put anything, such as sand or underlayment, between the concrete
and the liner?
Thank you.
<You don't have to... bear in mind; anything "loose" here will likely
find its way in time in your pond/basin>
Pond Construction Questions... Re re... 8/31/13
Had a bobcat come in and do some digging on my pond. The pond changed sizes
on me AGAIN! New pond information and questions are listed below.
<... Just scale all that you and I have sent back/forth. Do
you know where this is archived on WWM?>
I am constructing an irregular, sunken pond. It will have a wall made of
standard red bricks and mortar. It will have a concrete footing 4" deep and
8" wide. The pond will have a 1" runoff area. It will be an EPDM flexible
liner pond. I live on a desert with soil that is full of grot, sand, and
rock. We get frost, but it is usually no big deal like it is everywhere
eles in the country. The total pond area will be 14.1' L x 11.3' W x 2.9'
deep. The main pond, where the water will be, is 12.5' L x 9' W x 2.9'
deep. I plan to have a shallow end 9" deep on one end. My deep area will be
in the middle. This will have vertical walls, with areas knocked out to
allow fish access to all areas of the pond. And I will have a deep end on
the other side. This area will be 18 inches deep with a gradual slope. The
pond will be around 2,441 gallons.
I plan to use a 2" layer of sand on the bottom of my shallow end, deep
area, and deep end.
How many pounds of sand would I need?
How much concrete would I need for the footing mentioned above?
How many standard red bricks would I need to make a wall 3 bricks high?
How many pounds of mortar would I need for the wall?
Pond Construction Questions; ongoing design f'
I have dug my pond. I am preparing it for my flexible 45 mil. EPDM
The dimensions for my main pond, where the water will be, is 12.5' L x
9' W x 2.3' deep. I plan on adding a 2" layer of sand to the bottom and
shelves in my pond. I will also be adding an underlayment material 1/8
inch thick. This will shrink my deep area from 2.3' to 2'.
Is 2' enough water for goldfish in the Arizona desert?
<.... read here:
and the linked files above>
Also, I am planning a small wall around my pond. The wall will be made
of standard red bricks, laid out vertically. The standard red brick is
around 2 1/4 inches high. The wall will be 1 layer of bricks
thick. Is this high enough to keep out flood water?
<Can't say from here; are you in a major flood "zone"?... >
I also plan a footing for the wall. I made a 2 inch deep trench around
my pond already. The footing will be 2" deep x 8" wide. It will be made
of concrete. Is 2 inches of concrete enough to make a footing?
<Search WWM re... a Class 2 foundation should be deeper... at least four
inches. B>
Thank you.
Re: Pond Construction Questions 9/8/13
I live on a flood plain.
<... then plan accordingly... A "high enough" wall, and or drainage...
Flood and wall question – 09/9/13
I live on a floodplain in Arizona. Above is a photo of what my backyard now
looks like after today's rains. Got about 2 inches or so. The dryer area, by
the back of the cinderblock wall, is where I put my pond. The area where I
plan to put my pond was not completely submerged. But some of the flood
water did breach the area I plan to place my pond. I hope you got the
picture I sent so you can see what I mean better.
<I see it/this in your image>
Will a 2 1/4 inch wall, made of standard red brick and mortar, be enough to
protect the pond from the occasional Arizona downpours we have?
Thank you.
<You know; I'd make this barrier/wall two courses of brick high... for a few
reasons: To make sure it will keep out periodic flooding; to make it
stronger (build in a herring-bone fashion, the upper tier straddling the
lower); for looks, and so folks won't be so inclined to trip over in
approaching the pond. It may also deter some animals from getting into the
basin as well (at least Gopherus tortoises)... B>
Re: Flood and wall question
– 09/9/13
I looked up herringbone pattern. It seems to lay out on a horizontal plain.
I need an edge with a vertical plain. Can I stack standard red bricks
vertically 2 bricks high?
<Better overlapped half way>
Re: Flood and wall question – 09/9/13
Outstanding advice! The wall will be stacked thusly and made 2 bricks high.
Thank you!
<Ah, welcome> |
Pavers vs. Bricks for Pond Wall
I am building a wall for my pond. My original plan was to use standard
red bricks to do so. But now I have been told I will have to use
concrete pavers.
<Actually; either/both will work. Have used them many times>
I included a picture of the type I was told i will now be using above.
These pavers are colored red, like a bit like Standard red bricks. They
have one side that is flat, like a normal brick or tile, and another
that is curved for decoration. They are square-shaped. The sides are
smooth on the edges. They look to be 4" high.
Can I use these pavers instead of standard red bricks to build my wall?
Thank you.
<As stated; yes>
Re: Pavers vs. Bricks for Pond Wall
What a relief! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
<Welcome... times three!> |
Change of Plans to Finish Pond
Just wanted to give you an update on my pond. It will be finished by a
landscaping company. This was not my choice, but the help is
<Ah yes; such projects look simple, easy; but there is a LOT of physical
labor, lifting involved. Best to have at least good help>
They kept most of my original plans for the pond. But they did dig the
pond deeper and plan to make my deep end deeper.
<Good; easier to maintain, drain if/when times come>
My deep area is now 3.3' deep. Don't know how much deeper they will make
the deep end yet.
<Will have to see after it's (concrete work) done>
They plan to put in my 2" layer of sand today. They have also changed the
plans I had for the wall again. The wall will now be 8"-12" wide and
6"-8" high. It will also be made entirely out of smooth concrete. That
is all the updates. My only question to you, is it ok to make the wall
out of pure concrete?
Thank you.
<Ah yes; can be made of all concrete... You can later opt to add
decorative elements to this. BobF>
Re: Change of Plans to Finish Pond 9/13/13
I hear concrete and mortar are toxic to fish. Would I need to seal the
concrete wall with a fish safe sealant?
<... READ here:
Concrete woes 9/14/13
I was told the concrete wall I am planning for my pond will make the
water more alkaline.
I plan to keep goldfish.
Would I need a chemical additive in the water to buffer it?
<... should be acid-washed as a part of the construction process...>
Or should I try a non-toxic waterproof concrete sealer?
<Could... this is all covered... on WWM
Thank you.
Are these sealant ingredients toxic to fish? 9/14/13
polyester-polymer and polyurethane
Are either of these toxic to fish?
<... depends... of and by themselves; where applied, cured properly, no.
But don't "stick" to concrete by themselves. Why don't you just search
and read on WWM?
Re: Are these sealant ingredients toxic to fish? How to improve WWM,
content, format wise? 9/14/13
I am sure the information is someplace on your great sight.
<Site... the search tool. Are you unable to find, use it?>
I am just not always sure what I ought to be looking for specifically on
your websites. All the other equally great information
included often confuses and frustrates me.
>?... read here:
and the linked files above.
I appreciate your help anyway though. I would be lost without you.
Thank you many times over.
<<It is our desire to inform folks with useful, pertinent information in
a timely manner. Is there a better way to do this than what is
presented? We can (obviously) only help English speaking/reading people
of capacity and willingness... But is the "medium" itself here at fault?
Temporary buffer solution? Ponds
I can't put my sealant on the newly laid cement wall for my pond for 4
weeks. The sealant is supposed to be non-toxic. It contains both
polyester-polymer and polyurethane. Are these two chemicals toxic when
used together?
Can I use a buffer solution on my pond, to stop the effects of the
cement, at least until I can get it sealed?
<I'd acid wash it... the SOP is on what site?>
If so, do I use the solution every day because of the cement?
Thank you.
Cement pond wall curing question 9/15/13
Do I let the cement for my pond wall cure before I add water to my pond?
<Yes; but do keep it moist. Your contractor will show you how to do
Or do I just let the cement dry and then add the water? If I have to let
the cement cure, will my EPDM 45 mil. Flexible liner be ok in the sun
for 4 weeks and 3-4 days?
<I'd keep the liner out of the sun. B>
Re: Cement pond wall curing question 9/16/13
The liner has already been placed in the pond. It has already been in
the sun for 2 days, 3 if you count the few hours of sun it got Friday.
Has this caused the liner irreversible harm?
<No; though would be better to shade it AND the concrete in such a (hot,
direct sun) setting in the summer>
Acid washing is also out of the question.
<? Is a standard procedure... diluted (usually) HCl... have you read the
SOP on WWM as directed? Perhaps it's time to turn you loose... IF you
don't want my/our input, go elsewhere>
The sealer I will be placing on the cement only requires the cement cure
for 4 weeks and that the surface be dry when it is applied.
<Yes; am familiar>
Also the cement wall will be going in over the liner, on the very edge
of the pond. Another reason not to use acid.
<...? Won't damage liners; or remain in place...>
The wall will not be touching the water. But my filter has a fountain
attachment. It will inevitably splash water on the cement wall. I could
not design the pond differently. I can hold off for a while on adding
fish if needed. But I wonder, can I add fish to a pond, with cement that
has not been cured, if I use a buffer on the water?
<No; I would not do this>
Also after the cement has dried, will the water splashing on it damage
the cement while it cures?
<It needs to cure first. Bob Fenner... who encourages you to go, look
elsewhere for information>
Nearly Done
Pond is almost done here is the latest photo of it.
<Ah, very nice>
Nearly Done
Thank you.
Uh-oh! Cement is in my pond!
I told the landscapers not to get cement in the pond. But you know how well
some of them listen . . . I will get out what chunks of cement I can. But .
. . Do I wash out the pond when the cement dries, then empty out that water
before refilling the pond with fresh water? Or do I fill the pond and just
let the filter run to clean it out?
<Wait a few days... to not disturb the curing border...
Then CAREFULLY (and not during the midday hot sun...) with no shoes on...
making sure to not step on pieces, and puncture the liner... remove as much
as you practically can of the large bits (don't worry re the fines). B> |
Thank you for talk on cement
Whew! What a relief. Thank you for your help.
Sealant choice
This is the sealant I will be using. LastiSeal brand. They say it can be
used with Koi ponds. So I think it will work for my wall. Just one thing. I
have to wait 4 weeks for new cement to cure before applying it. As long as
the water is not touching the wall, can I keep water in the pond during
these 4 weeks if need be?
<Read the reviews on Amazon; should work for what you have in mind; yes to
the rest>
Cement curing time?
Laid the cement for my pond wall today? How many days do I wait for my
cement pond wall to cure, before adding water to my flexible liner pond?
Is three days good?
Thank you.
<Should be; ask your contractor though>
Re: Cement curing time?
Thank you! I sent an e-mail to you with a picture in it on the finished
pond. Disregard the typed text in that one and enjoy the picture.
Cement pond wall cure time?
Forgive me if I asked before, but I really have to know. I have a cement
wall for my pond. It was just laid yesterday. The rest of the pond is a
flexible liner pond. I would like to put water in the pond as soon as
possible. How many days should I wait for the wall to settle before adding
water to the pond? Should I put in water today or tomorrow? Here is a photo
from yesterday of the pond.
Thank you.
Are you joking? This has been responded to twice already
Re: Cement pond wall cure time?
Yeah sorry about that. I thought I sent the message wrong the 1st time. My
bad. One update for you. They are planning to fill the pond with water
today. The landscaper seems to think it is ready for that.
Cement dust removal question
There is some cement dust from the construction of my cement pond wall in
my pond. It has collected like fine sand in one area of my pond. To remove
it, could I use a pond vacuum to do it rather than empty the pond?
<Just leave>
wet/dry shop vac to remove cement dust?
To remove my cement dust, could I try a wet/dry shop vac instead of
a pond
Re: Cement dust removal question
Thank you.
Water in the pond!
Finally got water in my pond! >RMF stated... would have waited a few
days< 455 gallons in all. It is not a medium pond now. It is now a small
pond. Added chemical treatments for the water (conditioner, algaecide,
>Not added this< bacterial additive) this morning. Hopefully the
electrical will be finished today, so I can plug in the filter soon.
Will be adding a layer of pea gravel on the parts of the liner still
exposed between the water and the cement wall. It will be a
medium-sized, smooth gravel. I will wash it before I install it. I know
it will roll to the bottom. I plan to do so by fishing the gravel out
and placing it back where it is supposed to go. Tedious to do, I know.
But I will manage to do it. Checked to be sure this gravel would not
harm my planed goldfish before I chose this option too. Is it too late
to install a retaining wall for the gravel now that the liner and the
water are in the pond? >No sense resp.< I'll let you know when the whole
thing is done. More updates as they come. Thank you.
Trees by my pond 9/21/13
Queen palms got placed near my pond today. Do you think they will harm
my liner as they grow?
<Search WWM re landscape around ponds>
Pond Filter is Finally up and running! 9/21/13
The filter is finally up and running in my pond. Is smooth, medium-sized pea
gravel ok to use as a filter media if you don't have another option?
<Covered on WWM>
What kind of fountain head attachment shape should I use to reduce water
loss from wind? Frothy, bell-shaped?
Picture of pond included below. Thank you.
Comet as dither fish? 9/21/13
If I wind up having no choice but to use a dither fish, Would a comet
goldfish make a good dither fish for my pond?
Thank you.
Dither fish in the pond!
This is Ping-Pong. He is a white comet goldfish. He was a feeder fish.
This beautiful fish would have been turtle food for sure if I had not
rescued him. I've had him since April of this year. Finally he has a big
pond! Will be the only fish in the pond until the pond is done cycling
in 2 months.
New Pond With New Fountain Head; will the water be wet?
Got a new fountain head on the filter and a new placement in the pond
for it. We have high winds where I live. Will the high reaching fountain
head, in the picture above, catch in the wind?
Thank you.
Just wanted to let you know ...
Just added 3 new fish to the pond. They are all rescued feeder comet
goldfish. Just wanted to share some pictures of these beautiful rescued fish
with the ones who made their new home possible. Thank you all! |
Pond Filter Problem
Oops! I made a new pond owner mistake. I waited too long to clean my
filter. Now it has stopped working. Do you think cleaning it at this
will get the filter started again? Or should I just get a new filter?
<.... what?
Pond Rehab Query 4/22/11
Greetings from Charleston, SC!
<Hey Mitch!>
I have a customer who has a concrete pond
measuring 20'Lx10'Wx4'D. Being that we are below sea
level, and having a fairly small yard to work with (He lives in
the city) and being that it is a concrete pond, we are trying
some alternative approaches to filtration. He has no
and has asked me to work up the best solution. (We are attacking
the filtration, then when the pond is functioning, we will move
on to aesthetics.) He does have a large UV sterilizer,
<One that I hope/trust has sleeved lamps>
so that is one less item we will need.
<A note: Your improved diagram depicts two ball valves to
isolate, service the UV. You need a third... to direct some/all
the water through the unit... in the plumbing line above the
I was wondering if you could provide some insight to how we
should approach some issues. I have found some In-Pond skimmers
(Easy Pro Eco Series) that will work for the surface debris, in
conjunction with a high flow solids-handling pump.
<Mmm, do be careful here... You really do NOT want high
pressure along w/ high flow... better to use half speed
(The in-pond skimmer is the same as one you would have through a
liner when a pond is excavated, it just eliminates the need to
demolish the concrete and serves the same purpose.)
<Thank you for this; am familiar>
I was interested in the potential of 1-2 "retrofit"
Bottom Drains. I was hoping you with your expertise in this field
could give me some insight/suggestions.
<Mmm, better to not rig the pump intakes to such lowest areas,
but instead to "pick up" recirculated water about at
half depth... Do place plumbing/drains (if it were new...) to be
able to vent or periodically pump, drain from such "bad
water" areas, venting solids that accumulate there>
I have considered plumbing from the bottom drain(s) to a bulkhead
through the skimmer (near the bottom), adding a basket or sieve
to collect the debris so it does not clog the mat (post primary
skimmer basket). (Unfortunately a settling chamber is a difficult
proposition, otherwise I would run the bottom drain(s) to such a
<Ah yes>
Does this sound like the direction I should pursue?
<Again... I would just (during the summer every few weeks)
pump from the lower drain areas... but a plumbing manifold could
be arranged to pump from them. I would not recirculate the
lowermost portion of the water and the accumulating debris from
So, from the bottom drain(s) and skimmer weir, through the debris
baskets and skimmer pad, through the pump, out of the
<And as w/ swimming pool and spa use of such skimmers, do have
a smaller diameter, alternate intake to the pump... lest the
skimmer basket, filter media become too clogged, the water level
be too low...>
Then we are routing the plumbing T'd straight to the
waterfall with bio-media, and the other side of the T is going
through the UV sterilizer with a ball valve to reduce the flow
for optimum UV performance. I am still unsure as to
how we are going to design/implement the main biological
filtration. I have been reading, re-reading your articles in the
Ponds Construction/Filters/FAQ's and would like your personal
take on this issue.
<All I know is archived on WWM... the bigger the better,
fancier, one-time-purchase media better by far than
Does this sound reasonable for filtration of a hybrid Koi
pond/water garden?
I have attached a crude sketch of the general plans for the
filtration. Do you think it is okay to have the return plumbing
in the pond up to the filtration on the upper left hand
<Yes... you can paint it to match... algae will grow over,
conceal in time>
(We intend to hide the PVC with plants for aesthetics.) Yes,
there will be plants (mostly floating islands) and Koi (minimal
stocking). I truly appreciate your time and any suggestions you
may have.
Thanks in advance!
(P.S. Thanks for your help on the other issue I had with another
customer with the bloated goldfish. We are considering bringing
the affected fish to our local exotics vet to have blood drawn,
cultures run, etc.
<Mmm, again, I suspect there really are no principal pathogens
at work here...>
Either way, he
knows now that he needs both proper
filtration/environment/husbandry, as well as the proper diet. And
I also found a commercial pond pellet with around 10-11% protein
and 4-5% fiber! Thanks again Bob!)
<Welcome! BobF>

Re: Pond Rehab Query 4/23/2011
Thanks for the suggestions Bob! I am more and more leaning
towards building a good upflow filter for this pond.
<Better than down flow for sure>
I have used these before in my last job as a LFS retail manager.
They seemed to hold up fairly well with minimal maintenance (with
proper/thorough mechanical filtration in place of course!) The
only question I have in regards to this is the way the pump is
affixed to the filter. In my previous store, the pump was T'd
off with a ball valve going into the aeration tower, with the
rest of the water going back to the display tanks, and the
overflow from the upflow filter going back into the sump. I am
guessing I should have the flow directly into the aeration tower
at the top portion, still T'd off to the UV with a ball valve
to control the flow to the UV. (Yes, the UV does have a coated
quartz sleeve)
<Mmm, I'd trade this unit out... for sure... for one w/
this mat. or Teflon sleeving. The TMC Vectron units are my
fave... can be gotten through Quality Marine in LA... the one you
have there does not really work when the water is cool
temperature... Most all the time>
Now, I believe the volume of water from the overflow (at the top
of the upflow filter) will be enough to power the waterfall
tank... Do you agree?
<With an "adequate" pump (see WWM re) and plumbing
diameter (likely 1.5 or 2" ID) it should be>
I was also interested in what you meant by recirculating the
water from mid-water. Should I have some sort of screen over the
inlets, or other protection so fish don't find themselves in
a pipe?
<Yes, assuredly>
Or should I just run a
45/90 degree fitting at the end of the inlet towards the wall of
the pond?
<Do use screens>
And I have been reading more on pumps, and I am still in-between
several different models. Submersed solids-handling/External with
check valves to keep prime/Self-priming external...
The possibilities seem endless! I need something that is
reasonably priced, but gets the job done.
<VERY important to realize the real cost (operation)
If I were to turn over the surface area once per minute, I would
need a 12,000 GPH pump!
This seems a bit much to me, I was thinking something closer to
6,000 GPH.
Any suggestions?
<Yes: Sequence... also avail. through QM>
I want enough flow to power the filters and waterfall; to keep
the pond clean and healthy, have a calming waterfall sound. I
don't want the customer's backyard transformed into
Victoria Falls! Thanks for your time and all you do!
<Again and ongoing welcomes. BobF, out to the desert>
Sealing Concrete Block... pond, below grade, wall
shared with living space... 4/5/11
<Hi there>
We are building a large house in NE TN somewhat against a mountain. The
bottom floor of the house is all concrete block poured full of concrete
with lots of rebar.
<Every cell likely... built to code>
The goal is to create a very large fish (trout/bass) pond between the
back wall (water directly against the back wall) and the base of the
mountain - about 40' long and 7' feet deep against the house.
Thus we are looking for a material to seal the block wall permanently
in the eventual event the liner decays and breaks. Other side of wall
is actual sheet-rocked living space so it has to be 100% sealed. Also
looking for your recommendation of long lasting pond liner.
<Posted: http://wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/linerspdconst.htm
I'd go with EPDM or Butyl Rubber>
Pond will be drained, cleaned and inspected every couple years.
Thank you for your consideration,
Ryan H.
<Not knowing re your local building codes, the likelihood of
freezing weather (earthquakes?) there in Tennessee, I am won't to
give much advice w/ confidence here. I would definitely enlist (pay
for) the input of a local (building) engineer, use the code for
building a structural wall against the depth of pond here. There are
between slab materials as well as block sealing products (Thoro et al.)
to utilize, but I'd go for the "swimming pool equivalent"
cement/plaster here in addition to the installed liner. Bob
Re: Sealing Concrete Block 4/5/11
Thank you very much for your input. No zoning here at all...and I have
already calculated pressure vs. structural expectations - looks
Knowing what I am doing, what all can I buy from your store?
<... I would NOT do this w/o inspections by licensed engineers...
Too much to risk by failure. BobF>
problem on your Pond Related Links page
<Hello there>
I'm contacting you about your pond links page
(http://www.wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/pondlinks.htm). I've
bookmarked it and wanted to provide positive feedback because it's
been such a help!
I'm a teacher and have been using the Koi information from your
page as a reference while working on a school project to get a fish
pond built for the kids.
<I see>
On a side note, I did run into a link that no longer is active: Atlanta
Koi Club - URL: http://www.atlantakoiclub.com/
<Ahh, a part time job just keeping up with such links... there are
hundreds of thousands, actually more than two million on the
Anyway, as my way of saying thank you, I thought I'd share another
resource a faculty member gave me. I figured it fit in with the content
of your page and you and/or your users may find it useful. It's
called, "A Beginner's Guide: Koi Fish and Koi Ponds"
<Ahh! Thank you>
It has a ton of information on Koi fish and Koi ponds (classification,
diseases, care, etc). It might be a be a decent replacement for the bad
link even. If you end up adding it and want to give a class shout out,
that'd be great, I'm sure the kids would get a kick out of
knowing we have a friend out in cyberspace!
Hope I could help and keep up the good work.
Mrs. Anne Hughes
<Cheers, Bob Fenner>
June Pond Pulse 7/8/09
This is only a partial list of information you will find in the
issue of POND PULSE. Click Here
to go directly to the Newsletter.
Message from the President, Rocke Huntington
Albert Einstein is best known for the theory of relativity. He also
had a passion for Hollywood and the movies. He even wrote a movie
script that was made into a movie at MGM. It was not well received
upon its release&&&.Click here to read more
Certified Wildlife Ponditat
Welcome new Certified Wildlife Ponditat
members&.Click here to read more
InfoTanza", October 21-24, Atlanta, Georgia
"Industry Wide InformationExtravaganza & Symposium Trade Show,
only neutral trade show that has the contractors that you
Click here to read more <http://pondpulse.com/2009/06_09.pdf>
So, you've got a case of Green Water Syndrome? Cheer
here to read more <http://pondpulse.com/2009/06_09.pdf>
ABC Covers Ponditat For Humanity 09
This past weekend saw the IPPCA and a dozen of its
here to read more <http://pondpulse.com/2009/06_09.pdf>
IPaWGS Corner
Koi Club Calendar of Events... Click here to read more
Hot Topics Being Discussed On IPPCA Message Board
Aquascape is a leader, Did your pond PUMP quit way before it was
supposed to? KHV Spreads From Lake Mohave, FYI if your a KHA&..
here to read more
The Wishing Well
The wishing well is a lovely landscape ornament&&. Click here
read more <http://pondpulse.com/2009/06_09.pdf>
In this article we are going to discuss filtration...Click here to
read more < http://pondpulse.com/2009/06_09.pdf>
May Pond Pulse, industry bulletin
> This is only a partial list of information you will find in the
> issue of POND PULSE. Click Here
> to go directly to the Newsletter.
<Outstanding... and a good model for what PAA's bulletin might
look like one day. BobF>
<Very nice Tom. Thank you for sending this along. Bob
Subject: March Pond Pulse -- 4/30/09
This is only a partial list of information you will find in the March
issue of POND PULSE. Click Here
to go directly to the Newsletter.
Message from the President, Rocke Huntington
Mark your calendars this event is one you don't want to miss! Click
here to read more <http://www.pondpulse.com/2009/03_09.pdf>
InfoTanza", October 22-24, Atlanta, Georgia
"Industry Wide Information Extravaganza & Symposium Trade
Show, The
only neutral trade show that has the contractors that you
Topic for INFO TANZA" 09 Announced Click here to read more
There has been a lot of talk about the good and the bad of
here to read more <http://www.pondpulse.com/2009/03_09.pdf>
Why Did Goldfish Survive?
So why would goldfish survive in terrible water &&..Click here
read more <http://www.pondpulse.com/2009/03_09.pdf>
Who is Your Competition?
Welcome to PondBiz Magazine. Our goal is to help this industry
&&...Click here to read more
Mentor Program Event
Where: Simpsonville, Kentucky
When: March 30 or 31 (Weather Permitting)Click here to read more
IPaWGS Corner IPaWGS update &&.Click here to read more
Sponsors Product of the Month Click here to read more
Top 10 April Fool's Day Hoaxes of All Time &&...Click here
to read
more <http://www.pondpulse.com/2009/03_09.pdf>
PART 1 Are you thinking about building or having a Koi pond built?
&&.. Click here to read more
Members Of The Month Check out the members&&&.Click here to
read more
< http://www.pondpulse.com/2009/03_09.pdf>
Make a new pond? 4/14/2009
With the warm weather starting it has gotten me thinking about pond
I had moved during the winter and was able the get my remaining two Koi
out of the pond, and slowly warming them up. They are currently in a 90
gallon tank with some other smaller Koi that I have picked up. My
current pond is approx. 200' by 100' with a depth going down to
<Wow! This is a "lake" here in S. Cal.>
There is also an island approx. 30' long in the center of the pond.
I am hesitant to add the Koi into here because this pond is fed via a
stream, and drains out into a stream
<Stop! I would NOT stock these carp (yes, Koi, Nishikigoi are the
same species as the common carp...)... as there is too likely a chance
of them getting loose downstream>
that hooks up the ditches, and other streams throughout the area. To me
there would see to be too much chance of something escaping for this
too be an option, as well as the possible spread of pathogens from the
For this reason I am considering building a new pond, I am looking for
recommendations on size though. The fish that I am planning on keeping
are Koi and golden Orfe. I was currently thinking something 20' x
15' x 5', do you feel that this would be big enough for up to
30 full grown individuals?
<Yes I do>
If not what would you suggest?
<Oh! Have some old articles (though still pertinent, accurate) re
pond design here:
Start at the top>
The area that the new pond would go would most likely go nearer to an
area that is somewhat swampy, would this have any affect on the pond it
regards to excavating, or water retention of the soil.
<Mmm, can't say w/o more data, or being there... I would use a
liner... See the above Index re Construction...>
One last question, I was planning on growing out the Koi until the
12" mark before adding them the pond, would a kiddie pond be a
reasonable thing to do this in, or could there be some chemicals given
off by the plastic?
<Mmm, not really a good idea... such pools are too
The reason for doing this is because I lost most of my fish to herons,
except the larger fish.
<Look into various types of screen/covers... A simple wide-mesh
black netting over the top of the main pond is likely your better
choice here>
Thank you for your time
<Enjoy the process, planning... anticipation... Take your time at
this stage... much easier than fixing things later. Bob
Re: Make a new pond? 4/14/09
Thanks for the original reply, I just have one follow up though. How
would a small pool be unstable?
<Little volume... and thermal insulation above ground...>
There would only be maybe 6 fish in it at one time, and I would add
additional biological and chemical filtration.
<Still less suitable than a/the pond>
It would also be going in a building that does not fluctuate must
temperature wise throughout the day.
Would this create a stable environment?
<Better...... and provide a cover for...>
If not I will be looking into making a small liner pond for this
Thanks again
<Real good. BobF>
Re: Make a new pond? 4/15/09
Well after looking around my house I found a spare piece of liner that
I am going to use instead of a pool.
Again thanks for your help.
<Real good. B>
Reef Pond/Shark Pond Question- Lighting in Winter and
Heating 07/28/2008 Hi Bob, I sought help and got some good advice
from your site when I was building my 240 gallon marine reef tank,
sump, fuge, big frag tank etc some years ago. I enjoy the living room
tank but living in So Cal (by San Marcos/Escondido) I enjoy living
outdoors more than in. <Mmm, yes... have found that many parts there
are more mild than down south where I live half the year or so in Mira
Mesa> About 5 mo.s ago I built a 30 foot by 25 foot Koi pond that is
thriving, the big Koi I got have lots of growing babies. I got to
thinking that an outdoor pond for my reef may be good to give them more
space and cut down on halide light costs- also my sailfin tang will get
really big and my 240 may be a bit small for it. I have an area that is
8 foot by 20 foot in the yard that is available and I could build a
concrete frame with pond liner over it. I was thinking that I could
divide that into two parts for a small outdoor pond so each part would
be 8 by 10 feet and 3 feet or so deep. With one part reef and the other
part small tropical shark like cat or bamboo and plumb both together-
do you see any issues with them being in separate ponds but the ponds
plumbed together? If both are tropical I thought it'd be all right.
Plumbing/flow is okay because I can use some big external pumps and I
can use a bigger skimmer than I have now. Sunlight could light the reef
but I'm not sure if it would need supplemental sun like some
halides in winter- <Mmm, no need for extra light... perhaps other
than some for you to enjoy, work on the systems when it's not light
enough outside> thoughts on that because halides would be expensive
to run with whatever heating I'd have to do? Heating is also what I
am trying to figure out for the colder months. <Yes... a major
expense here> I've read about solar heaters and pool heaters etc
but don't have concrete thoughts on how to heat it. <Yes... an
important note to utilize some form of rust/rot-proof
"exchanger" whatever method is employed... I'd have SDGE
(San Diego Graft and Extortion amongst the hapless Enron By The Sea
types in S. Cal.) come on out, give you their ideas re comparative
(install and operational) costs... but gas heaters with a
"secondary loop" (the exchange mechanism) have proven to be
(in the past) the more economical means... vs. novel heat pumps, any
electrical device...> I live on top of a mountain so it doesn't
get too hot here with a breeze flowing over nearly all the time in
summer. I'm really thinking this would be nice, but cannot quite
figure out the heating and supplemental halide in winter questions.
Many Thanks (for all the great info you provide), Flo <I'd also
look into some means of conserving heat here... perhaps some type of
simple to automated "cover"... greenhouse overhang... Bob
Indoor pond question for Koi -Liquid
Nails/Cinder Block construction 5/10/08 I have 5 Koi ranging
in size from 9" to 15" and was using a Rubbermaid horse
trough for wintering them. <This may not be necessary depending on
your pond construction and ambient temperature during the winter. Koi
can generally tolerate fairly cold water if adequately fed prior and
proper precautions taken. Do check out
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/pondsubwebindex/pdmaintwint.htm and related
articles/FAQ's regarding this.> In summer they go into an
outdoor pond. Anyway, they are outgrowing their winter home and I am
wanting to build an indoor pond using concrete cinder block
(8x8x16") and a pond liner. I would have used wood for the outer
construction but I got a large amount of these blocks for free.
Can't argue with free. <Certainly not.> This will be built on
top of a sturdy level concrete basement floor and the interior will be
lined with old carpet before liner is placed inside. The basement temp.
is 67 year round and I use artificial shop lights on a timer during
winter. I have filtration to handle up to 1200 gallons at present. My
question is... can I use the bonding agent Liquid Nails for concrete to
adhere blocks together? <Yes, it is possible/usable. A good
alternative to mortar.> Or would I have to use mortar? I don't
want to have to use mortar if I don't have to. It would be easier
in a basement to use the Liquid Nails in a caulk gun. I have used this
product outside on retaining wall blocks and 8 years later you cant
kick them apart. <I bet, it is a good product.> But I don't
want a flooded basement either. What are your thoughts? Sherry <Do
look at the manufacturer's web site, they do offer an adhesive
particularly for these blocks. Good luck, Scott V.>
Re: Pond des., pb. 10/3/07 Thanks very much for your
prompt and thorough response. You said you are about to be out of net
reach so perhaps this reply is too late but, here's hoping...
<Here for another day> The only point I didn't understand and
would love to hear more about was your comment as follows from my
question about the currently built 45 degree walls >The contractor
left long sloping edges that I don't like very much. They slope
nearly 45 degrees around the shallow end. ... <Mmm, yes... not good
for maintenance, but better to avoid having the basin crushed, pop-out
during coldest weather> I am not familiar with the concept of Basin
crush, pop out from cold weather. <In areas where the ground freezes
down a bit, and there is a good deal of water, lack of compressibility
to the soil... the expansion with freezing can indeed crush the sides,
even "pop out" the basin or swimming pool...> I don't
want to assume the previous contractor was totally looped, if he had
some wisdom for this Denver climate I want to understand it before I
tear it down. Are vertical walls more susceptible to bulge later from
frost heave than are degrees of slope? <To some degree, yes> If
so perhaps I will have to research local builders and see if I can get
an idea what works locally. <Mmm, have been to Denver... and see on
the Net that the area does not usually get much of a
"freeze"... the micro-climate can be of sizable influence as
well... if there are large trees, structure near by... this will reduce
freezing as well> I will start contacting local building firms in
the mean time (in case you are away for the time you thought you would
be away and cant respond to this follow up) and see if I can learn more
about this concept. Again, my thanks for your time to reply. David
Groover <Glad to help. BobF>
Re: Pond des., const. for cold weather 10/4/07 Ooops, I
have another question already. Well, same as before, if you are still
around ... and thank you - again. <Welcome> Yes, another day,
just go your second response, much thanks. Yes, Denver is really not
that bad in the wither. But it can definitely hit below zero temps for
periods of time. Last wither was blizzard after blizzard and weeks and
weeks of below 10 degrees, a relative rarity but these are changing
times for the weather so one can't tell for sure. <I see> I
want to know about building with winterizing in mind just because this
has become my project and I want to build a good reputation. And that
usually comes from building good ponds from a viewpoint of
construction, beauty, and maintenance planning, and being good at
timely delivery and customer care. <Good characteristics> This is
Denver where it can get very cold in the winter. You also have quick
thaws as the sunshine is very intense here. Therefore one would assume
people would want to run their water features year round here. I built
a patio water feature for a friend last year in Colorado and she kept
it going all year. I asked her to turn off the pump when the water had
frozen and it was a very small line, easily repaired if burst so I
didn't worry. The pump sat in the feature so it never got solid
with ice and I didn't worry about that either. <Okay> But now
with this size of project and having had to dig up many pipes back east
that had broken (the joy of leak detection) I am certainly thinking
ahead as to how I want to design this. Both for practical reasons like,
is the back-flow valve I would put in what I will likely use, a bio
filter, is going to allow me to drain off the water that was raising
out of the pond to fill the bio filter, and for potential repair work.
Should I install a bleed valve somewhere near the outtake line from the
pond for winter clearing of standing water in a pipe before a freeze?
<That or insist the folks leave the system running year-round...
this volume, shape should resist freezing... if so> Or, does water
always seek its own level so I needn't worry as it will just reset
to the level of the pond anyway? <Mmm, no... some systems have to be
drained... Otherwise other mechanisms employed that resist freezing>
Or, do I use a larger diameter pipe, more than the flow volume, so that
when water does start to freeze and expand, it has a little room to
move as it were? Is schedule 40 PVC better than the consumer grade PVC
as it is a stronger PVC if I am at all worried about freezing? <Mmm,
no... still have to worry regardless> It seems to me that if I am
building a large system like this I should over-build it in a way that
I shouldn't have to make the homeowner worry about rushing home to
turn it off if there is a freeze warning. Seems kind of silly
doesn't it? But I appreciate being able to ask the question and to
be reassured. <Again... I would leave the circulation going
continuously> And this is probably somewhere on the site so sorry to
ask but as I have your attention, what is recommended as a depth for
water carrying pipes when there will be a freeze? I expect when I dig I
will remember as I used to do it so often. Perhaps 12 inches?
<Maybe> You asked me earlier what the homeowner wanted?
Amazingly, he seems to not have discussed this with the former
contractor. <Or vice versa...> He wants plants and fish and the
water fall. He has some dogs which will probably go swimming. I warned
him about this as you a are probably already aware, critters sharp
claws and EPDM liners don't usually get along very well for very
long. <Err, I would NOT make a liner-only basin of this size. We
installed such features for years... but with shotcrete, concrete and
reinforcing mesh over the liners...> He didn't seem to care
though. Therefore I envision this as getting it to the finish line ASAP
with winter just around the corner with an eye to good future
maintenance in my construction techniques. I see a good design made
better but not an overly perfected look to the finished pond as in
Japanese garden (which I love) or other forms of more formally
prescribed beauty. I envision more of a Buddhist "I am one with
nature" beauty that won't die all together form doggy dipping
but will also be a part of a natural Colorado canyon landscape idea.
Thanks very much again. David Groover <I'd read a bit more
before committing to this project. Most all my pertinent efforts are
posted here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/Pond%20Sub%20Web.htm, though some
occur with better graphics, editing in books, manuals. Bob Fenner>
Pond substrate -- 06/19/07 Hi there, <Howdy>
I've just built a pond in my back yard and I was wondering if I can use
marble chips to cover the bottom. <Mmm, I definitely would NOT>
Thanking you in advance for any advice you can send me. Tony <Having
most anything purposely on the bottom of concrete or liner ponds is not
a good idea (best to leave bare)... as these become detritus, trash
traps... causing troubles in turn (algae growth, a loss of dissolved
oxygen...) and all turn indistinctly dark, un see-able in a short while
anyway. If you are looking for some quality of chemistry/physics from
the CaCO3 marble chips, it's best to isolate them in part of the
filtration, water flow... IF you are looking for their look, better to
stain, embed material that will get you this in the permanent matrix of
the bottom. Bob Fenner>
Re: Pond, design... 6/6/07 Dear Bob, Thanks
for your emails, wisdom and suggestions. <Welcome> Please let me
know if it's more appropriate for me to pay for your consultation
services and guidance. I would be happy to do so. I don't want to
take advantage of your helpfulness which I both need and want. My goal
is to fix the situation as I had hoped to the first time. <I
understand, and no charge for chatting over the Net> What guidance
can you provide regarding creating something like that filter at
Philips in La Jolla? <Mmm, plenty... is posted on WWM> Is that
possible/smart in my situation and safe for fish and frogs? Do you know
anyone who can do that, that we can hire? <As stated... I would
visit with the local Koi Club, look through the "Yellow
Pages", have folks come out... make up your own mind> I know
someone who did pond related work for me years ago who might be able to
follow whatever guidance and direction you might provide but if you
have recommendations for qualified people, I would prefer that.
<Have been "out of the loop" for so many years I no longer
have useful input/referral> Or, if you know of any good people who
can do the work, including the filter etc. (I thought I had good people
this last time when I "upgraded" so I'm obviously not the
best judge in this area.) Both physically and time-wise I definitely
need to hire someone to do the job right. <Okay> What type of
filter/pump/system would be safe for frogs and fish that would also be
low maintenance? You mentioned a screened filter, etc. Thanks, Bob.
With appreciation, Shendl (Shane) <... Please... read here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/Pond%20Sub%20Web.htm and
consider checking out the local library for pond books... Bob
Pond (what did Maynard G. Crabs and Krebs say to the
question of "Work"?) 5/23/07 Dear Robert, My pond needs
help. It was redone a year ago and the system is not working as we had
planned/requested. We need a system that will not cause injury to the
frogs, fish, etc. that inhabit the pond. So far, that part has been a
disaster and it looks like we will be deconstructing the pond and
redoing part or all of it. Do you do pond construction? Consultation?
Suggestions? <No longer any actual work... but some consulting... Is
this something we might chat up over the Net? If so, please do send
along your queries, statements, graphics if you'd like, to the
Crew@WetWebMedia.com address. Bob Fenner> Any advice would be
greatly appreciated. Thanks so much. Sincerely, Shane
Questions, low maint. pond 5/23/07 I¹d love
to know more about creating or having someone create a critter friendly
pond that doesn¹t require much maintenance (by me). Here are
some photos of what it looks like now. <These are mimes...
didn't come through. Try as attachments next time> The pump and
filtration system will be removed shortly by the people who installed
it and so I¹ll be basically starting over. Are there pumps
and systems that won¹t suck frogs and fish into the system?
<Mmm, yes... some very nice units with built-around screens are
available...> Also...If you no longer do pond construction, do you
have any referrals of trustworthy humans that do? Thanks, Shane.
<For which area geographically? Much of this can be done by an
individual... with time, reading... Bob Fenner>
Pond... design... 6/4/07 Dear Robert, I wrote to the
other email address but never heard back. Don¹t know if it
reached you or not. <We've recently moved the site,
WebMail...> I'm hoping you can provide some guidance and
referrals that would allow me to create a pond that is super safe for
fish, frogs and other critters in the area. You mentioned that there
are screened pumps/filters that should help with that. <Yes...>
I¹m also curious about the low maintenance system I read
about at Phillips of La Jolla. <Ah, yes> Our pond now has an
existing system but kills fish and frogs, plus it leaks.
We¹ll be taking the equipment out and need something that
will do the trick (safe, low-maintenance, etc). Hiring someone to do
the work would be our first choice. Advice, referrals, suggestions?
Thanks so much. All the best, Shane <... Where are you located? Have
you read through our Pond subweb?:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/Pond%20Sub%20Web.htm Bob
Pond bottom drain installation... Well, construction
period 5/23/07 I am planning to build an approximately 8,000 gallon
pond with a 3-tiered waterfall that has an approximate 7' head
height. I have been advised to install a 1/2 HP minimum 4000 GPH at the
skimmer and a 4000 GPH at a bottom drain, which would go to an Aqua
Ultima II filter system and then to the falls. The skimmer pump would
go directly to the falls. <Mmm, a bunch to state here re seeking
out, knowing what you're doing re pump, filter choices here... You
want to thoroughly investigate your choices... as filtration is the
biggest source of trouble and ongoing expense in pond keeping... The
Sequence line of pumps I would especially take a glance at...> Is
there a design, plan or pictures of how this might be put together? I
could use all the help I can get on installation. <? There are
many... again, you can end up spending a few hundred dollars PER MONTH
on operating such a water feature... Either do the studying yourself...
There are standard works in print re all aspects... My book parts on
such are posted: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/Pond%20Sub%20Web.htm
from design, construction, stocking, maintenance... or hire folks who
you trust know what they're doing... to put in a system that will
work... You will find I am a HUGE fan of liner technology... you can
run all the plumbing internal of this... including up and into the
falls, making a structural trough... For now, read. Bob Fenner>
Fish display, RMF, NEI... at Del Mar... in the
eighties? 5/11/07 <Oh man! What year was/is this?!
BobF> |

Help me, please! Patio pond designs 5/14/07 Hi Crew! My
mother and I are moving from a house to a townhouse, where the only
place we can have our fish is on a deck. Right now they are in-ground
in a large pond, but they would have to move to a smaller above-ground
pond. We want to build an L shaped pond that would fit in a corner,
large enough to fit our fish (we have 4 Koi and 2 comets) and also
serve as extra seating. My mom and I would most likely be building this
on our own. Luckily we already have a pump, liner, bubblers, etc., but
we need help on what to do to start out. We want to use wood, kind of
making a planter box pond. Can you help us? Or if you can't give
extreme details, can you direct us to someone that could? We're
moving in a few weeks and really don't want to leave the fish.
Please help ASAP! Thanks for your time and consideration. <Please
read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/cav1i1/pondDIYCalfo/diy-pond.htm
and the linked files below. Bob Fenner>
New pond... design/iatrogenic
problems 12/3/06 Hi, <Hello there> I've done a bit of
research but have not found the answer to these questions. We've
recently installed a small pond between 2 patios in our back yard in
the Pacific Northwest. It measures approximately 8' x 12' and
is 20 inches deep <Mmm, too shallow... will be too variable in
temperature to be stable... hard on livestock> with a thin layer of
small gravel in the bottom. <Is this intended to be a biological
system? You don't want gravel at the bottom... as you will
learn> It also has a small waterfall for circulation. We've
added pots of water plants, lily pads, floating lettuce and hyacinth
and some others. We bought 12 goldfish and they seem to be enjoying the
pond immensely. <You will need to bring all this life
"in-doors" during the winter months...> My first question
is about feeding. The pet store clerk and the water pond clerk both
said that they don't feed their fish. <See WWM re... no feeding
during times when temperatures dip/stay below about 55 F.> It
increases the nitrate levels in the pond, plus the stores sell them
really fast. <...> So-do we need to feed them or will they feed
on the plant material and what ever algae grows in the pond? <See
WWM...> My second question involves our new pond inhabitant. A
rather large bull frog just appeared yesterday. He seems to enjoy the
pond too. <And your fish> Because it is the end of September,
I'm wondering if he plans to hibernate here. As I mentioned, the
pond is only 20 inches deep with a little gravel. Is that enough depth?
<Not enough...> Plus there is no mud for him to burrow into. I
hope he's had his fill for the year, because I don't want him
eating my fish. Should we "encourage" him to leave? <I
would, yes> Any help you can give is much appreciated. We're new
to water features and want to do it right. I suppose we need to figure
out about testing the water too. What is the correct ph balance we
should try to maintain? Thanks for your help. Sandy <I strongly
encourage your reading of what is posted on ponds on our site: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/Pond%20Sub%20Web.htm
From the top down... including pond design... Yours will be
problematical due to its size, shape, the gravel... Bob
Pond Overwintering, not reading 8/19/06 Ok
well I live in Pennsylvania where it is pretty cold and the pond will
freeze. How deep does it have to be. <Mmm... depends on what you
intend to keep in it, where it's located relative to
"structure", whether you intend to employ countervailing
strategies to prevent it freezing over/all the way to the bottom... 4
to 6 feet likely...> Also is there any specific brand of food I
should feed them or what should I feed them to get their fat up for the
winter. <Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/pdmaintwint.htm and
the linked files above... Bob Fenner>
Making a beach 7/7/06 I have a property on a very small
lake where the lakefront is currently quite dominated by weeds and lily
pads. It has been a beautiful setting for years, however, I am thinking
about making some changes due to the addition of a son to our family. I
would like to convert a small section of the lake front to a beach for
wading and playing. I have accepted the fact that cleaning up the
current growth is just going to be about manual labor. <Mmm... if a
really big area, and draining is possible, do look into lowering the
water level and using "power tools"... a back-hoe,
skip-loader can/will do this job in a jiffy... And you may well want to
fabricate/build a "safety bench" area to keep the sand back,
make the swimming area... at this time> What I am looking for is
advice on how to create the beach area. I am thinking about a space
about 10-15 feet in width that will go about the same distance into the
water. Could I use a PVC pond liner as a base (keeping in mind that it
will have to be installed underwater) and cover that with a mixture of
pea gravel and sand? <Mmmm.... can/could... Need to know more info.
re the make-up of the basin... substrate presently. I strongly
encourage your having some contractors in the field come out and bid
this job, if nothing else to glean possibilities from their input. I
would not use a liner here... unless it were to help in construction of
a concrete shell over the intended area> Is there any other solution
that might come to mind. I would appreciate any help you might provide.
<A basin within the basin is what I would make... along and outside
the edge of the existing. Bob Fenner> Designing interior water
features 6/9/06 Hi Robert, <Emilee> I am a designer who
really enjoys designing indoor water gardens/water features. I have a
important question. Is there a market for interior landscaping?
<Yes... over the years we were in business, we designed and built
out several> I feel there is lack of interest sometimes to market
these. Is there people who are all generally interested in water falls
in their homes? Which State? <I imagine most all large urbanized
areas> Water Features are rare and luxurious. <Less rare all the
time> How is your point of view towards indoor water features?
Regards, Emilee <Most every garden and indoor setting can benefit
from them. Bob Fenner>
So many questions! Biological pond design,
construction 4/14/06 I am building a new pond. I expect it will be
under 3000 gallons by the time it is complete. It will have a waterfall
with about an 8 ft. head (from bottom of the pond to top of the falls).
So far I have purchased the liner (EPDM 45mil.) and the pump (Sequence
primer 6000). <Good products> I need direction on where to go
next. (1) Bottom drain. A friend tells me I do not need an integrated
bottom drain but can use an suction-type model. True? <Mmm... bottom
drains are great to have... your next pond or the one after will likely
have... after you've done "other ways" of periodically
draining the lower/est region/s otherwise> If so, what do you
recommend. <Read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/pdplumbing.htm>
(2) Second, since the Sequence has an integrated basket strainer, do I
need a skimmer? <Mmm, yes... perform different functions actually...
and much easier to use a surface skimmer, clean this... rather than the
strainer (intended really only to keep large objects out of the
volute)> My concern is that the skimmer could allow air into the
pump - not good! <Uh, no and no> If I need a skimmer, what do you
recommend? <See WWM...> (3) Pump housing/cover. What do you
recommend for this? <See WWM... a housing is best, above or
sub-grade... with provision for disallowing flooding...> (4) Filter.
I am contemplating purchasing the Aquadyne Bead filter because of its
efficiency and I suspect I do not need anything else to go with it
(such as a waterfall filter or mechanical filter. Does this make sense?
<Yes, and no... I would use additional filtration here... or leave
space for retrofitting, adding later... which you will likely do>
Thanks for your help! Liz in Lakewood <You've got a good start
here Liz... keep studying, taking good notes for now. Do try to find,
get out to a local "Koi club", "aquatic garden
association" meeting, to see other folks ponds, get their direct
input re what they did, would do now... Bob Fenner>
Magazine !! 8/24/05 Hello, I am very sorry to bother, but I am
hoping you might can help me with this problem. I am desperately
looking for some information on a magazine that I can't find
anywhere. I want to subscribe, but can't find out how. It is called
GARDEN POND and is a Quarterly release. I have seen it on eBay, but it
always gets by me. I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks Tom <Ah,
the owner/publisher has recently changed their name... to Bowtie (from
Fancy pub.s)... see here: http://www.bowtieinc.com/corporate/ Bob
Planning a pond and large reef system in southern Cal.
Dear Mr. Fenner, <Joe> I live here in San Diego, and am in the
process of planning out 1) a freshwater pond, and 2) a marine reef
aquarium. <Ahh, Carly Simon's "Anticipation" is coming
into my sound-memory ego... but that Bono song on the Bose head-set is
pervasive> The pond is project one, to be executed shortly,
<"Keep digging..."> and the reef aquarium, to be
executed about a year from this summer once I feel that knowledge
acquisition is complete and the finances are in order (300 gallons,
double sided in a thick wall, with the entire wall above and below
dedicated to the aquarium and its maintenance... somewhat expensive).
<Worth it> Anyway, the questions: 1. Which pond/Koi places in and
around SD do you endorse? <Mmm, been out of the biz for too long,
but I do know that I would attend a few of the local Koi Club meetings
and ask around there... get bids... look at the folks work... Not too
hard to "be your own general contractor here... lots of good
folks... e.g. KRC for rock... to help> 2. Which places do you
endorse for reef/saltwater aquaria? <Ron Elander at Octopus'
Garden is honest and competent. Victor at VJ's also on Convoy,
seems to know what he's doing and is a pleasant fellow. Some of the
folks at Pat Hurley's Aquatic Warehouse and Fountain's know
what their stuff... and Chris at Vet's Pets out east...> 3. Are
there clubs you find value in? <Oh yes! As a matter of coincidence,
the local marine club is meeting at our house in Mira Mesa this coming
Tuesday... and the fellow that heads it up (Maurice Bullock) and I are
heading up to L.A. to visit folks in the trade on Thursday...
You're welcome to come with us> 4. Finally, do you operate a
business here? <Did so with many wonderful friends for a couple of
decades... but retired from actual "work" in 94...> Joe
Kraska San Diego CA USA <Bob Fenner>
New pond and reef system in SD <"Keep
digging..."> Several days with a concrete saw and a jackhammer
to dig out the previous owner's work... <Ughh, no fun> no
taste in ponds, I say (plain gray? and you shaped it like that? and
plumbed it how?!) but I secretly suspect he consulted a structural
engineer for the concrete. <Heee! Like Point Loma H.S. demo...
school was said to be earthquake unsafe... company went BK in trying to
break-up, remove concrete...> Now that I know quite a bit more, I
suspect this one screams "concrete guy" and not "pond
guy". Lots of people probably try to save money that way, eh?
<Ah, yes, or largely blind ignorance> Anyway, I'm building
the pond, every last piece, by hand. Myself. The level of fanciness I
desire simply isn't in the budget otherwise, and I'm really
enjoying working with my hands. <Yes!> And the price per ton over
at KRC ain't really that bad, as you say. Funny you should mention,
was there for the first time today. :) <I have a very strong
intuitive sense> I was wondering which stores you'd endorse for
fish and supplies, not contractors. I find myself in the unbalanced
position of knowing more than I'd care to about the various online
services, and basically nothing about my local area except what I can
find in the yellow pages. :) <I see... unfortunately just
individuals at, not actual stores... RonE at Octopus' Garden, Ed at
Aqua Fauna, Chris at Vet's Pets, Judy (Hoffa) at Fountain's...
livestock varies, but they will know re...> ><Oh yes! As a
matter of coincidence, the local marine club is meeting at our house in
Mira Mesa this coming Tuesday... Tuesday, say you? When? And open to
visitors? Joe. <Please see here: http://www.sdmas.com/ actually... just did, and there is
no meeting notice... though there is contact info. to MauriceB... Yes,
open to all... Seven PM (or slightly earlier) on... in Mira Mesa. Bob
Aquatic Gardens
Ponds, Streams, Waterfalls & Fountains:
Volume 1. Design & Construction
Volume 2. Maintenance, Stocking, Examples
V. 1
Print and
eBook on Amazon
V. 2
Print and
eBook on Amazon
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |