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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link

Ophiothrix purpurea Martens 1867. Reddish
disk, alternating colors on arms, with a distinctive black stripe
running down the middle of each one, surrounded by yellow. KBR, Lembeh, N.
Sulawesi, Indo.
image. |
Ophiothrix suensonii, the Sponge Brittle Star. Tropical West
Atlantic. 2 1/2- 3 1/2". Live principally on sponges. Also found on fire
coral and gorgonians. Arms bear a dark line running down their mid-line.
Boniare pic.

Ascidian-world! A shot down in Wakatobi, S. Sulawesi, Indo. of a
Polycarpa overgrown w/ Didemnids, Rhopalaea and more. |
Atriolum robustum Kott 1983. South Africa to
New Guinea, Philippines. Small urn-shaped zooids of about an inch
in height. Large and few oral siphons. Most are rust-orange or
greenish shades. Often confused with Didemnum molle which
has much smaller oral siphons. Color due to the endosymbiotic algae
Prochloron. Queensland, Australia pic.