FAQs about Marine Snail Egg Identification
Related Articles: Gastropods, Sea Slugs, Mollusks, Abalone,
Related FAQs: Snail Egg
ID 1, Snail Egg ID 2, &
Snail ID 1, Snail ID 2, Snail
ID 3, Snail ID 4, Snail ID 5, Snail
ID 6, Snail ID 7, Snail ID 8, Snail ID
9, Snail ID 10, Snail ID 11, Snail ID
12, Snail ID 13, Snail ID 14, Snail
ID 15, Snail ID 16, Snail ID 17, Snail ID
18, Snail ID 19, Snail ID 20, Snail
ID 21, Snail ID 22, Snail ID 23, & Marine Snails 1, Marine Snails 2, Marine Snails 3, Invertebrate ID, Snail Behavior, Snail Selection, Snail Compatibility, Snail Systems, Snail Feeding, Snail Disease, Snail Reproduction, Mollusks, Sea
Slugs, Abalone ,

Identifying a possible plague 8/11/19
Hi Bob,
How are you? I hope you are doing great. Can you help me to identify something?
The picture is from a User that doesn't speak English.
Thank you very much.
Best Regards, Raul
<Hey Raul. These oblong pellets look to be fecal material... could be gastropod
eggs. I'd vacuum out.
Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Re: Identifying a possible plague 8/11/19
Thank you Bob,
Do you think snails can damage zoanthids?
<Oh yes; some snail species predate Zoas>
Because that is what my friend is looking to solve. His zoanthids are
2 questions:1. If we want our logo (triton) in the top of your web page what are
the options?
<Oh, easy to answer. All sponsors on WWM receive equal random showing at the
top, banner and bottom spaces for their linked logo pix. The cost is $300 per
month for universal placement; which because Triton makes, sells products for
all types of systems would be best:
2. Can you also identify the attached things in the rock in the attached
<Yes; pretty confident that these are gastropod (snail) eggs. Bob Fenner>
Thank you.
Best Regards,
Raul Labastida
Triton Distribución Latinoamérica
Re: Identifying a possible plague 8/11/19
Thank you Bob
Raul Labastida
Triton Distribución Latinoamérica
<Glad to help Raul. Cheers, BobF>
Eggs! 4/26/15
These eggs appeared over a few hours this afternoon. Eggs in paddle shaped
Any clue as to fish, snail or crab?
I have 20 gallon Bio Reef nano 2 years old. Red hermits, sexy shrimp, Nassarius
sp, ( Inc a couple of the butterscotch) also a hairy ginger slug with a shell
cap was lurking there earlier. Soft corals, Fungia, open brain and hammer coral.
3 blue eyed cardinals, glass goby, peacock wrasse.
Snail most likely....
<Ah yes... see WWM re>
Kind regards
Kerrie UK
<And you, Bob Fenner>
Eggs! – Likely Gastropod 4/26/15
These eggs appeared over a few hours this afternoon. Eggs in paddle shaped
clutches. Any clue as to fish, snail or crab?
<They appear to be snail eggs.>
I have 20 gallon Bio Reef nano 2 years old. Red hermits, sexy shrimp, Nassarius
sp, ( Inc a couple of the butterscotch) also a hairy ginger slug with a shell
cap was lurking there earlier. Soft corals, Fungia, open brain and hammer coral.
3 blue eyed cardinals, glass goby, peacock wrasse. Snail most likely....
<Yep, I concur.>
Kind regards
Kerrie UK
<Take care, Lynn Z>
Re: What is it
Thanks for reply i sent two of same photo. The photo i have attached this time
shows the string like object i am trying to identify. It came from the coral
shown in the first email. I thought it had been absorbed back into the coral,
but it has now appeared about 12 inches away attached to the underside of rock..
any ideas thank for your time
<Oh! These are likely snail eggs. Read here:
Bob Fenner>
Something weird on live rock? Possible egg capsules –
<Hi, Lynn here this evening.>
I bought some live rock and found this thing on it, I have no idea what
it is, do you have any idea?
<It looks a bit like Gastropod/snail egg capsules. It’s hard to
tell from the photo, but it looks like one may have already opened.
It’ll be interesting to see what, if anything emerges from the other
capsule. Please see the following link for examples of egg
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/SnailEggIDF2.htm >
<You’re very welcome, Lynn Z>

Re: Something weird on live rock? Possible egg capsules – 2/15/17
Thank you very much,
<You’re very welcome.>
Here is a video if it will help you get a better view.
<Thanks, but unfortunately, my computer can’t recognize the file-type.
I’d need something compatible with Windows Media Player (e.g. .mpeg,.asf,
.wma, .wmv, etc.). Take care, Lynn Z.>
Re: Something weird on live rock? Possible egg capsules – 2/18/13
Sorry about that, I think this should work.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FT2HNpcq1M&feature=youtu.be If you can't
get the video please tell me.
<Thanks, it worked just fine. Those are definitely snail egg capsules,
and if I'm right, they're empty. If they still held viable eggs/young,
you'd be able to see them within the translucent walls. Do take a
closer look, however, to see if I'm mistaken. If that's the case, let me
know. Otherwise, you can either choose to remove the capsules or let
them remain. They'll more than likely detach/disintegrate on their own
at some point and disappear.>
<You’re most welcome. Take care, Lynn Z>
What is this growing in my tank???? Snail Egg Capsules
– 3/7/12
<Hello there, Lynn here today.>
I found this growing at the base of my finger
leather. Over the next two days it began growing all
over and onto the base of it. I just removed it, hopefully.
It is firm but yet flexible. It feels like bristles. Any
<Yep, you have what appears to be a grouping of snail egg
capsules. I’ve seen similar clusters from snails in the
family Muricidae (a large group of predators commonly referred to
as Murex, Drills, Rock snails, etc.). It could also be from
something else like a Whelk of some sort. By any chance do
you have any snails in your system, and if so, what species are
they? Please see the following links for examples of Murex
How did it get in my tank?
<One snail (or several) deposited them.>
Me pulling it out, could I have spread it and made the problem
<Nope, once removed, the snails won’t have the opportunity
to hatch.>
Please let me know as soon as you can!
<Hope this helps! Take care, Lynn Z>
Re: What is this growing in my tank???? Snail Egg
Capsules – 3/7/12
Thank you.
<You’re very welcome.>
If some indeed do hatch, is this bad?
<It all depends on the species and its diet.>
Is this a bad kind of snail species to have?
<Unfortunately, I don’t know what species it is, so I’m not
sure. >
I have quite a few kind of snails in my tank...not sure what
all they are.
<If you could send some photos, I could take a look and try to
narrow things down a bit.>
Should I be concerned?
<Well, if these capsules are from a snail (or snails) that
you’ve had for quite awhile and you haven’t had any problems,
then you may be okay. Just keep an eye out for trouble and
remove if/when necessary. If however, the capsules are from
an as yet unseen snail (or snails) that hitchhiked in on a recent
purchase, then it could go either way. If it were me, I’d
remove them. I think the chances are better than 50-50 that
they’re from some sort of predatory snail and it’s just not
worth taking the risk. Take care, Lynn Z> |
Spotted Butterscotch Snail, eggs?
At the bottom of my saltwater reef are clear scale like, see
through objects which are anchored at the bottom, in the sand.
Looks like grains of sand in them and the butterscotch snail is
usually around them but not touching them. This has happened
before and I just removed them. But it happened again. Could
these possible be eggs of the butterscotch.
<Mmm, doesn't seem descriptive. Look on the Net re
"Nassarius eggs"... are these similar?>
I looked on the web however could not find anything like this.
they are shaped like a filled in 'V'. Have you seen these
before? My snail is approx 1 inch long and no other butterscotch
snails around.
<Might be Hydroids of some sort. Bob Fenner>
Re: Spotted Butterscotch Snail 11/24/11
The only reason why I feel they are connected to the Butterscotch
snail is that the snail stays on top of the sand in the middle of
them for like all night and in the morning its under the sand.
The snail has its tongue like bottom in a column, raising its
shell and will stay like that for an hour or so, like its laying
these things. However can't see if it is or not. Should I
chance it and leave these in my tank and see if they are eggs (do
they need to be fertilized) or remove them before they turn into
something "bad".
<... Please send along a well-resolved image. BobF>
Re: Spotted Butterscotch Snail 11/24/11
could not get better pictures, however you can probably get the
gist of it. I pulled a couple out of the water.
<... ? Did you search as I suggested last email? Don't
know what these are, but don't look like snail eggs period to
me. B>

Strange growth on fossil in tank 11/6/11
I have looked everywhere and I can not identify this growth on an
old skeleton in my tank. Can you help me identify this please? It
was growing in the dark at the bottom of a stack of rocks in my
tank. I noticed it today as I was rearranging the rock for more
caves. It is hard and does not move if I move the rock Thank you
in advance for you time!
Hope all is well,
Jodi L. Sardina
<Thank you; yes. These are very likely snail eggs... Do look
up for the species you have here on the Net. Bob Fenner>

White hemispheres on tank back
Do any of you wonderful people here have any idea what these
might be?
<Eggs; likely gastropod/snail>
Several dozen of these little white hemispheres appeared on the
back surface of my tank. They are about 3-4 mm across and almost
perfectly round. Their appearance has roughly corresponded with
the appearance of a dozen or so Spirorbids on some live rock,
which may or may not be a coincidence. Thanks!
<What species of snails do you have present? Any Neritids?
Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/SnailEggIDF2.htm
Bob Fenner>

Re: White hemispheres on tank back
Bob - Thanks! You always come through. I checked the link you gave,
and the Nerite snail egg pics there look exactly like what I've
got. I do have a few Nerite snails, along with several Nassarius
(my favorite!) as well as several Cerith and banded Trochus. In
fact, at this very moment there is a Nerite snail on the back wall
just a few inches from a patch of these eggs!
You folks are the best.
<Thank you Tim. BobF> |
How Do I Care for Snail Eggs? 5/20/11
<Hello Dave, Lynn here today.>
I just want to say I have found your FAQ and articles very
helpful; this is my first question/post though.
<Fire away!>
I found these (see attached pics) on the side of my refugium, I
think they are Cerith snail eggs?
<They certainly appear to be.>
My question: Is there anything I can do to care for them or
ensure their survival?
<I would leave them as is and observe. Their survival, beyond
hatching, is largely dependent upon which species you have. Some
Cerithium spp. (e.g., Cerithium muscarum and Cerithium lutosum)
develop within the egg to the point that when they hatch, they
emerge as crawling snails (method referred to as 'direct
development'). These species have a fairly good chance of
survival within aquaria as long as there's enough food
available, the water quality's okay, and nothing's
preying on them. On the flipside, species such as Cerithium
eburneum and Cerithium litteratum emerge from the egg into a
free-swimming/planktonic larval stage that unfortunately does not
bode well for their survival. In cases such as this, these
'indirect' developers are exposed to all manner of
threat, including filters, skimmers, pumps, etc., as well as
hungry corals, fishes, and other organisms. Beyond that, indirect
developing snails often require specific foods in order to
survive, may be in the water column anywhere from a week or so,
up to almost a year, and require specific cues in order to prompt
the young to settle to the substrate and metamorphose into
miniature versions of the adults. Needless to say, it could
present a real challenge to meet the specific requirements for a
given species. All in all, unless there are hermits, shrimps or
other little 'pickers' and predators within your
refugium, the eggs are actually in a pretty good place. I would
simply keep an eye on them (they'll probably break up/detach
and disappear within a few days) and hope for the best when it
comes to the young. The good news is that whether they survive
and add to the clean-up crew, or serve as a natural source of
nutrition for your livestock, it's going to end up being
beneficial to your system. If you'd like to pursue this
topic/issue further, I'd recommend trying to identify which
Cerithium species you have and learn more about its reproductive
method. If you need more information or assistance, please let
me/us know.>
<Take care and good luck! Lynn Z>

White Curly String-Like Thing on Glass/Snail Egg ID
Hi All,
<Hello Amy, our daughter's name is Amy also, but
you're not asking for money, are you? :-)>
I have an odd white, curly, string-like thing on the glass of my
Actually there are three of them that I can see, the one in the
photo is the largest (3.5 inches). I have attached a photo. In
the picture it almost looks like there is sand in the white
strings, but in person there is no sand (I don't think,
anyway). I have Googled all day but haven't found
<Looks to me like you have what's called a snail trail.
One of your snails, likely a Cerith, decided to
deposit eggs on the glass.
Take a look at our numerous snail egg ID FAQs here, look for a
match up.
Tank Info:
Tank has been set up since April 9, 2011
90 gallon DT
30 gallon sump
Lighting :
x1 QuietOne 4000 return pump (sump directly below DT,
approximately 4ft head loss)
Two Koralia Evolution pumps flow rate 1050
Octopus 110 Pinwheel Protein Skimmer - on line since April 30,
100 lbs cured live rock added April 9, 2011
60 lbs live sand added April 9, 2011
Have made my own RO/DI water since the beginning - 000 TDS
SeaChem Reef Salt
Refractometer Reads 1.026
Temp - 78.4 (this is normally a tad higher but it is cool and
rainy here today in Cincinnati)
API Saltwater Master Test Kit Reads:
High pH - 8.0
<High pH????>
Ammonia - between 0ppm and 0.25ppm (this has been at 0ppm but
elevated this week, I think shortly after the snails were
NitrAte - 0ppm
NitrIte - 0ppm
Hermits and snails added April 29, 2011
Engineer Goby
Hair algae (suggestions on beating this?)
<Go here. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/algaeconMar.htm>
Mr. Goby gets fed a mixture of mysis and brine shrimp thawed in
DT water every other day (although I think my boyfriend sneaks
him food). I have not done any water changes since the tank has
been set up, but I do add about a gallon of fresh RO/DI daily to
top off.
Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>

Re White Curly String-Like Thing on Glass/Snail Egg ID
Thanks for your help! I guess my Google description wasn't very
good. From what I read it doesn't sound like the snail babies
are very likely to survive, poor eggs. Also, the High pH is just
what it says on the solution bottle.
<Oh. Just wanted to clarify, thought you may have thought your
pH was high.>
Thanks again for your help!
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Oh, and if you are handing out money to everyone named Amy, I will
certainly take some! :)
<None left to hand out. :-( Problem is, my Amy is cuter than a
bug in a rug and it was difficult saying no to her when she gives
you those big sad puppy dog eyes. She is now doing much better than
her father in the last few years. Had landed a very good job at the
Mayo Clinic in AZ. Won't have to worry about her anymore. Geez,
I wish Bob would adopt me.><<Already have. B>>
-Amy |
Identification Help, sans pic 3/16/2011
Dear WetWebMedia,
I need your help identifying something in my saltwater aquarium.
I've been seeing these puffy little oblong-shaped things in
my aquarium for over a month now. They are white in color with a
grayish/purplish tint. I thought it was just a few of them
because they blended in with the LR, but upon closer inspection
this afternoon, there's a TON of them! I guess they're
multiplying...? I took a scalpel and tried to scrape one off the
rock. It seemed soft, and when I tried to scrape it off the rock,
I ripped it open and it looked like it released a bunch of little
specks (spores, maybe?).
Do you know what they are, and are they harmful?
<Would be impossible to accurately ID your invaders without a
pic. My best guess would be sponges or tunicates (Sea Squirts)
which would not be harmful in your system.>
My aquarium is 50 gallons with a 20 gallon sump, and it has been
set up for almost a year. My non-coral livestock consists of a
yellow watchman goby, a splendid leopard wrasse, 2 naked
clownfish, two sand-sifting starfish, a cleaner shrimp, two
peppermint shrimp, 2 emerald crabs, scarlet hermits, blue-legged
hermits, and Nassarius, Trochus, margarita, Nerite, and zebra
turbo snails.
Thank you so much for your help,
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Re Identification Help 3/16/2011 - 3/17/2011
Dear WetWebMedia,
Thanks for your help. I've attached a picture to this e-mail
of the "creatures" in the hope that you may be able to
get a more exact ID.
<Difficult to see any detail as the pic pixelizes when blown
up. I'm guessing a sponge or Ascidian of some type, likely
the later. Bob may have a more accurate ID.><<Appear to
be Nerite eggs... Do read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/SnailEggIDF2.htm
and on WWM re the family (Neritidae). RMF>>
Thank you,
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>

Re Identification Help, Neritid snail eggs 3/16/2011 -
<<Appear to be Nerite eggs... Do read here:
> http://wetwebmedia.com/SnailEggIDF2.htm and on WWM re the
> (Neritidae). RMF>>
Thank you!
<You're welcome and will pass on to Bob. James (Salty
Thank you, Bob