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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link

Enoplometopus daumi Holthuis 1983,
Daum's Reef Lobster. East Indian, Western Pacific Oceans;
imported from the Philippines, Indonesia. Common in the wild, but
shy and reclusive. |

Enoplometopus occidentalis
(Randall 1840), the Hairy or Red Reef Lobster. Found throughout the
tropical Indo-Pacific. White emarginated spots all over the body.
Nocturnal. |

Enoplometopus occidentalis
(Randall 1840), the Hairy or Red Reef Lobster. Found throughout the
tropical Indo-Pacific. White emarginated spots all over the body.
Nocturnal. |
Homarus americanus, (H.
Milne-Edwards, 1837) the American Lobster.
Found throughout the Northwest Atlantic, from Canada all the way to
North Carolina, although most prolific in Maine and Massachusetts.
Cool to cold water. |