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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Pontonides unciger Calman 1939. Body
segments and coloration closely match the black/whip corals
(Cirripathes) they inhabit. To about 15 mm. in length (yes,
small). Indo-Central Pacific; Red Sea to Indonesia, Australia,
Japan, Hawai'i. N. Sulawesi pic. |
A nice Stenopus cyanoscelis specimen at Interzoo 08,
though missing a claw. |

hispidus Olivier 1811, the Coral Banded Boxing Shrimp.
Worldwide tropical distribution. Males smaller, more slender than
females. Keep in reef settings with a cave of their own. May
consume small fishes, other crustaceans. Eat most all meaty
foods. In N. Sulawesi. |

hispidus Olivier 1811, the Coral Banded Boxing Shrimp.
Worldwide tropical distribution. Males smaller, more slender than
females. Keep in reef settings with a cave of their own. May
consume small fishes, other crustaceans. Eat most all meaty
foods. In N. Sulawesi. |