FAQs about Health/Diseases, Pests of Soft
Corals of the Family Alcyoniidae 11
FAQs on Alcyoniid Disease:
Alcyoniid Health 1,
Alcyoniid Disease
Alcyoniid Disease 3,
Alcyoniid Disease
4, Alcyoniid
Disease 5, Alcyoniid
Disease 6, Alcyoniid
Disease 7, Alcyoniid
Disease 8, Alcyoniid
Disease 9, Alcyoniid Health 10,
Health 12, Alcyoniid Disease 13,
Alcyoniid Disease
14, Alcyoniid
Disease 15, Alcyoniid Disease ,
FAQs on
Alcyoniid Disease by Category:
Nutritional, Pathogenic (Infectious,
parasitic), Predator/Pests,
Social, Trauma,
Articles: Soft
Corals of the Family Alcyoniidae
Related FAQs: Soft Corals of the Family Alcyoniidae,
Alcyoniids 2, Alcyoniids 3, Alcyoniids 4, Alcyoniid ID, Alcyoniid Selection, Alcyoniid Compatibility, Alcyoniid Systems, Alcyoniid Behavior, Alcyoniid Feeding, Alcyoniid Propagation, Soft Coral Propagation, Soft Coral Health, Dyed Corals, Soft Coral Propagation, Nephtheids, Dendronephthya, Paralcyoniids, Nidaliids, Xeniids, Dyed

Somethings nibbling my Sarcophyton!
04/11/2008 Hello Crew, how are you all on this fine day!
<<Hello Simon, Andrew today>> Since Bob helped me
rather well last time I am seeking some advice on a new problem. I
have attached a picture of my leather coral (Sarcophyton) that last
night appeared with bite marks all around it. This all happened
over a short period. Two days ago it was fine, all polyps out and
reaching up to the light, yesterday it looked like this. <<I
agree, bite marks>> It has been a little 'in and out'
over the last month, but I had put that down to the usual
'sloughing' of surface skin that they do every now and
again. <<Sure>> I have three possible fish culprits, a
Niger Trigger, an Emperor Angel, and lineatus Tang. I say the tang
because I noticed it nipping some Zoanthids yesterday. Do the marks
look like fish bite marks, and if so which is most likely? Or do I
have an unseen invertebrate (Nudibranch?). I am sorry that my
picture is not great, I am in the lower leagues of photography I am
afraid, still looking for promotion but without the funds to buy a
star player (a top camera). Maybe I will have to ask the chairman!!
(woman!) <<Yes, all three of those fish will have a tendency
to nip coral. In reality, i would be tempted to go for the Angel or
more likely the trigger, as the niger trigger should only be housed
in Fish Only tanks>> Only the surface layer of the coral has
been eaten (Or is it diseased?) it does not go all the way through.
It looks like there are little green blobs around the wounds. Is
this likely decaying tissue? I could not get a close enough photo.
They do not look like Nudibranchs, but I am no expert which is why
I am writing this! <<I would not suggest Nudi
involvement>> If it is my Emperor then is the only solution
to remove the coral? The Emperor is going no-where as it is the
most majestic thing this side of the milky way! <<Of course,
the choice is yours when you have confirmed the biter. Remove the
offending fish, or the coral>> Thank you very much, Simon,
England <<Thanks for the questions, hope this helps. A Nixon
(also in England)>> |
Uhh... what's that to the lower
left? Source. RMF.
Re: Somethings nibbling my Sarcophyton!
Further 04/14/2008 Thanks Bob, those are 'hairy
mushrooms', Rhodactis. Do you mean that this could sting the
others, or possible allelopathy at all? I was not aware that
these had large/ extendable nematocysts please advise should I
move this coral away from the Sarco's? (and therefore
everything else as well?) Thanks a lot, Simon, England <Yes...
sorry for the lack of clarity. I am indeed speculating that the
Corallimorphs are mal-affecting your Sarco... note the
arrangement of damage on the toadstool. I would at least separate
these Cnidarians... a good foot or more between. Bob Fenner>
Re: Somethings nibbling my Sarcophyton! Further
04/14/2008 Thank you again Bob, will do. Simon, England
<Ah, good. Please do send along a follow up in a month or so.
Cheers, BobF>
Re: Somethings nibbling my Sarcophyton!
Further - 04/14/08 Will do! I don't know if you saw
my previous answer to Andrew, but I thought that it was quite
interesting that the 'green' blobs (not a scientific term
I know!) were actually the polyps. <Ahh! I did see, yes>
Good health to you! Simon, England <And you, BobF, Ca>
Cauliflower Colt Coral Dying -- 03/19/08
Hi, <<Hello, Brad>> I am new to managing a salt water
aquarium and I recently purchased the above which I understand
can also be called Soft Finger Leather Coral.
<<Hmm'¦one brings to mind a Cladiella species and
the other a Sinularia species 'but then, that is the
problem with such 'common name' usage>> When we
first introduced it to the tank it seemed to fill out and stand
quite erect. Now it is limp and small with (a) some white spots
on some of the branches; and (b) the base looks like it is
separating from the rock it came on and tearing right where all
of the branches start. <<Very bad 'this organism
is likely dead and decomposing/disintegrating 'I would
remove>> I introduced 3 other corals at the same time (Star
Polyp, Toadstool Mushroom Leather, and Devil's Hand Leather)
and they don't seem to be an issue. <<The Colt Coral
may have been doomed before purchase/from the start>> I
also have a Ritteri Anemone, <<Mmm'¦do read on our
site re mixing Actinarians with sessile inverts>> several
fish, and other inverts that seem fine and my water seems fine
too (nitrate is climbing a little - could this be the problem and
if it is, how do I manage it back?). <<The elevated Nitrate
is probably due to the decomposing coral. Remove the dead coral
and perform a partial water change>> Your guidance would
really be appreciated. Thanks, Brad <<Based on the
information provided, I can only speculate that the Colt Coral
was already doomed from damage during collection and transport,
or something in the system poisoned it (and was the 'last
straw' in its weakened state), or maybe, it was placed too
close/stung by the Anemone. Regards, EricR>>
Re: Cauliflower Colt Coral Dying -- 03/19/08 Thanks
Eric. <<Quite welcome, Brad>> I'm going to move
to my quarantine tank and see if there is any hope but will get
it out of the main. <<Ah, good!>> Not sure if you can
help me here but I'm not thrilled with the local retailer
I've been going to as in the last 3 months I've had (a) 2
ocellaris clownfish die in quarantine before introducing to the
main tank; (b) 1 4 striped damselfish get parasites (Ich I think)
within 24 hours of buying - luckily we got rid of it and he's
fine now; (c) a cleaner shrimp die in less than 24 hours after
being in the main tank (didn't go into quarantine); and now
(d) the coral problem. <<I see>> My water tests
I've done at home and had the retailer do are all very good
so I worry the retailer isn't providing the best quality and
there are no guarantees with them. <<Mmm well, the fact
that 'you' are 'new to saltwater keeping'
aside'¦to be fair, it may not necessarily be the quality
of care/service provided by the retailer 'but rather the
quality of the care given to the livestock 'provided to'
the retailer. Still 'doesn't help you/change
facts 'if this is the case>> I understand marine
aquariums are tricky but I am somewhat concerned as I get
different answers from many staff. <<You will find the same
here 'the hobby is ripe with opinion>> My question
is do you have a list of retailers (physical or mail order) that
are known to be of extremely high quality in the Toronto area of
Canada (or can mail order to Canada)? <<Mmm, none that I
have dealt with directly 'but Big Al's in London,
Ontario is reputed to have quality livestock/dry
goods/service 'and it may be worth investigating Reef
Solution in Laval, QC and Aquaria Canada in Hull, QC. As for mail
order of saltwater livestock, I don't think anything from the
US is going to be economically feasible for an
'individual''¦but within Canada, JLAquatics in
Vancouver is favored by some, and I have heard mention of Gold
Aquarium in Calgary. A quick keyword search of the NET re the
store names should yield more detailed information>> Any
advice is welcome. <<Hope it helps>> Thanks again,
Brad. <<Happy to assist. EricR>>
Sinularia flexibis, hlth./comp. -- 03/18/08
I added a large healthy Sinularia Flexibis (spaghetti coral) from
LiveAquaria to a 90g reef tank (other coral inhabitants: brown
toadstool mushroom coral (Sarcophyton sp.), green toadstool mushroom,
(Sarcophyton sp.), Ricordea mushrooms, other assorted mushrooms, pipe
organ coral. While the spaghetti coral is thriving, the soft leathers
(Sarcophyton) are not; they have retracted their tentacles and appear
'slimy,' 'flat' and 'collapsed/closed'.
<It's probably that you have too many different types of soft
corals and leathers in the same tank. Exactly how many is too many? I
honestly couldn't tell you. We usually don't find out until
something starts suffering.> (I have rearranged so as to modify
light and water flow conditions to no avail. They are additionally
often covered in the sweeper tentacles that extend from the spaghetti
coral at night (Very long webbed strings that can extend half the
length of the tank) that have presumably broken off on it. Are such
sweeper tentacles deleterious to the health of the (soft) corals
<likely so, to some degree or another> - or are my concerns
misguided such that I should instead be looking for some other
potential problem (everything tests out fine so I am thoroughly
perplexed by the change in condition). <These animals produce all
kinds of chemicals and toxins, it's often impossible to predict
exactly how one coral will affect all others under a given set of
circumstances. But generally, this sounds like an allelopathic problem
of some sort to me.> Additionally, a change in location of the
leathers is not thought possible given the size of the tank and rock
wall positioning - and in any event, unless perhaps placed on
tank's bottom where lighting may not be sufficient, all locales
likely within reach of such long string-like protrusions from the
spaghetti (if that is in fact what is causing the disturbance).
<This could very well be the case (especially if they are
mesenterial filaments).> Note: a frogspawn introduced at same time
as spaghetti also died - <LPS corals are thought to be especially
vulnerable to leather coral toxins.> although I suspect the
butterfly may have picked at it sufficiently (have been conscientious
in selecting coral species that would not be harmed by the butterfly -
<Good start, but the next step is to think more carefully about
selecting corals that will not harm each other. At this point, the only
advice I can give you (aside from removing the S. flexibis) is to run a
lot of activated carbon.> this was a surprise to me, introduced
based upon the advisement of a professional reef-keeper / maintenance
person). Thanks! Mike <De nada, Sara M.>
Unwell Coral, Alcyoniid allelopathy
3/9/08 I have a soft coral in my reef tank which was absolutely
flourishing until a couple of days ago when we introduced three new
corals. <Oh oh... it's losing> I think it is a leather coral
(soft) maybe something called Devils Finger. It retracts quickly when
the lights are switched off, but in the morning comes out and is quite
large with polyps extending from the fingers. We have had it for a
couple of months now with a couple of other sorts and it was growing
rapidly. It was a soft pink in colour. <Mmm, might be artificially
dyed> This week we introduced another leather coral, a bit like a
toadstool, a leather coral which is flat, and a star polyp coral. We
attached these fragments to our live rock using Milliput. While doing
this the Milliput seemed to leak a foggy substance (small particles)
and the Devils Finger (If it is that) retracted quickly and went very
mauve in colour. It has remained like that now for four days, despite
water changes and a thorough clean of the external filter. We have put
Poly Filter and Carbon in the external filter. <Good> Could you
have any idea what has upset our coral which was so well established
and doing so well. Will it recover. I shall be very glad of your
advice. Byan King ( In UK) <In a word, allelopathy. Read here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/cnidcompppt.htm and the linked files above...
and then on to the "Compatibility" FAQs files of the
Cnidarian groups present... via the index or search tool. Bob
Growth on coral question 3/5/08
Hi, My colt coral has a white growth on the side of it. I have
noticed since it started growing about 2 1/2 months ago, the health
of my colt has been off. I'm not sure if it really has anything
to do with my colts health or not, but it showed up at the same
time it started not doing as well as it had been. ( I have had the
coral for 5 months) Thought I had lost it about a month ago, but it
is slowly bouncing back and is feeding more hours a day.
<Good> The white patch also "grows and shrinks"
during the day like a coral does. This patch has also really had a
growth spurt in the last 2 weeks. Insight anyone, to what this
might be...good or bad? Sal. 1.025 Calcium 460 Alk 5 PH 8.2 Nitrite
0 Nitrate .02 Ammonia 0 Silicate 0 Phosphate 0 Thanks for any info,
Katie <I would look closely... perhaps a Nudibranch predator at play
here... Could be an ongoing infectious agent... there are folks
(esp. commercial) who would "cut to the chase" and frag
this Alcyoniid, excising the troubled area. Please read here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/alcyonpropfaqs.htm Bob Fenner> |
Nudi. RMF.
Dyed coral -02/25/08 Crew, Thank you in
advance. On the way home from purchasing this coral today (picture
attached), it suddenly occurred to me that it is most likely dyed.
There is probably a reason I've never seen one this color.
<Indeed, this is an unnatural pink for a leather coral. Please
see here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/dyedcorals.htm> I believe
it is some sort of leather as that is the feel it has. My question
is will it harm any of my other tank inhabitants? <The dye or
the leather? If the tank is a decent size (not a nano), the dye
probably won't harm anything else (but it's a good idea to
run some activated carbon anyway). However, leather corals in
general (dyed or not) can be toxic to stony corals.> I realize
it is probably doomed itself, but is that the extent of the threat?
Thank you, <No, it's not doomed. But as it recovers, the
pink color will fade. It's hard to say what color it will be
after the dye is gone, but hopefully it will survive and you'll
find out. :-)> Ben
Sara M.> |
Yowzah, dat's peenk! RMF.
Yellow Leather Coloring Issue -02/21/2008
Good Morning WWM Crew, I¹m writing today to inquire more
about a coral vanity question rather than its health. <Not to
get too philosophical, but shouldn't these be more one in the
same? How "beautiful" could any unhealthy coral be?> I
got the most spectacular yellow Fiji leather a few months back. As
you can see in the picture attached it is sunshine yellow. (Forgive
the unhappiness of the coral, the picture was taken only moments
after introduction into my tank). <Please see here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/dyedcorals.htm> I have it situated
approximately 5² below the waterline under 4 54W T5
bulbs. (1 white, 2 Blue, 1 Purple). Over time it has gradually
become more brown in color towards the edges of the skin and the
polyps. <Hmmm, this tends to happen as dyed corals recover.>
It is growing nicely and extends its polyps daily, <awesome>
but it just isn¹t the same spectacular sight anymore.
<Sure it is... but it's spectacular in a different color
now.> Is the discoloration from lack of light or too much light?
I¹ve also attached a picture of the whole tank so you
can see that it is placed far enough away from any other corals
that might be causing chemical warfare. <Well, as far as
chemical warfare goes, I'd worry more about the leather
coral(s) hurting the stony corals. Leather corals can be quite
toxic to many stony corals.> I¹m interested to know
your opinion and your recommendations for how to get the old color
back. (Please note these are old pictures and do not accurately
portray the color now) <The best advice I can give you is to
care for the coral as best you can and to maybe be a bit more
"flexible" in what you consider beautiful. Or, if you
really must have a bright yellow coral, try to find one that's
naturally that way (rather than artificially dyed that color).>
Sincere Regards,
Jessica L.
Sara M.> |
Sarcophyton elegans... or dyed? The latter.