Related FAQs: True
Blennies, Combtooth Blennies 2, Blenny Identification, Blenny Behavior, Blenny Compatibility, Blenny Selection, Blenny Systems, Blenny Feeding, Blenny Disease, Blenny Reproduction,
Blennies, Ecsenius Blennies, Saber-Tooth Blennies, Blennioids & their Relatives,
Related Articles: True or Combtooth
Blennies, Blennioids and their Relatives,
Algae Eating
Blennies, Ecsenius Blennies, Sabertooth Blennies, Family
Blenniidae/Tribe Nemophini, Algae Control, Triplefin Blennioids, Tube/Pike/Flag
/The Conscientious Marine
Blennioids of Indonesia
Bob Fenner |
Genus Aspidontus:
Genus Atrosalarias: Monotypic (one species).
Genus Meiacanthus:
Genus Petroscirtes:
Petroscirtes breviceps (Valenciennes 1836),
the Shorthead Sabretooth Blenny or Striped Poison-Fang Blenny
Mimic. A mimic of Meiacanthus grammistes (see above) (most
easily told apart by Petroscirtes underslung mouth). Indo-West
Pacific; East Africa to the Micronesians. To 11 cm. Can and will
bite if handled. N. Sulawesi pic. |

Petroscirtes mitratus Ruppell 1830, the
Floral or High Fin Blenny. Indo-Pacific; Red Sea to Samoa. To a
little under three inches in length. This two inch one photographed
in the Maldives. |

Genus Plagiotremus:
Plagiotemus tapeinosoma (Bleeker 1857), the
Piano Fangblenny. Indo-Pacific; Red Sea to the Line Islands. To
five and a half inches in length. Some in the upper Red Sea and
Queensland who bit me. |

Genus Ecsenius:
Triplefins, Family Tripterygiidae:
Helcogramma gymnauchen (Weber 1909), the
Yellow-Lip Triplefin. Tropical West Pacific; Indonesia, PNG,
Northern Australia. To 4 cm. Lives on reefs, algal covered areas,
feeding on tiny invertebrates. N. Sulawesi pic of one on a
Plerogyra "bubble" with a copepod parasite on its
back. |
Helcogramma striata Hansen 1986, the
Tropical Striped Triplefin. Western Pacific; Southern Japan,
Philippines to Australia, Solomon Islands. To about an inch and
three quarters length. Found commonly on corals and sponges. This
one off of Pulau Redang, Malaysia. |
