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.JPG) |
Genus Heteroxenia Kolliker 1874: Characterized by their
heteromorphic condition; possession of longer, non-retractile auto- and
siphonozoid (much shorter polyps, placed on stalks in-between the
autozoids... may only be seen when autozoids are retracted) polyps.
Highly pinnate, long tentacles, typically non-branching
colonies. S. Leyte 2013 |
Genus Heteroxenia Kolliker 1874: Characterized by their
heteromorphic condition; possession of longer, non-retractile auto- and
siphonozoid (much shorter polyps, placed on stalks in-between the
autozoids... may only be seen when autozoids are retracted) polyps.
Highly pinnate, long tentacles, typically non-branching
colonies. S. Leyte 2013 |
.JPG) |
Genus Heteroxenia Kolliker 1874: Characterized by their
heteromorphic condition; possession of longer, non-retractile auto- and
siphonozoid (much shorter polyps, placed on stalks in-between the
autozoids... may only be seen when autozoids are retracted) polyps.
Highly pinnate, long tentacles, typically non-branching
colonies. S. Leyte 2013 |
.JPG) |
Genus Heteroxenia Kolliker 1874: Characterized by their
heteromorphic condition; possession of longer, non-retractile auto- and
siphonozoid (much shorter polyps, placed on stalks in-between the
autozoids... may only be seen when autozoids are retracted) polyps.
Highly pinnate, long tentacles, typically non-branching
colonies. S. Leyte 2013 |