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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Erythropodium caribaeorum, Encrusting
Gorgonian. Form encrusting mats that look hairy when polyps are
extended, smooth, light colored, like leather when
retracted. St Thomas 2014. TiffB pic.

Eucidaris tribuloides (Lamarck 1816), Mine, Pencil, Club Urchin.
Tropical West Atlantic. Solitary, hiding by day. Live on algae, bryozoans,
sponges, tunicates in the wild. Algae and opened shellfish in captivity. To
about three inches in diameter.
St Thomas 2014.
.JPG) |
Eudistoma sp. St Thomas 2014.
.JPG) |
Gymnothorax moringa Cuvier 1829, the
Spotted Moray Eel. Tropical eastern and western Atlantic coasts. To
four feet in length.
(most less than half that in captivity and the wild)Common in the
wild. St Thomas 2014.