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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link

Eucidaris tribuloides (Lamarck 1816), Mine, Pencil, Club Urchin.
Tropical West Atlantic. Solitary, hiding by day. Live on algae,
bryozoans, sponges, tunicates in the wild. Algae and opened shellfish in
captivity. To about three inches in diameter. Bonaire photo. |
Heterocentrotus mammillatus (Linnaeus 1758),
the (Red) Pencil Urchin. Indo-Pacific; Red Sea to Hawai'i.
Nocturnal, hiding in crevices by day in depths to thirty feet,
emerging at night to rasp rocks. To one foot overall diameter.
Hawai'i picture. |

An image to show you what cooler water Urchins
can/do look like. The larger, redder individual in the upper part
of the frame is the larger species, Strongylocentrotus sanfriscanus, the ones in the
foreground are the more common, smaller Strongylocentrotus
purpuratus. Both have their eggs used in the sushi bar business
as uni. |

Mespilia globulus (Linnaeus 1758), the Blue
Tuxedo Urchin (Sphere Urchin of science). Eastern Indian Ocean to
western Pacific... in shallows amongst algae it grazes on. To three
inches in diameter. Needs hard substrates, shady areas. Can be kept
solitarily or in small groups. Eats mainly algae, including
corallines. N. Sulawesi pic. |