FAQs about Reef Livestock Selection
Related Articles:
Reef Livestock Selection,
Quarantine of Corals
and Invertebrates,
Related FAQs: Reef Livestocking
1, Reef
Livestocking 2, Reef Livestocking
3, Reef Livestocking 4,
Reef Livestocking 5, Reef Livestocking 6,
Reef Livestocking
Reef Livestocking 8, Reef Livestocking 9, Reef Livestocking 10,
Reef Livestocking 11, Reef Livestocking 12,
Reef Livestocking
13, Reef Livestocking 14,
Reef Livestocking 16,
& Marine
Livestocking, More Stocking
FAQs, FAQs 3,
FAQs 4, FAQs 5, FAQs 6, Marine
Livestock Selection, Angelfish
Selection, Reef Systems 1,
Reef Systems 2, Reef Set-Up 1, Reef
Set-Up 2, Reef Set-Up 3,
Reef Set-Up 4, Reef Set-Up 5, Reef
Set-Up 6, Reef Tanks,
Reef Lighting, Reef Lighting 2, Reef Filtration,

Small Marine Aquariums
Book 1:
Invertebrates, Algae
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eBook on Amazon:
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Small Marine Aquariums
Book 2:
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eBook on Amazon:
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Small Marine Aquariums
Book 3:
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eBook on Amazon:
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
A three-part stocking change up- and saving some Hermits lives?
A multi-faceted stocking question for you all today.
Its been three years of happy reefing since I contacted you guys last. Thank you
so much for your incredible online resource. I appreciate WetWebMedia so much
for all you do.
<Ahh; thank you for your kind, rewarding comments>
I have a 110 pseudo-reef tank (a few varieties of mushrooms and
Zoas nothing else size 60"x22"x20") that is bare bottom. It is currently stocked
with a Flame Angel, Mystery Wrasse, Single Ocellaris Clown Fish, and Longnose
Hawkfish. Since it is bare bottom, I have a handful of Trochus snails (my
preference) as my clean up crew but no other inverts. I'm thinking a few big
changes I want to briefly run by you. First, I'm thinking about darning and
adding sand for aesthetic purposes. If I do that I would love to add a bunch of
hermit crabs.
<Am keen for the sand, negative on the Hermits>
I know Hawkfish can be hit and miss with the small hermits (but the Longnose
apparently has a smaller mouth and therefore is not as dangerous on this front?-
or this internet misinformation?).
<Mis-; Oxycirrhites will pick them out; eat them>
I am mostly interested in the larger scarlet, Halloween, electric blue variety.
I have been unable to find if these critter are endangered in such an
<See my (and others) opinions re Anomuran use; archived on WWM.
In addition to the sand and Hermits, I'm thinking of two new additions. I'm
pondering a single yellowtail damsel. I've heard Damsels are… difficult fish,
which is why I have always avoided them, but I think the rich blue color would
be an awesome addition. I have also read the yellowtail is a social species and
a single addition may amplify aggressiveness?
<The social Pomacentrids are best kept in small, odd-numbered groupings;
stock 3, 5...>
The final addition I am considering is a Melanarus Wrasse (put that new
sand bed to use!). I know they are prone to attacking cleanup crew but
was hoping if you could shed some light on their behavior towards Trochus and
the large hermits mentioned.
<It may well eat these in time>
I also have concerns with a Mystery Wrasse in the tank. Due to the cost and
beauty I'll pick the Mystery every time!
Thanks in advance!
<Welcome! Bob Fenner> Re: A three-part stocking change up-
and saving some Hermits lives? Stkg. Reef, purp. tang.
Well unfortunately things have become infinitely more complicated…. My
girlfriend (soon to be wife after I ask her to marry me this Valentines day- but
SHHHH don't tell her!)
<Yikes; the Net....>
really wants a pair of skunk cleaner shrimp to name Jacques (thanks finding
Nemo…) I'd like to accommodate her request because 1) I kind of love her and 2)
if she turns me down valentines day, I could at least angrily retort "but I gave
you cleaner shrimp!!!!" I digress. This means my long nose hawk and beloved
mystery wrasse need to go… She makes a good case that because I'm draining the
tank anyway to add sand, this is the time to do it. If she were any other women,
I'd tell her "go fish".
This means I'll all have is the clown and flame angel-which in a tank my size
is…lacking. I'm struggling to find colorful (especially deep blue and purple)
fish that are shrimp safe- I'm never one to take risks with the animals in my
tank- EVER. Orchid Dottybacks are out, Hawkfish are out, Wrasses- such as the
six line/ four line and fairy variety are out. The only other fish I would like
would be a purple tang (which I have never owned a tang because I feel all but
the largest systems are too small) or a Helfrichi fire fish- which I don't want
to be terrorized to death. Am I being overly cautious with the purple tang or
would it be a nice fit for my tank?
<A Z. xanthurus is a very good choice for here...>
My future wife is already complicating my life, save my not-yet-marriage
WetWebMedia, you're my only hope!
<Don't over-dramatize! BobF>
5ft marine bowfront stocking :) 11/1/15
Hello to any who read this at WetWebMedia! hope all is well!
<Ah yes; thank you>
Just have a quick question that I would like your opinion on if possible :)
Basically my stocking list as of now is;
Fish. Regal angelfish. Saddleback butterflyfish. Yellow tailed tamarin wrasse.
Tailspot wrasse . Galaxy clarkii clownfish. Green mandarin.
<See WWM re... especially how you might feed this animal in this setting>
Firefish x2 . Regal damselfish. Cleaner wrasse.
<What species? Not easily kept; and some cause issues in a given setting>
Skeletor moray eel and various soft corals :)
The tank is a Juwel vision 450 bowfront tank (60"x16"x24") :) - 450 litres
Is the tank overstocked?
<Mmm; not if started with smallish specimens>
and also if not how many more fishes would be advised to add?
<? I would not add more... see how these fit in for a few to several
months. Bob Fenner>
Thanks! :)
stocking advice 9/4/15
Hi Crew!
<Hey Charles>
I've recently re-established my 75 gallon reef aquarium (now
in-line with a rimless 30 gallon which will become a mangrove tank), and am
planning my fish list now. My current stocking plan is as follows:
mandarin dragonet
Tailspot blenny
lyretail Anthias
<Better in a group>
pair of Banggai cardinals
<A trio would is preferable... that way not one is picked on...>
skunk cleaner and/or blood shrimp
I'm trying to decide how to round out my list. I am considering a pair of purple
Firefish (or possibly a helfrichi), but am also considering one of three dwarf
angels (coral beauty, flame, or Potter's) and a sailfin tang.
<All good choices; would mix here>
I'm concerned that the angel and tang may be too boisterous for the Firefish
and/or the Tailspot blenny.
<A Yellow should be fine... the striped species get too big....>
I'm still developing the 30-gallon list - thinking along the lines of a few
gobies (Rainford, citron, neon, and/or a shrimp goby).
What are your thoughts regarding my list so far?
<Looks good>
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
5' 100 g stocking 5/10/15
Dear Crew,
Thank you for my saltwater education. I have a 5 foot 100 gallon mixed reef with
a 55 gallon refugium. It's been established for over 2 years and all is well.
Current fish 3.5" Powder Brown Tang - Acanthurus japonicas, 2.5" Clownfish -
Amphiprion ocellaris, 3" Green Mandarin - Synchiropus splendidus, 2" Strawberry
Basslet - Pseudochromis porphyreus, 2" Neon Goby
- Gobiosoma oceanops, 4" Lyretail Anthias (male) - Pseudanthias squamipinnis, 3"
Flame Angel - Centropyge loricula. Invertebrates are 2 cleaner shrimp - Lysmata
amboinensis, 2 Peppermint Shrimp - Lysmata wurdemanni, 2 or 3 Emerald Crabs -
Mithrax, 10-15 Astraea snails, few Cerith snails, few Nerite snails and 5
hermits. Corals are green star polyp,
mushrooms, Zoas, brain and some other polyps. I feel like I could add more fish
but every time I start to research a new purchase it doesn't get along with
someone in the tank. I'm also a little concerned about overstocking as this tank
is problem free and I'd like to keep it that way. Thank you again for the
education and your advice for my situation
Robert Burrus
<Well; for sure I'd add two, three female P squamipinnis here... to add motion,
boost the color of the male... and I encourage you to look into a shoal of
smaller schooling cardinals... My choice? See WWM. Bob Fenner>
One last fish?
Hi Bob and Crew,
I've got a 75 gallon reef with a 30 gallon sump, and am looking
at adding one more fish, which would probably be my last. I'm looking for
something flashy, but I find myself ruling out pretty much everything I've
I'm hoping you might have a suggestion or two.
What I've got now ...
1 yellow tang
2 false Percs
1 orchid Dottyback (my most recent addition about 2 years ago)
1 6-lined wrasse
1 lawnmower blenny
Among inverts, I've got:
1 coral banded shrimp
hammer coral
torch coral
some Favia
some Zoas
1 serpent star
various snails and hermits
Here are some potential additions I've ruled out, to give you an idea of what
I'm looking for.
1- Hippo Tang - Tank is not quite big enough as I understand, and yellow tang
can be a jerk.
2- Kole Tang - Yellow tang again.
3- Humuhumu Trigger - Impossible due to dotty, shrimp and so much else.
Always loved these guys though.
4- Centropyge Angel - I'm especially partial to the flame angel. But my corals
are doing well, and I'm looking to start adding some LPS frags. I'm sure they
will look quite appetizing.
5- Longnose Hawk - Not so showy, but I think a fun fish. Zero faith in shrimp
survivability and maybe Dottyback.
6- Dwarf Lion (Dendrochirus)- Another non-starter.
7- Anthias - So much conflicting info on these guys - space requirements, strong
need for conspecifics, lack of hardiness.
8- School of Chromis - I do like the blue Chromis (Chromis cyaneus), but I've
gotten the strong impression that I don't really have the size for a true
"school" of just about anything.
So, do you have any thoughts/idea/suggestions?
<Of the above: # 2 is about my only pro choice... There are other groups to
consider... Cirrhitids, Plesiopsids (small spp.), Grammatids; all sorts of
Blennioids, Gobioids... >
Maybe you're answer is "nothing else", which is fine. That's kinda where I find
myself in any event. On the other hand, maybe you can lead me towards that last
Thanks in advance!
-Rich S.
<Meh; don't rush.... keep an open eye when reading, visiting fish stores... Bob
Peaceful Community Marine fish + ? Plus snail stkg. f'
I have quite the harmonious tank at present and was thinking of getting
a small Yellow Tang to add (I understand they can get up to 8"). Listed
below is my stocking. They are all small fish as you can see. However my tank is
a bit unusual for a 90 gal. It's a DSA Pro 90 that is only 36.5" long.
36.5" x 24.5" x 25" (LxWxH). I understand YT needs swimming room. Will this
suffice if not 4' across?
Here is my current stock.
1 Red Firefish
1 Purple Firefish
1- Royal Gramma
1 - Yasha Hasa Goby w/snapping shrimp
2 - Banggai Cardinalfish (paired up in my tank)
1 - Clown Fairy (solorensis) Wrasse
2 - Ocellaris Clowns (Got the male after the female. The male won't let the
female in the RBTA. Weird?
<Not weird>
2 - Yellow Assessors
1 - Neon Blue Goby
1- Yellowheaded Pearly Jawfish
<Mmm; this fish may not be happy long-term w/ all the other bottom dwellers
you're intending here>
1- Red Mandarin Dragonet
1 - RBTA
1- Red Linckia
<I'd skip>
1- Linckia multiflora
<This too; doesn't live often in captivity>
1 - Blood Red Fire Shrimp
1 - Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
1- Hard Tube Coco Worm
2- Feather Dusters
25 various Corals including LPS, Zoas, mushroom
<Study re these... need to be VERY carefully acclimated, started small, the Zoas
placed last (toxic)>
Snails (est)
<NO! These numbers are CRAZY. Won't live and their deaths will pollute, possibly
poison the system. SEE WWM RE>
75 - Dwarf Cerith
40 - Florida Cerith
25 - Nassarius Vibex
25 - Nerites
3 - Florida Fighting Conch
5 - Blue Leg Hermit Crab
8 - Scarlet Reef Hermit Crab
2 - Ringed Cowries
All fish have been in for 6 months to 1 year except the Mandarin which was added
3 months ago. The tank is just 13 months old old. Below is the equipment I'm
Sump - Marineland 29 gal custom 3 chamber
Return Pump - Sicce SYNCRA SILENT 5.0
Skimmer - Reef Octopus SRO2000INT
Powerhead - recently switched from EcoTech VorTech to Maxspect Gyre (wow)
Heaters - ViaAqua 200w Titanium (2 - 1 in sump, 1 in overflow)
DT Light - Coralife Maxspect Razor 160w, 16,000k LED suspended in canopy
Auto Top Off - Reefanatic Top Off Controller. 5 gal custom acrylic top off
Fuge Light - Wavelength 6" LED
AquaFX Barracuda RODI unit
Eshopps Filter Sock holder
Reactors - Two Little Fishes (2, 1 for Carbon, 1 for Phosban and/or have
tried Purigen, Chemi-Pure in reactor)
120 lbs CaribSea Primo Reef Rock started from dry and cycled with 1 raw
<Okay.... Bob Fenner>
Re: Peaceful Community Marine fish + ?
Hey Bob,
Thanks for the quick replay and comments. Not sure you understood that this is
my CURRENT stock. Livestock listed has been in and established as noted.
<Ah yes; sorry for the mis-tense remarks... not quite awake (still)>
For example, the Jawfish has been in for 7 months. He moved a lot initially but
has been in his current home under a nice base rock for a good 5+ months. The LM
star has been in for 5 months and doesn't move too much. Usually hangs by the
overflow or top of tank. So since he doesn't move much and I was wiping my glass
down enough I got the 3" Red Linckia. He
moves around from glass to rocks pretty quick and is a nice little showy star. I
have read Blue Linckia especially are hard to keep as with all sea stars.
<Ah yes>
The snail comment was a 180 from what I was recommended early on so I'm a bit
confused by this (and scared! - "pollute & poison", OUCH!). The snails have been
in for a year since just after the tank cycled. Do you think I should take some
out and put in my QT and give some away?
<Yes I would>
They are not visibly dying off. In fact, they have laid eggs. Of course most
eggs don't survive but a handful actually did (Nerites).
Regards to the original question if I can keep the YT or not, I'm guessing
"should" mean it's OK for "most YT? Of course now I'm more interested in your
snail thoughts cux pollute and poison is not what I'm going for here!
<Yes to the Yellow Tang likely mixing in here, and adding some added color and
motion. BobF>
Re: Peaceful Community Marine fish + ?
Thank you much Bob. As a newbie I was tutored by a guru in the industry
<Ah, very good>
so I was spoiled and now mostly only value opinions/advice more so from veterans
such as yourself.
<Well; am enjoying being labeled a vet.... vs. olde!>
Attached is a side shot and front shot of the 90 fyi.
<Thanks for sharing. BobF>

Re: Peaceful Community Marine fish + ?
Oh and BTW, it wasn't the cagey veteran who advised me on the snail quantity
(in case you wondered how great a marine guru can he be advising on such
snail qty). He actually did ask about those quantities but deferred to
another industry vet who was the expert in that field and has had success
for many years doing so. So that's what really confused me. The industry
expert deferring to another industry expert. And now yet another industry
expert disagreeing with it. I've been in this just long enough to see all
sides and as I've done over the past 18 months since researching initially
and through today, I try to come to a sensible decision (maybe one area was
the snails that is of great debate apparently). Man, why couldn't this hobby
have more plug n play answers? haha thanks again Bob.
<Ah yes; and as you might well understand; being here (on the Net) and
trying to make "universal" statements is fraught with danger... the long and
short of it (gastropod stocking) is that some (a minority by far) of folks
"do have success" with unnaturally high numbers of various species. Many
more have troubles. B>
stocking suggestions for 60g reef
I have a 60g that is 1ft wide x 2ft tall x 4ft long. Currently it houses
two mono argenteus (im rehoming them in a few days because they outgrew
the tank) and a mated pair of tank bred ocellaris clowns(2 ") i added
last week. Also there is a coral band shrimp, emerald crab, brittle
star, conch, snails and hermits. I just added a couple beginner coral
(Zoas, mushroom) last week too. The tank was brackish and has been
converted to
full marine for about a month and a half. There is about 40-50lbs live
rock and live sand. I have a penguin 350 hob filter and a remora c hob
skimmer. Fine sand bottom about 1-2" deep. Salinity is 1.025, nitrates
are 20, other parameters are where they should be.
I would like some stocking advice once I rehome my monos as to what
would work well with the clowns. I want reef safe and hardy, peaceful
species ideally.
<Search on WWM... Clownfish Compatibility FAQs>
Also, species that will "do a job in the tank" either sifting/cleaning
sand, eating harmful pests, ect.
<... no such word>
would be preferable but not required.
<.... search on WWM for Sand Sifters, Clean Up Crews...>
I would like to leave enough room in the tank to add another small fish
or two in the future if I choose to.
what I'm considering are
-2 or 3 engineer gobies (I know they get big but they seem like
very cool fish to watch)
-1 reef safe wrasse (something you could suggest?) I like the melanurus
and leopard looking ones more than flasher and fairy but if you think
flasher /fairy is better option i like those too
-1 flame Hawkfish
-yellow watchman or other shrimp goby and pistol shrimp pair
-3 lemon Chromis or 3 Dartfish
Also is the moving of sand by engineer gobies beneficial or harmful for
water quality? I've heard both
<More beneficial than harmful>
Would a sand sifting goby do much more to maintain water quality than
engineer goby?
<Mmm; not really>
Could I keep a sand sifting goby or other type of goby with the engineer
<The last (Pholodichthys) get very large; ultimately too big for a four
foot system>
I think engineer gobies would be more entertaining to own and would
rather have them if I had to choose.
<Are really neat animals>
Would shrimp goby and pistol shrimp pair be compatible with engineer
gobies or sand sifting goby?
<Mmm; neither really...>
Sorry for so much information and questions, I just want to do it right
the first time. I am pretty new to saltwater tanks.
<Good to learn how to navigate WWM then>
Also if you have other suggestions of good fish I didn't think of I'm
certainly open to suggestions.
Thanks so much for your time
<Cheers! Bob Fenner>
Question on peaceful tank compatibility; reef
Greetings! I'm at the stocking stages of my (approx) 75galon
(3'x2'x20") tank. Running on biopellets, SeaGel for phosphate control, a
200galon rated skimmer, a refugium with Chaeto for added nutrient export
and houses housing of pods. Tank will also have a tight fitting lid to
prevent jumpers from floor hunting. Corals will be mostly Zoas, Acans,
Blastomussas, hammer and torch, Duncans, other lps. The main highlights
this tank will be all peaceful fishes. Tank already have 2 small
Tangaroa gobies. Also, I already have a lined Dartfish in a QT feeding
on ZoPlan already. A randalli and yellow assessor are in qt too. Other
fishes on the way are blue eyed Cardinalfish (around5-7?-since I hear
their bioload is small,)
<Will be fine at this number>
red ruby dragonet, pair of ventralis Anthias, helfrichi Firefish (1 or
2?) multiple flasher wrasses (1-2 female plus 2-3 different males?) and
am currently wondering which blennies are the most peaceful?
<The choices are huge here>
I've read and experienced first hand how Ecsenius blennies (Tailspot and
pictus) terrorize tankmates (both my assessors have torn fins coz of my
Tailspot), what different extremely peaceful blennies are there?
<See WWM re; all but the Sabretooth group (Plagiotremi)>
the Panamanian barnacle blenny? others? thanks in advance for any tips
and suggestions you may have!
<Read. Bob Fenner>
Re-stocking 2/24/14
After a bout of Marine Ick that killed several fish, I removed my
remaining Blue/Green Chromis to a QT via a freshwater dip with Methylene
Blue. This left my tank fish free for 8 weeks to break the
parasite cycle. My main tank is a 500ltr reef
with 100 ltr sump. Remaining in my main tank were 1 x
cleaner shrimp, 1 x fire shrimp, 1 x tuxedo urchin, half a dozen turbo
snails and a couple of red legged hermit crabs. I have just a few
easy to keep coral frags. With the eight weeks coming to an end, I
have been researching how/what to re-stock with and have come up with
the following in the order I intend to introduce them. Please could you
let me have your thoughts on the selection and the order of
introduction: My original 7 x Blue/Green Chromis, 1 x
Royal Gramma, 2 x Percula Clowns, 2 x Long Fin Bannerfish, 1 x Yellow
Tang, 1 x Sailfin
<Zebrasoma... Which species? Two get too large; one is border-line...>
or Regal Tang, 1 x Flame Angel, 2 x Neon Gobies - I plan to spread out the
introduction over several months with each fish freshwater dipped with
Methylene Blue and then at least 2 weeks in QT before going into the
main tank. Would all of the above be OK with a freshwater dip?
Many thanks for your help
<Yes; and should go together fine... I would place the Heniochus last.
Bob Fenner>
Re: Re-stocking. Tang sel., rdg. 2/24/14
Many thanks for the prompt reply - I was thinking of the red <Sea?>
sailfin tang but I see what you mean re size so would go for the Regal
Tang instead or possibly a Convict Tang.
<Better choices>
Would all three Tangs get along and have room or better to go with Yellow
Sailfin plus either Regal of Convict. Kind regards
<I'd leave out the... Please read here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FishInd3.htm scroll down. B>
Re: Re-stocking 2/25/14
Many thanks - have read through the links and conclude that two
Tangs in a 500 ltr tank is not worth the risk of war so will go
with 7 x Chromis viridis, 1 x Gramma loreto, 1 x Centropyge loriculus, 2
x Amphiprion percula, 1 x Zebrasoma flavescens, 2 x Gobiosoma oceanops
and 2 x Heniochus acuminatus introduced in that order. Just one
final query, would 1 Pseudocheilinus hexataenia be OK with the above?
If I wanted to mix Chromis viridis and Chromis cyaneus would that cause
any issues. Thanks again for the guidance
<Ah yes... to all. Bob Fenner>
stocking question, Reef; more fishes
Dear Crew,
Hello, and thank you for all you do to help hobbyist become better at
caring for our charges. It is just wonderful. I would like
your opinion before I move forward with adding new life to my aquarium.
I would like to add three more
fish. The tank is a 180 gallon with remote sump of
mostly leather, LPS, mushroom, and a couple BTA, and about 250
lbs of LR, and around 2-4 inches of fine sand with rubble. It has
been running for around 8 years. I would like to see
more fish swimming and am considering the following:
a Longnose Butterflyfish (Forcipiger flavissimus)
Jawfish (Opistognathus randalli)
sailfin algae blenny ( Salarias fasciatus)
green wrasse( Halichoeres chloropterus)
or a yellow wrasse (Halichoeres chrysus)
If you do not think these would make good tank mates for my current fish
I would appreciate any suggestions.
current residents are
Yellow Watchman Goby (Cryptocentrus pavoninoides)
Flame Hawkfish (Neocirrhitus armatus)
Kole yellow eye tang (Ctenochaetus strigosus)
Spawning pair of percula clownfish ( Amphiprion percula)
queen angelfish ( Holacanthus ciliaris)
yellowtail damselfish ( Chrysiptera parasema)
Thank you for your time, Victoria
<Welcome. All you list can get along w/ what you currently have... The
Salarias will be a bit territorial, but there's enough room for it and
the Cryptocentrus, Hawk... The Queen Angel in time may become overly
territorial; but you will very likely see this developing. Bob Fenner>
Overstocking. 90 gal. reef; adding fishes
Hello WWM Crew,
Thanks for so many years of great reading material. I get on
this site and end up just going from one FAQ to another to another it's
an endless source of information. My question that I have is about
stocking a 90gal tank. I have read some FAQ's and the list of fishes
they have in some tanks seem to be overstocked but whoever answers their
question doesn't mention that they are overstocked. So before I
overstock I would like to get an expert's opinion. First I'll give a
rundown of what I have and then what I want to add. Here is a list of my
90gal tank running for 7 years.
CPR 102 overflow(I know I know) but I have had it for 7 years and never
About 80/90lbs live rock.
About 60/80lbs live oolite sand.
20gal sump with filter floss, Polyfilter and either Chemi Pure or
Purigen I switch sometimes.
Tunze 9010 skimmer cup cleaned out every 2/3 days
CPR HOB fuge with Chaeto and about 4" live sand.
MAG 9 return pump.
Inside tank circulation 2xKoralia #4, 2xKoralia #1, 2xKoralia 450.
My water parameters are PH 8.2 (approx.), DKH 9, CA 380, SPG 1.026, Temp
79/80, ammonia and nitrite 0, nitrate and phosphate read 0 but I have
green algae growing on rocks so I assume it's eating the nitrate and
All test kits are Salifert.
My maintenance routine is as follows.
Vacuum sand once a week, change out filter floss, Polyfilter once a week
and rinse out Chemi Pure bags once a week. Do an 18gal water change once
a week (new water heated and aerated 7days)with Tropic Marin salt.
My current livestock is a Percula who I've had for ten years, a
Royal Gramma who also has been here for ten years and a Pajama Cardinal
who has been here for 7 years. Plus I have various snails, Cleaner
Shrimp and a Black Brittle Star which I've had for 7 years also. I have
2 small leathers, 1 open brain and many colonies of Pumping Xenia which
look great all the time just pumping away. My last member is a Pink Tip
Anemone(Condylactis) I know what you're going to say but I have had this
for 10 years also and the Percula has lived in it for the full ten
This Anemone has not move from his rock in the 7 years it's been in this
So that's pretty much my list. Here is what I would like to add.
1 small Yellow Tang, 1 small Flame Angel and 3 Bartlett's Anthias.
Do you think this is possible with my current setup and
husbandry. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
<I do think these fishes will fit in here; well w/ what you have.
Cheers, Bob Fenner>
New 6ft marine tank upgrade, Reef, stkg.
Hello to who ever reads this at WetWebMedia! Hope all is well with you
Got a few questions regarding a system upgrade from a 4ft - 75
gal marine aquarium to a 6ft 150 gal.
Do you think this stocking list could work well?
Tank dimensions are: 72x18x24 inches
. Yellow tang
. Regal angelfish (red sea)
. Golden semilarvatus angelfish
. Kole tang
. Jewel pufferfish
. McCosker's flasher wrasse x3 (Male:Female:Female group)
. Osc clown x2
. Lemon damselfish
. Fiji yellow belly damsel
. Blue cheek goby
. Goldentail or banana moray eel (miliaris)
. Dwarf golden moray eel
. Skunk cleaner shrimp x4
. Blood red cleaner shrimp x2
. Sand sifting starfish x2
. Turbo snail x10
. Tube worm x3
<These should all go... with the following likelihood troubles.
The Muraenids will consume the shrimps, the Puffer will likely nip the
eels and goby>
. Brain coral
. Candy cane coral
. Green toadstool coral
. Button polyp
. Thick finger leather coral
. Colony polyps
. Green fluorescent mushroom
<And these, given they're introduced as "well-adjusted" specimens, small
in size...>
Sump tank 50x18x17 inch
Deltec SC1350 skimmer
5ft T5 silver aqualumi aquarium lighting pendant
Just wondering if you guys think this set up could work and if not,
what would you suggest?
<Sounds fine as presented... would add notes re converting part
of the sump to a refugium, RDP macro-algal culture, DSB there>
Also what should I feed the regal angel for a staple diet to keep it
<Already posted, archived on WWM...>
Thank you and keep up the good work! :)
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Are there any corals that can withstand 115 degrees
Fahrenheit or 45 degrees Celsius?
I am from India. Here the problem is temperature and power cuts ( i am
talking about 4 to 8 hrs).
<Ahh, do see last weeks Economist magazine... re your country... what
might be done to improve so many people there's lots>
You can run a fish only tank or even an anemone tank with the skimmer (but
you can forget about the heavy wattage lights) in an inverter for so
long. But there is no way you can run a chiller that long. So i was
wondering are there beginner corals that can withstand this heat.
<None that I'm aware of... All cnidarians suffer heat stress in the high
80's F>
Here they use diesel generators to power their chillers (which is viable
for rich guys but at the price diesel is selling us moderate guys
can't?). Since you have a very wide knowledge please reply?
<Mmm, I'd leave the lights off (and maybe the top of the aquarium!)
during the day... only run them at night when it's cooler. Floating bags
or containers of ice can help in short danger periods>>
P.s Temperature range 23 C to 45 C
<Yeeikes! Stay cool Ajeet. Bob Fenner>
Tank Stocking 4/29/13
I think I am ready to start stocking my 90gal reef tank!!
I just have a few questions if that is ok?
The display tank its 90gal with a 4" DSB along with roughly 100lbs of
mixed dry/live rock which most of it should be cured by now. The
sump/refugium is 30gal tank with 4" DSB and live rock/rubble in one of
the chambers with a reef octopus nwb 110 skimmer and 2 heaters. The
current inhabitants are 3 green Chromis and 1 lawnmower blenny that
snuck in on a piece of live rock . For corals I have one of each of the
following small frags: strawberry Blastomussa, green/purple Acan,
frogspawn, 1 green hairy mushroom and a rock covered in some sort of
Zoanthids that are not pretty or interesting.
I have read over most the FAQ's on WetWeb and this is what I figured out
for fairly reef safe:
Nassarius Snails - 6-10
Sand Sifting Star - 1
Is it ok to have both the snails and the starfish to turn the sand over?
Watchman Goby and Pistol Shrimp - 1
6 Line Wrasse - 1
Japanese Swallowtail Angelfish - 1
Coral Beauty or Flame angel - 1
I know its hit or miss with either of these and reef tanks or any dwarf
angel for that matter, I would like your thoughts on these or avoid them
all together.
<I'd leave out the Genicanthus here (space, temperament)... just go w/
one of the Centropyges>
I would also like to add a clown fish and an anemone in the future but I
need to do more research on the care of anemones. Baby steps I say!
<A good credo>
Any thoughts or suggestions would be very helpful and appreciated.
<You're doing fine here>
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re thinking my stock list for my 230
To whom it may concern,
<Howdy Brent>
Thanks for taking the time to read my email!
My 230 gallon, softy with a few sps (Monti caps and Birdsnest) has been
running for 2 months now with just 2 Percula clowns.
My question is regarding your thoughts on my proposed stock list.
I plan to add (after full 3 week qt for each) 5 Banggai cardinals,
yellow watchman goby with shrimp, royal gramma, blue throat trigger,
Kole tang, 3 Heniochus diphreutes and an emperor angel. Maybe a powder
blue tang too but I think that is pushing the envelope....
<I'd wait on the Powder Blue till the tank has been up a good six
months... and be studying re... "Crypt magnets">
Please comment on my stock list. If any changes need to made please
Thanks again for all the help!
<These should all get along... the Henis may fight when large/r, the
Angel may outgrow this system in a few years, might pick on some corals.
Bob Fenner>
Fish Stocking 9/11/12
Thank you for your hard work and dedication, especially when it comes
teaching novices like myself. I've always heard there is no such
thing as a stupid question, only stupid people, so here it goes ;).
I have a 6x2x2 mixed reef with plenty of LR (and
swimming room) and DSB. I picked the corals that are safe with the
fish I wanted, not the other way around. The tank has a 55 gallon
sump with SRO-3000 skimmer, ozone and refugium.
Parameters are as follows:
Ammonia = 0
Nitrite = 0
Nitrate = <5
PO4 = trace
pH = 8.2
My question is about the stocking of the fish. I just listed out
how many I have and I started to concern myself, granted all fish have
been living peaceably for the last few months. I have a 3" Purple
tang, 3" Mimic Lemonpeel tang, 2" Flame angel, 3" Bicolor angel, 3.5"
Majestic angel, 3.5" Copperband Butterfly, 2x Blue/Green Reef Chromis,
2x Orange Stripe Prawn gobies, 2x McCosker's Flasher wrasse (male/female
pair), Orchid Dottyback, Percula clown, Diamond Watchman goby and a
Scott's fairy wrasse (16 fish in all!). All are happy, healthy and
eating (even the Copperband!). Currently in a 50 gallon QT I have a 3"
Sailfin tang and a 3.5" Sargassum trigger that I took off a friend's
hand when he had tank issues.
<Mmm, the new Zebrasoma and the olde may tussle... and w/ time the
Sailfin will become much larger>
He no longer wants to be in the hobby and I'm not sure I want to keep
these fish due to the amount I currently have. What is your expert
opinion on the current mix in the DT long-term and should I take any out
<As stated... you may have to sell one of the Tangs>
Next question is about the two in QT, would they be safe to add or
should I sell them?
<Up to you to try or no>
Thanks for your time!
<And you for your query. Bob Fenner>
Stocking livestock, reef 8/30/12
Hey everyone, I just have a quick question about stocking. I am
having a 135 gallon 36x36x24 tank built. It is
going to be a large Bio-cube as all of the filtration will be built in
just like the Bio-cube. I will have about 150 lbs. of live rock
and about 80 pounds of live sand. The tank will have some soft
corals mostly leathers and mushrooms, and WWM recommended clean up crew.
The wish list for fish is a Foxface, a Midas Blenny, a pair of pearly
Jawfish, a pair of clownfish, a mandarin goby, a neon goby, a wheelers
goby, a royal gramma, 3 Firefish, a forktail blenny, and a barnacle
blenny. Would love to know your thoughts on this list of fish.
<I might skip on the Gramma... too likely it might prove to be an
aggressor here; particularly toward the Microdesmids. Bob Fenner>
Re: Stocking livestock, reef... using WWM 9/1/12
I would like to put an arrow crab in the tank as well, if you would
recommend it.....
<Pls see WWM re Stenorhynchus. B>
Still new to reef tanks... op.
Hey crew. I'm still kinda new to the reef world. And have a few
But first I will explain my set up. My tank is a 65 gallon tank 4 ft
long 18 in deep 18 in tall. My lights 4 t5 39w 3 are 6500k 1 true blue
420 and 2 18000k t8 Vho they are 5 inches high off the water. I got a
100 gallon protein skimmer. Have a 2100 Rio pump set up as a external
pump with a Scwd on it. 3 circulation pumps 2 rated for 55 gallon tank
and other is a MaxiJet 600. Water is mostly good nitrate less then 10
ppm phosphate less then 5 ppm
<Hope you're missing a decimal point here. 5 ppm is high>
and everything else is good and checks out. Now my question is I have a
few corals some Sps witch are doing good and growing some lps witch
all are good except my frogspawn and a Kenya tree witch don't seem to
want to open a lot or very fully and polyps witch are good except for my
gsp witch is my 3rd frag that don't seem to want to take again.
<... likely allelopathy twixt the Cnidarians here>
Tank is clean almost no algae or filth in it. I use filtered water and
purified water that is rodi water like aquafina some times cause i do
not have the money for rodi unit. what can i be doing wrong. Is my tank
set up good or should I change something that will help. A huge thanks
for the help. Tony
<... read here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Blue Face Angel in a reef tank, comp.
Hi Friends,
Thanks for the whole lot of FAQs on the hobby !!
I have a not so quick question.
I had initially planned a SPS tank of 4’x4’x2’ but due to some design
mistakes I had to rethink to make it Softy and some Zoanthid tank. I am
in the middle of stocking the tank.
Some details regarding the tank
• Circulation is by way of 2 EcoTech
Vortech MP40W ES. Set in Async Mode.
<I'd leave these on continuously... in opposite corners, near the
surface, spin the water in a gyre>
• Lighting is using 4x Mazarra
• Skimming is done using a Deltec TS
1060 inside the aquarium itself.
• Filtration is by a Fluval G6
canister [will be no media. Just lots of Live Rock rubble as a
substitute for a Pods refuge
<The discharge of this vertical, in the direction of the gyre>
• Using 4x 11oz Chemipure Elite
rotated every alternate month.
• Around 100 Pounds live rock [Tonga
branch type] in display and around 20 odd pounds in the canister.
• 4” DSB using CaribSea Fiji Pink
fine aragonite.
• Water change every month -
Fish and Inverts
• One yellow tail Anthias
<Social species... I'd add more>
• Blue Tang
• Yellow Tang x 3
• Percula clown [pair]
• Maroon clown [pair]
• Blue Face Angel [I know this can
be a turning point]
• Skunk cleaner shrimp x 3
• Peppermint shrimp x 2
• Assorted 20 odd snails [mostly
• Would a sea cucumber get torn off
by the Angel?
<Might be; but if a small species, likely ignored>
Can I add the following without crowding?
1. Psychedelic Mandarin [pair]
<Hard to keep fed here. See WWM re>
2. Orchid Dottyback
3. Royal Gamma
<2, 3 fight, but in this size, shape system likely fine>
4. Some kind of Goby [please could you
suggest any?]
<See the groups on WWM... Stocking/Selection FAQs>
5. Wrasse - A pack of three?
6. Any dither fish feasible?
<Ditto re the above 5, 6>
I need to decide quickly since I don't want the angel to become the big
bossy and then add further fishes to upset the balance.
<It is the alpha animal here and will be>
• Star Polyps
• Small cluster of Zoanthid
• Handful of Mushrooms including one
giant mushroom of 4” diameter.
• Pulsing Xenia
• Toadstool Leather 6” diameter
• Plate Coral
• Unidentified coral similar to Moon
coral but flat oriented instead of dome shaped.
• Clam
• Green Bubble tip Anemone [hosted
by Maroon pair].
• Montipora [flat table type
structure] x 2
Any corals you would suggest that stand a good chance with the Blue Face
Angel? Or is it just impossible?
<Just have to try, see... not most Acroporids>
I always wanted a Blue Face Angel and decided to take the risk with a
4"-5" specimen I saw at the LFS. It was quick to feed when I checked
there and was alert and no body damage was seen as well. Since I know
big Angels can pick on BTAs, I wanted some protection there and got 2
Maroon clowns [3"-4" and ~1.5"].
The bigger clown went straight for the BTA. Initially the smaller
Maroon Clown was not allowed even near the BTA but over last 2 days, he
can be as close as 2"-4" nearby.
Does that mean I have a pair now?
<Likely so. Bob Fenner>
230 gallon stock list 7/18/12
How are you today?
<Hi Brent, Bobby Here>
I finally purchased my big tank! 230 gallons. Although I am sure that
once I have had it for a few years I may want a bigger one! Since I am
able to accommodate larger fish I just need to double check my stock
list. It is real easy to get greedy and think of my viewing
pleasure and not the welfare of the aquatic inhabitants. I have poured
through you FAQ's and ReefCentral. I know that a lot of
compatibility issues are all based on individual fish personalities and
tank size. If you could kindly read through my fish list and give me
your thoughts that would be greatly appreciated.
Here goes.....Mixed Reef (Mostly softies)Emperor angel
(must have, show piece) x 1Naso Tang x 1
<The Naso Tang may ultimately be a concern. Although a 230g
tank sounds big, this genus of Tangs get very large>
Moorish Idol x 1Long Nose butterfly x 1Yellow Watchmen Goby and Shrimp x
1Sunburst Anthias x 1 Flame Hawkfish x 1Neon Goby x 2Percula Clownfish x
2Green Chromis x 5I would like a Blue Throat Trigger but I feel like
addition would be pushing the limits.
<if you did away with the Naso, the Trigger might fit in much better>
Thanks for your time and have a good day. Brent
<You as well>
Fish compatibility, stkg... reef 6/23/12
I've got a few questions regarding tankmate compatibility - I've got a
5x2ft marine set-up that has been running for just over 6
months. I've decided to set it up as a reef tank and am thinking of
sticking with smaller fishes. I have a Tunze skimmer, Eheim pumps and
heaters, and a metal Halide light which set me back a fair bit! I've got
a deep sandbed, lots of nice purple live rock and I've just recently
started stocking fish. My current fish are 6 goldline cardinals (Apogon
a pair of Ocellaris clowns, A flame angel and a Bicolor angel.
I added the angels in together and they are getting along just fine.
Currently no corals but I do have a tropical Abalone and two bubble-tip
anemones that I saved from a friend who was planning to destroy them
when her tank cracked. I was worried about the anemones but they seem to
be doing quite well - both are eating regularly, have deep coloration
and seem to have found places in the tank they like! I wanted to know if
you had any suggestions for tankmates or fish that might be suitable for
my tank. I like the look of Orchid Dottybacks and Fire Gobies, but am
unsure if they are suitable or will get along.
<The former tank-bred, the Microdesmids should be fine here>
I am thinking of getting ornamental shrimp in the future, and if you had
any suggestions for Gobies or 'cleaner fish' that will fit in they would
be greatly appreciated! Many thanks, you have quite the splendid site,
<Best for you to search the compatibility for each group, species you
have in mind... and to read survey articles such as:
and the linked files above... though the topic is small systems, what is
recorded applies to small fishes, other livestock for larger systems.
Bob Fenner>
Peaceful 125 stocking failure – 06/14/12
I recently completed stocking my 125 reef. I decided to stay away
from large fish and only go with small nano type fish. I thought
all of my fish were peaceful however my yellow assessor and orange
Firefish have shredded tails. The yellow assessor attacks the
Firefish and my Trimma gobies go after the assessor.
<Wouldn't have guessed this last>
The Trimma gobies and Firefish were added last week so I am not sure if
this is normal pecking order aggression that will resolve or if this is
going to be the norm in my tank. Debating whether I should pull
some of the fish out. My stocking list is below. What are
your thoughts?
5 Trimma gobies
4 red spot cardinals
1 black line blenny
1 yellow assessor
1 orange Firefish
1 skunk clown
<These should be able to get along in a 125... Maybe add more "cover",
like live rock. Bob Fenner>
Domino Compatibility/No Such Thing 5/23/12
Hello from the high desert of Nevada, even though you've heard it before
I want to thank you for all the information on this site.
<You're welcome Scott.>
It never fails that when I start looking for answers I always get
side-tracked onto different subjects and the next thing I know a couple
hours have passed.
<Easy to do.>
My current tank in question is 72"L x 30"W x 24"H with a 60 gallon
sump/refugium. The tank has a 48"weir containing 3ea 2" Durso overflows
and 3 ea 1" returns running about 2400gph flow, about 200lbs live rock,
3 clownfish, 2 A. Ocellaris, 1 black and white A. Ocellaris; 3
yellowtail damsels, C. Parasema; 1 black and white chromi, C.
Margaritafer; and the dreaded domino damsel, D. Trimaculatus; various
mushrooms and polyps, a trumpet coral, hammer coral, frogspawn (the 2
ocellaris have made it their home), a couple different Lobophyllia, 2 T.
Maxima clams and a bunch of hermits and snails. In the sump are 2
Coralife skimmers rated at 125 and 220 gallons. Tank params are Temp
78-80, Ph 8.2, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 0, KH 10, Phos 0, Calcium
at 480. The tank has been up and running for about 3 months and
everything was transferred from my 55 gallon about 2 months ago. All the
test results have stayed the same since before the fish were added.
Ok, boring parts over.
As I've come to learn the domino damsel is a bully.
<An understatement. Is as nasty as a motorcycle gang in a
California mountain bar.>
Unfortunately he's my wife's favorite, he literally follows her around
the room. When she sits on the couch he stays right there where he can
see and be seen. He only harasses the other fish enough to let them know
he's the boss and at about 4" long he's also the biggest. My problem is
that I want to add 1 or 2 more colorful and personable fish. My nearest
LFS is about 4 hours away, most of these guys were purchased over the
net or on that occasional visit to the store when all I thought I needed
was a compatibility check. There was no warning about "demon" fish and
since he's my wife's favorite I can't easily get rid of him.
Thanks to your site I've ruled out a lot of the fish I wanted. So I'm
hoping you can help me choose something that could fit in.
<I would not add any fish smaller than the damsel if you must keep it.
I'd likely try a Sailfin Tang at least five inches long, but then if it
were me, the damsel would be going. My dealer won't stock trimacs
for that very reason....nasty.
A reef tank rules out many fish that could cohabitate with the damsel.>
I also have a Wartskin angler "Fred" A. maculatus, his pic is attached.
He's my favorite. I originally planned to put him in the big tank but
after reading your site I decided not to. He is currently in a 14 gallon
Bio-cube and been there for about 2 months. I plan to put him in the 55
after I use it as a QT for any last additions if you can recommend any.
I would like a snowflake eel, and a yellow tang or a Harlequin Tusk but I
read that the Tusk might go blind from too much light?
I have 3 120w LED's that are very bright but I haven't been able to
measure the PAR yet. If the tang is acceptable can there be more than
<Yes, if a different family, different shape/coloration.>
Thanks again for any advise you can give. I wish I'd found your site a
couple years ago, then I wouldn't have this problem.
<Is a problem. James (Salty Dog)>
Chromis viridis, stkg. 4/22/12
Hello Bob,
<Good Evening Gene, Bobby here>
After the loss of my very large Naso, I've been considering a completely
different route and would like your thoughts, please.
As a reminder, my tank is a 125g reef (6' feet) housing:
Yellow tang
6-line wrasse
Flame angel
Clown (1)
(everyone currently gets along just fine and most have been in the tank
for over 2 years).
After researching surgeonfish options (all of which get so big as
I'm about ready to move toward a smaller fish and have been considering
an odd number of Blue/Green Chromis viridis -- perhaps 5 or 7 -- 3 if
you feel I'm overdoing it.
<Although a great reef fish and the numbers you mention will be fine in
general, the problem is that over time in the confines of an aquarium
this species very rarely will tolerate a group of each other. It
will start with the group alienating the weakest fish and then killing
it. This will go on until only one survives. I could guess
to a number of reasons, but regardless, this is nearly always the
result. If you look at any mature tanks that have housed this
species, you will almost always find just one, lone fish. If you
are looking for small fish that will school, consider any number of
Cardinal fish. Do the research first of course.>
Your thoughts, please, on this addition and number to add -- if you
Re: Chromis viridis 4/22/12
Hello Bobby,
Thank you for the informative reply. Interestingly, as I did my
research not a single source provided the details you did. That's
why I like to run things by the WWM team.
<To that point, the info I provided is based off hobbyist experience in
the day to day world. Otherwise, that fish is a great tank
It's a shame experiences like you shared with me are not readily
available -- or am I just not consulting the right sources?
Thanks for the recommendation on the Cardinals -- they don't really fit
my taste so I guess I may be back to finding a suitable surgeon fish.
<If you are looking for a Tang that is suitable for that size
tank, look at the Bristletooth types. For Example, a Yellow Eye
Kole tang.
Any other recommendations you care to 'run up the flag pole' based on my
current community?
<I pair or Trio of Fairy Wrasses might be a nice addition. Here is
a link to the Genus Cirrhilabrus. Beautiful coloration, sexually
dimorphic, and can be kept in a pair, or other combinations of 1 male
and more females.
Although in your size tank a pair is probably good. Keep in mind,
the tank would have to be covered as they can be jumpers, but amazing
Stocking options, sea/ brittle- star choices
<Hello Sandra>
First off, thank you for all the help I have received previously
through questions and the overwhelming amount of information on your
<You're welcome.>
You guys rock! :D Now, on to my latest question. My husband and I are
planning our first saltwater tank.
We already have many freshwater and two brackish setups.
<I enjoy viewing nicely planted freshwater tanks. They
can be just as appealing as saltwater.>
So, in light of our addiction, the next step is salt. We are in the
researching stage and taking it extremely slow. We have decided
to get a Cinnamon Clownfish (Amphiprion melanopus) and a Bubbletip
anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor). My question is, is there any starfish
that is relatively hardy that could live with these two?
<With this being your first saltwater venture, I would not start
with an anemone until you gain a little more experience and
knowledge. The hardiest Starfish would be the Brittle Starfish
and also a very good scavenger. James (Salty
Dog)>Stocking options, sea/ brittle- star choices
Hey guys,
<And gals.>
so sorry for all the questions but I don't want my first foray into
saltwater to crash and burn.
I told my husband no anemone yet. We're also starting with a
FOWLR system.
Just to verify, we can have a cinnamon clown without an anemone?
<Yes, they do quite well without an anemone.>
Also, we were debating these options: Magnificent Firefish,
<These are best kept with other docile fish and the Cinnamon Clown
is not a member of that group.>
Canary Blenny, Scissortail Goby, Falco Hawkfish, Blue Knuckle Hermit
<These crabs if added in large numbers are great for algae
Problem here is that once the algae is gone they will move on to
polyps, and other small animals and will also steal food from sessile
and Chocolate Chip Starfish or Brittle Star.
<Go with a small Brittle Star and do not buy a Green Brittle Star of
the genus Ophiarachna. These animals quickly grow into predatory fish
We have a 55 gallon tank to use for this setup. Obviously we
can't have ALL these guys. I would like to know your
recommendations and possibly some species we haven't thought
<Mmm, best to browse etailer sites where most give basic information
on the animals needs and then follow my suggestion below for more
information. I usually browse here. http://www.liveaquaria.com/>
We have a wonderful LFS that can order anything for us.
<Best to search these species and others you may be interested
in. Our site will provide you with the knowledge needed to
properly care for them along with learning their needs, requirements,
compatibility, and systems.
If any questions remain unanswered, do write back. Here is a link
to our marine index.
Thanks again for your time and knowledge.
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Wanting To Add More Fish?
Hi All-
This is my first time writing a question. Please be gentle(lol)...
I have 110 gallon reef/fish tank. It has
been up and running for 6 weeks.
All water levels/parameters are good, no problems. Fish and corals are
doing excellent.
I keep salinity between 1.023-1.025.
I do a 15-20% water change per week.
I have a nice outbreak of coralline algae on rocks and glass
Tank specs:
Approx. 120lbs of LR
2 inch deep sand bed
<I'd add more... see WWM re>
Hamilton Belize Sun Lighting System, 2-400 watt(10,000k)M.H., with 2-54
watt (Royal Blue) T-5's
CPR Hang-On the back 5 gallon refugium(10,000k light, 36 watt)
...containing 2 inch deep sand bed containing crushed rubble and small
pieces of LR on top of sand bed, Chaeto, tons of copepods, worms,
Supplement with Seachem Reef Complete and Reef Calcium once per
Sump (trickle), Little Giant Pump(unsure of gal/hour)
<Can look up by the model (on the pump) on line>
...pump provides good water flow, thru 3/4's of the
tank, also sump is housing 12 lbs of small pieces of LR instead
of bio-balls
...using blue and white filter floss on top of Pura Filtration
...heater(temp. fluctuates between 77-80 degrees between night
and day)
Feeding: Once, sometimes twice a day...
...using Formula One and Two( flake and frozen) , frozen brine shrimp,
New Life Spectrum small pellet
1-Powder Blue Tang
<Mmm, keep your eye on... this tank is too "new" and small
for this
Protozoan parasite-prone species>
1-Bartlett Anthias(male)
<Need females>
2-True Percula Clownfish
1- Rainford's Goby
1-Long-Fin Sleeper Goby
1-Coral Beauty
1-Crocea Clam
3-Cleaner Shrimp
1-Red Blood Shrimp
1-Peppermint Shrimp
2-Camel Back Shrimp
1-Emerald Crab
1-Pom Pom Crab
20-30 assorted snails
10-15- assorted Hermit crabs small
Waving Hand
Colt Coral
and possibly some SPS or LPS frags in the future
Here are my questions:
I was looking to add some more colorful fish(or even "cool"
inverts) to my tank.
I am wondering, in your opinion, if I have enough room to do
If so, what kinds/types do you recommend?
<That you wait a couple months at this juncture; keep reading,
investigating. Your system needs to "settle
I have a Remora hang on skimmer. I am currently not using it.
<I would>
If I am going to use it. I "thought" I would wait a few
months as to not skim-out any of the beneficial nutrients
since my tank start up is new?
Unfortunately, I am real tight on space. My tank is in a wall. I
can not hang the skimmer on the sides of my tank.
I would have to hang it down below, off of my sump(which is still in my
way, but I will make do if necessary)
What are your thoughts?
<Can be done... see WWM re placement>
Do I need to use it?
<Of use, benefit>
Given my current setup, do you see any changes or advice you might
<To take your time>
If any misspelled words, run-on sentences, grammar mistakes etc...I
<No worries>
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Fw: Wanting To Add More Fish? 3/12/12
....forgot one fish
1-Fire Goby(Dart fish)
<Also a social species...>
Re: Wanting To Add More Fish? Reef
Hi Bob-
Thanks for answering my questions so quickly...
I am going to take your advice and take my time.
When time comes, I'm considering adding one or more of these
Small Purple Tang and/or Small Yellow Tang to go along with a Powder
I know your suppose to add Tangs in three's, but the other two
never made it alive via shipping.
Just the Powder Blue made it alive (go figure, right?).
Can I mix different types of Anthias's, as opposed to just adding
<Not the better choice>
Also, I have one Fire Dart Fish. I would like to add a group.
...and/or a group of Purple Dart Fish.
I also like:
One Spot Fox Face
Banggai Cardinals
Royal Gramma
Tanaka's Pygmy Wrasse
Masked Gobies
Purple(or some other colorful) Dottybacks
<... you need another, actually, likely a few more tanks. You're
full up w/ the present one fish-wise>
I realize I can not put them all in my tank.
When time comes, would you mind telling me which ones would make a nice
addition ?
<... keep reading. BobF>
Thanks so much...
Stocking new tank: all at once with small fish?
Hi, crew,
Oh, the hours I've spent reading this site. :)
<I've got about 10k into its production>
I'm setting up a 65-gallon reef tank (36x18x24 high). Equipment is
a SeaClone 100, two Aqueon 950 powerheads, and a HOB filter for a
40-gallon tank (to disturb the surface and provide a place for some
charcoal filter media if I need it). A small HOB refugium to be added
later, maybe a gallon or so.
After the tank is cycled with live rock and I add snails and shrimp,
and the tank has been stable for a few weeks, would it be reasonable to
add 5 or 7 blue-green or blue Chromis and a pair of ocellaris, all
1" or less, at the same time? Or should I add just the Chromis and
wait a month or so to add the clownfish?
<Could add all of these in one go>
After the tank is more mature, I'll add soft corals. Need to do
research on this to prevent chemical warfare, but that's next
year's project.
The only other fish I might add at a later date would be a royal gramma
and a blenny. But not if that would be too many fish for my tank. I
want to enjoy the fish, not torture them.
<Agree w/ you philosophy>
Your thoughts?
<Could add more here... otherwise this system will be too
"empty" color and behavior wise to generate interest.>
<Bob Fenner>
Re: Stocking new tank: all at once with small fish?
Wow, Bob, you're fast. :) Thanks so much.
<Welcome. BobF>
Down Sizing Stocking Questions 02/04/12
<<Hey Adam>>
I am downsizing from my 400 gallon reef and am running into
some walls on stocking list answers.
<<Sorry to hear about the downsize. I have a 500g system myself (375g
display) and do understand the expense/time involved but I digress, lets
see if I can help with your stocking issue>>
I am trying to incorporate most of my smaller peaceful fish while keeping my two
Zebrasoma tangs
<<With the understanding that no Tang is truly peaceful IMO/E>>
in a large tub I will be using for a grow-out tank. (This can also house any
fish who don't behave in the 120).
<<I see>>
I'm trying to stick with smaller peaceful reef fish this time around but have
come up with limited information on the compatibility of some of the fish.
Mainly the wrasse compatibility.
<<Can be quite variable among the different genera>>
The fish will be going into a 120 gallon tank, Bare Bottom, sps
1 - yellow wrasse
1 - mystery wrasse
2 - Banggai cardinals
2 - purple Firefish
2 - false percula clowns
3 - fairy or flasher wrasse (2f, 1m)
3 - lyretail Anthias (2f, 1m)
1 - long nose Hawkfish
1 - Tomini tang
1 - chalk bass
<<Im going to assume the Yellow Wrasse is Halichoeres chrysus this is
a superb fish for captive reef keeping, and will generally get along with mostï any other fishes, but I fear the Pseudocheilinus wrasse
(i.e. Mystery Wrasse, P. ocellatus) may be trouble here. This genus
of wrasse has always proven problematic in my experience even with
non-wrasse species that are similar in shape/environmental preference. As
for the Fairy/Flasher wrasses, unless you set up this new system with them as
the focus I think you will not be happy with the long-term
expectation. The Anthiines youve chosen (Pseudanthias squamipinnis)
are the best pick for this tank among the species commonly offered, in my
opinion. They get large enough, and are pugnacious enough, to hold their
own here though I would recommend four females to one male versus the
two-to-one you have listed for reasons of spreading the harassments dealt out by
the male and the dominant female. With only two
females, the bottom of that pyramid is awfully heavy>>
All the above fish are existing except for the Anthias, flashers, clowns and
yellow wrasse. I tried Bartlett's Anthias and Blue Flashers in my large reef and
they ended up carpet surfing or disappearing. :(
I was hoping to try again in a more peaceful setting this time and with a
<<The Flashers will ping around within the canopy like pinballs if startled I
speak from experience>>
Any insight would be great!!!
<<Consider my comments��a trio of Halichoeres spp. wrasse would be a better
option than mixing the three wrasse genera you propose in my opinion and
experience. Cheers, EricR>>
R3: Down Sizing…Stocking Questions, reef – 09/04/12
<<Hey there Adam>>
As normal things change.
I have finally gotten the tank together and have the first batch of fish on the
way. The tank ended up being 60" x 30" x 24" high, euro-braced, Starphire on 3
75 gallon sump, with fuge and skimmer areas.
2 MP60w's for water flow on opposite ends of the tank.
<<Ah, very nice… (you moneybags you…[grin])>>
Reef octopus SRO-3000I for a skimmer, ATI Power module 10x80w for lights. I
couldn't go bare bottom, I ended up with a very shallow sand bed.
<<I too am not a fan of BB tanks>>
The tank has had water 'in it' since July 14, 2012.
<<The longer it goes without macro predators (e.g. – fishes!) the better>>
(The tank had a leak in the overflow I had to remove all the rock etc. to
repair). All sat in stock tubs and trash cans with circulation during the time I
was repairing the silicone. Brown diatom bloom is starting; I’ve had a few
hermits in it for about 2 weeks and just added a frag of some frogspawn from
another tank two days ago. Polyps are working themselves out today. So here
comes the issue... the final stocking plan, again, has changed itself a bit but
is below:
5 - Lyretail Anthias - Ordered
1 - Grey Headed Wrasse - Ordered
1 - Neon Wrasse - Ordered
1 - Yellow Wrasse – Ordered
<<I do hope your sand bed is deep enough and ‘fine’ enough for the Grey Headed
(Halichoeres leucurus?) and Yellow (Halichoeres chrysus?) wrasses>>
2 - Undetermined Clownfish (most likely skunks)
1 - Chalk Bass
1 - Orange Spotted Blenny
1 - Harlequin Tusk
1 - Tomini Tang - In holding tank
1 - Yellow Tang - In holding tank
1 - Powder Blue Tang
1 - Niger or Sargassum Trigger
I ordered the Lyretails as they will be the first placed into the tank, without
being QTed per recommendations.
The 3 additional wrasses may or may not go in at the same time, debating on QT.
Depends on how they look when they come in. (I have ordered from a reputable
online dealer, most of the LFS I do not trust with fish purchases, too many
pathogens and distressed fish for my tastes.)
<<Is best to quarantine when warranted, no matter who the supplier. But I do
believe the Halichoeres is one genus best added directly to the display…housing
a suitable substrate>>
I plan to QT everything from this point forward. (I have not had such good luck
with QT in the past. I've lost more fish in QT than I have when I just put them
in the tank. This fact has always bothered me.)
<<Tis true it can sometimes prove detrimental. Always best to research re>>
The question comes into play with the stocking order of the Harlequin Tusk and
the tangs. As stated above the Tomini and yellow tang are both here in a holding
tank. I will be removing the skimmer from this system soon, as it belongs on the
new system. I can either (A.) swap the skimmer back and forth for short periods
of time until the tangs are moved (least favorite idea), or (B.) place the tangs
in next in a few weeks once the wrasses and Anthias are settled. Which do you
<<My preference would be to place the Tusk first, before the Tangs. But that not
being possible, I think the Yellow and Tomini Tangs are a low risk/better gamble
versus the Powder Blue on this size system. Place the Tusk before the PB and
Trigger and I give you good odds>>
The tusk and trigger are to be the center piece fish
<<The PB may have something to say about that...[grin]>>
... I know the trigger will be last, but what are your recommendations on the
stocking order of the tangs vs. the tusk? This is my first go around with a tusk
and I am not sure what to expect... or where he should be placed in the stocking
<<You have my thoughts re>>
<<Cheers my friend… Eric Russell>>
R4: Down Sizing…Stocking Questions, reef – 09/05/12
<<Hey Adam>>
I unfortunately tore down a 650+ gallon system to down size to this tank.
<<Ooh, too bad… I do love big home tanks. My own system is about 500g en toto
(96x30x30 display, 75g sump, 55g refugium). I would have liked more space
front-to-back, but my wife about had a fit when she saw the floor space I was
robbing as it was. But I digress…>
So, that means a few things, the rock was in that system for 2+ years, then left
dormant and covered in a tub and garbage cans for the past year, so it should be
good and podded up.
<<Mmm…assuming it had water circulation…a food source…>>
Sand bed wise, it is now bare in some spots because of flow, other spots it is
now 3-4 inches.
<<Do consider a Gyre type flow pattern>>
It was an average of 1.5 to 2 when put in before the flow monsters turned on.
<<Ah yes, the MP60s…wish I had a couple!>>
I kept a yellow wrasse in similar substrate depth in the 400 with coarse sand
instead of the oolitic I am using now.
<<The wrasses will likely find the deeper spots if needed…where the sand “mounds
up” against the rockwork>>
You think this will suffice?
In regards to the tangs and the tusk; I have always been told to try and put all
tangs in simultaneously...
<<Where practical/possible, yes…but most folks don’t have the funds (or
patience) to acquire, or facility to hold such “all at once.” Thus it becomes a
matter of introducing the least aggressive species first>>
With that being said should I try to make provisions and put the tusk in first
and all three tangs later?
<<Ideally, maybe…but what we discussed previously (Yellow and Tomini Tang, then
Tusk, then PB) can also work I think>>
Or with the species listed am I better off to let the two tangs I have on hand
now, settle in before adding the powder blue later?
<<Some variables to consider here, such as any size variations among the
specimens in question, but best to add all at once when possible (is often not
the case)…otherwise add the PB last, especially if it is close to same size or
larger than the other two Tangs>>
As always thanks,
<<Always happy to share… EricR>>
compatibility 1/30/12
Hi Crew
I have a 120 gal. 4x2x2' 40
gal. sump current stocking Flame Angel, Starry Blenny, Red Hawkfish,
Watchman Goby, Green Mandarin, two Ocellaris Clownfish , two Royal
Gramma, two Cleaner Shrimp and a Pistol Shrimp some Green Star
Polyps, Green Mushrooms, Button Polyps and some Macro Algaes.
I would like to make my final two additions to the tank I have read and
got mixed opinions on my choices number one would be a Powder Brown and
a Yellow Tang my LFS guy thinks this would be fine in my size tank (he
is pretty good guy better then most in my opinion)
<These could go... will be occasional "jousting"... and
would run through pH-adjusted freshwater dips/baths en-route to
but I have read different Live Aquaria recommends at least a 125gal.
just for the Powder Brown. So number two choice the Yellow Tang and a
Coral Beauty but the I'm guessing could be issues with the two
<Too likely so, yes>
Third choice just the Yellow Tang.
Thanks for any
<Again... Bob Fenner>
Hello Mr. Fenner,
<Hey Dai>
I would like your input on my stocking question. Currently I have a
210 gallon reef tank. As of now I have: PB, Palette
Tang, Purple Tang, 4 tomato clowns, 4 domino damsels, 3 four stripe
<Do keep an eye on these eight Dascyllus... can become tremendous
bullies w/ time, growth>
6 yellow tail damsels, fox face, flame angel, pajama cardinal,
blenny, 2 cleaner shrimps and fire shrimp. I would like to know if I
still have room to add more and if so, what would you suggest something
that is active and colorful? Thanks Dai Phan
<You could add more... there are many possibilities... Keep reading,
talking w/ other hobbyists, the stores you frequent.
Bob Fenner>
LPS Compatible
Dear WWM,
<Hello Bryce>
My tank is doing well due to your site. Thank you for
providing and maintaining it.
<Mmm, didn't have much to do with maintaining it, but thank you
just the same.>
My fish look like they are doing well except for aggressiveness
from the clown. The fish are 1 Percula Clown, 1 Royal Gramma, 2 Green
Chromis, 2 Firefish Gobies, 1 Four-stripe damsel, 1 Jewel Blenny. First
off, the clown likes to pick at everything and has claimed the entire
tank for himself. I am slightly concerned for my Gobies and I was
wondering if they could be divided or something for a while?
<Might be best just to remove/relocate the clownfish.>
I was also wondering if I could get a 'show' fish. I love
Dwarf Angels and Butterflies but I also love my LPS. I
currently have a Bubble Coral and Frogspawn on the way. The
tank is 55 gallons. I like Coral Beauty angels but you site
clearly says that they can be demons instead when put with coral.
<Just depends on the personality of the dwarf angel. I have
had quite a few pygmy angels in my day and I have yet to have one that
picked on corals, but no guarantees. I may have been
I Know there is nothing that is totally reef safe but was
wondering if there was anything I could get that was on the safer side
of the spectrum? Would prefer not to spend more than about 75$
<There are some Butterflyfish that are relatively safe with stony
corals but not soft corals, but your tank would be on the
smallish side for housing any of these. Best bet would be the
Coral Beauty.>
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
112g reef stocking / lighting
Hi there!
<Hello Lisa>
Love the site and spent many an hour sifting through info found here. I
greatly appreciate your time and knowledge.
<You're welcome.>
I recently upgraded my 65g reef to a 112g (kind of funky dimensions I
hear, 68" long, 16" wide, 24" deep). I have a very shy
but well behaved Niger trigger, a purple firefish, and a normal
firefish. Also a coral banded shrimp, 2 peppermint shrimp, 3 Nassarius
snails, 10 reef snails, 10 hermit crabs of various colors, and 1 sally
lightfoot crab. As for corals, I have a green star polyp rock, various
mushrooms, and a bubble coral.
I would like to add 3 Maldives Anthias, a purple tang and green
mandarin, a cleaner shrimp, an emerald crab, some various lps,
Zoanthids and a maxima clam.
Like I said, 112g tank with a 30g Sump/ refugium combo with a few small
pieces of lr, Chaeto, and Caulerpa, bubble magus nac-6a skimmer,
cascade 150g canister filter, 2 1050 power heads, and a 48" 10k
t5, actinic 2 bulb light.
N/N/A are 0, Alk is 8.4, temp is 80.
Will my setup be able to handle my fishy wish list? If no, who gets
left out?
<The Triggerfish should go, does not belong with this and future
The mandarin won't be added for about 6 months...just got my
refugium going.
I know I need better lights. I was thinking 2 30" 250w / 4 t5
combos, since I can't find 68" fixtures and there's a
6" glass support in the top middle if <of> the tank anyway.
Will this be enough light for the clam?
<The lighting would be enough but you would have three lower light
areas (sides and middle) and will have to place your light loving
invertebrates accordingly.
Have you considered having a custom wood canopy built? If so, three 175
watt halides would be better. You can then purchase DIY components and
mount the fixtures to the canopy. Two cooling fans will also be
required. Your other option would be to hang three 175 watt pendants
above the tank. You may want to consider LED lighting. Expensive to
start with, but will save plenty in utility cost and yearly lamp
replacement. Two Orphek PR156W LED fixtures would be enough light for
this system. They would have to be hung above the tank and hardware for
this is included
with the fixtures. I reviewed this fixture and the review can be found
here. Click on Winter, 2010.
The review was for the PR156. The PR156W is the same fixture but with
wide angle optical lenses.>
Any suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated.
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Re Was algae contr., now
chatting re reef stocking... NOT other subjects 11/22/11
Hi James,
<Hello Jim>
So as the stocking level goes I have a small adult blue faced Angel (
Who is about to be fish stew because he wont stop nipping at my coral),
Emperor Angel, Naso Tang, Yellow Tang, Royal Gramma, two clown fish,
three Chromis, and a Long Nosed Hawkfish. I <have> several
different types of soft corals, mushrooms, and a Bubble Coral. I know
my Angels, and the Naso are going to out grow my tank. I am currently
scouting for a 300 gallon dream tank. I have a Octopus skimmer also. I
have one more question also. Is there any coral besides mushrooms that
has colors and is easy that my angels will not bother? I also went and
got some RO. water, and bought a algae that grows in your sump. My lfs
guy said it will suck up all the nitrates and algae. I guess I am
suppose to turn the light on in my sump every night for it to
survive. I don't do a lot of dealings with my local fish store.
Every time I have bought something it always comes with a disease. I do
have 55 gallon quarantine tank too!
<The angels and tangs do account for a good amount of waste in your
You did not mention water flow, you should have a total flow rate of at
least 1800gph. This can help in reducing algae growth. There are many
things you can do to reduce algae growth, more than I have the time to
say but reading here and implementing will help control nuisance algae
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Re UV Question... NOT 11/15/11- 11/21/11- 11/22/11
Hi James,
<Hello Jim>
Ya it seems the Algae problem is under control for now. As far as water
flow goes I have two Rio power head 2500, behind my live rock. One is
pointing down the other Is pointing across. I also have Hydor Koralia
Magnum Pump 5. Pointing towards the top of my tank. I have Maxi-jet
3000 in my sump that is for my UV and its turned way down. I am not
sure what size of pump is pushing the water out of my sump, but I it
know it flows well. I had one more question. When I upgrade my tank to
a 300 gallon, do you think a Blue Throat Trigger would be ok in my
system. I read alot <no such word>
about them on wwm, but nobody's really talking reef safe the last
few years.
<The Blue Throat Triggerfish is likely the best of all Triggerfish
for a reef system but with caution. They likely will nip/attack
delicate invertebrates such as Anemone Shrimp. They behave themselves
quite well
with other fish and corals but may attack/harass smaller tankmates in
smaller systems. Larger tanks seem to have a calming effect on this
fish and become well behaved with smaller fish.>
Thanks again,
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Compatibility [Animals and
Environment] 11-16-2011
Hi guys I have been racking my brains trying to decide which fish to
put in my new reef tank, its 260l
<<Aprox ~70 US gallons for those reading
with sump and refuge 120l live rock, 2dsb
<<2 what centimeters/inches?>>
I'm just wondering if this set up would work starting from first in
the tank to last the first is an assortment of snails turbo, Astraea,
Nassarius, Cerith, Nerite and Margarita the next would be peppermint
<<Though it's mostly anecdotal evidence, many home aquarists
have reported Lysmata wurdemanni picking at certain sessile
invertebrate life, including cnidarians (coral, anemones and other
relatives) as well as bivalves such as Tridacnid clams.>>
followed by royal gramma then purple fire fish, lawnmower blenny, 3
skunk cleaners, Suntail goby + pistol shrimp, 2 common clown + anemone,
fox face
<<Though many species in the family Siganidae are dubbed with
this common name, most get up to 9', depending on the footprint of
your aquarium, they may or may not be suitable to an aquarium of your
, flame angel + coral beauty,
<<I would not add two Centropyge sp. angels in a tank of this
size, they are 'by sight' patrollers and would fight in this
small a set-up, perhaps to the death...read more here;
a cleaner wrasse,
<<Please reconsider purchasing this animal, see here;
regal tang + yellow tang + powder blue tang.
<<In this tank I would hesitate to add a single surgeon, let
alone 3 considering metabolism (swimming/feeding/waste habits) and
territorial disputes amongst themselves as they compete for the same
I would appreciate your input on this if something does go wrong I can
remove to put into sump just wondering if there is any definite no
thanks Leon
<<See the above comments and read the above links along with the
FAQ's linked within them, thanks. - Adam J.>>
pH, stkg....
Hey guys and gals!! Hope you can answer a couple of questions for me. I
am sorry they are all over the place but I wanted to send 1 email.
First, I have a 150 reef with about 200 lbs of live
rock and 75 lbs of live sand. I live in West Palm Beach Florida and
have an endless supply of water and sand in my back yard. I have read
on here a hundred times the sand from the beach is not so good but
decided to give it a shot any way.
<Can work>
The tank is stocked with a Blue Jaw trigger (male), a pink tail
trigger, a pearly jaw fish (looking for a second), a pair of ocellaris
clownfish, a mandarin goby, a cleaner wrasse,
<The last two... you should read about on WWM>
a forktail blenny, a lawnmower blenny, some peppermint shrimp, cleaner
shrimp, and a mated pair of coral banded shrimp, about 30 snails,
<These last four... surprising the Balistids haven't consumed
a Sandsifting starfish, a 4 inch Halimeda plant, and a pink and green
cucumber. The ALK of the tank is around 13 dKH. The tank parameters
are: ammonia is 0, nitrite is 0, nitrate is .5,
<How is this kept so low?>
phosphate is 1ppm, and calcium is at 400. My questions begin with my
PH. The PH never stays at 8.3 but rather stays around 7.8 to 8.0 I
buffer the water just about every day with Seachem marine buffer and
the PH goes to the 8.3 like it is supposed to only to drop over the
next 24 hours back to the 7.8 -- 8.0 range.
Is this due to the sand?
<Might be>
If the sand is the issue is there a way to fix the issue without
getting a new substrate?
<Keep vacuuming it for one... add more base rock>
Will mixing some aragonite in with my current substrate help?
<Should; yes>
My next question is about the coral banded shrimp. They have made a
cave their home and defend it against any fish that comes close. They
do not attack the fish but simply push them out of the cave. Is this
normal or is it going to become an issue?
<Not likely in this size/volume>
Is there a sea slug or Nudibranch that is good or will be helpful or
should I stay away from them all?
<The last. Bob Fenner>
Re: PH... Reef stkg. -- 10/05/11
The mandarin has tons of pods to chew on as we put 2000 of them in the
tank when it only had the live rock. They are multiplying like crazy, I
can actually see them all over the glass on a daily basis. The nitrate
is kept low because of frequent water changes (probably too many water
My trigger fish have actually never even looked at the shrimp as food
but I do keep them well fed.
<Can "turn" very quickly>
I can keep the PH at a 7.8 or 8.0 level but did not think this was high
enough for coral.
<Mmm, only some SPS really>
The fish do not seem to mind the current level of PH. The coral banded
shrimp have eggs. Is this why they would seem more aggressive?
Thanks for the answers and the great job you guys do...looks like I
will be staying away from sea slugs and Nudibranchs!
<A good idea. Cheers, BobF>
45 gallon reef tank. Stkg.
Excellent site! I've learned so much from reading your
<Ah good>
I've recently set up a 45 gallon reef tank. The dimensions
are a bit non standard 36 X 12 X 24 tall.
<Narrow and tall>
I have 50 lbs of "dead" Marco Rock in it and 60 lbs of
live sand.
<I see this>
In the 10G sump I have 6 lbs of live rock and a baseball sized
ball of Chaeto.
When the aquarium finished it's cycle, I added 3 small Yellow
Tail Damsels and 12 blue legged hermit crabs.
I chose the Yellow Tail Damsels for the first fish because I know
they are very hardy, and not "terribly" aggressive.
At least not when compared to most other Damsels.
<This is so>
I've also been told by several reef keepers that these
Damsels should always be added in odd-numbers to help minimize
My question is, what should I consider for the rest of the
<What do you have in mind?>
I really like clown fish and was wondering which ones would work
best in this tank?
<Tank bred/reared Ocellaris or Perculas>
Is the tank large enough that the Damsels and clowns would have
enough room?
<Hopefully so>
Also possibly a Royal Gamma and some kind of goby or blenny? What
other fish can/should I consider?
<Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/SmSWStkF14.htm
and the linked files above in the series for background,
At some point I would like to add coral. Any suggestions?
<Also posted... please learn to/use the search tool, indices
on WWM>
I have a 36" T5
fixture with 6 tubes, 3 actinic and 3 WavePoint SunWave
Is this sufficient lighting for most coral?
<For many to most... depending on where they are placed in the
water column. Bob Fenner>
Re: stocking a 110 gallon tank, reef
Hi Simon,
<Hi Laura>
Am now in the process of purchasing equipment for the 120 gallon new
I am wondering if there is any benefit to purchasing a UV sterilizer
and Ozone generator combination unit such as the Ultralife Ultrazone
Dual. I will certainly put an Ultralife 25 watt UV sterilizer on this
tank, but again, am questioning spending a few more dollars for the
addition of the ozone generator on this unit. What do you think?
<Mmm, do you know the benefits/ drawbacks of each? Too much to go
into here, try reading about each on WWM>
I am wondering if the ozone would do little or nothing
<No.. will do far more than UV will... by greatly increasing RedOx..
Read re: on WWM, or better still read Bobs article on such in the UK
magazine Ultramarine if you can>
or could end up harming the tank in some way.
<Can be deadly if overdosed>
Ozone frightens me a bit as I have heard of cases where people have
wiped out there entire tanks by using it incorrectly. I read Bob
Fenner's article on Ozone on WWM and he seems to find the use of
ozone favorable in marine aquaria (unless I am misinterpreting the
article written on the subject, which is entirely possible). I am sure
with the right application it has its uses, but would my 120 gallon
fall into this category?
<I personally prefer ozone to UV. I agree with Bob that used
correctly ozone has more benefits than drawbacks. I suggest you hold
off on buying either until you understand more. These are not essential
first purchases, better to research/ buy/ spend good money on a good
Looking forward to your opinion on this matter.
<You have it>
Re: Fitting a 110 gallon tank 9/19/11
Hi Simon,
<Hi Laura>
Thanks so much for your advice on the ozone/uv for the new tank. I am
reading all the information I can get my hands on in the site having to
do with either piece of equipment, trying to educate myself before
making any purchases.
Another subject came up and this has to do with a RBTA for the
Originally, I thought it best not to have an anemone. However, I do
love anemones and the RBTA is one I have been successful with in the
past. In fact, I had an absolutely gorgeous RBTA in my 85 gallon that I
had to remove just because it got so unbelievably large. It was about
10 inches in diameter and never split, and it took up 1/3 of the lower
half of my tank. So much real estate for one animal, and, at that time,
I wanted the space for other corals.
<One reason why these are best in a species-only set up>
But, the point of my story is that this RBTA went in my tank, planted
her foot in a crevice, and never moved one inch in until I finally had
to take her out due to her size. She just ate silversides once or
twice a week and grew and grew. It was about 3" when I originally
got it and it remained gorgeous, healthy, and in one spot till the day
I took it out. I did a great deal of research on your site prior to
getting it, and spoke with Karen from Karen's Rose Anemones several
times about her care, who was
unbelievably helpful.
Back to now. My tank manager <?> feels very confident that we can
again successfully keep a RBTA in the new tank in terms of providing
for all of its needs - flow, light, food, space, and water quality,
provided we allow enough time for the tank to settle in and stabilize.
Our only reservation is that now, we have a Vortech MP40 Wavemaker
which will also go in the 120 gallon when we break my current 85 gallon
down and set this new tank up.
The Wavemaker does have a foam sleeve on it, but it is still concerning
when it comes to the RBTA.
I know there cannot be enough emphasis placed on the needless loss of
these animals due to uncovered powerheads and overflow boxes, so I am
trying to ensure its complete safety. How much of a threat
do you feel the Wavemaker presents here?
Do you have any tips for a smooth acclimation of the RBTA to my tank
other than all the information I have read on the WWM site?
<All you should need can be found here on this subject>
I read in Bob Fenner's article about the advantage of building a
bommie for the RBTA and we are quite willing to do this.
<Yes, to try to stop it moving around>
Any advice is appreciated, as is all help you have given me thus far. I
know Bob Fenner recommends putting this animal in last in his article,
and this would be our plan as well, especially since it will be months
after set up until the tank is stabilized and ready to meet the demands
of a RBTA.
<Mmm, I would never put an anemone in my system, unless it was the
only Cnidarian there>
Re: Fitting a 110 gallon tank 9/19/11
Hi Simon,
Thank you for the advice. Will not put a RBTA in the tank, based on
your recommendation. I defer to you on the subject and concede it is
best not to mix this animal with other corals and livestock.
<Mmm, it is best to make your own decisions based on as much
information/experience that you can find>
I was excited about the extra space in the new tank and thought it
might work, but it is not worth the risk. Others seem to do it all the
time, but that does not mean it is the wisest thing to do.
<I agree with this>
Advice/Help: Mature Tank Looking for Inhabitants,
Reef Invert.s 9/11.5/11
Hi There WWMTeam,
It's been a long time since I've emailed but I think that means
I've become a more confident hobbyist - (thanks mostly in part to
your team's guidance over the years I'd bet.)
I'm in a transitional phase with my system. I'm currently
running a 55 gallon marine system which is over 9 years old (5 in this
current location), has approximately 65-70 pounds of Fiji live
I'd had a green spotted puffer which Bob helped me transition from
Brackish to Marine about 10 years ago due to the fish's size and my
desire to go marine. He had a mostly docile personality - BUT had a
history of being aggressive with smaller fish. I then inherited two
unlikely fish after a friend had a tank split and asked me to take the
fish in a pinch. I said I was worried but would do it under the
circumstances. A juvenile yellow tang, and a spotted goby.
Surprisingly within a few days the three fish became fast friends with
the tang and goby taking to maintaining my puffer. :)
<Ah good>
Unfortunately the Tang, and Goby passed away within weeks of each other
after 2 or so years with me. I'd thought it would be the puffer who
would go first. He lasted until earlier this year and due to the nature
of the system I never wanted to add anything until the puffer was gone.
So my Aiptasia population grew a bit, I got a repopulation of lots of
red bristle worms (I blame the puffer, and his messy eating habits - he
was about 5-6 inches long and had a healthy appetite)
<Mmm, now, who was feeding it?>
Following the death of my lovely puffer (He was approximately 8 years
old) I decided that with my lifestyle changes (I now have more travel
requirements and I'm an entrepreneur now with less time), and of
course the exciting idea of freedom from a predator! :) that I'd
start doing what I'd always dreamed of - having a tank of nothing
but inverts. I'm a critter person. I love crabs, and shrimp, stars,
- the workers. I like to watch things happening. So, to add to my ill
populated system I added 3 turbo snails, 2 peppermint shrimp and a
little brown brittle star that was with the shrimp who seemed to have
hitchhiked his way into the tank. I had 2 red legged hermits as well
who had been in the system with the puffer. I also called an old fish
friend to come over to assess the system. We made some changes, we
discovered some nitrate issues (again, we blamed the puffer) so we
began a plan to stabilize the system before we added anything new.)
Where I'm at now, it's about 6 months later. The shrimps are
gone (they died, not sure why) but the snails, the crabs and the
brittle star are doing great. Unfortunately after the shrimp left, the
Aiptasia returned. The bristle worms are still around. (Should I
<Not unnecessarily>
Otherwise the system's levels are back to normal.
I'm at a point now we're I'd like to get some
recommendations on a) whether to replace the shrimp?
<Perhaps w/ other species... singular or plural... Look to the
b) are there inverts (I'm open to anything and everything) that are
low maintenance in terms of care (I usually auto feed my system if
it's got enough inhabitants) who won't kill each other? :)
<Peruse WWM re reef stocking>
I'm interested in urchins, crabs, scallops, stars, Featherdusters,
low maintenance coral - anything that's neat and will add to the
interest of the aquarium. I don't think I'm open to adding any
fish - but if there's a goby or similar who could do well in a
system like this, that would be great to know.
It's a strange email to write about not wanting fish - but I value
the teams advice as I feel I've got a bit of a blank canvas
Thanks so much in advance,
<Mmm, here: http://wetwebmedia.com/rflvstkgF13.htm
and the linked files in the series above. Bob Fenner>
stocking a 110 gallon tank
Dear WWM,
<Hello Laura>
You guys have been wonderful to me over the years, answering all of my
questions in the most efficient and accurate way possible. I try not to
make a major move in reef keeping without you!
<Thank you for your kind words>
I am finally changing my tank from a custom built in the wall 85 gallon
(36"X18"X30") to a free standing 110 gallon
(48"X18"X29") tank.
<Really? What will you do with the in-wall set up now?>
Many factors have led me to this decision. My 85 gallon has definitely
been a true learning experience and, trust me, I have learned a
<I am learning things most every day still in this hobby, it truly
is amazing>
I have many, many beautiful corals and live rock to move to the new
system, and my refugium and much of my equipment will be moved over as
well. One thing I am guilty of with my 85 gallon is overfeeding, and
overstocking my fish.
<Easily done>
This has led to numerous issues that make me strive now for sensible
stocking in the new 110 gallon tank. I want the focus to be my corals
and a thriving healthy reef. So, based on this information, I have come
up with a stocking plan I would like to run by you. Here it is: A
Yellow Tang, a pair of True Percula Clownfish, 1 Candy Basslet, and a
Diamond Watchman Goby.
<These look like good choices to me. A light but healthy fish
population will be beneficial for most corals also. This is a
'Shrimp Goby' have you considered buying w/ an Alpheid?
I am hoping the tang and goby will serve as "worker bees" to
keep the new aquarium low on nuisance algae (Yellow Tang), and the sand
constantly turned over (Goby). I want to be able to use my Spectrum
Pellets as their core diet and NOT overfeed.
<You will have to wean the fishes onto these over time>
I want to keep it simple - a joy to look at, easy to maintain. No
aggression, plenty of room for everyone.
<Sounds perfect!>
Please let me know what you think of my stocking plan, and if you see
anything about it that could compromise my goals.
<Mmm, I don't know about your coral species, but to make things
even more harmonious and easy to maintain, limiting yourself to just a
couple of different genus/ types of corals (your favorites) will also
make things a lot easier in the long run, and in my opinion better
looking also>
I am open to any and all suggestions on your part. And, I thank you in
<I think this is a good plan Laura>
Laura Garmizo
Re: stocking a 110 gallon tank 9/7/11
Hi Simon,
<Hello Laura>
Thanks so much for your feedback.
<No problem>
I do have plans for the wall where my current fish tank is built
in...long story, involves a bit of drywall work, paint,
artwork...should look pretty good when finished.
In terms of the pistol shrimp/goby pair, I love the idea. The only
caveat I have heard with this shrimp is the noise level they can make
when "snapping". One aquarium dealer described it like a
gunshot that can wake you from a sound sleep!
<Mmm, it is not quite that bad.. and not all of the time either,
just every now and again usually. Worth a try IMO as the pairing is
really interesting, you could enquire if the shrimp could be brought
back if you find it unbearable>
This does not fit into my "peaceful" goals on stocking, but
is this person correct? Do these shrimps really make noise on this
I love symbiotic relationships in aquaria, and the other relationship I
would have loved in the new tank is an anemone for the true Percula
clownfish. I am afraid though, of several factors. Usually, mixing a
reef tank full of corals and an anemone is risky at best.
<Agreed. Something I would not do>
There is also the other possibility the clowns would not host in
<You need to check the species of Anemone with your Clowns
And lastly, there is the unhappy anemone that walks and walks, possibly
into an overflow box.
At any rate, would love your thoughts here, too. I did have a beautiful
rose bubble tip anemone in my 85 gallon tank. She put her foot down in
a lower corner of rockwork from the moment she went in. She never
walked, she ate silversides pieces every few days, and was gorgeous.
The ultimate problem was she grew to about 10 inches and demanded so
much real estate I had to pull her out. I still miss her. She was
<IMO for the reasons you state, Anemones are best in species-only
set ups, minimum 50 gallons for most species>
Thank you again for all the wonderful advice and encouragement.
<No problem Laura>
Re stocking a 110 gallon tank 9/7/11
Hi Simon,
<Hello again Laura!>
I do have one more question I forgot to ask you regarding my new tank
and stocking plan.
<Fire ahead>
How long before you feel a juvenile (2.75"-3") yellow tang
would outgrow this tank/setup/stocking plan? Reminder: tank is a
standard 48"X18"X29" 110 gallon.
<A few years... this fish grows quite large, but is often kept in
tanks in the 100 gallon range, and generally they are ok and do not
seem to suffer too much for it. Given more space it will grow larger,
which indicates it is stunted in this sized tank to some extent, but to
how much? Not as much as other popular species for sure.>
<No problem at all>
Re: stocking a 110 gallon tank 9/10/11
Hi Simon,
<Hi Laura>
So glad to read this response about the Yellow Tang and the
tank dimensions and size. I am very concerned about providing
an ethical, healthy, comfortable home for the Yellow Tang for most/all
of her life. You have made me feel better.
<That's marvelous news!>
Re stocking a 110 gallon tank 9/11/11
Hi Simon,
<Hello Laura>
I have some more good news. I have changed the 110 gallon
48"x18"x29" tank upgrade to the Aqueon MegaFlow 120
gallon 48"x24"x25" tank with stand and canopy.
I have the room for it, and think it is wise to go this route if space
and budget allow, which they do. I think the Yellow Tang will be quite
happy in there for a long, long time, and the stocking plan is
perfect. This tank has more surface area and generates a lot of flow
and I think it is going to be a very healthy set up for all.
<Yes, I agree>
So exciting. Thank you for all of your help.
<Good Luck Laura, Simon>
Re: stocking a 110 gallon tank 9/13/2011
Hi Simon,
More research...more questions on stocking my new 120 gallon tank.
This time my question is on the sand sifting goby I would like for the
tank. I planned on a Diamond Watchman Goby to do the job, but just came
across the Tiger Watchman Goby, which I think is a bit more
Are these equally good sand sifters?
<Should be.. have you read? http://www.wetwebmedia.com/shrimpgobies.htm>
The goby is really there to do a job (sift sand), but it would be nice
to have the one I find most attractive. Any major differences between
these guys? Seems like the Diamond gets a bit bigger, but other than
<Probably not, but please read>
Also, I have read that Tangs can really harass these guys. Do you find
this to be true?
Again, stocking plan will be 1 Yellow Tang, 2 True Perculas, 1 Candy
Basslet and this goby. Tank size is a 120 gallon,
Thanks Simon,
<No problem Laura>
Re: New tank stocking list
Hiya folks,
You know what they say, a good deed never goes unpunished! You have
been so helpful with your past advise, I couldn't resist asking
another couple of questions.
Firstly, Bob, I can't wait to read your article on the RSM 250. Now
that I have had the tank for a month or so, I am starting to form my
own opinions about it as well (admittedly infinitely less informed
Some good, others, well not so much.
<Can't say fairer than that>
The tank is now fully cycled (Ammonia = 0, Nitrites = 0, Nitrates =10,
SG 1.023, CA = 420, KH = 10). I have not measured other trace elements
yet at this point but will as I commence stocking.
My question today is actually a follow-up from the chain below. I have
been giving my stocking list a lot of thought and worked out some of
the invert options as well. The one thing I am toying with is adding a
shrimp/goby combination. I do have a 4 inch DSB already setup in the
tank. I was thinking the watchman goby/pistol shrimp combo.
My concerns were as follows:
1) Will the shrimp/goby combo mean I cannot add the clown goby?
<Mmm, in this size/shape volume you should be able to have
Based on the clown goby behaviors I have observed (I have one in my
other tank), they occupy different sections of a tank but thought I
would check.
2) will the shrimp be a terror for a cleaner and fire shrimp in this
size setup?
<Again... they generally recognize Alpheids and steer clear of
3) will this combination completely rule out the mandarin? The goby, I
imagine, is a direct food source competitor
<Not so much actually, no. Most folks directly feed their
Pistol/Snapping shrimp/s>
I would really appreciate your thoughts on the above. Based on your
responses, I would like to run the final stocking list by you once
again. We typically have to commit to an entire stocking order with the
good stores here in order to get anything. Otherwise all one can find
in the store are yellow tangs, Perculas and a host of the aggressive
large fish (groupers, triggers, puffers, lions etc.). Even when placing
the order, one often has to wait up to a year for the desired specimen
so it is imperative that I get the stocking list and order of addition
to the tank right.
<I see/understand>
Otherwise this could be an extremely empty cycled tank for a very very
long time! As an example, I have been in the hobby for over 2 years now
and have only seen royal grammas for the first time a few weeks
<And you; Bob Fenner>
Re: New tank stocking list 9/2/11
Thanks Bob. Do appreciate it. A quick follow-up on point 3 below, I
meant the goby as food competition not the shrimp. I notice that my
orange spotted sand sifter is a pod feeder so assumed the watchman
would be similar.
<Again, not likely too much competition twixt... Callionymids get
more of their planktonic nutrition "above the substrate".
Cheers, B>
Aquarium Setup/Marine Setup, &
stkg. 8/5/11
<Hello Max>
I was wondering if this would be a good setup for a reef
90 Gal. 48" x 18" x 24"
<Better to have more area than height.>
(2) 150 watt heater
(2) Aqueon Circulation Pump
(2) Stick on thermometer
Test Kit
Bulk Reef Supply75 gpd Ro/Di 5 stage standard system
Marineland Reef Capable LED Lighting system
<I really do not believe this lighting is going to be intense enough
to support some of your livestock in a 24" deep tank. Marineland
now states on their site that this fixture produces a PAR level of 130
and Lux of 12,700 from a distance of 12 inches.
That is not enough light for most corals and clams especially when you
consider that six HO, 39 watt, T5 lamps produce a light intensity (Lux)
of 24,650 at approximately 20 inches. The Reef Capable fixture may be
fine for polyps, mushrooms, and Ricordea in shallow tanks and leads me
to believe that is where the term "Reef Capable" comes in.
Just my personal opinion and not that of Wet Web Media.>
10 Gallon Quarantine tank with sponge filter
Marineland C-360 Multistage aquarium canister filter
Instant Ocean Salt
AquaC Remora Pro Protein Skimmer with Rio 1400 pump and Pre-Filter
Eheim Wet and Dry Canister Filter 2229
<From an economic stand, I feel a sump would be much less expensive
than both of those filters and offer much better air exchange and
versatility. Sumps can be DIY'd from small aquariums so there is no
real need to run out and buy a pre-made sump if budget is a
Live Rock and Sand
180 lbs Aquacultured Live Rock (Tampa Bay Saltwater)
90 lbs Live Sand (Tampa Bay Saltwater)
Clean Up Crew
(90) Blue Leg Hermit Crabs
(45) Astrea Snails
(4) Tiger Tail Sea Cucumbers
<The above will starve to death in a new system, and 90 crabs and 45
snails is a bit much even for an aged 90 gallon tank. I would not add
any Cukes until this system has aged enough to provide a food supply
for them, and then, only add one.>
(2) Serpent or Brittle Stars
(2) Peppermint Shrimp
Livestock - Coral
(2) Toadstool Leather Coral
(1) Button Polyp
(1) Mushroom Coral
(1) Tree Coral
(1) Cauliflower Colt Coral
(1) Yellow Fiji Leather Coral
(1) Green Zoanthid
(1) Yellow Colony Polyp
(1) Lavender Mushroom
(1) Bullseye Mushroom
<Do research lighting requirements for the above corals.>
Livestock - Inverts
(1) Longed Spine Sea Urchin
(1) Sponge
<In time, your live rock should provide sponge colonies if it is of
good quality.>
(1) Giant Clam
<Not with your lighting selection.>
(2) Marble Sea Star
<Would not.>
(2) Feather Duster Worms
(1) Bubble Anemone
<Would not mix with other Cnidarians in that small a volume.>
Livestock - Fish
(4) Green Chromis
(1) Bicolor Blenny
(2) Royal Gramma
(1) Yellow Tang
(2) Ocellaris Clownfish
(2) Sleeper Banded Goby***
That's everything. Please let me know if anything is wrong, or it
needs any additions.
<As stated above.>
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
*** I heard that they were good for the substrate, is that true?
<In the wild it feeds on a variety of tiny crustaceans in the
substrate but isn't going to do much of anything else, and your
substrate will not be teeming with tiny crustaceans for quite some time
unless you seed it with such. The Brittle Starfish will do more in this
New tank stocking list
Hello team,
You have been most helpful with my past queries and, in particular, as
I have gone about researching my new tank. I have finally settled on
the Red Sea Max 250 which I plan to pick up this
<Ahhh, a very nice unit. JamesG has recently bought, set one up; and
I've written a review of this Red Sea product>
I assume you are familiar with this tank but nevertheless, it is a
60 gallon all-in-one setup with reef spec (so they
claim and more on my use of this later) lighting and filtration.
Reading the site and Bob's book, I have decided to make a stocking
plan prior to actually having the tank. I was hoping to run the same by
you and get your thoughts.
So here goes - The tank will be a reef setup with primarily soft corals
and LPS (based on the assumption that the company's claim on
lighting needs to be taken with a pinch of salt). I plan to stock more
feather dusters than coral. My show fish for the tank will be the flame
Priority two will be the royal gramma. In addition to these two fish, I
was planning on adding the follow - 1 percula (moved from my existing
tank and therefore a "must have"), 1 green coral goby and 1
fairy wrasse. In addition to the above I am currently looking into a
number of blennies to pick one for the tank. Have ruled out the
bi-color blenny but rest of the research is ongoing. Any
<These are posted on WWM>
I am, once again, avoiding the Mandarin because this tank does not have
a true fuge.
<Okay... though could be added>
For the clean-up crew, I plan to add 2 fire shrimp and 3 blue-legged
dwarf hermit crabs
Finally, I was thinking of adding a small school (3-4) green
Based on what I have read, the above seems to be a fairly heavily
stocked tank. Would you agree/advise at toning it down?
<Mmm, no; I think what you've listed will work and look very
Do you see any other concerns with the above stocking list?
<I do not>
<And you, Bob Fenner>
Re: New tank stocking list 8/4/11
Wow thanks for the super quick response. Is your article on WWM?
<Ahh, not as yet. It hasn't occurred in print in the US or
elsewhere as yet; and I generally allow about six months to go by post
analog publication before (if I remember...) to place on WWM>
I could not seem to find it. Could you possibly point me to it's
location/publication? What can I say, I've learnt to research till
my eyes hurt!
<Heeee! Don't strain!>
Reference your input on the Mandarin, assume you mean as a replacement
for the blenny or could I do both?
<Better to have just one or the other... for space, food
competition's sakes>
My concern was that since they will both be bottom/rock dwellers, I
would want to run short on space and food for them.
<Ahh, yes>
Thanks ever so much. Your site and book are really helping me get
things right. My first tank is truly flourishing even though it is a
bit tightly stocked.
<And you, BobF>
Hello Again Crew! Reef stkg.
Q's 8/1/11
I recently wrote and received information from Bob about Bluespot
Thanks again Bob!
<Welcome Bry>
Aforementioned the site is marvelous and I have recommended it to all
I've encountered. Tank setup is as follows: 55
gallon; 48" L, 12" W, 18" H, 60lbs. LR,
25" hang on refugium (4 lbs. LR/rubble),
Chaeto, 2 Koralia evolution 1400 gph, Marineland 48" reef
compatible LED's.
I have yet to add any fish or coral. The live rock I added however was
top of the line cherry deco and Jakarta, simply covered in coraline
algae, Shrooms, xenia, polyps and various hitchhikers. I use top of the
line salt and Chicago tap to RO water. I know probably against your
recommendation I used a friends well established reef to seed my
refugium/tank with copepods and all sorts of good little creatures.
<Mmm, actually; this is a very good idea/practice>
Tank has been up and running for three months with no casualties of any
species or algae. The pods are clearly visible throughout the tank and
refugium. My parameters are extremely stable and I do a 18% water
change every two weeks. Was hoping you could answer two questions.
First my list of fish which I know HAS to be negotiable. Is it possible
to have Bluespot Jawfish or pair (perhaps different
Jawfish if unsuitable conditions),
<Not likely to live long or well in this size, shape system, in
tropical temp. water>
Tailspot Blenny (Golden Midas), 2-4 Helfrich's Firefish and either
a pair of Mystery or Scott's Fairy Wrasses?
<These others should be fine here>
And secondly with my lighting can I sustain the full spectrum
of LPS, SPS, etc.?
<Mmm, the SPS if they're "set up high" on the rock. I
might borrow (from club, LFS) a light/PAR meter to assure the areas in
question have sufficiently intense illumination>
Thank you as always, Bryan Clifford, Chicago, IL
<Welcome! Bob Fenner>
Re: II Hello Again Crew! 8/1/11
Cheers, Bob! Although saddened about not being able to keep the
beautiful Bluespot Jawfish in a tropical tank(more people need to know
<Have posted my survey pc. re: http://wetwebmedia.com/BlueSptJawArt.htm
I understand that you simply CANNOT purchase fish/coral/inverts because
you like their appearance or behaviors. The Bluespot Jawfish is widely
distributed and I have a hard time imagining that all aquarists are
well informed of its natural habitat.
<I agree>
Found in the Sea of Cortez, the Bluespot Jawfish makes its home in a
subtropical setting, ranging mostly from
50°-60°c. Rarely the water will reach the low
<Say it again my brother!>
They also tend to have wide open sand, very little in the way of
"live rock", where they create their burrows. Often these
beauties will live less than a year in a normal reef setting. I
challenge anyone to Honestly send in a picture of a BJ that they have
had in captivity for longer then a year! I've yet to meet anyone,
unfortunately. With this being said Bob, I was hoping you could
recommend a few types of other Jaws I could research that are
compatible with my list from previous inquiry?
<Oh, sure: http://wetwebmedia.com/jawfishe.htm
and the linked files above; particularly "Stocking/Selection
As far as the "par reader" thank you I'm sure my LFS will
have no problem with this.
<Ah good. Cheers, BobF>
75 gallon stock list 4/28/2011
Hello crew,
<<Good morning Edward.>>
I am preparing to stock my 75 gallon future reef tank.
I was wondering if you could read over my stock list and setup to give
me any precautions or advice before I even start to add water. My tank
and gear is as follows.
75 gallon
1.5'' overflow
2 x 3/4'' returns
75 lbs of BRS Eco Saver dry rock (will be seeded with a quality piece
of live rock)
<<Just as an aside, there is absolutely nothing wrong with going
this route, but in doing so the longer you can go without adding fish
the better in attempt to allow micro-fauna and other life to
proliferate to measurable populations on the 'dead' rock. Just
a tip.>>
1''-2'' of sand
35 gallon refugium (contains Chaetomorpha lit with a 6700k cfl and live
rock rubble)
<<This will be very helpful re: the above.>>
Rio 12hf return pump ( I catch a lot of sneers for having a Rio return,
so far mine is quiet and pumps an actual 740gph through my
<<I have to admit my experiences with this brand haven't been
the most wonderful, but you already are aware of the issue, so no
further warning from me haha.>>
SWC extreme 160 cone skimmer
2x Koralia #3
2x Koralia #5 on Koralia Wavemaker
Reef Keeper lvl 3
2x 250w 15000k MH lights (will be switching to something closer to
10000k when these bulbs are aged)
1x 96w 10000k for sunset and dusk
GFO and reactor
The salt I use is Seachem reef salt.
I am going to be honest, although I do not want to overstock I do wish
to have as many fish as I can keep without being detrimental to their
health and happiness. As for my first stock list I have researched the
1x Exquisite Fairy Wrasse
<<Nothing wrong with this choice for your set up, just a note
here that they are prone to jumping especially when introduced to a new
1x Mimic Half Black (Acanthurus chronixis)
<<I will probably draw some groans from the 'galley' for
this, but despite these being rather small in comparison to it's
other cousins in the genus, having seen these fish in the wild they
still demand a large amount of swimming, grazing room. I personally
prefer not to put them in tanks less than 6ft, and in this specific
case it's more about the behavior (metabolism, diet...) of the
animal than it's actual potential size.>>
2x Neon Goby
<<These are readily available tank bred, get these if you
?x Spotted Cardinalfish ( I am unsure of how many, I was thinking
<<Yes but quarantine, add at the same time. See our article here;
1x Ocellaris clownfish (was thinking a mated pair but I believe it
would be a big risk in terms of them becoming territorial)
<<Not so much an issue with juveniles, but yes a mated, breeding
pair can become territorial, especially in artificially confined
As for cleanup I have only done a little reading but so far Trochus
snails and some form of less aggressive shrimp are the forerunners.
<<Remember the best clean up crew for a reef tank, is you the
aquarists, through nutrient export...water changes, proper
I will be adding SPS corals after the tank has fully matured. (year or
Sorry for the lengthy email it is just wonderful to get such great
input from experts of the crew's caliber. I have written before and
gotten advice for a freshwater tank that is thriving thanks to
<<I agree. He would/will be the first person I go to for a lot of
This is my first reef tank and the various articles and faqs here have
been invaluable.
<<Good, don't stop reading!>>
I sincerely appreciate all the advice you all give.
<<Thank you.>>
Thank you!
<<Adam J.>>
Re: 75 gallon mixed reef stocking choices 5/19/11
Hello Adam J.,
<<Welcome back Edward!>>
Thanks so much for your answer on my 75 gallon future reef stock list
that I submitted on 4/28.
After reading I agree that pretty much any Acanthurus would be too
large/active for my tank.
<<I'm glad you read behind me and came to the conclusion via
your own research, that's really important to me (us).>>
I also have decided to get a group of blue green Chromis instead of
cardinal fish. I also have decided against the Exquisite Fairy Wrasse.
Due to the fact that I can not find or get anyone to order the Vanuatu
variety. I much prefer their coloring over the Fiji.
The Ocellaris is a must due to my better half's fascination with
Nemo (sigh).
<<No worries, I've been in similar situations...as have most
adult aquarists/hobbyists haha.>>
I have also decided to keep my plan for 2 (tank bred) Neon Gobies.
<<A good choice.>>
I have also filled my tank and added about 1-2 inches of live sand. The
price I paid for it was only slightly higher then dry sand. My tank is
starting it's fish-less cycle (
as per WWM ) and I could not be more excited!
<<As I tell people, it might just be rocks and sand...but
it's rocks and sand in a tank in your house.>>
Here is where my question finally comes in. I am at a loss to find a
proper "show" fish that will be relatively large and happy in
my 75 gallon. I am trying to stay away from troublesome species such as
Centropyge or fish that have a tendency to eat/nip/harm corals or
inverts. Perhaps you could point me towards a genus?
<<Since you decided to omit the Cirrhilabrus (Fairy) wrasse, you
could look into the genus Pseudocheilinus (Lined) wrasses, which
includes the five bar or mystery wrasse (Pseudocheilinus ocellatus),
it's not cheap but it's relatively hardy and it's a
personal favorite of mine. Also a much better choice than the surgeon
you were looking at before is Siganus doliatus (the scribbled
Rabbitfish), they rarely exceed 7-7.5' (~20cm) in aquaria and
don't need nearly the space that an Acanthurus does, a hardy
herbivore that again in my opinion looks great...both are on the list
for my 120 build at the end of the summer.>>
Your input and time is hugely appreciated!
<<Good luck, keep me updated!>>
Thanks! Edward
<<Adam J.>>
Stocking List - 4/15/2011
Hi crew,
<Hello Kurt>
Thank you for having such a great site for those of us who are much
less knowledgeable then myself.
<You're welcome.>
I am in process of cycling my new 55 gallon reef tank.
It has only been set up for 1 week. It has a 15 gallon sump. Currently
4" DSB of sugar fine sand and will be adding one more inch later
this week.
Approximately 60 lbs of live rock curing outside the system, the rock
will be set up in the corners with an "island" in the middle
of the tank for separation. Protein skimmer, ramora <Remora> pro.
Two 10k T5, two antics <actinics>, 8 moonlight leds. Total
circulation will be ~ 15-20x turnover per hour circulation.
I am upgrading from a 6 gallon Nano that I had inherited when a
neighbour moved. Current inhabitants are; 1 Maroon Clown (yes I know a
way too small system, it was this way when I received it), 1 scarlet
reef hermit, 3 Blue Leg Hermits, 1 Emerald Crab, various colonies of
Zoas, 1, 5 head Duncan (was 1 head when I got the tank), 1 small tree
coral sp. Unknown, and various hitch hikers, including sponges, tube
worms and mirco <micro> brittle stars.
I have had this system running successfully for over a year and a half
thanks to the advice of your great site. I have religiously tested and
re-tested parameters weekly. I have been able to maintain near perfect
water quality with frequent water changes.
PH 8.3
Ammonia 0.0
phosphate 0.0
Phosphite ~.15 ppm. (Not sure if I have those right, I'm at work
and don't have the list in front of me).
<Why are you testing for this? A phosphite is a salt of phosphorous
acid much the same as phosphate.
The phosphate test is all that is needed.>
CA ~420
MG 1200
Salinity 1.024-1.025
Now my question for you. Once I have my 55gallon fully cycled I plan on
adding my fish in this order. Please let me know if this is wise, 1
maybe 2 Pearly Jaw Fish.
<Now I see why you wanted a five inch sand bed but I would not place
the Jawfish with a Maroon Clown. Being the Maroon Clownfish can be very
boisterous, they are also aggressive feeders and likely the Jawfish
will not get enough food.>
One flasher or fairy wrasse, species to be determined on your
<I'd go with a fairy wrasse. Male Flasher Wrasses do not flash
too much without a small harem of females present.>
I would like a hawk fish depending on if it would be compatible.
<Depends, Longnose Hawkfish or Flame Hawkfish.>
Was thinking about a trio of Anthias but I know this is out <Yes,
tank a little smallish for these.>
and lastly my maroon clown. I know due to the known aggression of this
species it would be best to be added last.
She is currently 2.5 - 3 inches and hosting a clump of hair algae.
I hope that this stocking order would work to allow the less aggressive
fish to set up their own territory. If you have any other suggestions I
would greatly appreciate it.
<Consider a couple of Yellow Tail Damselfish (Chrysiptera parasema).
Nice color, inexpensive, hardy, and behave reasonably well.>
Thank you in advance for your help.
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Re Stocking List, reef, rdg. - 4/15/2011- 4/16/2011
Mr. Salty Dog,
Thank you for the quick response.
<You're welcome.>
I apologize for the spelling errors. I use my phone for e-mails, have
to love the auto correct. As for the tests I meant nitrate was at 0.0
and nitrite was at .15.
<Something is amiss here, nitrite should be at zero. Recheck and/or
compare with another test kit.>
Would you recommend any blenny or goby for those set up?
<Not any, research/reading must be done to insure compatibility and
requirements can be provided.>
Possible one of the many different Scooters? Would you just forego any
of these species?
<Mmm, a Tail Spot or Bicolor Blenny would work well but there are
many equally attractive blennies available that do not grow too large
and are generally peaceful inhabitants. Problem here is that the Maroon
Clown will be preventing you from getting some of the fish you are
interested in due to it's aggressiveness and feeding behavior, may
want to consider trading this fish in.>
Would the Long Nose Hawk Fish pose a problem to my crabs, more
specifically the blue-legs?
<Possibly, along with small ornamental shrimp.>
Could a Dwarf Angel fit in the mix?
Sorry for so many more question but as one gets answered more
<And many of your questions can be answered by searching our site.
Search before writing.>
Thank you again,
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Re Stocking List - 4/15/2011- 4/16/2011-
Mr. Salty Dog
Thank you again for all the information. I feel as if I have been on
overload with reading to the point of my eyes going crossed and my
brain in a frying pan.
I re-tested with a new kit and my 6 gallon Nano is at 0.0 nitrite and
nitrate is at .10. My test kit was expired.
<Was thinking the same when I suggested this.>
I know my Nano is overstocked, hence the upgrade to the 55
gallon, and have fought battles, and won, with Cyano, Hair
algae, and Aiptasia. The Nano is a challenge but have brought many
hours of joy to my life, much to my wife's' chagrin. Greeting a
fish tank first instead of your wife will do that.
<Ooooh, now you're treading on grounds no man should
I do love the personality of my Maroon Clown and don't want to
trade her in.
<The wife or the clown?><<James...>>
I have had her since I was given my Nano. I have searched your site
thoroughly and have found conflicting information about compatibility
with my Maroon and that's why I finally sent an e-mail.
<You likely will find some conflicting information as there are
variables that can change behavior/compatibility somewhat, and the size
of the tank is once such variable.>
I think my last question for you would be the possibility of adding a
Black Capped Basslet to the mix be wise? The Basslet seems to be able
to join the mix from what I can infer from my reading.
<Should be a good fish for the mix but adding additional Basslets
down the road is likely to cause territorial issues between the Black
Capped and any new Basslets.>
At this point my stock list has settled on (unless you think
2 or 3 Yellow tailed Damsels
1 Long-nosed or Flame Hawkfish
1 Fairy wrasse
<Most fairy wrasses require more tank room than you are providing as
most can grow to 5".
The Red Velvet Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus rubrisquamis) is one of the
few Fairy Wrasses that will not exceed 3 1/2".
1 Black Capped Basslet
1 Maroon Clown
<A good choice compatibility wise but you will be pushing the
stocking limits of your tank if not already.>
I am going to forgo the Blenny or Goby.
I apologise if this information is already on your site, I just
can't seem to find it even with the search tool.
<Is how you enter the information you seek. Example....type in
"fairy wrasse + compatibility". You will be directed to a web
page where the first entry states "FAQs on wrasse
compatibility", and the third entry down. "Cirrhilabrus. A
few facts regarding this, the genus of Fairy or Velvet Wrasses....
Pretty easy wasn't it?>
Again thank you for everything. I just want to make sure that I am
doing everything correctly and not putting undue stress on any of my
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Adding a Butterflyfish... to a reef
aq. 3/9/11
I was curious of your thoughts on Butterflyfish in a reef tank. In
particular, the Triangle, Black & White, and the Semilarvatus
<These can be useful additions, I am not sure which species you mean
by the first two, perhaps Hemitaurichthys and Heniochus, if so, then
all three are known to be reasonably ok on the 'safeness'
scale, depending on your particular definition of 'safe'. I am
sure you are aware there are no guarantees.>
<No problem>
Tommy D.
Adding a Dwarf Angelfish???/Centropyge
Compatibility 3/8/2011
<Hi Tommy>
I have read several informational shorts on various Dwarf Angel's,
and most say "Reef Safe". Some say, with caution, I stay away
from looking at those.
But I am very interested in the "Reef Safe" Angels. I have a
120 gal Reef Tank. With large live rock and caves, several corals I
have purchased and some that came on the rock, like xenia and some
polyps <polyps>. I also have a beautiful clam and a large Coco
worm. Is there an Angel that's worth a try for my tank?
<Of the commonly kept Dwarf Angelfish, I know of none that I would
label reef safe. In the wild they are known to feed on algae,
zoobenthos, cnidarians, sponges, tunicates, and coral polyps, so there
is a risk
present. On the positive side, I as well as other aquarists have kept
many species of Dwarf Angelfish in reef tanks with no apparent damage
to invertebrates, but the risk is always present. At present, I have a
False Lemonpeel and a Coral Beauty who are very well behaved in my reef
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Tommy D.
Re Adding a Dwarf Angelfish???/Centropyge Compatibility 3/8/2011-
Do you have the False Lemonpeel & the Coral Beauty together in the
same tank?
<Yep, were added at the same time nearly four years ago.>
Also, I have a large Coco Worm & beautiful Clam. I know there's
always a "chance" they will nip at them. What do you
<Covered that, there is always a risk. It's your call to make
but, odds are the worm won't be harmed, odds are the clam will be
nipped at.>
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Re: Adding a Dwarf Angelfish???/Centropyge Compatibility
<First, please do not start a new thread on the same subject. Always
reply to the original thread.>
What is the difference between a Philippines Coral Beauty and a
<The Vanuatu is actually a subspecies of Centropyge
Also there is one that is cheaper in price than those two. Why is
<Likely more difficult to find, rarer. Bob, in your many diving
James (Salty Dog)><<Mmm, yes... the traffic in/out of Vanuatu
is MUCH more restricted... i.e., there are more expenses incurred in
shipping than the P.I.... and due to re-handling, there is more labour
cost. About the same common-ness on reefs. RMF>>
Small Marine Aquariums
Book 1:
Invertebrates, Algae
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Small Marine Aquariums
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Small Marine Aquariums
Book 3:
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