FAQs about Health/Diseases, Pests of Soft
Corals of the Family Alcyoniidae 6
FAQs on Alcyoniid Disease:
Alcyoniid Health 1,
Alcyoniid Disease
Alcyoniid Disease 3,
Alcyoniid Disease
4, Alcyoniid
Disease 5, Alcyoniid
Disease 7, Alcyoniid
Disease 8, Alcyoniid
Disease 9, Alcyoniid Health 10,
Alcyoniid Disease
11, Alcyoniid
Health 12, Alcyoniid Disease 13,
Alcyoniid Disease
14, Alcyoniid
Disease 15, Alcyoniid Disease ,
FAQs on
Alcyoniid Disease by Category:
Nutritional, Pathogenic (Infectious,
parasitic), Predator/Pests,
Social, Trauma,
Related Articles: Soft Corals of the Family
Related FAQs: Soft Corals of the Family Alcyoniidae,
Alcyoniids 2, Alcyoniids 3, Alcyoniids 4, Alcyoniid ID, Alcyoniid Selection, Alcyoniid Compatibility, Alcyoniid Systems, Alcyoniid Behavior, Alcyoniid Feeding, Alcyoniid Propagation, Soft Coral Propagation, Soft Coral Health, Dyed Corals, Soft Coral Propagation, Nephtheids, Dendronephthya, Paralcyoniids, Nidaliids, Xeniids, Dyed

Leather coral dropping branches 2/6/07 Hi there, <Hello> I
hope you can help me out here lately my pink
<Pink?... Not a natural color...> branching leather has been
dropping branches. I had a problem with this about 3 months ago.
<... The beginnings of sentences are capitalized...> when I
finally realized that I had him in an area of very low current it was
too late he had already dropped about 4 or 5 branches. after that I
moved him into the high current off my protein skimmer. ever since
he's been doing great, his polyps expand and he swells up and looks
beautiful. then last week he dropped another branch. I figured that it
was normal it seemed like that branch was sort of in the way of others.
but now today it looks like he's going to drop another and this one
is big! probably a sixth of his mass. Its starting to crimp which is
what happens before he drops one as I've seen. What do you think
might be the problem and is there anyway to save this branch?
<Can't tell with the dearth of information (not) offered... What
chem.?, Lighting? > The current is high, I have 65 watts daylight
(full spectrum) and 65 watt actinic; a little low but everyone's
seems to be fine and threes not much room on a 29 gal. <Too
small> the water quality is a close to perfect as it can get and I
feed phyto-plankton everyday. the only problem I can see is that the
temp is a bit low due to the winter months. it's about 76, 77
degrees but today I'm going to go buy a small heater to fix this.
any input would be great Thanks Shawn <Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/alcyonsysfaqs.htm and the linked
files above. Bob Fenner>
Yellow Leather, Do I Look Happy? 2/3/07
Hello to the wonderful crew at Wet Web Media, <Hello
Brandon! Mich with you today!> First I would like to
say thank you for the wonderful and exert <Hmm, I think you mean
expert?> advice that you provide. I think that it is
a great thing that you guys do, especially since it is volunteer
work. (At least to the best of my
knowledge.) <Yes, is volunteer.> I have come a
very long way in my skill and knowledge of the husbandry of
saltwater, and more difficult fresh water species in no small part
thanks to you fine people. <This is wonderful,
fulfilling, rewarding to hear/read.> Today however, I find
myself with a quandary. I have purchased a piece of
yellow leather coral, what I believe to be Sarcophyton
Elegans. <Yes appears to be.> I think that it is
doing well, but I am not really sure. I have attached
the clearest picture that I have been able to collect on
it. <Yes, I see. Polyps are starting to
extend. Is getting happy, not quite there yet.> I
know that this is somewhat of a touchy subject with Bob at least, I
saw all of the spelling corrections, and general irritation in his
replies. <It is because he cares so deeply, that at
times he becomes frustrated when others don't. As of
late, he has also been bearing a brunt of the work.> I will
assure you all that I did research it, and I did use spell
check. (He He He.) <Thank you for your
effort. It is appreciated. Though the spell
checker is not smart enough yet to know when we use incorrect
words. Hehe!> What I cannot figure out is whether or
not it is doing well. I have found information that
indicated that it does not do too well. <Mmm, my
experience has been that it is quite hardy, other may feel
differently.> I was hoping that one of you might have a glimmer
(from the picture) as to it's well being. I know
that I need to wait at least a week for it to fully open, and I
know that it gets quite big. I am not too sure that it
is doing well though. I figured that it might open
sooner, perhaps I am being too impatient. <Give it
time. Is on its' way.> Tank Stats: Tank Size: 75
Gallons Occupants: Four Clownfish (Premnas biaculeatus)
I know but I had no choice, a tank had to be crashed because of
jellyfish brought in on live rock, Two Pacific Sailfin Tangs
(Zebrasoma veliferum), <Your tank is way too small to happily
house one of these beautiful fish, let alone two! (a
minimum tank size of 135 for one, significantly bigger is needed
for two!) Owhh and with another tang... Owhh not good my friend,
not good.> One Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens), One Green
Chromis Damsel (Chromis viridis) (There were four, filters and
power heads :( ), One Large Blue Damsel (Chrysiptera cyanea), One
Coral Beauty (Centropyge bispinosus), One Rusty Angel (Centropyge
ferrugata ), Two Brittle Stars (Ophiuroidea) ( (Who knows where
they are), One Sand Sifting Star (Astropecten polycanthus), 10 - 18
Hermits (Mixed Varieties), 7 - 10 Turbo Snails, One Sebae Anemone
(Heteractis crispa), One 2"x3" Bubble Coral (Plerogyra
sinuosa), One 4"x4" Green Star Polyp (Clavularia
viridis), Two 1"x3" Clove Polyps (Clavularia sp.), One
6"x6" Brain Coral (Favites sp.), One 3"x2" Open
Brain Coral (Favia sp.), One 3"x2" Finger Leather
(Sinularia sp.), and the 2"x1" Yellow Leather
(Sarcophyton elegans). <Oooh! Lots of allelopathy!>
Lighting: 2 150 watt Metal Halide and 2 96 watt Blue
Actinic 03 Power Compact for a total of 492 watts (6.56 per gallon)
Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0 (Not 10ppm Actual 0)
Calcium: 400 mg/L I have the yellow leather about 8
inches from the top of the water. I was thinking that it
might benefit from the increased light. Perhaps this is
too close? <Usually likes slightly deeper water, but
I think would leave it be for now, just give it some
time. If the polyps don't fully expand after a week
or so, consider moving it.> I would like to thank whomever I am
lucky enough to get in advance for their reply. You guys
are really wonderful. <Thank you for your kind
words!> On a side note, I have managed to get my Discus to breed
thanks to you guys and a lot of hard work. I am sending
a success picture for you guys to check out. <Cool
photo! Thank you for sharing. Is always good
to hear success stories!> <<Thanks for sending this along
Brandon. Will place with credit to you. BobF>> Thank you so
much for your help. <You're welcome my
friend! -Mich>
Brandon R. Foster. |

Re: Yellow Leather, Do I Look Happy? Follow Up... and
Allelopathy 2/5/07 To the crew at Wet Web (possibly
Mich? You have replied the last two times, hehe.), <And a
third!> Thank you for taking a look at the Sarcophyton
elegans. It has been a week now, and he has still not opened
all of the way. I am going to move him down in the tank
after dark tonight. <OK> There are some stats that I
forgot to add about the tank. Thank you for pointing out
that the tangs have not got a large enough house. <Yes, sorry.> I
bought the tank from someone with them in it, and I did not have the
heart to discard them. <Oh! Never!> They
are some of my favorite fish. <Mine as well. They are
beauties!> At the moment they are but juveniles, and I am looking
for someone that can take care of them properly. <Could
be you with a much larger system.> I have set up another tank that
should house them appropriately in the mean time.
<OK> About the allelopathy. With the SPS, LPS, Favia,
and Favites. I have located them all well away from each
other and well out of reach of any sweepers. <Very
good.> I was lead to believe that the toxic compounds that soft
corals release become less of a concern when they are placed away from
other species. <Helps.> I was also led to believe
that with adequate water flow and aggressive skimming they became even
less of a concern. <Also helps.> Perhaps this
information will help, Two 125 gallon per hour
powerheads. One on the left side of the tank, one on the
right. One 200 gallon per hour powerhead. This
one is seated on the back wall of the tank facing the front at a 30
degree angle. A 800 gallon per hour CPR overflow, with a 950
gallon per hour return pump, which is facing the front wall of the tank
at a 30 degree opposite of the 200 gph powerhead. <Umm, OK, head
height obviously not calculated out or your tank and overflow would be,
well, overflowing.> A 20 gallon sump with an Urchin Pro
protein skimmer with a Mag 5 500 gallon per hour pump. And
two H.O.T filters to house carbon. One is rated for a 100
gallon tank, and the other is rated for a 50 gallon
tank. The current appears to be random what with the Anemone
blowing left and right. <OK> My conclusion from my research was
that if the corals were kept far enough away from each other, with this
much flow, and skimming in a 75g, I would be *mostly* free of
problems. Was I correct, or am I just dreaming and in
desperate need of relocation of some specimens? <You are
correct, mostly being the key word here. I mentioned more
for your awareness than for action at this point. You may
need to take action at some point in the future.> I believe that I
might have lost a frogspawn due to some chemical warfare, and perhaps I
am going to have to make a species tank or two. I rather
like mandarins and pajama cardinals, so perhaps a couple of calm tanks
are in order. <Once you have one tank, more usually follow,
hopefully at least a QT set up. Thank you all so much for the help that
I have received. <Welcome! Hope it
helps. -Mich> Brandon Foster. P.S. Tell Bob
that I love the fact that he cares so much, and that I feel for him on
the workload, but we all love him for it. Helping all those
"Darlas" (Insert bad Finding Nemo joke here.) out there is a
tough job, and thankfully you guys are there to catch us when we fall.
<We try.> <<Oh yes. RMF>>
Toadstool Leather coral with necrotic spots
2/3/07 Hello, <Hi there Chad! Mich with you
today.> I have read over the available FAQ's but they left me
undecided on what to do next. <OK.> I have a 13"
across Leather coral that has a couple of yellow dead/dying spots right
in the middle of the head where the polyps extend from. The
necrotic tissue is there because I did was not have enough circulation
in the tank(120 gal). Dirt and silt settled on a couple of areas and
I'm guessing it killed the polyps off. I have corrected the
circulation problem but what should I do about the dead spots? Cut them
out or just leave well enough alone. <Either is an
option. This is really more of a personal
decision. It may heal easier, but not necessarily
faster with a clean cut, but it should heal if you let be
also. Do which you feel more
comfortable.> The remainder of the polyps
still extend, except where the necrotic spots are
yellowing. I once had another section of this coral die off
and I cut out the dead chunk It healed up as good as new in
a couple of weeks. Should I do the same to this one even
though the spots are in the middle? <If you're
considering fragging it, I would cut it. If not, you can
also try the wait and see approach. If you don't see
improvement in a couple of days or things start looking worse, then
it's time for surgery.> Thanks, <You're
welcome. -Mich> Chad
Yellow finger leather 1/17/07 I think I know the answer but I
just have to ask the question. <Well...ok.> My yellow finger
leather I purchased 1.5 years ago does not polyp out anymore. <When
was the last time you saw it out?> The body shows no signs of
deterioration or bleaching. <That's a good sign.> Is it time
to say goodbye ? <Naw, I wouldn't be worried, unless it's
been a few weeks or even a month since you *saw* it. Sometimes, the
polyps extend at night.> Water parameters are within range,
<Which range?> 2- 110 w actinic white & 2-110w super actinic
blue in a tank that is 24" deep. <So, lemme get this straight.
Two 50/50 PCs and two full-on actinic PCs? *Should* be just enough, but
if you're concerned about light levels, you could drop an actinic
for another "whiter" bulb.> Thanks for all the help in the
past & future. Tom <Welcome, tom.
-Graham T.>
Re: Yellow finger leather follow-up 1/17/07 Hi Graham T, I
failed to give you the water parameters- CA-400, dKh-9.0--Alk-3.20,
PH-8.3. The lights are 2-110w VHO actinic white & 2-110W
super actinic VHO. Its been over a month since I've seen the polyps
out. Thanks Again, The whole crew has been outstanding. <Thanks for
the feedback, Tom. ...And sorry for not capitalizing your name in the
last correspondence we had, I'm a doofus. Anyway, I was reading
your previous post and my answer, and I realized I didn't really
answer your question. So, here goes: Leather corals in the family
Alcyoniidae periodically display less-than favorable physical
appearance when they are about to shed. I would, however, classify this
case as "extended" and likely is a response to some recent
change in maintenance, or other factor. More than one year in it's
current location would lead me to believe that the response is not
related to light intensity, or location in the tank... unless your
lights are due for a refresh? You didn't mention any other
tank-mates, or recent additions to the system, but usually leathers
rate pretty poorly on the "able to cope with chemical
warfare" scale. If you have a LPS capable of toxic warfare,
consider it has decided to go ballistic. Check here anyway, and you may
be enlightened. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/alcyonbehfaqs.htm ...I usually am.
;) -Graham T.> Tom P.
Colt Coral health 1/14/07 Hi, I have had colt coral for about
three or four years now. I started off with one
piece and it took over the tank. I recently
donated all but one small piece to Saint Jude for the reef
tank they are setting up. The small piece has
been doing fine till yesterday I noticed he has shrunk up
and has some kind of a transparent whitish film over his
entire body. <Mmm... Alcyoniids do produce and shed a
waxy "cuticle" at times> I did recently up grade my
lighting in the tank to a Current dual satellite with 2 96
watt dual bulbs. Before I had a Corallife compact with 1 96
watt dual bulb. I also added iodine, calcium and strontium
& molybdenum on yesterday. <Either of these might trigger the
behavior you report> I have never seen it do this before
and everything else in my tank (bubble tip anemone, star
polyps, mushroom, cabbage coral, inverts and fish) seem to
be fine. Do you have any suggestions? <The
first two might be "winning" allelopathically here>
I also have a question on the cabbage coral I
never bought cabbage coral it just showed up on a rock and
took off. I noticed that it has a bubble at one
of its tips that is actually releasing bubbles is this
normal? <Perhaps... might be some associated photosynthetic organism
(an algae likely) producing an excess of gas... Could be a burst of
growth of the coral... or a "bailing" mechanism
reproductively... I'd move the Sarcophyton if you had another
setting. Bob Fenner> Thanks, Tiaa
Re: Colt Coral and new question re bubbles
1/17/06 Thank you for your prompt response to my question.
<Prev. corr.?> My colt coral opened back
up today and seems to be okay (he is not back to normal
size yet). I also moved the cabbage to give him a
little more current. <Good> When I woke up this
morning he had a clear slime releasing from his middle
but as the day went on he opened up and seemed okay. I am
now having another problem and after researching most of the
day on the Internet I have not made a conclusion. I am
having a problem with tiny bubbles in my tank. I have
a 30 gallon tank with what was about 3 inches of live sand
all the way around. Now I have hardly any sand
under my live rock and mounds in the front thanks to my 2
engineer gobies. I have noticed some bubbles covering
the corners of my tank and some of the rock. I
thought it was my protein skimmer at first because I can not
seem to get it
tweaked. However, I turned the skimmer
off yesterday and the bubbles are still appearing even after
I fan the water to release them. I added 5 Nassarius and
3 Cerith snails about a week ago could they be causing a
release? <Mmm... might re related... but not for sure> I have
had this tank set up for about five or six years now and did
move it to my new home over a year ago with no
problems. I read some articles today on old tank
syndrome what are your thought on that? <Does occur>
I also did a water change a week and a half ago
and again today about 25%. Also the new light
with the two 96 watts dual bulbs was added a week
ago. Thank you for your help ahead of time.
Tiaa <More likely an effect of the new lighting...
boosted photosynthesis in these areas... gas accumulation... I would
re-direct your circulation toward the corners and not worry at this
point. Bob Fenner>
Sick Sarcophyton 1/10/07 Hi
Guys! <Scott> Am looking for some advice/guidance on the
management of my Sarcophyton (see attached pictures). <Okay...
Yikes... looks like something has been chewing on it...> I have
had it for 3 weeks now. When I initially bought it home, it
acclimatized very quickly in my new tank (~3 months old). It would
open up beautifully with light and extend all it's polyps. Over
the last 1-2 weeks I have noticed it spends much more time
retracted and has developed patchy areas of light green with a
couple of spots of brown that appears to be over areas of excavated
tissue (?necrosis). I have tried different types of flow over the
area (light to strong), and different positions in my tank. I am
unsure what further I can do to help it along (it now spends most
of its time retracted). Everything else in the tank appears to be
thriving. It sits about 20inched below my T5 lights. <Mmm, I
might try "moving it up" closer to the light... about
another five inches or so> I have ordered some iodide/trace
element coral supplements from my LFS. <To augment what water
quality issues?> My Tank parameters are; 250L 3ft tank 22inches
deep with 4xT5 lighting (1xactinic, 3x14000K), 1xT8 actinic.
Skimmer, Ozone, sump. Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 10ppm Alk 4meq/L
Ca 500 <A bit too high... I'd allow this to drift to less
than 400 ppm> Ph 8.4 Salinity 26 <Mmmm... 1.026...> My
livestock include; Coral Beauty Banana Wrasse Bicolor Blenny 2 x
ocellaris clown fish 5 hermit crabs 2 Trochus snails 1 bristle star
?pistol shrimp Lobophyllia (thriving) 20cm away brain coral
(thriving) 20cm away Your advise would be much appreciated. Many
Thanks Scott <Mmm, well... something is amiss here... perhaps
chemical aggression-wise with the stony corals mentioned... maybe
the Centropyge or Thalassoma are nipping... perhaps an unwanted
visitor (look with a flashlight at night)... Please take a read
here: http://wetwebmedia.com/alcyoniids.htm The linked files
above... re Compatibility, Systems... to see if this
"something" occurs to you. Otherwise, if you have such, I
would move this specimen to another system... stat. Bob
Fenner> |

Re: Photos from Caracas (help). Alcyoniid
Allelopathy Likely 5/8/06 Hi Bob <Claudio> Is
Claudio from Caracas <Como que va my friend?> I am still
working on the plan to invite you down here, because the political
situation and the presidential election early December we better
wait and see what we can do for early next year after everything
settles down again <I understand> On the other hand I need
some help relating the enclosed photos.. <Okay> The finger
leather refuses to open fully, I do not know if has something to do
with the nearby Sinularia (I think) <Could be...> The whit
spot in the Briareum <Or this animal/colony> appeared after I
had to eliminate one Aiptasia with an injection of Kalkwasser
<Or...> Did I over do it?? <Maybe> Thanks in advance
for you help Claudio <Best to "go back to the start"
here... seek to improve, maintain high water quality... through
water changes, chemical filtration... and hope for natural recovery
here. Bob Fenner> |
