FAQs about Zoanthid Nutritional
FAQs on Zoanthid Disease:
Zoanthid Health, Pests, Predator 1,
Zoanthid Health, Pests Predators 2,
Zoanthid Health, Pests, Predators 3,
Zoanthid Hlth., Pests, Pred.s 4,
Zoanthid Hlth., Pests, Pred.s 5,
Zoanthid Hlth., Pests, Pred.s
6, Zoanthid Hlth., Pests,
Pred.s 7,
FAQs on Zoanthid Disease by Category:
Lighting...), Social (Allelopathy),
Pathogenic (Infectious, Parasitic, Viral)
& Zoanthid
Related Articles: Zoanthids, Sea Mat: An
Ocean Of Color For The Aquarium by Blane Perun,
Related FAQs: Zoanthids, Zoanthids 2, Zoanthids 3, Zoanthid ID, Zoanthid Behavior, Zoanthid Compatibility, Zoanthid Selection, Zoanthid System, Zoanthid Lighting, Zoanthid Feeding, Zoanthid
Oh yes; Zoanthids need direct feeding... NOT w/ phony
liquid prep.s; but small meaty food items... Best to temporarily suspend
water movement (via timer/s)
Oh yes: AND need some N, P, K... NOT 0.0
Button polyps acting funny..??
I have acquired two separate small pieces of live rock with button
polyps growing on them. They were fine for about three months and now a
few have opened up (all the way if you will) and wrapped down around
themselves. I have tested my water 8.2 pH, the tank is cycled and i have
10ppm nitrates and am running a protein skimmer. They all eat (even the
closed ones) when i feed them. Am dosing Fluval 3-Ion and running a
protein skimmer.
They have been like this for going on 5 weeks. there are more pictures
of them in my photobucket account.
<... what other Cnidarian life is in this system? Do you dose
If so, what, how? The NO3 is fine; do you have measurable HPO4? Bob
Re: Button polyps acting funny..??
2 small mushroom polyps and they are clear across the tank on a different
pile of rocks. All my fish are being QT for marine Ich but that's been
to 8 weeks now. So there is a cleaner shrimp, 3 hermit crabs, 3 turbo
snails, 2 bumblebee snails and a Fromia starfish. And my phosphate
are 0ppm.
<Ah yes; a problem. Search, read on WWM re the need for all
chemo-photosynthates for some/measurable soluble phosphate. BobF> |
Unhappy Zoas 12/11/11
These were looking great for the first 2-3 weeks I had them, now
they are
decidedly very unhappy. Let me start with my tank specs:
29g biocube
150 watt MH lighting, 7 hours per day
1.023 sg
<A little low>
8.1-8.3 ph
10-11 dKH alkalinity
0 phosphate/nitrate/nitrite/ammonia
<Boing! Need measurable HPO4 and NO3... this is at
least one dire issue... starvation. Whatever you're
doing to render these at zip needs to change.
See WWM re Zoanthid needs>
Two 425gph flow heads
Phosphate reactor w/maxi jet 1200
AquaC remora skimmer w/maxi jet 1200
I've measured and checked everything I can think of, Googled
for solutions and pictures, without much luck.
What's going on with these guys, and can they be saved?
Thanks in advance!
<Can. Bob Fenner>

Re: Unhappy Zoas, HPO4 12/11/11
I'm using a decent size phosphate reactor to get it down to
<Can't live...>
It was at 0.5ppm previously, and have been told elsewhere that
0.01 ppm is a "high side limit" for phosphates.
<Mmm, not so>
I target feed every other day with zooplankton and the occasional
frozen Mysis shrimp.
I found a lot of FAQs re: Zoas on the site, but did not find one
called "Zoanthid needs". Would you mind terribly
sending me a link?
<Read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/zoanthid.htm
The linked files above. B>
Possible bleaching of Palythoas... feeding, gen.
care, reading 8/8/08 Hello!
<John> Pictured below is a colony of what I believe are
Palythoas I bought in June 2007. The photo was taken in my tank in
March 2008 so at that time it had been in my system for 9 months: I
have an AquaPod 24 that had the original measly 64W PC's so I
got the hood upgraded from Nanotuners.com to 150W PCs (a
combination of different bulbs, I don't know the exact combos
now but I can check and get back to you if you need to know. This
coral continued to look this vivid for a few weeks until I noticed
that it started to get a little whitish near the "mouths"
in the center of the polyps. Sorry, I don't have a recent photo
but I can also get one if you need it. <Please do> Anyway,
within the last few months a few more of the polyps looked like
they were "bleaching" so I moved the colony away from the
light (it was about 4" from the top, now it's on the
bottom). <Good> A few weeks after that it started to look a
little better but only in a few polyps. Some of the polyps
retracted their feelers and now they're only little stubs.
Either way, I believe that the ones that are recovering had too
much light, however: Question: Is bleaching irreversible in some
cases? < If the colony is otherwise healthy, can almost
always be reversed> If not, what should I be doing while these
polyps are recovering? Should I be manually feeding them?
<Yes... need to be fed... See WWM re... you do periodically add
iodine/ide?> Also, if bleached polyps are irreversibly damaged,
would I be better off just clipping off the bleached ones and wait
for new ones to sprout? <Mmm, no... I would NOT do this... Do
please see/read on WWM re Zoanthid troubles for humans...
dangerously toxic if cut into, otherwise disturbed...>
<Keep reading, Bob Fenner> |

Re: possible bleaching of
Palythoas 8/8/08 Bob, <John>
Thanks for the reply. Yes, I do add iodine periodically, have
been doing so since July 2007. <Ah, good> As far as feeding
goes, the polyps that have NO bleaching at all have very long
"feelers" and are very "agile", i.e., when I
squirt a little Cyclop-Eeze into them with a Sea Squirt they
close right away (same with defrosted Mysis). <Bueno>
Unfortunately, the ones that have SOME bleaching are much slower
to close, and the ones that are more bleached hardly close at all
except at night. In other words, the worse the bleaching, the
less they seem to even WANT to feed. However, I'll keep
trying. <Bien> PS - Are Palys a community of sorts or is
each polyp an individual animal (like a sun coral?) <Are
interconnected... at their bases... see... what's that
site?> Regards, John <BobF, trying to finish up minimally
here... to cook Ramen, onion and chicken for all, get on out
diving at the "Pines"... Aloha>
Zoanthid Meltdown/Necrosis 7/4/03 Anthony, I've moved
this colony into a stronger current flow area (albeit somewhat laminar
right now, but I'm fixing that in a few days), and I have scrubbed
off necrotic tissue as you recommended. I actually used a Sonic Care
tooth brush and it seemed to work well. <excellent and ingenious>
I also added CoralLife Liquid Reef Gold Pro Plus (!) and tried to
syringe-feed the polyps with CoralLife MicroVert...but they didn't
seem to notice. <No exaggeration... I would not take either product
for free and I sure as heck would not use them in my tanks. Do consider
feeding thawed Mysis shrimps, Sweetwater plankton, Pacifica plankton,
etc... any or all soaked in Selcon/lipid rich supplements> I sound
like a product placement ad. Again, they're under about 8-12 inches
of water, under 2X65 watt CF actinics & 2X65 watt 10,000K full
ranges. I have lots of bristleworms, but they don't seem to bother
this colony and the way the colony is melting down reminds me of the
way bacteria spread in a Petri dish, if you've ever seen this
behavior. <Yes... occurs in my refrigerator in a weekly basis
<G>> (like a slow-motion atom bomb from the ground zero
point of impact outwards.) <Hmmm... and that reminds me of the
morning after if I eat the food item by mistake. Or is that what happen
to me with Mexican food? One of the two> Not what I'd call
predator attack patterns. Any more info would be helpful and most
appreciated. <As will all afflicted animals... QT is usually the
best. If not before entry to display... then after for isolation away
from healthy animals if nothing else. Daily iodine dosing may be
helpful too> I have only about 10 good specimens left, out of 60 or
so, and I think the battle is slowly being lost. Perhaps I should
chisel off the good section of the host live rock and go from there ?
<Indeed may be helpful.> As a final bit of info., the remaining
polyps don't seem to have their tentacles raised anymore when
they're open...they just kind of droop. I have my salinity @
1.0235, temp about 81.5, pH 8.2, <pH is flat if that is a daytime
reading... aim for 8.3-8.6> .. and ammonia 0-.25 ppm (can't get
more accurate with my test kit), nitrates & nitrites 0, copper 0,
phosphates 0. Thanks, SLC <Do allow some nitrate (under 10 ppm) for
coral health/feeding. Best regards, Anthony>