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Freshwater Pic
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Pachyclavella sp. Fiji pic. |
Perophora namei Hartmeyer & Michaelsen 1928. To less than 10 cm.
in length, counting stalk. Ovoid, bluish zooids. Western Pacific;
Indonesia, Philippines, Coral Sea. Raja Ampat, Indo.
Perophora namei Hartmeyer & Michaelsen 1928. To less than 10 cm.
in length, counting stalk. Ovoid, bluish zooids. Western Pacific;
Indonesia, Philippines, Coral Sea. Raja Ampat, Indo. |

Perophora viridis Verrill 1871. Honeysuckle Tunicate. Colonial,
tropical W. Atlantic. Common in nutrient-rich lagoons under ledges,
overhangs. Pale yellow w/ visible yellow lines w/in. About 1/2"
zooids. Cozumel pic.