FAQs about Stands, Supports for
Aquariums: Coatings, Finishes
Related Articles: Aquarium Stands, Marine
Tanks, Canopies, Covers &
Lighting Fixtures,
Related FAQs: Aquarium Stands 1, Aquarium Stands 2, What to Use, About
Floors Underneath, DIY,
Commercial, Leveling, Modification, Repair, & Tanks, Tanks 2,
Tanks 3, Tanks 4, Aquarium
Repair 1, Acrylic Aquarium
Repair, Used Aquarium

Mr. False Crab says:
"Make it non-corrosive and non-toxic" or
Medium Density Fiberboard stand 7/26/12
<Hello David>
I have a question on Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF). My 29-gallon
aquarium sits on a stand that’s made out of MDF. Throughout the
years water has gotten on the fiberboard, and as a result, there are a
few bubbles on the fiberboard. The bubbles appear swollen, if that
makes any sense.
<Yes it does, MDF is resistant to warping/bubbling that occurs over
time, caused by moisture.>
Will this compromise the structural integrity of the stand?
<As long as the bubbling is minimal, it should be fine.>
And how do I refinish the fiberboard? Can I sand it down and repaint
<Yes, sand it down good and put at least two coats of wood sealing
primer on and two to three coats of paint. This will ensure your
stand will be moisture resistant for many years.>
Many thanks,
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Hello... forgot bb referral... Stand refinish... principally,
and GF sys., moving 11/23/10
Hello there!
I hope all is good with everyone.
I just wanted to send in an update and a couple of questions please
(mostly of my progress and for a bit of reassurance. I learn better
that way. :)).
Last week I wrote to you about the upgrade from a 20gal. tank to a
55gal. I received great help from Neale and Bob and I've like to
send them my gratitude.
Of course Bob sent me a couple of links and along with other reading
I'd like to say that I now feel more confident about my project
than before (mucho more)!
Here's a quick overview- recently I bought a used 55 gallon set-up
for my goldfish who are now, but not for long, in a 20 gallon tank.
There are three fish in the planted 20gal. one Ryukin and two Orandas.
The new-ish fifty gallon tank is rectangular with unfinished wood
stand. Since the tank is nine years old I sanded it down, stained it
waited 24 hours, and sprayed 2 bottles of polyurethane (I put the first
coat/bottle on and let it sit for two hours and as instructed then I
put the second coat on) -did this is the screen room outside.
I waited another 24 hours after that to put to set it up in my room
next to the 20gal to make it easier to transfer by buds. I followed all
the instructions on the needed dry time, however I still smell some of
the stuff (frown).
<This will be about for several more days, no worries>
It smells like a mixture of freshly cut wood, the pages of an open
book, and oil from a lamp. Mind you this is my first stain and finish
project and I'm pretty proud of myself, but I'm still concerned
about my fish. The smell isn't strong, but I notice the difference.
Naturally I threw open all the windows and turned on so many fans the
roof might fly off, but every time I leave and come back there's
that new furniture smell. Will it harm them to some degree????
Will they at most just get "high"??? (0_o)
<Not really>
It's been little less than 24 hours and the trio is eating and
swimming beautifully with fins raised. I haven't tested the water
in the new tank yet I'm waiting until a day before the transfer to
do so to check to give it a chance to settle in with the gravel and new
<Do move a good deal of the "old water" w/ the
There are no leaks however while cleaning the tank I noticed that the
silicon in some areas around the trim have more of an opaque white
shade than the translucent color in others. The inside bottom of the
tank has long hairline scratches from the precious owner who was
careless when removing the gravel. I don't know what this will do
in the long term. Now that I am noticing all these flaws I am ready to
just trash this set up and get a brand new one. I have put in two types
to gravel and I'm planning to use gravel from the old tank.
I have a BioWheel 200 on the new tank now and will be adding the two
HOB filters from the old tank
to this one.
I'm currently deciding if I should get a canister later on and call
it a day or keep the HOB since I've never had problems with them in
the 20gal. I have plant lights ready so that the 55gal can be a planted
tank also,
however while straightening up the house in preparation for
Thanksgiving my dear mother put the hoods that the lights would have
gone into outside....it rained that afternoon...Yay mom! So now that
the 55gal has nothing covering it and there's that smell is in the
room I wanted your opinion about a 25% water change and carbon in the
filters when/before I transfer the fish?
<Fine if you want>
The person who adopted Pepper (calico Ryukin with deformed swim
bladder... bless him he's a waddler) to me suggested I use a
bio-cycled substrate it for the plants and Seachem for food. Your
<Unnecessary with the movement of substrate, water, filter/s>
I've been feeding them seaweed, some flakes, and Spirulina flakes,
Hikari goldfish pellets and, and little kitchen veggies every now and
again. The two Orandas can eat anything and have no buoyancy problems,
but the moment Pepper eats something other than the seaweed he flips
upside down and hangs out at the surface like a Cirque du Le performer.
Can you suggest something that will give him what he needs in nutrients
and also not affect him that way?
<Posted on WWM>
May be...gel food w/ Epsom salt? Thank you again for spending the time
to read my long e-mail. I read your website a lot and there's so
much information sometimes it makes me more worried than necessary,
that's why I really do appreciate the time everyone spends
e-mailing me back. This gives me a little boost of confidence in
knowing that I'm taking the right steps and precautions. (I'm a
I hope you have a blessed day. :)
<Cheers, BobF>
Stand, finishing... reading 1/2/09 Hello. I
just finish building my fish tank stand. I want to stain it. What type
of stain and coat would you recommend for the stand and also inside the
canopy. Or is it just be easy to paint it? Then what type of paint.
Thanks a lot. <Read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/aqstdfinishes.htm
Bob Fenner>
Stand, now canopy finishing 1/2/09 Thanks for info. Also
i used wood glue for canopy. Is that ok? <... Yes... I would pilot
drill, screw the pieces together additionally (likely you have done
this), and coat, seal all per the last citation. BobF>
Stand, coating 1/11/09 So I've decided to use Minwax
stain and then Minwax spar urethane on the top of stain and inside
canopy. Is that sounds ok? Do I use water based or oil based products?
Thanks <Both are fine lines... but I like the oil-based myself... if
you have a garage, somewhere you can apply, let the fumes, smell
dissipate during drying/curing. Bob Fenner> Re:
Stand Thanks, Bob <Welcome Phil>
vs. Powder Coating 3/12/08 I am constructing a structural steel
aquarium stand. <A nice way to do a large tank.> I see that
commercial steel stands are generally powder coated. I am considering
using DuPont Imron paint instead of powder coating. The stand is going
to be shipped quite a distance, so the chance of getting the
coating/paint scratched or nicked is quite high. <Hmm, the distance
has less to do with this than the packing.> Imron is used on boats
and is supposedly very hard. Do you have any experience with using
Imron on aquarium stands ? What other paint do you suggest? Or is
powder coating the best way to go for a commercial aquarium stand?
<Regardless of the type of paint (Imron being great), I always opt
for the powder coat. It is simply a tough, cost effective and lasting
finish. My 2 cents, have fun, Scott V.>
Tank stand 1/27/07 Hi, <<Hi, Joe. Tom>>
The stand on my 120 reef is rusting due to the high moisture level in
the room. <<Doesn't sound good, does it?>> Wondering if
you have ever heard of a stand failing due to rust and if you have any
experience with Rustoleum around an up and running reef?
<<Haven't heard of this personally, Joe, but I bet I will if
you don't take some action to correct this. Whatever product you
use, don't make it an aerosol. (Undoubtedly, you already had that
one figured out but I wanted to make it perfectly clear for our
readers.) One product that I'm familiar with in an industrial
environment is 'Extend' Rust Inhibitor. When brushed onto the
metal it appears milky white but dries black. It combines with the
oxidized metal to form a protective coating that protects the
underlying metal. You might want to use it as a primer and brush a top
coat of another paint on for aesthetic purposes. Your preference here.
Don't procrastinate on this one, Joe.>>
Thanks Joe Damone <<You're
welcome. Tom>>
Rusting Tank stand 1/28/07 Thanks Tom, <<No
problem, Joe.>> Have you used Extend around an up and running
reef? <<No, Joe, I haven't. I've used it extensively on
large air handling units in a high-rise office building. Subject to
high humidity loads during the "cooling" season here in
Michigan and, obviously, non-toxic to people. In all honesty, though, I
don't know of any implications of using it around an operating reef
system, pro or con. (I'll transfer my response to Bob and seek his
input. Watch the FAQ's... Tom>> <I do think/believe this
material is safe once cured. BobF>
Rusting Tank stand 1/28/07 Got it. but my main concern
is the fumes not when its cured thanks Joe <I see... I would
definitely be doing the application/curing out of doors... in a
well-ventilated garage perhaps if the weather were inclement. Bob
Fenner> Re: Rusting Tank stand 1/29/07 I guess I am not
being clear. I want to do this with the reef tank up and running
ON THE STAND Thanks <Sorry... I would NOT do this... I would take
the tank down temporarily (yes, a big job) prep./clean the stand, paint
it up. allow it to cure... then re-set-up. BobF>
Rusting Tank stand 1/29/07 Bob,
Thanks for your input.
Is the reason you would not do it when the tank is up
and running is because of contamination issues? Thanks Joe <Mmm,
only partially... Mostly the desire to do a thorough job (need to get
off most all the rot/rust) and secondly to avoid fume issues. BobF>
Wood finishing, plumber's tape for threaded connections, painted
backgrounds, whew! Hi Guys (a generic term that includes the female
members of the crew ;o) <Watch this...> I have searched WWM &
couldn't find a relevant answer - hopefully I've not missed!
<We'll see... or add to it> Just a quickie re finishing the
woodwork for my new 24" cube - I will need some sort of finish on
the veneered panels that I have now got for the new tanks cabinet and
open topped hood but I am not sure what would be most suitable, I have
been looking for some sort of polyurethane varnish type stuff but have
so far drawn a blank (maybe its just called something else in the
UK?). The main area for concern will clearly be the hood
woodwork as this will be the closest to the (salt) water & thus
more chance of particles of finish (or some sort of reaction leading to
leaching of nasties) entering the water column (clearly something to be
avoided if at all possible (however I believe in planning for the worst
- comes from working for the UK government I guess lol!!)) Any pointers
to a suitable finish would be more than welcome. <Polyurethanes are
fine (durable, non-toxic once cured, attractive), though I am a bigger
fan of Varathanes (as you speculate, perhaps a "Yank"
(formerly colony) term... These come in different reflectivities (I
like the less shiny), and are even more durable> Would you be able
to confirm my suspicion that PTFE (plumbers) tape will be fine for
sealing my new closed loop system? From what I can gather this should
be fine and nicely inert. <Is... though I am a bigger fan (here we
go again) of using 100% Silicone (the same material/el used for making
glass aquariums... for thread to thread connections... makes a nice
flexible joining, and allows for easy unthreading if needed later on...
and "makes a seal" rather than allowing salt creep over time.
Bob Fenner> Ok just 1 other question ;o) <Oh!> I also need to
paint the back (outside obviously) of the tank black to match the weir
- I am planning to use enamel paint - Japblack I think the brand is (do
you see any problems here?) <Am unfamiliar with this term> - will
I be OK just to go ahead and paint this or would I be better running
some sandpaper or such over the area to be painted to provide a
"key" or rougher surface for the paint to adhere to? <Mmm,
I have used latex or water-based in-door wall paint here... sans
scratching... to good effect...> Sincere thanks as usual in
anticipation Cheers Chris Got Wood? Gentlemen: My
125G saltwater tank occupies a corner of our den. The tank is encased
by maple wood that has lost its luster due to the contact with
saltwater. Can you recommend a product that will improve the look of
the wood without presenting any caustic problems for the fish? <Yes,
my fave: Lemon Oil... really works well, and smells great> The local
hardware store had a wood stain and a color stick; however, both
products appeared to have toxic properties. Thanks, Mitch <Be
chatting, Bob Fenner>
Re-staining an aquarium stand. Hi Bob, My wife wants to
change the color of the stand my 75 gallon fish only tank is on. It is
in the same room as my 55 reef that I have spoke to you about
before. Do you know of a good method or special stain or paint
that the vapors would not hurt any of my livestock? I can remove the
canopy and stain it at night. The stand is the only issue. I believe
the stain would soak in without any sanding. Please advise if you have
done anything like this. Thank you as always, Andrew <<I would
turn off the "air entraining" devices and any air pumps
during the first hour or so of this process... and do the staining on a
nice warm day in the AM so you can leave windows, doors open... Then do
look into the many low VOC (volatile organic compounds) water-based
stains. Bob Fenner>>
To paint
or not to paint Hey Bob I am about to build a stand for my
105 gallon show tank. Heavy duty construction 2x4 and 4x4 framing and
solid white oak covering and canopy. The question is : I was wanting to
stain it and poly-urethane it. Is this a bad idea considering the
possible flare up of fumes later on if the house was to get hot or the
canopy was to get hot from the lights. And would salt creep really make
it look worse after a while. I think it would look good just
sanded and treated but would look great stained and sealed. Any
thoughts on the subject would be appreciated. Kevin Johnson <<I
definitely would seal the top/canopy in any case... and
polyurethane's are fine, as are Varathanes... and come in less
glossy finishes nowadays... And lastly, there are parts for separating
hot components from the wood itself... and simply Mylar type products
to install inside that serve dual duty as reflectors of light,
deflectors of heat... use them. Bob Fenner>>
Used on Wooden Cabinets and Hoods I am building a cabinet and hood
for my 29 gal reef tank out of solid oak. <Nice> What sort of
finish do you recommend for these items that is non-toxic to the
inhabitants of the system? <I am a huge fan of polyurethanes... in
whatever choice of "reflectivity" of finish> I was
planning on a typical wood stain covered with an epoxy varnish, with
just the epoxy varnish (no stain) inside the cabinet where the sump
will be located. Do you have any thoughts/suggestions on this topic?
<I do... what you have in mind will definitely work... render the
wood waterproof, protect it from rotting, be chemically inert. Bob