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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link

Mithrodia fisheri Holly 1932, Fisher's
Star. Body covered with large bumps. Color variable; from white to
cinnamon, generally with dark banding on roundish arms that have a
lateral row of blunt spines. Feeds on sponges, bryozoans, other
sessile invertebrates. Most about 4-6 inches in diameter though
attains at least a foot. Daytime Kona pic. |

Mithrodia fisheri Holly 1932, Fisher's
Star. Body covered with large bumps. Color variable; from white to
cinnamon, generally with dark banding on roundish arms that have a
lateral row of blunt spines. Feeds on sponges, bryozoans, other
sessile invertebrates. Most about 4-6 inches in diameter though
attains at least a foot. Nocturnal. Kona pic. |

Ophidiaster hemprichii Muller & Troschel
1842, Hemprich's Star. Legs round in cross section, of
variable color, usually reddish brown, with grey blotches. Body
made over with nine rows of articulating plates. To four inches
overall. Tropical Pacific. Kona pic. |
Pharia/Phataria pyramidata (Gray 1840), the Yellow-Spotted or
Pyramid Star. Family Ophidiasteridae. To 9 inches in diameter. Eastern
Pacific; Sea of Cortez to Peru and the Galapagos, rocky shores to 130
meters depth. Triangular shaped feet. Cabo San Lucas, Baja, Mexico.