FAQs about Stick Shrimps, Tozeuma
Related Articles: Hippolytid Cleaner Shrimp,
A Few Common Shrimps for the Marine Aquarium by James W.
Related FAQs: Hippolytids 1, Hippolytids 2, Hippolytid Identification, Hippolytid Behavior, Hippolytid Compatibility, Hippolytid Selection, Hippolytid Systems, Hippolytid Feeding, Hippolytid Disease, Hippolytid Reproduction, & FAQs on All
Shrimp 1, Cleaner
Shrimp 2, All Cleaner Shrimp
Identification, Cleaner Shrimp
Behavior, Cleaner Shrimp
Selection, Cleaner Shrimp
Compatibility, Cleaner Shrimp
Systems, Cleaner Shrimp
Feeding, Cleaner Shrimp
Disease, Cleaner Shrimp
Reproduction, & Coral Banded
Shrimp, Dancing Shrimp,
Harlequin Shrimp, Pistol Shrimp, Saron Shrimp, Shrimp Identification, Shrimp Selection, Shrimp Behavior, Shrimp Compatibility, Shrimp Systems, Shrimp Feeding, Shrimp Reproduction, Shrimp Disease, Crustacean Identification,
Crustacean Selection, Crustacean Behavior, Crustacean Compatibility, Crustacean Systems, Crustacean Feeding, Crustacean Disease, Crustacean Reproduction,
Query - I need help ID'ing something please
Dear all,
My family and are just starting to set up our first Marine tank.
Your site has been really useful so far helping me ID some hitch
hiking starfish that came with our live rock.
We put the rock in 2 days ago and as I say we had about 5
Asterina on it, but last night we noticed the guy in the picture
attached. We're really new to all this so please excuse me if
I get the terminology wrong. He looks like a shrimp (to my
untrained eye) and is just under an inch long has pincers on his
front legs and is greenish in color. To be honest he looks like
he may have been hurt on the way from where-ever he came
He was eating off the rocks last night though.
I just want to check to see if you had any ideas what he could
<Looks like it could be a species of Tozeuma... a Hippolytid
at the bottom, and click on the link to the genus there>
We haven't got any inverts or fish in the tank at the moment
as we are setting up and I want to make sure he isn't going
to eat anything else that we do eventually put in there, so if
you could advise about this I'd really appreciate it.
Thanks in advance for your time and I hope that you can help. If
you need any more info please let me know.
<Bob Fenner>
/Tozeuma/creature[1]%20Tozeuma.jpg) |
"Green stick shrimp" 8/3/09
Hey Bob or other wonder-crew!
It's Andy from lovely Colorado here.
I have a 90 gal. macroalgae tank connected to my large system
with many types of macro (including a couple different types of
Sargassum), five Dartfish, a pair of Banggais, and a lovely pair
of seahorses
along with cleaners of the snail variety (Columbellids, Ceriths,
Nassarius, etc.). I've had someone offer me some "green
stick shrimp," supposedly collected in the Gulf of Mexico.
As near as I can tell, they look like a type of Latreutes sp. or
Sargassum shrimp. It looks like it might be a fun,
not-something-you-see-everyday type of addition that could go
with the theme of the tank (well somewhat: it's certainly no
biotope, but it feels like a theme).
<Is a Latreutes; I believe Latreutes parvulus>
But, I can find nothing on these shrimp aside from a few larval
development papers, and a couple of oblique references to them by
Bob on your site.
Can you tell me what the expected mature size might be? What they
might eat? Whether they might be threats to the other members of
the tank? Please consider that I don't want anything that
might upset the
horses. They are a regularly breeding pair of Hippocampus comes
and I'm trying to help get a captive-bred breeding population
established here.
Thanks for the help! Photo attached.
Andy Berry
<Unfortunately I know nothing re the biology or captive
husbandry of this genus. Bob Fenner>
/Green_shrimp[1].jpg) |
Re: "Green stick shrimp"
Thanks for the ID and thanks for your time, Bob. I hope you have
a good week!
<Let's not limit ourselves Andy... I heartily wish you a
great life time... even a here after!!! BobF>
Help with Shrimp ID: Likely Tozeuma spp. --
2/24/09 Hi there! <Hi Tom!> I know that your site
is primarily dedicated to aquarium keepers, but you also seem
incredibly knowledgeable about aquatic life in general, so
I'm hoping you can help me ID this creature I saw today while
snorkeling in Jupiter, FL in the Intercoastal Waterway (Blue
Heron Bridge, some of the best snorkeling in FL). <Lucky you
-- wish I was there! It was in the forties and raining here today
in the Seattle area!> I am 98% sure it was a species of
shrimp, but I've never heard of anything like it. <Yep,
it's a shrimp alright. It's most likely a species of
Tozeuma, possibly Tozeuma carolinense (aka an Arrow Shrimp). They
vary in color, from bluish purple, to green, or gray, depending
on habitat (Gorgonians, sea grasses, etc). Their ability to blend
in and flatten themselves out along slender branches or within
seagrasses makes them very difficult to spot by predators and
divers alike.> I've spent the past two hours Googling with
a variety of keywords, mostly involving "green" and
"shrimp", and nothing's come up at all. <Try
Tozeuma. Also, see the following links for examples:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/hippolytidae.htm Tozeuma carolinense:
> At the time, I was observing a small group of pipefish that
were hiding in some plants. <Neat> The pipefish were bright
green, and I saw what I initially mistook for a juvenile pipefish
in the midst of them, only he was bent in the middle. Curious, I
moved my hand toward him. He moved backward! <I bet he did!
Beware the giant hand!> Eventually I caught the animal in my
hand out of curiosity (I know, you're not supposed to touch,
but I couldn't help it!). It was bright lime green, about
three inches long, <Are you absolutely sure it was that long?
The reason I ask is that T. carolinense only gets to about half
that length (just under 4cm/~ 1.5').> ...and as big around
as a thick toothpick. It had legs like a shrimp, and a tail like
a shrimp, but it had a VERY long proboscis, with two yellow eyes
close to the middle of its body. It didn't bend its entire
body to move, like a shrimp usually does, but instead whipped the
very end of its tail. Unfortunately I was not able to snap a
picture of it, but I made a pretty bad yet accurate MS Paint
rendering of it (best I could do, I'm sorry). <No worries,
Tozeuma spp. have a distinctive body shape with a neat little fan
tail that you did a good job of portraying.> If you guys can
help, that would be awesome! If not, no big deal, I'm going
to keep looking. -Tom <I'm fairly certain that what you
saw was an Arrow Shrimp/Tozeuma spp. of some sort, but do take a
look around the 'net for confirmation. Take care and happy
snorkeling! --Lynn>
/Tozeuma/mystery_shrimp[1]%20toz.jpg) |
Re: Help with Shrimp ID: Likely
Tozeuma spp. -- 2/24/09 <Hello Tom> Thanks for the
swift response! <You're very welcome!> The picture of
the Tozeuma was close, that's for sure, but I'm not 100%
certain, if only because the eyes in the picture are set much
further forward than the shrimp I saw. But it's the right
length and shape! <Good. I'm pretty sure it's a
Tozeuma spp. of some sort.> And yes, I'm pretty sure about
the size. I know that the water distorts your perception, but
this time around I had a bit of a guide. When I held it in my
hand, nose to tail it was almost the width of my palm, and I have
very large hands. <Good reference, indeed.> But like I
said, going by the picture, the Tozeuma shape is close, so now I
have that for a keyword to help in my Googling! <Yay! Let us
know if/when you find the little fellow.> Thanks so much! -Tom
<You're most welcome! - Lynn>
Follow-up Re: Help with Shrimp ID:
Likely Tozeuma spp. -- 2/24/09 <Hi Tom> Aha!
Confirmation! <Yay!> Though a tiny bit more confusion. I
did a Google Image Search for Tozeuma, and I have identified what
I saw. It was a Tozeuma armatum. There's no mistaking it.
This is very exciting, because they are apparently very rare!
<Neat!> I wish I knew who I could report my finding to.
<Perhaps someone at the Florida Fish and Wildlife Research
Institute in St. Petersburg. Here's a link to their site with
more information:
> However, further Googling makes me wonder what the heck it
was doing in Florida!! Though in the area I snorkel, I'm not
entirely surprised. There are Sea Robins everywhere, and
they're not supposed to be found outside of China and
Indonesia. So we have all sorts of wacky things! <Heheee!>
Once again, thank you so much for your help! -Tom <You're
very welcome and thanks for letting us know which little shrimp
that was! --Lynn>