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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Clavelina picta, the Painted Tunicate. Florida, Bahamas,
Caribbean. Frequently found in clusters of hundreds of individuals
hanging on to gorgonians, black coral, sponges. Translucent bodies of
variable cool colors. Siphon rims reddish to dark purple. Here in the
Bahamas. |

Distaplia corolla, Button Tunicate. Small
(1/4" or less) oval individuals with one larger outflowing
opening. Generally grow in small clusters.
Tropical West Atlantic. Found growing on dead coral. Orange or
purple in color. Bahamas pic. |

Eudistoma cf. gilboviride (Sluiter
1909). Light to bright green with yellow overall mottling. West
Pacific; Australia, Indonesia, Melanesia. Here in S. Sulawesi. |
Herdamania momus (Savigny 1816). Western Atlantic, Indo-Pacific,
incl. Red Sea. To 10 cm. overall. Globular in shape, solitary, with
flared oral siphons. Most are tan in color with red mottling. Wakatobi,
S. Sulawesi, Indo. image.