Related FAQs: Tube/Pike/Flag Blennies, True Blennies, Combtooth Blennies 2,
Identification, Blenny
Behavior, Blenny
Compatibility, Blenny
Selection, Blenny Systems,
Blenny Feeding, Blenny Disease, Blenny Reproduction, Algae-eating Blennies, Ecsenius Blennies, Saber-Tooth Blennies, Blennioids & their Relatives,
Related Articles: Blennioids and their Relatives,
True or Combtooth
Blennies, Ecsenius Blennies, Sabertooth Blennies, Family
Blenniidae/Tribe Nemophini, Algae Control, Triplefin Blennioids, Nutrient Control and
/The Conscientious Marine
The Tube,
Pike or Flag Blennies, Family

By Bob Fenner
The Pike, Tube or Flag Blennies, family
Chaenopsidae ("Key-Nop-Sah-Dee") have elongated scaleless
bodies that are compressed somewhat side to side, no lateral lines;
modified for living in tube-like tunnels. Nine genera with at least
eighty species, Atlantic and Pacific. Acanthemblemaria, Chaenopsis,
Coralliocetus, Hemiemblemaria, Emblemaria &
Protemblemaria are sold, mainly to reef keepers.
Genus Acanthemblemaria:
Acanthemblemaria aspera Metzelaar 1919
(Longley 1927), the Roughhead Blenny. Tropical West Atlantic. To 1
1/4" long. Conspicuous cirri above eyes; orange iris Color
variable. Here in a hole in Key
Largo. A yellow variant below in Cozumel. |
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(desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images to go to
the larger size. |
Acanthemblemaria castroi Stephans &
Hobson 1966, the Galapagos Barnacle Blenny. Southeast Pacific:
endemic to the Galapagos Islands. To two inches in length. Here in
the wild. |

Acanthemblemaria hancocki Myers and
Reed 1936, Hancock's Blenny. Costa Rica and Panama. To 4.5 cm.
Costa Rica (Pacific side) 2011; below by DiF in Cabo San
Lucas, 2016. |

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to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images
to go to the larger size. |

Acanthemblemaria maria Bohlke 1961, Secretary Blenny.
To 2". Western Central Atlantic; Bahamas to Tobago. Reef-associated. Here in
Bonaire 2019. |
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to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images
to go to the larger size. |
Genus Coralliozetus:
Coralliozetus bahamensis (Stephens 1961); the
Blackhead Blenny. A male at
right in St.
Thomas 2014; a female below in Curacao 2015 |
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to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images
to go to the larger size. |
Genus Emblemaria:
D.S. Jordan & C. H. Gilbert,
Emblemaria pandionis, Sailfin Blenny. Tail
dorsal sailfin. Teardrop shaped iris. To 2.5", tropical W. Atlantic. At
right, a male in captivity and a female in Roatan,
Below: Roatan 2019 pic of a male. |
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to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images
to go to the larger size. |
Genus Hemiemblemaria:
Hemiemblemaria simulus Hildebrand 1940, Wrasse
Blenny. Tube dweller that sneaks out mimicking female Blue-Headed Wrasses to
nip other fishes... also a consumer of copepods. To 4 inches max. length.
Here in Key Largo 2014. |
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%20MD.JPG) |
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to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images
to go to the larger size. |
Neoclinus blanchardi (Girard 1858), the Sarcastic
Fringehead. At the SIO/Birch Aq. 2015 |