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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Stegastes variabilis (Castelnau 1855), the Cocoa
Damselfish. Tropical west Atlantic. To three inches long. Similar to
Beaubrummel, but juveniles bear a distinct black ocellus on the rear upper
part their dorsal fins that extends onto the body. Adults yellowish
below, grading to brown above. Juv. Roatan 2019. |
Acanthemblemaria aspera Metzelaar 1919
(Longley 1927), the Roughhead Blenny. Tropical West Atlantic. To 1
1/4" long. Conspicuous cirri above eyes; orange iris Color
variable. Here in a hole in Roatan 2019. |

Acanthemblemaria hancocki Myers and
Reed 1936, Hancock's Blenny. Costa Rica and Panama. To 4.5 cm.
DiF in Cabo San Lucas, 2016. |
Elacatinus lobeli Randall & Colin 2009. Lobel's Caribbean Neon Goby. W.
Central Atlantic; Belize, Honduras, Bay Islands. Blue with gray border
stripe runs along top flank of body, tail and through the eyes, but
doesn't join on the snout. To 2". Roatan 2019.