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Scolymia wellsi, Solitary Disk Coral.
Radiating, raised lines on polyp. Occur in greens, grays, browns.
Has rough, irregular cylindrical, thin septal teeth. Cozumel 2012 |
Sertularella speciosa,
Branching Hydroid. Branches alternate in single plane per stalk,
with white polyps alternating. Solitary or colonial. Cozumel 2012 |
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Sertularella speciosa,
Branching Hydroid. Branches alternate in single plane per stalk,
with white polyps alternating. Solitary or colonial. Cozumel 2012 |
Siphonodictyon coralliphagum, the Variable
Boring Sponge. Not for reef aquariums. Appears in various physical
forms, fingers to bowls, to encrusting patches. Bores into live
corals. May appear encrusting or tublular. |