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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Pseudanthias hypselosoma Bleeker
1878, Stocky Anthias. Maldives to Australia, southern Japan. To 19 cm. in
length according to Fishbase, though I've never seen one over four inches in
the wild. A male a in silty near-shore water in Pemuteran, Bali 2014. |
Pseudanthias pleurotaenia (Bleeker
1857), the Square-Spot Anthias. To eight inches in length. Western Pacific.
One to a tank unless your system is huge (hundreds of gallons). Pemuteran,
Bali 2014. |
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Yellow Fin, Margin or Face Triggerfish, Pseudobalistes
flavimarginatus (Ruppell 1829). A beauty and peaceful for a
triggerfish when small. To two feet. Indo-west Pacific, Red Sea to along
Africa's eastern coast to Natal. Pemuteran, Bali 2014. |
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Paracheilinus sp.; well-named "Flasher Wrasses", an appellation deserved
for the eight or so species behavior as well as appearance. They are
"flashy" in their males bright coloration and longish finnage, and
"flashers" as they emerge above the reef, show off their grandeur with
lateral displays and just as quickly dive back into their coral lairs. Pemuteran,
Bali 2014. The perils of chasing small, fast, smart fishes w/ a 60 mm
close-up lens. |