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Macrodactyla doreensis (Quoy &
Gaimard 1833), the Corkscrew Tentacle Sea Anemone, Long Tentacle
Anemone (LTA), Sand, Red-Based... Anemone. Column generally colored dull
orange to red on lower part, to white above, buried in sediment that it can
completely retract into. Oral disc flared widely, with prominent white
radial lines. Tentacles uniform, long sinewy, tapering, corkscrew-like.
Distinctive (eye-like, round, non-adhesive) verrucae in rows on the stalk.
Disc often with radial appearance. S. Leyte 2013 |
Macrodactyla doreensis (Quoy &
Gaimard 1833), the Corkscrew Tentacle Sea Anemone, Long Tentacle
Anemone (LTA), Sand, Red-Based... Anemone. Column generally colored dull
orange to red on lower part, to white above, buried in sediment that it can
completely retract into. Oral disc flared widely, with prominent white
radial lines. Tentacles uniform, long sinewy, tapering, corkscrew-like.
Distinctive (eye-like, round, non-adhesive) verrucae in rows on the stalk.
Disc often with radial appearance. S. Leyte 2013 |
Stichodactyla gigantea
(Forsskal 1775), the Gigantic (Carpet) Anemone. Family
Stichodactylidae. Has characteristic deeply folded oral disc, with short,
tapering, blunt tentacles. Often found attached via a relatively narrow
column to something solid while surrounded by sand in very shallow water.
Come in browns, blue, green, pink, purple tentacle colors. Showing the large
folded "mouth" here in S. Leyte 2013.
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Stichodactyla haddoni (Saville-Kent 1893),
Haddon's (Carpet) Sea Anemone. Family Stichodactylidae.
Variably folded disc surface, open near surface. Has a
tentacle-free central area (10-20 mm.). Very small tentacles with
narrow stalks, globose ends; internal rings have smaller tentacles than
external, often vary in color. Have larger columns... Lives in sand in which
it can/does completely retract when disturbed. S. Leyte 2013 |