FAQs about Brown/Phaeophyte Algae/Kelp
Identification 1
Related Articles: Brown Algae, Avoiding Algae Problems in Marine System,
Control, Marine Maintenance,
Nutrient Control and Export,
Marine Scavengers, Snails, Hermit
Crabs, Mithrax/Emerald
Green Crabs, Sea Urchins, Blennies, Algae
Filters, Ctenochaetus/Bristle Mouth
Tangs, Zebrasoma/Sailfin Tangs,
Skimmers, Skimmer Selection, Marine Algae, Coralline Algae, Green Algae, Brown
Algae, Blue-Green
"Algae"/(Cyanobacteria), Diatoms, Brown
Related FAQs: Brown Algae
ID 2, Brown Algae ID 3, Brown Algae ID 4, & Brown Algae 1, Brown Algae 2, Brown
Algae Behavior, Brown Algae
Compatibility/Control, Brown Algae
Selection, Brown Algae Systems,
Brown Algae Nutrition, Brown Algae Disease, Brown Algae Reproduction/Propagation,
Marine Algicide Use, Nutrient Limitation, Marine Algae Eaters, Culturing Macro-Algae; Controlling: BGA/Cyano, Red/Encrusting Algae, Green Algae, Brown/Diatom Algae, Marine Algae ID 1, Marine Algae ID 2, Marine Algae Control FAQs II, Marine Algaecide Use, Nutrient Limitation, Marine Algae Eaters, Culturing Macro-Algae; Controlling: BGA/Cyano, Red/Encrusting Algae, Green Algae, Brown/Diatom Algae,

New Print and
eBook on Amazon
Marine Aquarium Algae Control
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Identification'¦ Lobophora variegata
9/6/07 Hello Crew <Hi Lynn, Mich here.> I never thought
I'd be writing you good people, and here I go.
<Alrighteee!> I have three specimens that I am unable to
identify. I have attached a couple of pics of the first one on
this email. <I see.> I am concerned that this first
specimen may be a nuisance, as there patches of it growing now on
many pieces of my LR. The texture of is that of velvet. <Looks
like Lobophora variegata to me, and yes I would try to remove it.
More here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/brnalgae.htm > The tank
has been running for 3 months. I have added only 120 lbs of Fiji
LR to the tank, an ornate goby, some hermit crabs, <I
personally avoid.> a few assorted snails, a sand sifting star,
<Will decimate the life in your sand bed and then likely die
from starvation.> and some mushroom corals. I do a 10 gallon
water change every week, and on the fourth week, I change 15
gallons. <You never mentioned your tank size.> Would you
offer a suggestion as how I can go about researching for
identifying species? <Start with what you suspect it might be
and use appropriate adjectives, can be quite difficult if not
outright impossible sometimes. You can always send images here
for ID.> Thank you for your help
<Welcome! Mich.>
Lynn Vangsnes

Weird brown ??? 1/15/07 Dear
WWM, <Jan> Thanks for all of your help. <Welcome> I
have this strange brown stuff (I think a type of algae?) growing to
two areas in my 72G reef tank. Both areas are at the top
of the highest points of the aqua structure. <Don't know
what I did to your pic... It did download last night, but won't
open today... Oh, here it is!> At the location shown in the
photo, I had to move a fox coral as the brown stuff was encroaching
on the coral and causing it to shrivel up. The coral has
recovered in it's new location. <Good> At any rate, I
would like to remove this stuff. <I would> Any
ideas on what it is and how to remove it? Thanks for your help! Jan
Harrison <Appeared to be a member of the Lobophora genus
when I saw it... best manually extracted... Please read here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/brnalgcomp.htm And send along
the/an image if you have time. Bob Fenner> |

Algae cups Hi Bob, I have a curiously spontaneous whitish
cup-like growth on my live (Fijian) rock (picture enclosed). That
picture was taken in early December, and each of the individuals (about
3/4" to 1.5" across in the picture) has grown profusely since
then (the two groups pictured are now colonies about 4-5" in
diameter). I have now taken to referring to them as
'potato-chip-coral', but I really have no idea what it is;
would you please take a crack at identifying it for me? I'd like to
share it with my friend Paul, but it would be nice to know a little
more about it so that we needn't indulge too much in
trial-and-error to propagate it. I have noticed that this creature, or
creatures (if a colony), shows a fine diaphanous cilia along the
outermost ridge that extends 2-3mm, and its body is not particularly
fragile (it's reasonably flexible---similar to watercress Caulerpa
IMHO---and oscillates in the current opposite my sump-return near my
overflow box). It seems to be very happy within 2" of the surface
lit by 4 VHO Actinic White fluorescents, and has spawned at least two
other colonies within my 55gal tank since I began watching it. I have
other less-zoomed pictures if you're curious. Thanks for your
attention, -Tyler <It is a type of macroalgae called Padina. -Steven
Macroalgae identification?? Hey Bob, Any ideas what sort of
algae this is? <Um, no image... maybe place on a site, send the
URL> I assume it is helping in filtration and not harmful at all.
People seem to be looking for algae species that Tangs, Angels and
Rabbitfish will not eat, and they will not eat this stuff at all. My
fish seem to enjoy playing in amongst this algae and I was hoping you
may know what it is. My LFS buddy wants me to chop some off for his
tank as it grows fairly quickly in my system. He says he can't grow
it and that surprises me because he is the one I usually go to for
help. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Here are a couple pics.
Thanks Rob Huss <Bob Fenner> [Unable to display image][Unable to
display image][Unable to display image]
Re: macroalgae identification? well if you are referring to
the background of the tank it is just an off the shelf plastic backing
for tanks, the tank itself is my tank that I purchased from Elmer's
aquariums in Monroeville PA. <Oh! I know the store. Nice folks
(Gary the owner let me give a pitch to the staff downstairs a few years
back). Nice effect in the setting.> My question still remains do you
have any clue what type or species of macroalgae that is on my site,
been having no luck finding out anywhere. <Addended the last message
and resent... this is assuredly a Brown Algae of the genus Sargassum.
Bob Fenner>
Re: macroalgae identification? Well Bob here is an address to
my site, you now have your very own page for questions I have for you
enjoy! Thanks Rob Huss
http://pages.zdnet.com/holeinone1972/92gallonreeftank/ <Nice site...
will post link on WWM... and really like the image on your HP of the
corner tank... the backgrd... is this a product you bought or something
made? Bob Fenner... oh, and this Phaeophyte (brown kelp) is a Sargassum
species, perhaps S. japonicum>
Brown Algae The water parameters seem to be all right.
However a lot of brown algae is growing on my rocks killing all plant
life. It is not diatoms (little brown dots) this stuff is thick and
dense. What is causing it to grow and how do you prevent it from
growing? <Check out Bob's algae articles on www.wetwebmedia.com.
Go to the search page and enter 'slime algae' (be sure to check
the 'search WetWebMedia.com' option) -Lorenzo>
Plant or Algae? I have attached a picture of some sort of
plant or algae (I think its a plant) growing from my live rock in my 75
gallon tank. I have searched several places on the web and cannot
identify the plant/algae. I have pulled a little of it out but it is
very hard, like a plant and it just breaks off. <we use the
term "plants" generically in popular aquarium literature but
there are very few true plants. Most indeed are algae and that is what
you have. Two species in the image here: the fan shaped specimen
(right/bottom image) is Padina. The leafy species is not quite so clear
but is likely another brown algae like the Padina and may very well be
a Sargassum species. (regardless of color). The Padina you can leave
alone... is not tough to maintain. The Sargassum or like
"plant" is an incredibly fast grower and will need regular
pruning. Still... they are both beautiful. You got some nice live
rock> It is getting close to getting out of control and my yellow
tank will not even look at it. <few herbivores for a small
tank will> I was wondering if I should get something to eat it, or
just pull the excess out. <trim regularly> It is growing in
several different places in my tank and I don't want it to get any
further out of hand. I just setup a 20 gallon refugium and was
wondering if it would be a good addition to it? Yes! Very fine
and much better than Caulerpa> Thanks in advance. <my pleasure,
kindly Anthony Calfo>
Brown alga? Sargassum 2/6/03 Anthony, I
shot another pic of the plant on live rock, I think it's a
better image than the last, but Ill keep- trying! <thanks bud...
still fuzzy but I do believe I can rule out Paddleweed. This
organism looks like a brown alga to me and may simply be sprouting
Sargassum> I also figured out how to convert pics into the
"Tiff" extensions you asked me about on the DIY Refugium,
do ya still want some shots in that format? <if possible and
convenient... but a full-size jpeg is fine too if the image is
clear enough (saves memory/space for both of us)> When does the
new book become available? <amazingly despite late additions of
text to the editor yes... extra pages from us windbags!) it looks
like we will be very close to our projection (made last summer!):
Now set for late March/April latest> (Very nice website at
readingtrees.com by the way!) <thanks kindly... one of the
editors on the book (Christine Gonzales) designed the logo and
color palette... I screwed up the rest <G>> Anyway, back
to the plant ID, I've been digging some of the plants off the
rock, (like a dandelion in the yard) popping the whole plant off
& put some of it in the refugia. With that, I'll catch ya
later, in your debt & at your
<In your stead, I'm short and furry. Anthony> |

Mystery Macroalgae Howdy Folks, could I
trouble you for an Id of the following algae? <Sure- Scott F,.
with you today...> Seems like some sort of Kelp, at least that
is what it reminds me of. The main stalks seem bumpy,
almost thorny looking. I hope the picture is clear
enough. Will a Tang eat it, or if not, what will? Thank
you. Paul. <Well, Paul, it looks to me to be a
Sargassum species, possibly S. echinocarpum. It's actually a
very attractive macroalgae; I would not regard it as a nuisance,
myself. It does grow fairly rapidly, and can help harbor some
diverse, yet beneficial creatures. It's possible that some
tangs, such as the Manini, or "Convict Tang", Acanthurus
triostegus, or some Rabbitfishes, might chew on it a
bit. However, this is a fairly "tough"
macroalgae, and I have not seen tangs do much with it in the tanks
that I've seen them both reside! It's easy enough to
extract manually, if you really hate it. Personally, I'd
consider myself fortunate to have this cool macroalgae and enjoy it
for the diversity and utility it brings. Take care! Regards, Scott
F> |

ID 8/12/05 Hi Crew- <Howdy John, Ali here>
I'd like to thank you for the great site and valuable
information it provides! <Thank you friend> I discovered your
site a few years ago and my tank has under gone a fantastic
transformation in the following years! <Awesome!> My reason
for writing is because I have some odd/unusual growth in my tank
(pics provided). What ever it is sprouted up about 2
months ago and seems to be spreading-it appears to be harmless so
I've left it alone. Let me give you the specs on my
tank. I have a 55 long with a 5-8 inch sand bed and
roughly 90lbs live rock. Have 30 gallon refugium
and 20gal sump. On main tank I have 440 watt VHO system
and on refugium I have 120 watt compact
fluorescence. For filtration I have Aqua-C Remora Pro
and a little hang on the back Penguin (run activated charcoal in
it). For live stock I have 1 dusky Jawfish, 2 Clarkii Clowns and 1
Lunare Wrasse (it was a present from my wife who wanted more color
in my tank) and I have an assortment of snails and tons of Pods and
Mysis. Also, have Green Star Polyps and 10 stalks of
Xenia, which started of as one little branch 6 months ago! Again,
thanks for the great site! John McCloskey <Ah, it sounds like a
very nice little set-up you got there John. The organism in
question is indeed Scroll Algae (Padina sp.) Unfortunately, this
algae usually ends up dying during liverock shipment (very
sensitive to shipping), however it does have the potential to be a
hardy yet attractive algae once established. Keeping your
calcium/Alk stable will go a long way in keeping it happy. Good
luck and we wish you success!! - Ali> |

Unidentified Growth (Sargassum polyphyllum?) - 04/29/06
Dear WWM Crew, <<Greetings Kym>> Thank you so much for
providing such a wonderful resource. I have truly
enjoyed the untold hours that I have spent reading and rereading
through the many articles and FAQ's posted on your
website. The wealth of knowledge contained here is just
amazing. <<Indeed, much here (there) for the finding...happy
you find the researching enjoyable>> My question, today,
pertains to an unidentified growth in my 90 gallon reef
tank. I have checked through the website and through
numerous books, as well, and have not been able to determine what
it is. I believe that it is some type of algae or plant.
<<Me too>> It began growing out of my colony of green
button polyps. It is attached to the rock and has grown
very quickly. It is a single piece, brown and flat with
a slight curl at the edges. It has extended outward in
very wide fingerlike protrusions and has small white bumps sparsely
and erratically scattered across the surface and along the
edges. The feel is somewhat rubbery. <<Describes
as/looks like a Sargassum, possibly
Sargassum polyphyllum>> I have noticed, as it has grown
larger, that my polyps have been declining. <<The algae is
likely just shadowing/brushing across...>> I'm wondering
if, perhaps, it is exuding something toxic. <<A
possibility...algae compete for space just as corals, fish, all
marine life>> Would you please examine the pictures that I
have attached and see if you can identify the growth and tell me if
it is something that I should completely remove from my tank?
<<It's not going to "nuke" your tank, but if it
looks like it is beginning to decline/decompose you'll want to
remove it...and if you don't like the effect it is having on
your button polyps then by all means, pull it out now <grin>
>> Thank You,
<<Quite welcome. Regards, EricR>> |

New Print and
eBook on Amazon
Marine Aquarium Algae Control
by Robert (Bob) Fenner