FAQs on Amblygobius Gobies,
Related Articles: Genus
Amblygobius Gobies,
Related FAQs: Amblygobius Gobies
1, Amblygobius Gobies 2, & FAQs on:
Amblygobius Identification, Amblygobius Behavior, Amblygobius Compatibility, Amblygobius Systems, Amblygobius Feeding, Amblygobius Disease, Amblygobius Reproduction, & True Gobies,
Gobies 2, Goby Identification, Goby Behavior, Goby Selection, Goby Compatibility, Goby Feeding, Goby Systems, Goby Disease, Goby Reproduction, Clown Gobies, Neon Gobies, Genus Coryphopterus Gobies, Mudskippers, Shrimp Gobies, Sifter Gobies,
I'm back in the hobby! Query re stocking, mixing sand gobies
<And ladies...>
It's been a long time for me - but, I'm back in the hobby in a much
<Ahh! Welcome back to the fold>
Used to follow threads on your website faithfully.
I have a 45g AIO tank with a Rainford Goby. He's cute and active - but
really can't keep up with the sand sifting that needs to be done.
Question: Would it be wise to add a Golden Head Goby - or would there
likely be too much territorial fighting? I realize each tank (fish) is
different - but, in general is this a bad idea?
<They'd likely get along fine, but if it were me, mine in such a size,
shape system, I'd go with either two Rainford's or two Golden Head
gobies. More interesting behaviorally.>
<Welcome! Bob Fenner>
Re: I'm back in the hobby! 12/9/18
Thank you so much. That seems like a wise recommendation. I’ll get
another Rainford.
<Cheers Gene. BobF>
Skinny Rainford, Chances of Recovery
1/29/09 Hi, <Hello there> Thank you for taking time to
answer my query. I'm no stranger to gobies, and I keep a goby
specific QT stocked with liverock, sand, algae and contains numerous
small crustaceans running at all times. Since I researched the diet of
Rainford and its congeners, I added large amounts of various hair algae
species to the QT and made sure that other live food sources had
sufficiently developed before the Rainford's arrival. I observed
the Rainford eating at store, though it did look slightly pinched
ventrally and slim laterally, he did not have an arched posture. Even
though the fish is eating live critters and prepared foods (enriched
brine shrimp, Cyclop-eeze, brine nauplii, and prawn ova), it still
hasn't accumulated significant body mass in about one month.
<Unfortunately all too typical> It has however, become more
colorful and active. <Good signs> Despite those positive signs,
I'm concerned that my Rainford Goby maybe too emaciated to fully
recover. <Also very common> Based on your experience, does this
fish seem as though it has a chance or are my efforts only prolonging
the inevitable? <I am not a fan of giving up... perhaps too stubborn
for my own, others good at times... I would "hang in
there"... keep trying, adding refugium life, more frequent, soaked
(HUFA, vitamin) foods...> Thank you for your time, SI <And you
for sharing. Bob Fenner>
Re: Marks appearing on fish, Amblygobius & BF sel.
01/19/09 Hi Bob, <Nick> I'm pleased to report my
Eibl's lesion has cleared up nicely! <Ah, good> I got my goby
the other day too, supposedly A. phalaena, I thought it looked a bit
pale when I collected it but figured it may just be stress colouration,
actually after a bit of fishbasing (word?!) it turns out I have an A.
bynoensis! I even gave the LFS the scientific name too.
I notice there's not much info on this species so was wondering
whether you have any experience with them? <Have never seen this
fish, in captivity or the wild> Can I assume its husbandry
requirements are similar to A. phalaena? <Very likely so> I was
also wondering if you think my tank would be suitable for one of the
larger b/fly species such as C. lunula, C. auriga or one of the
Forcipiger spp or should I stick with one of the smaller spp? (I'm
thinking melanotus or punctatofasciatus)? <Mmm, the shape being
what it is... I would likely skip a Butterfly entirely... too likely to
be too nervous in not being able to "get away"> The tanks
280l (46"x24"x15") with a 100l sump/fuge, 35kg LR,
decent water movement and a Turboflotor 1000 skimmer. Residents are 1
Centropyge eibli, 2 Amphiprion ocellaris and the Amblygobius phalaena.
The b/fly would be the last fish. Thanks again, Nick <I'd keep
looking if it were me, my tank. Cheers, BobF>
Re: Marks appearing on fish 01/19/09 I'll
attempt to get a decent photo of it in the near future. <Ok> Hmm
cheers for the advice on the b/fly, will scrap that idea, I take it
they need more height to feel secure? <Mmm, more width and length
actually> The only other fish on my wish list was Halichoeres
melanurus although I'd be concerned about competition for pods now
I have the goby. <Is a beauty though...> Do you have any
suggestions for a crustacean-safe, bold, feature fish that would be
happy in this setup? I realise its quite a broad question but let's
say if it were your tank and you wanted to finish it off?! <Perhaps
with a genus Ctenochaetus tang... Maybe C. hawaiiensis, or C.
strigosus... BobF>
Which Sand-Sifting Goby? 6/19/06 Hello
help crew, <<Vincent>> The sand in my sand bed is roughly
1mm to 1.5mm sized. What kind of goby will fit to that?
Thanks, Vincent <<Most all of the sand-sifting/sleeper gobies
will do fine. My favorite is Amblygobius
phalaena... Regards, EricR>>
Amblygobius hectori, Hector's Goby, Sel.,
MAC, 8/22/07 Hello once again, been a
little while this time. I may have made a little oopsy in a
rushed decision to buy some fish? My current 29 gallon BioCube
has been fishless for about 4-5 months so I do have a good pod
population but am worried it will not be enough to support 2
Hector's gobies? <Not really social animals... One is what
I would stick with> I also have a fair amount of algae in the
tank to hopefully help with keeping these fishes fat and happy.
Here's what happened since I know you do not like it when
people buy fish without research..... I read the FAQ's daily.
I work at a LFS and have been waiting to purchase 2 small fish
that MAY breed in captivity. Well as I scanned the stocklist and
looked at photos and I DID do some reading, I thought this
sounded pretty good. I did some quick looking since they were
placing the order at that moment and according to SOME sources
they are easy to keep. Then I looked on your site which tells me
they are not so easy to keep? <IF one can secure initially
healthy, not-too-starved specimens, place them in suitable
circumstances (not too busy, crowded, well-established, with much
micro-fauna...) not terribly difficult> The fish are MAC
certified, whatever that means? <Indeed... that the folks
involved have acquiesced to being further taxed> I believe it
has something to do with how they were caught? <Mmm, most all
Amblygobius are hand-netted... simply by locating, stirring up
the bottom sand... waiting a bit for them to come out and
inspect...> Well I thought I would be in the clear with these
2 small fish but now am really quite worried and hoping they will
take to eating frozen foods. If not I'll have to setup a
small dedicated refugium which I can breed some pods in, I have
plenty of macro algae to set this up so hopefully that will work?
I read your articles regarding these gobies but was wondering if
you had any other advice for me? I also know you HATE when people
ask you these types of questions so please don't think this
is my typical fish buying behavior. Thank you. One last thing, I
feel obligated to take these fish since I asked that they be
ordered for me. Thanks again. <Keep good notes... share your
observations. BobF>
Re: Amblygobius hectori, Hector's Goby
8/23/07 Thank you Mr. Fenner. I just received the fish I feel
obligated to take, because I had the store order them for me.
Anyway the fish look fat and healthy, one is about 2 inches the
other is about a inch, this may help or hurt me? <Will help
assuredly> I'll keep you updated and let you know what
happens when these two fish are kept in the same small tank. If
they do fight a lot I can just move one to a different tank.
Thanks for your help.......like always. <Welcome Ryan.
Re: Amblygobius hectori, Hector's Goby 9/2/07
Hello again! Thought I would give you a brief update on these
fish. So far there has been no fighting between the 2 and both
appear fat. I don't know what they are eating (for sure) but
apparently they are finding something. The smaller of the 2 will
eat Cyclop-eeze, so that's a bit of a relief, the larger does
not appear to be eating it? It could be that the fish eats it
after it lands on the sand but I really am not sure. The bigger
one is constantly picking at the sand when I feed so maybe
that's what he's doing? <In the wild this genus feeds
on a great deal of interstitial fauna> Do you have any other
suggestions on foods to try? <Mysids of a few species,
sizes... soaking whatever is offered in Selcon or such> I
added coral frenzy to my main tank once an all the fish went
crazy eating the stuff so I wonder if that would work? <Worth
trying> I currently don't have any to try but can easily
go get some. Also would it be beneficial for me to add phyto in
this tank? <For?> Not directly for the fish but for the
pods. I am now wondering if these 2 fish can change sex, and
could possibly breed in my tank? <Possibly...> Is there a
way of telling sex on these fish? <Not as far as I'm
aware> Well that was a lot more questions than I intended.
Thanks, Ryan. <Thank you! BobF>