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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link

Fromia monilis, the Necklace Sea Star. N.
Sulawesi pix. Found in shallow waters in rocky habitats. Wakatobi, S.
Sulawesi, Indo. |

Fromia monilis, the Necklace Sea Star. N.
Sulawesi pix. Found in shallow waters in rocky habitats. Gilis, N. Lombok,
Indo. |

Fromia monilis, the Necklace Sea Star. N.
Sulawesi pix. Found in shallow waters in rocky habitats. Ari Atoll,
Maldives. |

Gomophia egyptiaca Gray 1840, Egyptian
Seastar. Indo Pacific; Red Sea to the South Pacific. Needs shade,
calcareous rocks which it feeds on the life on. Typified by
isolated tubercles each surrounded by a white ring. Here in N. Sulawesi.