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Lightbulb Anemone. An undescribed species; here in Roatan 2019. Large,
bulbous tentacles w/ pointed tips. Recently described anemone
species 2/26/20
Just wanted to let you know that the "lightbulb anemone" you mention on
this page ( ) as an undescribed
species, seems to have been described recently in this paper as
*Bellactis caeruleus*:
Ana Carolina Hernández
<I thank you for your identification help. Bob Fenner>

Lightbulb Anemone. An undescribed species; here in Roatan
2016. Large, bulbous tentacles w/ pointed tips. TiffB pic.
Recently described anemone species
Just wanted to let you know that the "lightbulb anemone" you mention on
this page ( ) as an undescribed
species, seems to have been described recently in this paper as
*Bellactis caeruleus*:
Ana Carolina Hernández
<I thank you for your identification help. Bob Fenner>

Lebrunia coralligens, the Hidden Anemone.
Uncommon, hidden in cracks from which long pseudotentacles extend
with roundish, differently colored tips. Brown to bluish in color.
True tentacles are long, unbranched. DiF Roatan 2017. |

Pseudopterygorgia (now Antillogorgia) bipinnata, Bipinnate
Sea Plume. Colonies as single planes of bilaterally arranged branchlets.
Usually purple, sometimes yellow to white. One of the most popular
aquarium Sea Fans due to its beauty, small size (to two feet tall in the
wild) and relative hardiness (when collected, held, shipped properly).
Here in Roatan in 2019, growing on a rope.