FAQs on Wrasse Trauma
Related Articles: Wrasses, Wrasses of the
FAQs on Wrasse Disease by Category:
Parasitic (See also:
Wrasses &
Related FAQs: Wrasse Disease 1, Wrasse
Disease 2, Wrasses, Wrasses 2, Wrasse Identification, Wrasse Selection, Wrasse Behavior, Wrasse Compatibility, Wrasse Systems, Wrasse Feeding, Wrasse Reproduction,

Wrasse encounter with fireworm
Good morning Crew,
I have a Solon Wrasse that had a run in with a large fireworm a few
weeks ago.
The bristles were very obvious, but they eventually dissolved as
However, he's never really seemed to come back around.
<Ahh, this takes a while... >
He'll get out and swim around in spurts, but generally hides out the
majority of the day. At this point, I suspect a secondary infection, and
am thinking I should remove him to a hospital tank for treatment.
<Mmm; if this fish is eating (as a base line behavior), I'd leave it
where it is>
My two questions are, is this prudent, as while his behavior has
changed, he does not seem to have any obvious issues such as weight loss
or outward physical damage, and I'm worried about stressing him more.
<You are wise here>
Second, if I do remove him for treatment, what should I treat with?
There are so many antibacterials around.
<Yes; and none...>
<Please do report back with your further observations. Bob Fenner>
Re: Wrasse encounter with fireworm
Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately he seems to be getting worse
instead of better. He was eating several days ago, but now I'm not sure
if he is or not. He's not reacted to food placed in the tank when I've
been watching,
I'll try to target feed him tomorrow if I can get to where he's hiding
with a baster.
Tonight he was just laying on the sand in the front corner of the tank.
<A normal behavior to extents>
His breathing seems normal, possibly some minor dorsal fin damage. He's
just super lethargic. My biggest concern is that 4-5 days after the
incident he seemed almost back to normal, but he now seems to be getting
progressively worse.
<Again; it is my experience that moving traumatized fishes as this is
worse than leaving them in place. Bob Fenner>
Re: Wrasse encounter with fireworm
Follow up to my earlier email below:
Fed some frozen by targeting the area where he was resting with a
He grabbed the largest piece he could, but almost seemed like he was
winded afterwards. He rested on a piece of live rock and was breathing
more rapidly, before hiding behind the rockwork.
<Might be "winded". Fishes have hematocrits (packed cell volume;
percentage of cells to liquid/plasma per their blood; but their
environment has little oxygen (7-8 ppm, vs. 21,000 in our
terrestrial/surface world). If/when they
are "damaged" and/or "leak" their capacity for "breathing" is
diminished... Trouble. BobF>
Re: Wrasse encounter with fireworm
Thanks Bob. That was my feeling too, but I wanted to double check with
you and your crew. I'll just keep an eye on him and make sure he gets
targeted feedings until he's back to normal. I'll be sure to e-mail you
with the results.
<Thank you. This is what I'd do as well Adam. B>
Re: Wrasse encounter with fireworm 10/31/17
Good Afternoon Bob,
Much worse today. Colors are muted and he is swimming erratically,
falling headfirst onto the substrate and crashing into things, coming to
rest vertically wherever he runs out of energy. He did not take food at
all, and definitely looks like a fish near the end now.
<Not good signs. B>
Re: Wrasse encounter with fireworm 10/31/17
Unfortunately, he didn't make it through yesterday. I've known the worm
was in there for years, but had never seen a need to remove it despite
its size (Almost as thick as my pinky, probably around a foot long,
though it's never come all the way out) as it had never shown any
interest in any of the living inhabitants.
<Oh; the encounter was likely started by the Wrasse>
Even now, this was just an unfortunate accident, not an attack. But it's
making me consider trying to trap it and move it to the sump to prevent
future such occurrences. There's also a good chance there was something
else going on that contributed.
<Sounds good. Do see WWM re Polychaete Compatibility/Removal FAQs for
input on traps here>
<Thank you, Bob Fenner>
Wrasses losing balance, dying -
Ichthyophonus? 4/2/12
First of all, thank you for the awesome site you have been running, the
information available on WWM recently helped me a lot in setting up a
QT and treating successfully for Crypt. We (my brother and I)
have been keeping marines for around five years, and we learnt numerous
lessons in those years (most importantly I suppose the use of a
QT). We have a bit of a problem at the moment with new fish we
bought over the weekend. We use the metric system and measure
temperature in Celsius, so apologies upfront for the cm's, liters
and C's I am going to use.
<No worries>
The fish are going into two separate tanks, one a 80cm cube and the
other a 45cm nano (hence the duplication in fish bought). We stay
in Johannesburg, South Africa, and there are only a handful of
reputable fish stores around.
We went to one this weekend and bought the following:
2x Yellow tail Tamarin wrasses (Anampses meleagrides, around
<Wow, small>
2x Midas Blennies (Ecsenius Midas, around 6cm) and a Leopard Wrasse
(Macropharyngodon bipartitus bipartitus, around 4cm).
<This too>
We do realize that the wrasses are not the easiest to keep/feed,
but all 3 of them ate frozen food in the shop tanks and have kept
a Leopard wrasse successfully in the past on frozen Mysis until he
decided to jump out of the tank a few months down the line.
We set up a 45 liter (12 Gallon) quarantine tank at home the night
before we went to buy the fish with freshly made up (with Seachem
Reefsalt) seawater with salinity at 1.023 (measured with refractometer)
and temperature at 24C. Once the salt was fully dissolved and
salinity/temperature correct, we added a HOB filter with bioballs and
sponge. This HOB filter has been running continuously for the
last 3 months as is (bar addition/removal of Cuprisorb) in a different
3ft tank that we used (successfully without any losses) as a quarantine
for all my fish from the DT that developed Crypt due to a careless new
addition (it was treated with Cupramine). The decorations are 3 coffee
cups and 2 pieces of 1 inch PVC pipe (all of which was used before in a
different QT). It is also bare bottom. I added a Seio M820
for extra flow. I also added (and I am still adding) Seachem
Now that the background has been given, back to the problem. We
acclimatized the fish for an hour on Saturday morning before putting
them into the QT (no water from the LFS was transferred to QT).
We did this by throwing a quarter cup of aquarium water or so into the
bags with the fish every 5 minutes or so until the hour was up (we
moved house a week or two ago, and couldn't find the airline tubing
to drip the fish in). We stay about 20 minutes from the LFS where
we purchased the fish. Saturday early evening I added a small
amount of flakes and a quarter block of frozen Mysis (as the filter has
been cycled and ran with about 12 biggish fish for the last 3 months, I
didn't think it would give any water quality issues).
The Tamarin's both went for the flakes as well as the Mysis, and
the Leopard wrasse ate a few frozen Mysis bits. A good sign I
would think.
Sunday morning I got up to find the one Tamarin (bigger one of the two)
hiding in the PVC pipe, all the other fish seeming fine and swimming
around (Midas blennies' heads poking out of the other PVC pipes,
normal behaviour). The Tamarin eventually came out, but he seemed
to have a problem with his balance, and kept on falling over and
staying on the bottom of the tank. His breathing was also
accelerated. Sunday afternoon I got to the tank at around 17h00,
and the one Tamarin was dead. I fed the fish later that evening, the
other fish all ate at least frozen Mysis (the Midas Blennies at pellets
quite feverishly). This morning I got to the tank at around 7h00,
and found the leopard wrasse also not able to stay upright and also
breathing heavily. The other Tamarin and Midas Blennies still
seemed ok. When I look closely, I can see white/frayed
patches on the pectoral fins of the Leopard Wrasse. Not Crypt
spots, more uneven patches.
Now I have searched on the internet for the problem, and the only thing
I can find that matches the symptoms is Ichthyophonus internal
When I think of it I remember all the wrasses having open mouths
that does not seem to close (another early sign for Ichthyophonus from
what I have read). Apparently no known cure from what I can
read. Any idea how common this disease is in marine fish?
<Not very common...>
Or is there something else that I am missing?
<Likely "just" capture, handling damage/stress w/ these
small, touchy wrasses>
Any cure that I might not have found on the internet? Also,
if it is this disease, and let's say the Midas Blennies show now
<? no?> symptoms after a month in the qt, how can I prevent this
from going into the main tank when I eventually transfer
<I would not be concerned>
The lfs in question apparently treats all their fish with Metronidazole
and a low-ish dose of Cupramine (0.25 ppm). I have a number of
wrasses in the main tank (2 locally caught Indian Ocean bird wrasses,
locally caught Cut Ribbon wrasse and a Cleaner Wrasse (I've had him
for over a year and eats anything before someone asks)), so don't
want the disease spreading to the main tank.
<Again, I would not worry re... the likelihood of transference,
given the stated circumstances, is very low>
Thank you for the help.
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: Wrasses losing balance, dying - Ichthyophonus?
Hi Bob,
Thank you very much! Unfortunately the Leopard wrasse didn't
survive the night. The Tamarin and Midas Blennies still seem
healthy and all 3 of them ate this morning.
Thanks for the quick response!
<Certainly welcome. BobF>
Ouch! Bob and Crew, Please HELP! Handling-damaged
wrasse 9/30/11
Hello! Bob and all you wonderful people at WWM!
From what I've gathered from reading reading and reading, here is
what the situation is and what I am thinking of doing...Just want you
I have a Halichoeres chrysotaenia, beautiful male, in his 20 gallon
quarantine tank. It does have pieces of live rock, and an area with
sand, and lots of Chaeto on one end to help with de-nitrification and
loaded with copepods if he didn't like my prepared foods. This
quarantine tank has been set up for MONTHS sans fish but with all the
other stuff.
I acquired him through a very reputable online site, and he arrived
I first floated the bag in tank water for 20 minutes, then drip
acclimated him over 40 minutes (filled water to the top, poured out the
water once, filled to the top and then release fish only to tank). He
was "sleeping" at first but woke up before I placed him in
the quarantine. He took a look, saw sand and dove in. I was able to get
a good look at him once he decided to come out later that night and I
noticed a torn area on his right pectoral fin.
<Usually self repairs; not to worry>
Yesterday, I noticed that he is not using it very well. This morning,
he is not using it much at all. It does not have any red steaks, it is
in fact sort of opaque looking.
<Likely caught on a net, netting... quite common>
It doesn't follow the description of a bacterial infection, more
like a collection/shipment injury.
Otherwise, he is swimming around and looking for food, eating Ocean
Nutrition Frozen Formula One and frozen Mysis soaked in Selcon, garlic,
and multi vitamins with passion.
Plan is do nothing. I did that for the last couple of days and I think
it is looking worse. I'm thinking of treating with an antibiotic
BUT I am worried that he will stop eating which may be worse in the
long run.
What do you think?
<Doing nothing is what I would do as well>
Thanks so very much, as usual!!!
<Welcome in kind. BobF>
Re: Ouch!
Bob and Crew, Please HELP! 9/30/11
Greetings, Bob!
<Salud Jamie>
Thank you for your reply!
He is not doing as well this morning, still swimming, not using his
right fin...eats a little.
I will keep watch and unless looking like it is going towards a
systemic infection with cloudy eyes and red streaked fins, I will not
Maybe do a 20% water change today to keep the water quality up!
On a side note...I'm so glad to learn that I am thinking along the
right path! I'm learning! Thanks to YOU and your wonderful web
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
<As many welcomes. BobF>
New black dots on a 8 line wrasse question
3/16/2007 Hi Guys, <Matt> Greetings from sunny Adelaide,
Australia. First off love the site and all the great work that has
been put into it. I searched the wrasse FAQ but couldn't find a
answer so here goes a email <Good> 280L tank, all the levels
are right (bar it being a little warmer than most tanks but
that's a different story) and none of the other tank mates seem
to have any issues. He's still eating as per normal (he's
doubled in size since I got him 6-7 months ago) and swimming around
like the speed demon he is. The black marks (it looks like ink
marks) on both sides appeared in the last couple of days and
therefore I'm very interested to know what they are ? <Mmm,
if this were unilateral (one-sided) I would jump (?) to the
ascertain that this was likely a mechanical injury, nervous
reaction... But both sides?> Since they are on both sides I
don't believe they are a scratch, I'm more leaning towards
a infection of some type. from my reading maybe even a UTI ?
<Mmmmm> Attached are a left & right photo and a circle
has been placed around the area of interest. Cheers Matt <Any
other livestock showing signs of distress? Anything showing up in
water quality tests? Something different done the last few days? I
still suspect this is some sort of injury reaction... Bob Fenner,
who would "wait and see" here> |

Wrasse with swollen lips 3/10/07 Hello,
I have a sixline wrasse with what I believe is a bacterial
infection. <Mmmm> I am in college so my parents take care of
my fish while I am away. While I love my parents they never seem to
alert me to these problems while I am away, so I have no idea how
long this has been going on. Now that I am home for spring break, I
have transferred the sixline to an established quarantine (31 ppt
salinity, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrate, 0 nitrite, 8.3 pH) after trapping
him in a plastic container to observe and possibly treat the wrasse
with a pH adjusted freshwater methylene blue dip. I am hesitant
because I had trouble making a diagnosis from the mostly-vague
disease descriptions that I found in my available books and web
resources. I have attached photos of the wrasse's mouth. <I
see these> The wrasse also has some raised patches of light
white on its body and is twitching slightly. Although he is eating
Mysis shrimp and flake food well I have not seen any feces as of
yet. If you have any ideas as to what the affliction is and
possible courses of treatment please let me know. Thank you,
Caitlyn <Is not really a disease as in an infectious or
parasitic affliction... not pathogenic... But, skipping ahead, this
is not an uncommon "developmental" condition from this
specimen being damaged in capture, shipping, handling, perhaps a
trauma in your system... The long and short of it, is that this is
not "treatable"... but the specimen looks healthy
otherwise. I would not "treat" it. Bob Fenner> |

Re: Wrasse with swollen lips 3/10/07 Hi
Again, Thank you for your quick reply. I do not know what to say as
the wrasse's condition has deteriorated greatly overnight, upon
observation this morning its face was completely swollen with some
rough growths. <Yikes... I obviously "spoke"/keyed too
"soon"... perhaps there is something else at play here...
Though I stand semi-firmly by my guess as to primary cause here.
Mechanical injury> I performed a 50 percent water change
although water quality had revealed nothing. The fish is breathing
heavily and lying on the bottom of the QT. The fish's condition
has worsened extremely since I have been home. Still nothing I can
do?? Please help, I do not think this is only stress. <I
don't think there is anything efficacious you can actually do
at this point. Such "developments" almost always quickly
progress at this stage to death... sorry to state. BobF> |
Wrasse Injury and Behavior - Help! 2/12/07 Hi WWM Crew
- <Beth> Long time reader, first time writer. I did
some searching and didn't really see anything that fit the
bill. Tried using the links to the public chat forum and I
get a "500 Servlet Exception" error. <Will cc Zo... the
"maker" here re> Reef tank Basics: 225 gallon tank (been
up and running since 08/11/2005) ~200 pounds live rock and ~70 pounds
live sand Protein skimmer, chiller, RO/DI water, use Tropic Marin PRO
salt Lighting: 4 96W 10000k power compact, 4 96W actinic
power compact, 2 metal halides (250W each) Water params: pH 8.0,
Nitrates 20 (reading prior to 45 gallon water change today - so that
should go down), Nitrites trace (not 0, but not on scale to measure
with test kit), Ammonia 0, iodine 0.4, phosphate 0 - 0.1, alkalinity
2.5, calcium 390 Livestock: Tangs: Clown Tang, Yellow Tang, Blue Tang 2
tank raised Ocellaris Clowns Diamond Watchman Goby 2 Blue/Green Chromis
Mandarin Goby Wrasses: Redtail Wrasse, male/female pair Hawaiian
Flasher Wrasses, <How nice! Jordan's> 6 Line Wrasse,
Christmas Wrasse, New Guinea Wrasse, and Clown Wrasse <... this last
may get VERY large> 2 Fire Shrimp 7 peppermint shrimp (although I
can only account for 3 at time of writing) 1 Sally Lightfoot Crab
<Am quite surprised your wrasses haven't eaten the
crustaceans> 1 Orange Linckia Starfish 1 Sand-Sifting Starfish 1
Brittle Starfish Various corals (Brain, Galaxea, Frogspawn, Ricordea
mushroom, unknown mushroom species, 3 kinds of zoanthid, candy cane
coral, torch coral, Blasto, 2 different cup corals, 2 leather corals,
xenia, colt) Writing today with two issues/questions about two of our
established wrasses. Redtail wrasse (in display tank since 10/23/2005)
Flame wrasse pair (in display tank since 01/21/2006) We have noticed
some coloration changes in the redtail wrasse. It's head
has started to fade a bit in its coloration. <Mmm... may be
natural... Males do change in this way with age, growth> Her tail
also does not seem as vibrant a red as it once was. We also
noticed today that it was chasing the Christmas Wrasse, picking at the
front of the acrylic tank (making a snapping noise) and acting a bit
"funkier" than usual. It is eating
well. While I know that diet can affect a fishes coloration,
I don't think that is what it is as the other fish don't seem
to be affected. We change up what is fed to the corals every
couple of days. The fish get frozen cube food: herbivore
(green) every day and then Mysis or a mix of brine and
krill. On occasion will add garlic extreme to the food
mixture. Also add a seaweed variety (sheets of either red,
brown, or green seaweed) for the tangs. Notice that
sometimes the wrasses pick at this as well. <No worries... are
pretty omnivorous> Recently ordered some of the
additives I've read about in some of the postings on the site, so
will be trying those in the next couple of days. <Are of benefit,
use> Since the redtail does not appear to be sick or injured, is it
possible it is changing into a male? <Yes> How long
does a typical transformation take (days, weeks)? <Weeks
to months> Any other ideas aside from diet on the change in it's
head color? <All sorts... see fishbase.org for more pix> Now onto
the next question. We have a pair of Hawaiian Flame
Wrasses. Yesterday I noticed the male's snout seemed a
bit off kilter (pushed in on the top). My husband thought
that he ate during the first feeding, but is now not 100% positive
about that. During the second feeding last night I saw him
momentarily and thought he looked different. He did not eat
and hid until lights out. This morning I found him in his
normal hangout and his nose does look off. He sees fine as
he will dart away when an object is placed in the tank near
him. He has come out and swam around. No other
tank inhabitants seem to be bothering him. He did not come
out and eat during the first feeding. He did pop out
afterward when there was still some food in the tank, but can't say
that he ate very much if at all. We thought about trying to
quarantine, however he does not seem to want to be caught and I
don't want to stress him more (or his mate) by removing him (if
it's even possible to catch him). <I would leave this fish where
it is> My guess is that he either hit the tank wall or
was injured by another fish. <I'd go with the first guess...
from "jumping"> Unless it was the redtail, not
even sure who the culprit would be? The newest tank mate is
the clown wrasse <What species is this?> (in residence about 2
weeks in the display tank) and is 1/3 to 1/2 the size of the male flame
wrasse. I know it's trouble if he won't eat, but how
long do we let him go? Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks!
Beth <Really just to keep trying... different foods... and add the
supplements to the foods and water> P.S. I don't have
any pics to send at this time, but we do have a fish cam set
up. If you want to take a look I have included the address,
but am hoping that you won't post that piece as I don't think
our home computer network could take the traffic. <I will delete
here> You can pan the cam left and right and zoom
in. Redtail wrasse is out and about. Female flame
is out and you can probably see her, but the male is hiding since the
water change started. His hangout is left of center tank on
a rock shelf under the xenia, left of the candy cane and above and
behind the Galaxea. <Bob Fenner>
- Please help, sick wrasse! 6/15/06 - I
have a 4 year-old Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse that I fear is ill.
It's left eye is bulging out and distorted. It still eats well, but
is more shy and spends most of the day hiding among the live rock, but
otherwise seems relatively ok. It's color is good and doesn't
seem to be breathing abnormally. Is there some kind of disease that
would cause this? <Sounds to me like Popeye, although I'd look
carefully at this eye to make certain it doesn't look like it has
an air bubble in there. If it is just swollen then it can heal and
return to normal.> Is there some kind of treatment I can give it?
<Not directly. You could add some Epsom salts - about one tablespoon
per five gallons (which will effect your salinity) to help with the
swelling. Not much else you could do beyond catching the fish and
letting it recover in a quiet tank by itself.> It is housed in a 120
gal. with a percula clown, a pajama cardinal, and a 21 year-old pair
maroon clown and large carpet anemone. Any feedback would be greatly
appreciated as I have grown quite attached to the beautiful wrasse.
<Mostly I can wish you luck and we can both hope for the best.>
Sincerely, Josh C. Atlanta, GA <Cheers, J -- >
Lineatus Fairy Wrasse With Injured Jaw - 07/02/05 Hi, I have
a beautiful lineatus fairy wrasse, appears to have a
injured jaw, I had a Austr Scott's wrasse in the tank
with him, he was the boss, he never attacked him but he startled him
flaring up to him showing he is king and I suspected that he banged his
jaw against the glass. It doesn't look broken but it is
gapped a little and he can't close his mouth. Will he
recover from this injury? He shows interest in food and
takes some of the smaller pieces in his mouth, kind of shakes his head
after taking a few pieces in. Is there anything I can do for
him. I really don't want to lose him. He
swims just find by the way, flaring his fins and swimming
proud. Thanks, Scott. <<Well Scott, difficult to say
what might be the problem here. Aside from immediate danger
from internal injury (if present), the real problems are going to be
whether this fish can still eat properly and in enough quantity to
survive, and/or secondary infection from an open wound. My
recommendation would be to remove the fish to a quarantine/hospital
tank where you can watch it more closely, medicate IF it becomes
necessary, and feed and recover (hopefully!) free from the stresses of
the display tank. Regards, Eric R.>>
Wrasse Unhinged! (Damaged Mouth On Wrasse) 7/29/04 Dear
WetWeb people, <Scott F. your WetWeb Person today!> I have a
question concerning a 2 1/2 inch Yellow Coris Wrasse I have had for a
little over two weeks in a 10 gal.QT tank. <Good work on the
quarantine procedure!> The water quality is good ( ph 8.3 nit. 0)
and the tank was treated with chelated copper sulfate before the little
guy was introduced. He looked quite healthy for a week and then started
showing signs of swelling and discoloration just under his eyes and he
also started hiding and acting sluggish. I treated the tank with an
antibiotic called Maracyn Plus because it looked to me like a bacterial
infection. <A good product, as long as directions are followed, and
as long as it is applicable to the illness that you're
treating!> I also put a container of sand from my main tank in the
qt because I read that these wrasses like to sleep in the sand.
<They do, and that's a nice touch> After several days, the
wrasse looked more active etc., but his mouth has been continually open
since then and he doesn't seem to be able to shut it.
<Hmm...> He just sort of sucks up the Mysis shrimp that I have
been feeding him. <Well, thank goodness that he's
eating...always a good sign> I read on your website a question
similar to mine and you answered that it was normal for a wrasse to
swim with it's mouth open. Is it also normal for them not shut it
when feeding? <No-it's not normal for the fish to have it's
mouth open continuously> His mouth wasn't always open when I
first brought him home. After the wrasses qt time is up, if he is
active but his mouth is still open is it ok to introduce him to the 55
gal. main tank with the three green Chromis damsel fish that inhabit
it? Thank you for your time, Christy <Well, Christy, I'd hold of
on introducing the fish into the display until you've gotten a
handle as to what this might be. Perhaps it's an injury that may
heal itself. On the other hand, if the inability of the fish to close
its mouth is because of some kind of internal infection in the
mouth-well, that's another thing altogether. Keep making sure that
the fish eats, and give him an extra week or two in quarantine, just to
make sure that he's otherwise okay. If this proves to be a
"physical challenge" for the fish that it seems to be able to
deal with, then feel free to introduce this guy into the tank.
Let's hope for the best! Regards, Scott F.>
Wacky Wrasse? Howdy, I bought a Lunare Wrasse 2 days
ago. When I was vacuuming the wrasse got a little frisky, and hopped
out of the tank. I got him back in after about 45 seconds to one
minute. It was a close one, but now he just lays there and breathes.
All of his color is still there, and my chemicals are pristine.
<Given time, he can make a full recovery. keep an eye on him, and
make sure that he eats. Continue to maintain excellent water
quality> Also, is it normal for a wrasse to lay around except
for the outbursts of energy where he shoots around the tank and eats?
Jeffery <Yep- wrasses are known for some of their wacky
antics. If there are no disease signs, and the water parameters are as
good as you say- I'd chalk it up to typical wrasse behavior. Given
what your wrasse went through, I'd say that he has a good chance at
a full recovery. Good luck! Regards, Scott F>
6 line wrasse I have recently purchased a six line wrasse. On
the second day he was in the tank, he started to swim head down. He
still has lots of energy, eats, and has spats with the other tankmates
periodically. Is this normal behavior? I was trying to wade through the
FAQs on wrasses, but was unable to find specifically. Thanks <It may
be that this fish is "adjusting" from the effects of capture,
specifically that it has suffered internal damage from too-rapid ascent
or being "poked" by its collector in the wild. Could be
symptomatic of a "gut" blockage possibly... At any length,
not "natural" or desirable. All one can do is hope and watch
at any length. I'm rootin' for your wrasses recovery! Bob
Question: I work at a fish store and do aquarium maintenance
on the side. I have recently (in the past few months) come across a
rather interesting (yet very bothersome) phenomenon. The first is with
wrasses, especially with those of the genus Anampses and Coris. What
happens is that within a week or two of getting the wrasses in, their
lips appear to roll back exposing their teeth, the refuse to eat (or
eat very little) and die within the same week. Are you familiar with
this condition and do you know how to treat it? My other question is
that I have seen (for no apparent reason, water quality checks out on
all counts) black spots develop on a tang the size of Oodinium dots.
Fresh water baths help to remove the ones off the fish, but when the
fish is put back into the tank it is totally covered again within a
couple of days. In advanced cases the fishes skin appears as though it
dehydrated and wrinkled and is about to fall off. It seems to only
affect tangs. Do you know what it is, why it starts up, and how to
treat for it in a reef type environment? I would appreciate any help
you can give me on this matter. My reputation as a professional is at
stake here. I am having great difficulty at locating any information on
these two conditions. Thank you for any help you can offer.
Bob's Answer: Rob, the prognathal genera of wrasses you
mention are dying as a consequence of being shipped for too long in too
small a bag from the source or your supplier... very common with
Anampses and Coris spp. They need to be put in large enough bags to
easily turn around and either have fine sand shipped with them or the
bags laid on their side so the animal can't rub its face in the
corner. On arrival such animals should be quarantined and treated
topically and/or via antibiotics (orally if they're eating). The
black spots are a not so free living turbellarian flatworm of the genus
Paravortex. A simple freshwater dip/bath will eliminate them BEFORE
being placed in the main display tank... once the critters are
established, biological cleaners may keep them in check otherwise.