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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link

Pharia/Phataria pyramidata (Gray 1840),
the Yellow-Spotted or Pyramid Star. Family Ophidiasteridae. To 9 inches in diameter.
Eastern Pacific; Sea of Cortez to Peru and the Galapagos, rocky
shores to 130 meters depth. Triangular shaped feet. Galapagos
pic. |
Phataria unifascialis (Gray 1840), the Blue Sea Star. Family
Ophidiasteridae. To 7 inches in diameter. Eastern Pacific; Sea of Cortez
to Peru and the Galapagos, rocky shores to 50 meters depth. Dorsal
surface blue or tan with black pebbled lines, underside orange. Algae
feeder. Here in Cabo San Lucas, Baja, Mexico. |

Patiria miniata, the Bat Star, photographed
in Southern California. These two are reproducing. |

Pisaster ochraceus, the Ochre Seastar,
photographed in Southern California. . |