FAQs on Environmental Pondfish Disease, Gas
Related Articles: Environmental Pond
Disease, Koi/Pond Fish Disease,
Gas Bubble Disease/Emphysematosis,
Pond Parasite Control with
DTHP, Hole in the Side
Disease/Furunculosis, Goldfish
Related FAQs:
Environmental Disease 1, Pond
Environmental Disease 2, Pond
Environmental Disease 3, & FAQs on Pond Environmental
Disease: Prevention, Diagnosis, Causes: Cumulative Stress, Predation, Poisoning (Algicides, Metals,
Pesticides...), Metabolite
Accumulation, Physical
Trauma/Damage, Electrical,
& Pond Fish
Disease, Pondfish Disease 2,
Pondfish Disease 3, Goldfish
Different species have a much
greater/lesser tolerance for DO (Dissolved Oxygen) and CO2 and
other gasses... And size counts... Usually smaller individuals
have more percentage gill surface area...
Aquatic Gardens
Ponds, Streams, Waterfalls & Fountains:
Volume 1. Design & Construction
Volume 2. Maintenance, Stocking, Examples
V. 1
Print and
eBook on Amazon
V. 2
Print and
eBook on Amazon
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Help! My Shubunkin is not acting right.
My pH is around 8. I have a 625 GPH submersible filter with a uv
sterilizer and a fountain attachment. I just cleaned my 765
gallon pond. I started yesterday afternoon and finished this
morning. I had to put my Shubunkin in a 50 gallon container with 11
other comet goldfish overnight. I about lost one of my comets. But that
fish recovered and is doing fine. Now this one is acting strange. It is
gasping at the surface of the water and darting around. The other fish
are hiding in their fish shelters during the heat of the day. This is
normal. Usually my Shubunkin hides with them. Not so today.
I used a new type of pond bacterial additive too.
<Why? What additive? To fix what problem with the pond?>
It keeps coming up to me as if asking for help. Is my fish stressed
because of the water change?
<Fish can react to sudden changes in pH and temperature by swimming
oddly, but typically most/all the fish will react, particularly within a
single species (in this case, Carassius auratus). So if just one
Goldfish is acting odd, then there may be something else going on.
Examine the fish carefully for signs of physical damage (cats, leeches)
or external parasites (anchor worms are not uncommon). Your photos don't
really show me anything of significance, but capturing the fish with a
net, removing to a white container, and then examining it yourself could
be the next step for you.>
Does it have gill damage? Is it just hungry? No red areas or streets
that I can see. Some photos are provided below.
Thank you.
<Most welcome, Neale.>
In my last letter to you, do you recall me telling you about the comet
goldfish I about lost? Well, turns out now that one is suffering from the
same ailment as the Shubunkin. I am almost certain now these two suffered
some sort of gill damage from their overnight stay in the 50 gallon tank
with the other fish. What should I do with them? Do I humanely kill them?
Or should I just wait and see? Thank you.
<The latter. Damage to the gill filaments -- if not fatal or so severe the
underlying bones are damaged -- usually will recover in time. Upping the
aeration and/or use of water features to ensure oxygen levels are good will
be helpful for this fish of "diminished capacity" at the moment. In fact you
may prefer to hold them in a cycled hospital tank where you can keep them
out of direct sunshine and excessive warmth (warm water contains less
oxygen) so that they heal more comfortably. Should be back to normal within
a month. Cheers, Neale.>
Help #3
The fish I wrote about in my 2nd email to you has died. Found her floating
in the pond. Checked her gills before disposing of the body. They were a
dark blood red. Is this a sign of gill damage?
<Nope. It's a sign of a dead fish. Haemoglobin, once blood flow and gill (or
lung) ventilation stops, turns dark red.>
A photo of the dead fish is below. The 2nd fish was having the same symptoms
as this poor fish. Will it die too?
<I hope not. Do see previous emails.>
Thank you.
<Most welcome, Neale.>
re: Help #3
Thank you so much for all your help Neal. All my remaining fish are hiding
this morning. Do you think it is due to stress from the pond cleaning? The
Shubunkin is still alive as well. Thank you.
<Most welcome and good luck. Neale.>
Help! #4 Update
I got an update for you on my sick Shubunkin. Found my poor Shubunkin dead
today. It was up in one of the folds of EPDM liner I have in my pond.
<Oh dear!>
Looked like it had been there a day or two. The other fish seem healthy and
active. I have 8 to 7 goldfish now. Hard lesson learned though. No overnight
housing in a 50 gallon tank without aeration and filtration. Poor fish! :(
<Indeed. Good luck with the remaining fish/pond. Cheers, Neale.>
Koi problems...trouble breathing 03/25/07 We lost
one 10 inch Koi last week. For approx: 2 weeks it was breathing heavy,
before it died. Now the others are showing the same symptom, and they
are 2 ft+. I am Building A pond outside. These have never been
outdoors. They are in A 300 gal Rubbermaid tub. I change water
regularly once A week 40%. I heat to 87 Fahrenheit and store the water
I use to change with. I don't want to lose these fish, they have
been with us for a long time. Can you suggest something to help?
<What equipment are you using to aerate the water. You are running
this set-up quite warm...a little too warm in fact. The
higher the temperature of the water, the lower the dissolved oxygen in
the water is...tis the reason why you take a cold water/temperate
animal like a leopard shark and put it in a tropical tank it does not
live very long. (Marine example I know, but the concept is the same).
You will either have to use serious aeration equipment or lower the
temperature significantly, refer to WWM re: Koi fish for
specifics. And are you testing the water chemistry?>
Please. Thank you. Sincerely; Fred Elliott <Adam Jackson.>
Koi 06/26/08 <... Please... fix your English if writing us>
the weirdest thing happened , this morning I came out to check out my
Koi pond, they were all dead including a goby and a goldfish I have,
yet none of the suckerfish are dead. they had no lesions ,cuts, nothing
I checked the ph nitrite and nitrate they were perfect. the Koi
themselves were sort of inflated and mushy inside it looked like there
innards were gushy and one of females um hole? was open and red and it
looked cut. one of the males looked like it had a long round balloon
coming out of his belly. yesterday they seemed fine nothing really bad
to mention. the water seemed clouding and white , and it looked like
oil had been spilled in the water and looked like white little pieces
of junk was in the pond. can you help me out??? ? ?????????????????????
it's so weird, and it was so sudden please help me!! <...
Something happened... tis the season... likely either an oxygen
depression during the night, and/or a die-off of microbes/algae... need
to read and heed re dynamic equilibrium in pond maint., redundancy in
filtration, circulation, volume... where? On WWM. Bob Fenner>
Sudden Pond Fish Deaths I have had an outdoor fish pond (150
gallons) for the last 4 years. I only have comet goldfish in my pond. I
came home to find the 3 largest fish dead. <<Marina here, I'm
sorry to read this.>> I have had them for the last 3-4 years. One
of the larger fish was still alive but floating on his side and gulping
for his breath. <<In need of oxygen, possibly too much carbon
dioxide or worse in the water.>> I tried to save him, but was
unsuccessful. I have 4 smaller comets that were their offspring (2 yrs
old) that are still alive and they do not have any signs of sickness. I
am puzzled as to why the larger fish have died. I have never had any of
the Comet fish to die. Our pump messed up and pumped about 70% of the
water out the night before they died and we had to fill the pond up
that morning. <<Oh man, there you have it my friend. This
is how I lost a whole pond full of fishes once. >> We were afraid
that it would mess up while we were at work, so I did turn the pump
off. <<Bad juju - you simply ensured that it would end up
the same whether or not the pump "messed up".>> The
fish were fine before I left and seemed to enjoy the water change.
<<I'm sure they did, especially if it's been a long time
since you've done any maintenance on the pond. A build up of
mulm/detritus on the bottom would be another reason for sudden deaths -
anaerobic conditions may very well have been created with such a
buildup, the gasses then build to the point where they are released
into the water et voila'! Dead, gasping fishes.>> The outside
temperature was around 73 degrees the day they died. I don't know
if they died from lack of aeration, but I have left it off before
without any problems. <<It wasn't that, it was such a
large change without following aeration. For one thing, the water out
of the tap has a great deal of gasses in solution. When you take that
water out of the pipe, the pressure that kept the gasses in solution is
gone, thusly, the gasses turn to bubbles, hopefully BEFORE the fish
breathe them in. If not, they got the "bends" in a manner of
speaking. NEVER refill a pond this way with fish and NOT ensure
aeration and/or turbulent water movement to ensure this doesn't
happen. Let's not forget that if on municipal water chloramine is
likely present, bond between chlorine/ammonia MUST be broken
chemically.>> I have also done water changes greater than 70 %
without any problems. <<Did you leave the pump off after
doing such a large water change? In a situation such as this we cannot
ascribe the deaths to any ONE cause, but more likely a chain of events,
several root causes coming together for a lethal combination. Do some
maintenance on the pond if it hasn't been done already, check the
pump and replace if necessary. I LOVE Eponds.com by the way. Fantastic
service, incredibly fast shipping, incredible deals on product.>>
Any ideas as to what happened to my large fish (10 -13 inches long)?
<<Whoa.. they got THAT big in just 3-4 years?? As above, a
combination of factors is my best guess here. If you have plants then
they help prevent these sorts of problems. If you don't, consider
adding live plants. Marina>>
Koi dead suddenly Dear there, <And there> I have kept a
100 Gallon pond with 5 Koi for about nine months, the Koi is now about
7 to 9 inches, <One hundred gallons? This is way too small a volume
for this number of Koi of this size> they have done well. the pond
have filter and UV light system, half water change every two weeks.
<Sounds like a nice set-up, maintenance schedule> But yesterday
morning, they stop eating abnormally, and one dead afternoon. I was so
surprised, tested water and changed about 2/3 water immediately. the
water rate before water change is as, PH 8.1, Ammonia 0.25, <pH is a
bit high... is your tap water this alkaline? And the ammonia is
hopefully just left over from the dead fish, and not something you have
all the time> Nitride 0, temperature 74. Looked at the dead Koi, no
any sign of disease, only have sticky skin, the left four looked have
heavy breath, however they looked better after water change. <Good
move> The nightmare is not finished, I found another dead Koi this
morning, two of the three left fish have heavy breath again, I put this
two weak Koi into an isolated basin with salted water and some
medicine. Can you image what's the problem I met according to my
state, what can I do now to survive the lest life. Thank you very much.
Bo <Very likely what you are experiencing is more of a
"seasonal" set of circumstances... the water warming up is
increasing your fish's metabolisms and reciprocally is responsible
for less solubility of oxygen... With such a small volume your fishes
aren't getting enough oxygen... this is at least a major
contributing factor to their distress, dying... I doubt if they have a
pathogenic (bacterial, parasitic) problem... you can add some aeration,
keep changing water frequently, but you really need a larger pond if
you intend to keep Koi. Bob Fenner>
Goldfish behaviour
7/4/05 Hi <Hello there> I have a very large garden pond -
twenty foot by forty plus foot, four feet plus deep at one side, lots
of goldish which do breed and so on. However they do this
every year and I now feel I need to know why. They are mostly just
hanging suspended in the water, like they were asleep, although they
did consent to eat a little yesterday and in the post dawn period they
make little bubbles on the surface which linger most of the day.
<Ah, yes> Can anyone tell me what they are doing and
why? No filter or oxygenator alas but I have lived here for
more than ten years now and have managed so far okay. Thanks very much
Angie Watts <They are experiencing changes in the pond due to the
season... in essence being poisoned... changes in pH, mixing of bottom
water... You might consider adding aeration, biological filtration...
that will make this system overall more homeostatic throughout the
year. Bob Fenner>
Re: Pond Goldfish behaviour 7/5/05 Thanks very much for your
reply. I found the credit note from the water company when
we had to have the concrete pond relined with a butyl liner as it had
cracked (September 2003) and I found I reclaimed for 35metres3 not put
back into the sewage system. <A good note... in the States we also
can at times realize such a saving from notifying our water/sewage
service provider> Add to that the contents of 2 x 45 gallon
containers, one large fish tank and a paddling pool (for the marginals)
I think that works out a pond approx 7,800 gallons, am I about
right? <Mmm, 35 cubic meters of water is about 9,409
gallons...> About a hundred goldfish (although most of them have
bred black). I have ordered a solar powered oxygenator to
help things & use barley straw in old tights (last added about
three weeks ago) but I guess 2 and half inches of rain the other day
really upset my systems. Although I have to confess I was in there the
week before taking out some weed! At the moment I am just
spraying the water a little each day to add oxygen. <All good
techniques> The fish seem to be okay but after looking through your
web site I am resolved to feed them less often than the several times a
day they have got into the habit of begging for. It's a great site
- I have learnt so much from looking at it. Cheers Angie Watts
<Thank you for your kind words, caring and sharing your experiences.
Bob Fenner>
Koi unusual habits 8/12/05 Dear Bob Fenner,
<Derek, Jenny> We live in the South of England UK and have
a garden pond of approx 1,000 gallons and 4 feet
deep. We have 7 Koi (4 being about 15"
long). We also have 16 other fish being a mixture of
goldfish and Shubunkins and babies we have reared. <A bit
crowded...> We have a very good filter system and water pump
in the pond and part change the water and clean the filter
regularly. The water is clear and the fish are all
healthy and we have not lost any for 4 years.
However, there is a water outlet pipe which runs from
the filter and then the water cascades into the pond quite
strongly. My husband and I are worried because we have
recently noticed the 3 large yellow Ogon Koi have taken to
sitting under the pipe and letting the water hit them on their
head (in fact they almost have their head out of the water to do
this and stay there in this position for some considerable
time. It may sound odd, but they are also opening
their mouths as if they are trying to drink the water!
<Telling> At first we thought it was only one
Koi doing this, but have found the other 2 Ogons doing
the same thing yesterday and today. They seem to do it
after about 19.00 hours. Also all the other fish are
around them at the time very closely compacted and almost nudging
each other gently. There is no animosity or
bullying. In the 5 years we have had our fish we have
never noticed this behaviour before and we spend a lot of time
caring for them and watching their habits. We are now
worried. Is this natural behaviour?
<Is... for an oxygen lacking environment... you have provided
the significant clues... the small size, surface area of your
pond, the fact that the Ohgons ("sun-colored fish") are
affected most, and the time frame of the commencement of this
behavior... What is happening very likely is that with the sun
going down, cessation of photosynthesis, there is a rapid loss of
dissolved oxygen concentration... by virtue of their breed (all
Koi, like domestic dogs, are of the same species), the Ohgons
suffer most... and therefore...> This is not a joke email by
the way!. Many thanks for your help in advance.
We have found your website most helpful. Jenny and
Derek <The best thing to do... either reduce the bioload here,
increase the pond size... and/or add mechanical aeration
(bubblers). Bob Fenner>
Re: Koi unusual habits 8/15/05
Dear Crew <Derek> Many thanks for
your speedy reply received the following morning after your
email. I immediately tested the water in the pond and
it was reading dangerous on nearly all tests. <Yikes! Glad you
were quick to action> I guess you probably saved
the lives of all our fish, as I immediately went to the Water
Gardens Fish Farm nearby and bought the bubble making machine for
oxygen, pond salt, BioStart, Water Cress and updated our water
testing kit. <Great!> My husband immediately
started a series of partial water changes over the last few days
and cleaned out the filter again. <Very good>
It didn't enter our minds that the oxygen level
was low as the pond and fish have been healthy for 4 or more
years. <Happens... very commonly> Many thanks
once again. We now have happy fish swimming around
normally. Your Website is an inspiration!
Regards Derek & Jenny, England UK
<Ahh, my twin wishes... that WWM serve as a source of
information... and inspiration! Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Aquatic Gardens
Ponds, Streams, Waterfalls & Fountains:
Volume 1. Design & Construction
Volume 2. Maintenance, Stocking, Examples
V. 1
Print and
eBook on Amazon
V. 2
Print and
eBook on Amazon
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |