FAQs on Amblygobius Gobies,
Related Articles: Genus
Amblygobius Gobies,
Related FAQs: Amblygobius Gobies
1, Amblygobius Gobies 2, & FAQs on:
Amblygobius Behavior, Amblygobius Compatibility, Amblygobius Selection, Amblygobius Systems, Amblygobius Feeding, Amblygobius Disease, Amblygobius Reproduction, & True Gobies,
Gobies 2, Goby Identification, Goby Behavior, Goby Selection, Goby Compatibility, Goby Feeding, Goby Systems, Goby Disease, Goby Reproduction, Clown Gobies, Neon Gobies, Genus Coryphopterus Gobies, Mudskippers, Shrimp Gobies, Sifter Gobies,

Bodianus(??) ID: Amblygobius rainfordi --
Rainford's Goby 5/30/10
Hi Bob and Crew,
<Hello Chris, Lynn here today.>
A colleague of mine has moved back to Singapore and we adopted a
couple of their fish. Once they are out of QT, I would like to
place them in our 2M SPS tank, but I am having issues ID'ing
the one in the attached photo. I am inclined to say that it is a
Bodianus of some sort (the head shape strongly resembles Bodianus
bimaculatus), but there are not much in the way of juvenile
Bodianus photographs out there. It is 1.5" long, head is
golden yellow that fades to a darker
yellow at the tail. There are four head to tail red stripes, one
spot on the dorsal fin and at the base of the caudal fin.
<It's a beauty, alright.>
I was hopeful that someone on the crew had seen one of these guys
before and would be able to confirm for us.
<Yep, what you have is a pretty little goby called Amblygobius
rainfordi, aka Rainford's Goby, or the Court Jester Goby. For
more information and photos, please see: WWM: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/amblygobius.htm?h=rainfordi
Fishbase (click photo for additional examples):
Many thanks,
<You're welcome, enjoy!>
<Take care, Lynn Z>
Amblygobius goby Hi Bob, <Kari> We
picked up this goby at the LFS last weekend. He's really
pretty. My husband and I are debating whether it is an Amblygobius
albimaculatus or phalaena. Can you tell? The guy at the store said
he was a Banded Sleeper Goby (which implies phalaena), but all the
pictures of phalaena we've seen on the internet and in books
show a fish that isn't quite as white as ours. I understand
there can be quite a bit of variation within a species, and that
this is splitting hairs really, but we'd like to try to find
out as best we can. <This is a very light colored
specimen... Any idea of the origin? It's close in appearance
but I do suspect this is an A. phalaena... A. albimaculatus (from
the Red Sea) is quite rare in the trade in the west...> On
another note, we have a 55 gallon tank we are going to put him in.
We have a lawnmower blenny in another tank in the house, but
I'd like to put him in the 55 gallon tank as well. Would this
goby and the lawnmower blenny be compatible? They're
both going to be big and since they are both bottom dwellers, I
wasn't sure. <Should be fine... would be better if the
Amblygobius had been placed first, but since it is a very different
feeder, the Goby should leave it alone. If there is any overt
aggression, I would net out and isolate (in the tank or elsewhere)
the Algae eater for a few days. Bob Fenner> Thanks!
Kari |
Re: Amblygobius goby Hi Bob, <Kari>
Thanks for the response! The guy at the LFS said he came from the
Indian Ocean. Not too specific... <Mmm, well A. albimaculatus is
found amongst many islands of the Indian Ocean:
but there are VERY few collectors of this large area that ship even
indirectly to the U.S.... your fish would cost fifty or more
dollars retail if it came from this area... or some other set of
mitigating circumstances (e.g. error)> I'm glad he and the
lawnmower blenny should get along ok. Since neither fish is
actually in the 55g tank yet, I'll be sure to put the goby in
first (when he is finished with QT) and then transfer the blenny to
the tank after the goby is there. The blenny is still quite small
so he can stay where he is in our smaller tank for the time being.
<Ah, good idea. Be chatting, Bob Fenner> Thanks! Kari |
Goby ID/Bully Goby-SORRY! - 03/11/2006 Sorry,
forgot the picture!! Here is my email again with photo attached..
Hello fine people! Your site has been most helpful to me over the
past few months. My tank looks positively lovely now, and I am
really enjoying the hobby! I have a 75 gallon saltwater tank that
is about 8 months old. Of course it has fully cycled and contains
two Domino Damsels, <Yikes... tough!> a clean up crew and two
what the LFS labeled as "Dragon Gobies." The
Damsels are still alive after cycling and they are getting huge. I
will eventually take them back to the LFS when I am ready for the
permanent tank inhabitants but I have gotten somewhat attached to
them. They are each 3 inches long now. <Hope you have "Kung
Fu" netting techniques... and stamina!> My problem is not
with the Dominos (surprisingly they are pretty docile) but with one
of my Gobies. I am attaching a photo so you can see what they look
like. I am not convinced this is a true Dragon Goby after looking
at pictures of other Gobies also called "Dragon Gobies"
on yours and other sites. Are these really Dragon Gobies? <Call
'em what you will... You can call them Jay and you can call
them Ray. See here: http://wetwebmedia.com/amblygobius.htm>
I have one about 4 almost 5 inches long and the smaller guy is 3
and a half inches. They appear to be healthy, have no trouble
eating, and have been in the tank for approximately three months.
My problem is that the larger Goby is a BIG bully to the smaller
one, often constantly chasing him from one end of the tank to the
other. <Yes... territorial... in a too-small territory for
two> At feeding time, they both eat peacefully and there is no
competition for food. However, most other times, the smaller Goby
is running from the larger one. I have many hidey holes in my tank
for the smaller one to hide, but the bullying seems excessive.
It's as though he feels the need to push the smaller one around
anytime the little guy ventures out. How can I help the smaller
fish? <... a larger system mostly> I feel badly for him. He
even "hides" at the waterline sometimes, floating as
close to the surface as possible while the bigger one taunts him.
If you put your ear to the tank, you can hear him trash-talking.
(ok, just kidding!) What can I do? Thanks! Gabrielle <I'd
trade one in... along with the Dascyllus. Bob Fenner> |

Amblygobius semicinctus or phalaena 8/23/06 Hi
there WWM crew, thanks for taking the time to answer my questions!
I'm emailing about a new fish I procured at the LFS, and wanted to
find more information about it. Doing my research through
the WWM website, I've found that the "Dragon Goby" they
labeled is actually a "Banded Goby", or Amblygobius
semicinctus/phalaena (not sure because the pictures between the two
look really similar). <Are very similar in appearance, utility>
As for now, I know that these hovering gobies eat filamentous algae,
but mostly copepods, Mysis shrimp, and other small crustaceans, am I
correct? <Yep> I would like to know what to actually feed it, in
order to make sure it stays healthy. <Mmm, usually not much of an
issue... these gobies readily accept most all foods> So far, it
looks like it has done a fine job cleaning the sand-bed. I
just want to make sure it doesn't starve for any
reason. My last diamond goby had territorial issues with an
aggressive Kole tang, and starved to death. This banded goby
has actually gotten along quite well with the Kole tang. So, to sum up,
I'd like to know what foods I may feed it. Thanks! Alex
<I'd use mostly defrosted/frozen meaty foods of small-enough
size, and a baster (plastic) to "blow" these down toward the
goby... about the same place, times daily. Bob Fenner>