FAQs on Environmental Pondfish Disease:
Physical Damage
Related Articles: Environmental Pond Disease,
Koi/Pond Fish Disease, Gas Bubble Disease/Emphysematosis,
Pond Parasite Control with
DTHP, Hole in the Side
Disease/Furunculosis, Goldfish
Related FAQs: Pond Environmental Disease 1,
Pond Environmental Disease 2,
Pond Environmental Disease 3, &
FAQs on Pond Environmental Disease: Prevention, Diagnosis, Causes: Cumulative Stress, Predation, Low/no Oxygen, Poisoning (Algicides, Metals,
Pesticides...), Metabolite
Accumulation, Electrical,
& Pond Fish
Disease, Pondfish Disease 2,
Pondfish Disease
3, Goldfish
Aquatic Gardens
Ponds, Streams, Waterfalls & Fountains:
Volume 1. Design & Construction
Volume 2. Maintenance, Stocking, Examples
V. 1
Print and
eBook on Amazon
V. 2
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eBook on Amazon
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Goldfish attacked by birds 5/3/11
I have a large Comet which was taken out of my pond by a bird and
dropped in dirt. I have put it back in the pond and it is moving
around, but it has a lot of dirt stuck on it. Do I need to get the dirt
off or will I do more damage?
<I would leave this fish be... the dirt will come off of its own
Please read here:
Bob Fenner>
Koi lying on its side
7/28/06 Hi (from South Africa) <Aloha from Hawai'i> I
have a Koi (sorry don't know what kind) - I have had him in the
pond (bio filter) for about 9 months. We have another 6
- we bought the house 2 years ago and the outside pond had one Koi
so the pond has been established for at least 3
years. The Koi I refer to started flipping above the
surface last Thursday - he then disappeared to the surface (about 1
meter deep) and I could not see him. On the Saturday (2
days later) I cleaned the bio filter and on Sunday saw him lying on
his side. I thought he was dead, but he is
not. He moves his side gills occasionally and some how
moves around in the pond. Why might this be happening -
<Mmm, a likely scenario is that the one fish injured itself...
perhaps by splashing about, maybe brought on by a warm water
spell...> the other fish are fine - and please tell me what you
suggest I do. Someone I know with Koi suggested
euthanasia <Mmm, I would hold off here> but there is no way I
can bash a fish on its head, so what is the kindest thing to
do. Please help I don't know where one finds a fish
vet. Thanks <There is a very good chance this fish
will self-cure... w/o the addition of anything here. I would hold
off, just wait, monitor water quality to assure a minimum of
ammonia, nitrite... if necessary use means to speed up your
biological filtration... feed sparingly in the meanwhile. Cheers,
Bob Fenner> Re: Koi lying on its side 7/29/06
Thank you so much for this reply - the fish is still
alive. I read a little on swim bladder - is it
possible it could be that as opposed to hurting himself? <...
could have damaged this bladder> I have seen the fish move along
on its side. I cannot see any problem with colour or scales or
anything external. The question/answer sections
regarding swim bladder mention the addition of salt -
you mention not to add anything so should I not even add salt.
<I would not do this. Too likely to upset the
not-yet-established biological filtration organisms> You also
advise that I speed up my filtration - how do I do that? <Adding
a bacterial culture principally...> I have cut back on the
feeding to 2 times per week - the weather has not been that warm
recently - temperatures in the range of 7 degrees (early morning)
to about 19/20 degrees. Thanks again Regards, Yvonne
<"Keep the faith"... patience my friend. Bob
Fenner> |
Koi sucked into bottom drain Hi, <Hello>
Major problem. 5 days ago one of my
small comets were sucked into the bottom drain of our new pond.
<Yikes> I found him in the catch basket at the pump
system. When I pulled him out, quite a lot of his scales
were taken off and he has lost all of his fins, with the exception of
his tail fin. The bony structures of the fins are still
intact but, the webbing between them is all gone. <Not
good> We took him immediately inside and
placed him into a medical tank and subsequently into a 30 gallon
holding / recovery tank with a Melafix treatment prior to the final
transfer. The Melafix treatment was done at the lower
dose. Today, since the temperature outside is going below 50
degrees, we went and purchased a 12 gallon indoor aquarium for
him. The water was transferred from the outside tank into
this one. He does swim straight although, he spends 99% of
his time stationary on the bottom. He did have a problem with buoyancy,
but for the past 2 days this doesn't seem to be a
problem. The water quality and temperature is closely
monitored. Since this incident, he has not eaten anything <Not to
worry... keep trying to offer food twice daily> and there is white
cotton like material beginning to grow on his body. Also, at
the base of his tail, just before the fin, the flesh appears to be
turning white. What should the salt level be for this
situation? Should we give him other
treatments? Is this a common problem when a fish suffers
injuries like this? <I would add some (perhaps two teaspoons per
gallon) of "table salt"... iodized or not to the system
water... works as a general anti-microbial... to help this specimen...
and keep an eye on water quality, have some warmed-up pond water to
switch out a good part of the aquarium water if ammonia, nitrite...
water cloudiness present problems> Can you
please help me!!! Is euthanasia needed when something this
traumatic happens and the fish begins to develop symptoms like he is
developing? <Can be... but given the efforts you have
exerted thus far, I would hold on, hope for recovery> We are first
time comet and Koi owners with a 3500 gallon pond. We have
placed plant baskets over the bottom drain and surface skimmer so water
can still go through without capturing any of our remaining comets and
Koi's. Sincerely, Ken Brock Douglasville, GA <I wish you life.
Bob Fenner>
Aquatic Gardens
Ponds, Streams, Waterfalls & Fountains:
Volume 1. Design & Construction
Volume 2. Maintenance, Stocking, Examples
V. 1
Print and
eBook on Amazon
V. 2
Print and
eBook on Amazon
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |