FAQs about Commercial & Custom Tanks for
Marine Systems By Manufacturer/Brand: BioCube
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Should I buy a Biocube?
Dear Crew,
<Howdy DG>
I was thinking it is time to transition into saltwater aquariums. After
doing research I learned about the Oceanic Biocube. From what I have
read, they seem to come with everything (except a protein skimmer and a
few others) that I would need to have a healthy aquarium; even
sufficient lighting for some basic soft corals. Though, I have one
question. Is it better to buy a regular tank then buy the other
supplies or should I simply get a Biocube and do some upgrades as I go
I know a Biocube is expensive but wouldn't having to buy everything
separately even more expensive?
Thank you very much for the reply,
Dante G.
<Good questions... Years back, when we had/ran retail fish stores,
the "all-in-one" units were, to put it absolutely,
"crap"... Starting 5-6 years ago, some very nice boxed
systems have been produced... and I do like the Oceanic line. As a
related note, the last 2-3 years I've penned a "small marine
system" column for the UK hobby 'zine "Ultramarine
Aquarium"... and now an example small system column for TFH here
in the US (and abroad to be accurate)... Have had occasion therefore to
make close examinations of
these units... and I like most all that I see.
How to put this succinctly? We're it me, I'd purchase
this/these units.
Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Coralife Lighting/Oceanic Biocube Lighting
Hello crew,
<Hi Sam>
As a present a friend bought me a 14g Biocube a few years back. Tank
has been running well, but recently one of the lights went out. Later
after buying a replacement 24 watt actinic I realized it was fried
wiring (tried to place the "good" fluorescent in its place
and it still didn't work). I literally scoured the internet for
hours trying to find a replacement (it is one of those special brand
specific parts . . . I need to have the same brand or the light wont
plug in). Unfortunately, I have no idea what the name of it is. I'm
thinking it's called a ballast, but none of the images I've
seen of them include the wiring and special coralife lighting
I rang customer service for Oceanic and got a robot, so before I scrap
all hopes of getting my lighting back to normal without starting over,
do you have any idea where I could find a replacement? (I tried Marine
Depot and several other sites, but there may still be some places with
<I believe your best bet would be to contact Oceanic by email. Go
here and click the "contact us" link. http://www.oceanicsystems.com/>
Best regards,
<To you as well. James (Salty Dog)>
Sam Sutonovski
Help for a novice? Certainly! Nitrogen cycle new tank
questions: 11/13/2009
First, thanks in advance for any help you can give me and for a
fantastic website!!!
<Hi Alice. It is our pleasure as always.>
Ok, I'm very, very new to all of this.
<Welcome to the hobby.>
Silly me started 3 wks ago with promising my daughter a Nemo after a 10
gallon garage sale tank for $25.
Well, we went to a local chain got a heater, water, & 10# live
Took some water in 1wk later told us that tank was cycled and
(b/c that's what he told us to do). Now that I have been reading
your website, I don't think it really could cycle that fast.
<If it was good cured live rock, it is possible in such a small
Bought a clownfish, shrimp, and turbo snail. It is now two weeks later
and they are very happy. I have tested the water since and ammonia and
NO2 are 0, NO3 20ppm before the 2gallon water change.
<With those test results, yes, your tank is cycled.>
In the meantime, we felt very sorry for the fish in such a small
<Yes, a 10 gallon is really to small for any marine fish.>
We bought a biocube29.
<A nice setup for a small tank.>
Everybody seems to say that the cube needs to be modified (getting rid
of the bioballs).
<Not necessarily, bio-balls do become nitrate factories though. Read
I have the protein skimmer in 1st chamber with stock filter. (Despite
many posts flow thru chambers
seems fine). I have filter floss in chamber 2 with plans to add a fuge
with Chaeto. Chamber 3 will get a bag of Purigen.
<Sounds fine.>
I bought 30# of live rock with the most beautiful royal purple
coralline algae from someone
taking his tank apart . It was still in the tank and beautiful. It took
about 1-1.5 hrs to get it into water. I added 20# live sand from the
store. I have not seen any ammonia spikes so today (day #4) I added
some fish food (10 pellets). Do I need to put in more?
1. Is it possible the tanks won't really cycle b/c the live rock
was already in a tank and ready?
<Very possible.>
2. How quickly will I see an ammonia spike after the fish food I added
today if it isn't cycled yet?
<Again, if it was good live rock, you may never see a spike.>
3. My beautiful coralline algae is now 80% a grey purple instead of
that gorgeous royal purple, I added some 'purple up' once, but
not sure if I should keep it up if it is just the process it is
supposed to go thru.
<It is suffering some die off. Coralline algae needs high calcium,
and alkalinity to grow:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/corallinealg.htm >
4. Now I am seeing a ton of green algae all over the coralline.
<What kind of algae?>
Should I put my turbo snail in now or wait until I know for sure the
tank is cycled?
<I would add the snails.>
Will it go away on its own?
<Depends on the algae. Algae outbreaks are very common in new
usually a diatom outbreak (Brown scum) and then hair algae.>
If I don't take care of it now will it kill my coralline algae?
<Possibly, though with the right conditions, it will grow
5. Are the mod.s to the tank ok?
<If everything is working fine, no worries.>
Am I missing anything?
<Probably, but don't worry.>
Do I need the fuge if it is a FO tank?
<They help with nutrient control, but are not mandatory.>
Thank you for any advice
<Here are a bunch of articles geared for the new marine tank
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/greenalg.htm >
29 gallon bio-cube marine tank, 10/8/08 Hello
to all. <Hi> I work at a pet store and saw a 29 gallon bio-cube
tank. My husband and I have been wanting to start keeping marine tanks.
We live in an apartment so space is limited. We want a fish only tank
with a starfish. <I would suggest at least investigating live rock,
it makes maintaining a marine tank much easier. As far as starfish go,
stick with serpent stars for this sized tank.> I have talked to
several people about the bio-cube and have heard several opinions on
weather it is good for a small reef tank. <It is ok, but I prefer a
more normal shaped tank with more surface area and ala-carte equipment
which tends to be of better quality than what you get in all-in-one
packages. If memory serves this setup also lacks a protein skimmer
which I personally would not run a tank without.> I have always
gotten great advise from you guys when it come to my fresh water tank
so I was wondering what your thoughts were on this tank. Thanks again
for all the great advise.. Virginia Hulse <My personal opinion is to
get a regular 29G, a quality skimmer, LR, and a couple powerheads. I
think you could probably do this cheaper than with a Bio-Cube.>
Lighting, BioCube... nano nanooo
03/30/2008 Okay, I have had a 14 gallon BioCube since October of
2007. A few weeks ago the lights started to act a little weird. I woke
up one morning and tried turning on the lights for the aquarium and
they did not work. The next day the light did work, but the day after
that it wouldn't work. It keeps working every other day (Yesterday
they worked, today they didn't). Do you know what may be causing
this, or what might be wrong? Thank You!! <<Sounds like an issue
with the timers to me.. another tank to test them on perhaps? To many
variables to be able to give any more best guess's>>
<<Thanks, A Nixon>>