FAQs about Cardinalfishes, Family
Apogonidae, Health/Disease
Related Articles: Cardinalfishes,
Related FAQs:
Cardinalfishes 1, Cardinalfishes 2,
& FAQs on: Cardinal
ID, Cardinal Behavior, Cardinal Compatibility, Cardinal Selection, Cardinal Systems, Cardinal Feeding, Cardinal Reproduction, &
Banggai Cardinals,
Banggai ID, Banggai Behavior, Banggai Compatibility, Banggai Selection, Banggai Systems, Banggai Feeding, Banggai Disease, Banggai Reproduction,

White Spot Margarita Cardinal 12/21/17
<8.5 megs of uncropped, blurry pix....>
Good Evening,
One of my cardinals developed these two white spots on the bottom half of its
tail right at the edge. Does this look like Ick?
<Could be>
I originally thought it was sand but it hasn't moved all day. I got a few fish
in quarantine
that I was going to add in the display but not sure if I should hold off.
I attached a few photos. Do you see the spots?
<Yeah; I see something>
<Re/Read WWM re Cryptocaryon... I wouldn't treat directly here of course;
actually period; but instead do what you can do to optimize environment and
nutrition. Bob Fenner>
Re: White Spot Margarita Cardinal
Thanks Bob. This morning only one of the spots are left. 24 hours for a spot
dropping off is to quick for crypto, correct?
<It is not too quick... Most all marine fish containing systems have latent
Cryptocaryon infestations... If you'd read. B>
re: White Spot Margarita Cardinal 12/22/17
Will do some more reading but I thought Ick spots would stay on fish for
more than 24 hours.
<Usually Crypt does; but... the spots are not the organism...>
re: White Spot Margarita Cardinal 12/22/17
What should I do with my Anthias that are in QT? Wait a few weeks and then
add to display?
<A choice you have to make... Is it more desirable to have these little
basses more stressed in quarantine, or perhaps be exposed to possibly
increasing Protozoan issue?>
Re: White Spot Margarita Cardinal
So here is the plan. I am going to grind up some of the Ick shield pellets with
the CP and mix with their frozen food.
<Had a dream re your circumstances Eric (sigh, used to dream about women and
money...); and I would do what you suggest AND not add the CP directly to
water... Just in case. There are periodic reports of its toxicity>
My fish do not eat pellets so i am thinking this may work, unless the powder
doesn't stick to the frozen food. I am going to treat the Anthias also like this
so they have medication in there system and release into the display in a few
Sound like a good plan? Today is day three and the 1 spot remains on the fish.
No new spots and nothing on the other fish at this point.
<Do you have an inexpensive, few hundred power microscope? I'd get and use one.
Many "spots" are false flags; i.e., not indicative of pathogenic disease...
Mostly mucus from this or that irritation, sand... Bob Fenner>
Sick pajama fish; no data of use 4/23/16
Pajama just fell I'll few hrs ago. Was changing water noticed it at
bottom corner irregular breathing. Holding it now in container while
setting up qt and breathing is regular now and dark coloration has
improved. I notice about 4 salt looking dots on rear fin. Also
possibly some fin rot. Not extending bottom most fins. Can't
balance well; goes to side often
<Do you have access to a low power microscope? If so, I'd scrape off one
of the dots and take a look. Better still, if there's a USB connection,
make and send a well-resolved image>
Thank you for your help. Tank info.
Temp 76.4
Salinity 1.025
90 gal tank; well established no other fish are sick-
<READ on WWM re Apogonids, health.... Bob Fenner>
Bubble under gill plate 12/3/15
I've recently noticed in one of my clients tanks that one of the PJ
Cardinal fish has a bubble under its gill.
Not sure if it's air embolism, tumor or an isopod.
<Could be any of these. Can't make it out in your pix.... plenty large, but too
poorly resolved as well. B>
It's been in the tank for 5 yrs. 500+ gallon many reef safe fish.
Orbic cardinal - stroke?
Hello. Thank you in advance for your feedback and assistance.
<Certainly welcome>
Hi all. I've had an Orbic Cardinal
<An; as in a single specimen I take it...>
for almost 1 month and it has been healthy and vibrant until 2 days ago.
It is currently looking lethargic
and hanging out in an upper corner of my tank where there is less water
turbulence from my power jets. For lack of a better word, it appears
like it's had a stroke - it's rear tail is not open and fanned out like
Pajama Cardinal, it's not eating (brine shrimp) and it's movements
appear slow and almost strained. I just noticed a bit of a velvety/slick
stuff on 1 of its sides (see attached picture). Otherwise the eyes and
other fins appear clean and normal.
What are your thoughts on what the fish may be experiencing and how I
can help fix it. Thanks again.
<The genus Sphaeramia members are VERY social
animals... though they may bicker in too-small volumes in captivity.
They're always found in shoals/groups in the wild. I suspect at least
one major source of stress for your individual is that it is alone. IF
you have room, I'd have at least 3, 5...
Bob Fenner>
Apogon parvulus problems
Hello WetWebMedia Crew,
I am having a problem with one of my Red Spot Cardinals (Apogon
This morning I noticed one of them had something rather large
coming out of its anus. I also noticed a slight dark
discoloration on both sides, a swollen belly and it would not
eat. I have attached a picture so you could see what
I am referring to. It is not the best picture but it was
the best I could get. I thought at first that the fish
would pass whatever this is but after the whole day it is still
there. I read several of the posts on your site about
intestinal parasites and worms and am a little confused as to
what this might be.
<Might be such>
I was hoping with a picture maybe you could give me a
better idea of what I am dealing with and some advice on what to
do going forward. I read on your site that if it is worms
that the treatment might be worse than the worms so I don't
want to do any unnecessary treatments. I have 14 of these
cardinals and am especially worried
that this will spread to the other fish. They are in a 100g
reef tank.
All other tank inhabitants are doing well. Water
parameters- Ammonia and Nitrite undetectable, Nitrate under 1,
Phosphates undetectable. Any advice you could give would be
greatly appreciated. Thank you for you time and happy
<Mmm, need a better resolved image to be more sure whether
this is something live or just fecal material, but in either case
I'd take no action in treating or trying to physically
extract this matter. Catching to move and treat the cardinals
will likely do too much damage; and I would NOT treat the system
w/ an Anthelminthic/De-wormer as this would kill off too much
worm life and possibly more. IF this is a worm of some sort, it
may well have a complex life history and not be able to
reproduce, re-infect your fishes in this setting. I would (I know
it's hard) just try to be patient and hope for the best. Oh!
I would avail yourself of biological cleaners if you have none
present. A member of the family Hippolytidae would be
best/preferable. Please read here re:
Bob Fenner>
Glass Cardinalfish spot
Good Evening,
< And you>
I noticed tonight that one of my Redspot Glass Cardinalfish has a
weird spot on its tail. Based on the picture do you have any
ideas of what this may be?
<I don't see anything in your pic other than the usual
(off colour in this image) false ocellus (eye spot) on the caudal
I have 5 in my 90 gallon tank and this is the only one to have
this spot. I have a few fish in quarantine now that I was about
to put in the tank but am reluctant to do so at this moment. I do
not believe this is Ick, as it seems to be to big of a spot, and
it is only 1 spot on this fish only. I was thinking it may be
some type of injury or maybe some other parasite but am not sure.
Does it look like anything you may be able to diagnose? Should I
hold off on adding my other fish?
<Not to worry here... This is a regularly marked Apogon
parvulus. Bob Fenner>

Re: re: Glass Cardinalfish
It may be a little difficult to see as I cropped the picture but
the white spot is on the bottom left of tail. I attached the
original picture. My actinics are only on right now and these fish
are to fast to snap a close up. Not sure if you can what I am
referring to?
<Likely a "sting" or snag, a physical trauma. Likely
to heal on its own in a few days. BobF>
Eric |
Pajama Cardinal - Pregnant or Sick
Bob, we've exceeded our mailbox quota, so I'm going to
forward this answered query with images to you (and myself) so I
can delete it. It's over 400k. It's the only option I can
see to clear up our space right now.
All the other emails with big files are still unanswered...
-Sara M.
<Real good. B>
Subject: Pajama Cardinal - Pregnant or Sick
Hello Crew,
I understand the Pajama Cardinal is a mouth brooder and I have a
pair of them and one of them has a lump below his mouth for about
a week now and I am not sure if this is due to eggs being
incubated or if there is another problem.
<I think this may be a hormonal issue... a
I have attached pictures as best as I could get as the fish does
not want to "show" itself for the camera.
The fish are in a 75 gallon tank 3 years old with a Yellow Tang,
False Percula, Coral Beauty, Dwarf Hawkfish (Falco)
20% water changes done every 2-3 weeks
Sg 1.026
PH 8.2
Temp 78
Meql 2.6
Ca 450
<A little high>
Na03 .5
<NO3 likely>
John Maggio
<I'd try administering a Vitamin and HUFA prep. to the
foods and directly to the water here... Maybe a bit of
iodine/ide. Bob Fenner>
PJ Cardinal not looking 'right'... reading...
dangers of "mail ordering" livestock
I have 4 PJ Cardinalfish that I received on Wednesday currently
in my quarantine tank .
(One arrived dead)
<This is telling>
The other 4 seemed to be doing fine, not liking pellets but
eating Cyclop-eeze and frozen food.
Today one of them seems unhappy, top fin down and his tail is all
red (they're usually see-through and dotted)
Ammonia and Nitrite are 0 but Nitrate is low but detectable. Temp
is 78 degrees, pH is 8.0.
I am waiting for the saltwater to mix properly and then I plan to
do a water change. Is there anything else I should do?
<Mmm, well... need more data re the actual system (set-up,
history...) but the one fish is likely doomed... dying, some sort
of "secondary" bacterial involvement... But just
judging from the pic, these are small specimens, evidently (too)
beat from collection, handling... And often these don't
"make it" as such. See WWM re:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Choking cardinal 1/10/09 Hi
marine gurus, <Yo!> Small problem here. I want to train my newly
acquired lionfish to accept frozen food, so I put a small piece of
frozen krill in my tank, and to my surprise, my pajama cardinal chomped
it down, except it didn't fit and an hour later the head is still
sticking out of the cardinal's mouth. He doesn't seem to be
terribly uncomfortable, but I'm wondering if I should help him out.
<I would not... more likely to cause damage> Should I net him,
and try to pull the krill out with tweezers? <I would not> (By
the way, I do know that I will need to move the cardinal to another
home at some point, but for now I think it's OK, the lionfish is
very small, and the cardinal quite big). Thanks in advance, Elise
<Mmm, very likely the food will go one way or the other, and the
Apogonid will end up in the Pteroine. Bob Fenner>
Re: choking cardinal, and Lionfish
nutrition/feeding 1/13/09 Thanks, Bob, you were right.
The krill was gone in about a day. I do have a concern about the lion,
I've been searching but can't find a specific answer. His tail
has what looks like a hole or a tear, it was small at first, but
it's bigger every day. Now it looks like there was a big bite taken
out of the back of the tail, though I know that's not it. (He's
housed with a couple damsels <Mmm, what sort of Damsel species?>
and the cardinal). I would suspect parasites, but it's just in this
one specific spot. I've been trying to train him on frozen foods,
but no luck yet. I've given him a feeder goldfish a couple of times
a week, <... need to have go w/o food for a few weeks perhaps>
which he devours. He doesn't seem distressed. Thoughts? thanks!
Elise <Is living (for a while) on the goldfish... Please read on WWM
re this. BobF>
Cardinal gill problem 11/11/08 Hello,
<Hello there Wendy.> I've spent more time then I can
calculate reading through your site and have learned more
information from it then I have in the 5 years since I set up my
90 gallon reef. Thank you all for what you do! <Great! Thank
you!> The reason I'm writing is I have a large cardinal
(about 3 1/2" to 4" long) that I've had for at
least four years. He's always been healthy and has never had
any problems. I noticed his mouth was open about 2 weeks ago. I
thought nothing of it at the time because he has held eggs quite
a few times in the past so that's what I thought it was.
<Neat.> Upon closer inspection his gills look inflamed. I
can't find any pictures to help me identify what it is. Can
you identify and suggest a treatment for him? <I can't,
sorry.> I've attached the best pictures I could get. He is
still eating and swimming around normally. <Both good
signs.> He does seem to be having a hard time breathing
though. My water parameters are, ammonia - 0, nitrite - 0,
Nitrate - less them 5, PH - 8.2, temp - 78.5, SG - 1.025.
Also he is the only fish with this problem. <The symptoms are
not indicative of any particular ailment as far as I'm aware.
Has anything been added to the tank lately? Painting, any other
fumes near the tank in the last few weeks? If you can, do have
your SPG checked by a different hydrometer. Sometimes the things
can be off over time and high SPG could possibly cause the issue
you are experiencing. Otherwise I will pass this along to Bob
upon his return in a few days.> Thank You
<Welcome, Scott V.>
More Re: Cardinal gill problem 11/13/08 Hi
Scott, Thank you for your response. <Welcome Wendy.> I
haven't added anything new for quite some time. No painting
or spraying of any kind is allowed near the tank, not even to
clean the glass. I use a refractometer to test my SG and it's
been calibrated with RO/DI water. Since he's acting normal
otherwise I'll wait for a response from Bob. <I will drop
this in his box right now. He is only a day or two out at this
point.> Thanks again, Wendy <Thank you, Scott V.>
<<Most "cases" in which there appear to be
"hard breathing", more or less permanent distension of
gills are due to issues of gas distribution (low DO mostly,
Dissolved Oxygen) or some sort of in situ poisoning... I see that
there is appreciable Blue Green Algae present in this system...
this might well "be it" here. Please see/search WWM re
BGA et al. toxic effects. Perhaps start here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/toxictkendof.htm Bob Fenner>>
Re: cardinal, hlth.
11/20/2008 I looked at the pictures and I don't see
the Cyano you see. Some of the reddish spots in the pic are
coralline growth, some are sponges. If your talking about the
pinkish hue on the sand this is a small dead spot in the back of
the tank. I'll be getting a couple more power heads pointing
towards the back of the tank to eliminate the dead spots. If that
were the problem wouldn't some of my other fish have the same
symptoms? <Likely so, yes> I have two other cardinals in
the tank that have been there just as long as he has and are both
fine. <Ahh! Had not seen this before... a mystery to me for
sure. Might I ask, can you detect a parasite in the one
fish's buccal area? Perhaps an isopod?> Thank You, Wendy
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Pajama Cardinal 4/9/08 Hi Crew, I have a Pajama Cardinal
that is almost 5 years old. I feed him freeze dried mysis, garlic
flakes and Cyclopeeze. Once a week I feed newly hatched brine
shrimp. He has not changed his eating habits but a few days ago I
noticed a very unhealthy looking anus. It looks like a ball of
something chopped up. It is not protruding from the anus but is the
area of the anus itself. It looks very rough and there is some
redness. He acts as if there is no problem. Is this best left to
heal on its own? Thanks, Sam <Yes... about all one can do...
This "condition" is often termed a "prolapsed
anus"... and can be "due" to a few causes... some
pathogenic, some from blockage... In this case I strongly suspect
"old age/senescence" has a good deal of influence.
Cheers, Bob Fenner> Re: Pajama Cardinal 4/9/08 Thanks
Bob, Update. It is about a week since I noticed the problem and
this morning it looks healed. Looks normal in color and smoothness
but I seem to detect a bit of bloat around the area on one side
only. <Ah, good> Since he had this problem I have been
looking at him more closely and I find it amazing the amount of
color this fish has. Sam <As my late mother used to quip...
"the more you look, the more there is to see"! Cheers!
BobF> |
Cauliflower Disease? Robert: I have a Cardinal Fish
that appears to have Cauliflower disease. I have had my tank for about
8 weeks and added the Cardinal Fish two weeks ago. Attached is a
picture of my fish (I know the picture doesn't show great detail
but that was the best I could do) can you tell me if this is
Cauliflower Disease? <Not from the images... but this
condition (Lymphocystis) is not uncommon on this species.> From the
research I have done, Cauliflower Disease appears to be the only fit.
Also, from what I have read, there doesn't appear to be any real
cure. I have done a fresh water dip and he appears to be breathing
rather heavily right now. Do you have any advice? Can this spread to my
other fish? Your help is greatly appreciated! <Yes. Please read
here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/lymphfaqs.htm and backwards through
the links mentioned there. This is really an "environmental
disease"... best "treated" by improving such. Bob
Fenner> Thanks, Scott
Cyanided cardinal??? Bob, A quick question for you, and
a bit of a mystery to me. One week ago today, I purchased 4 Banggai
Cardinals. Unfortunately, they have not fared as well as my other
livestock, and from their behavior/mortality rate, I was wondering if
you feel there may be a possibility they were collected via cyanide
techniques, and if so, if there is a way of saving the remaining
specimen(s). Within 12 hours of placement, 1 perished. A couple of days
ago, a second one died mysteriously, and now a third is laying on the
bottom, leaning against a rock and "gasping"
(rapid/exaggerated mouth and gill movement). All four specimens have
been extremely lethargic during the time I've had them... even at
night. So much so that when showing the new acquisition to a family
member they thought there were plastic fish hanging in the tank. All
other livestock is doing well (fishwise: 3 damsels, 2 yellow tangs, 1
scooter blenny, 1 clown, 1 pink Pseudochromis) in a 90 Gallon reef. All
invertebrates/corals are fine as well. All tank measurements/parameters
are fine. I'm figuring the "gasper" is probably beyond
being saved and will die within the next few hours. Is there anything I
can do for him, or the only remaining "healthy"
specimen? <Unusual... I agree... considering the size of your
system, the other livestock... that they don't seem to be acting
strangely... I think there may well be "something" wrong with
these cardinalfishes... in their transport, acclimation... But not
cyanided... almost all are captive produced... and the ones in the wild
are not hard to hand collect... no need for poisons in their
capture> In the 5 months the tank has been set up, outside of the
"starters" I've only lost 1 other fish, and I hate it
when it happens. My wife ends up naming all of the fish, and cries when
they die. Any thoughts to saving the remaining cardinal? Could these
have been collected via cyanide (suspicious after reading section in
TCMA)? <Again, not at all likely... have you talked with your
supplier? Others who bought fish from this "batch"?>
Thanks again for your help... past/present/future. <You are welcome
my friend. Bob Fenner> Matt
Cloudy eye on PJ cardinal and quarantine practice.
Hello, <Hi Laurie. Adam here today.> I have a 3 year
old 46-gallon bow front reef tank with 1 Percula, 1 Bicolor Angel, 1
Neon Dottyback, and 4 Bar Gobies.....all healthy. I also
have many mushrooms and polyps and a couple
leathers. I recently added 3 small
Pajama Cardinals. I am 50/50 about
quarantining. If the fish is a strong one
(like my Dottyback), I will quarantine. These
guys are so delicate I chose not to. <I am befuddled by your
logic. I am strongly in favor of quarantine for all
subjects, particularly those that are "delicate" or disease
prone. They are exactly those that are likely to carry or
contract disease, not eat, etc. In other words, they are the
fish that quarantine is designed for!> After 24-hours
they are fine. Eating well and acting quite
normal. Only an occasional curious peck from the
Dottyback. No one is really bothering them too
much at all. <Good to hear. Such docile fish are often
the subjects of aggression. Beware also that with three, two
are likely to pair off and shun the third.> One Cardinal, however,
has a cloudy eye. I don't want to take him out into the
quarantine tank and put him back into the reef only to stress him out
even more. Will the cloudy eye go away by itself or do I
need to treat it somehow? <Effective treatment in a tank containing
inverts is not possible (another good reason for
quarantine!). The cloudy eye could have many causes
including Amyloodinium (velvet) which spreads and kills
rapidly. I would absolutely remove this fish to a quarantine
tank ASAP. One of the best ways to do this is with a tiny
(#20 or so) barbless fish hook designed for fly
fishing. Bait the hook and catch the fish. It may
sound cruel, but it is quite effective and much less stressful than a
chase with a net. If you have the containers to do so, you
could also drain the tank to within a few inches of the bottom, net the
fish and re-fill. Inverts should tolerate this for a few
minutes to a half hour with no problem.> A challenge in a reef with
live rock, etc. (I have a UV sterilizer with a brand new
bulb.) <See above tips for removing fish from a reef
tank. Also, you may want to move the UV to the quarantine
tank if practical.> Thank you in advance for your help. <Good
luck! Adam> Laurie
Banggai Cardinal Mortality 7/04
Hi Bob. I was wondering if you could help me out. <Hi
Alois, Adam here and glad to help.> I am a importer of marine fish
in new Zealand. I have been importing Banggai cardinals over
the last 2 months. So far out of 100 they have all died.
<This has been a sad but common experience here in the states
too.> They do well for 2 weeks, eating very well then they breath
heavy and have white faeces, then they die. Any
ides? Regards, Alois <Some folks have necropsied Banggais
that died soon after import and found large numbers of internal
parasites. If you have the equipment and someone with the
ability, I would strongly suggest doing the
same. Unfortunately, I can't find any of the sources
that discussed this, but I do believe that it was discussed at
www.reefcentral.com. Whoever did the necropsy seemed certain
of at least the major group that the parasite was is, so treatment may
be possible. In the mean time, do consider breeding these
guys! They eat Selco supplemented baby brine from day one
and are marketable in about 8-12 weeks. You should be able
to easily satisfy the New Zealand market. Best Regards,
Banged-Up Banggai! Guys, <Scott F. your guy
tonight> I know you are currently understaffed, so I'll make it
quick. My Banggai cardinal -the only fish in a 72G with 6 misc. Lysmata
shrimp and 2 Hermit Crabs, seems to have scratched himself last night
during a routine water change. Now there is a pin-head sized fuzzy
growth on his left eye. I was afraid this was going to happen some
time, with the way he'd dart around wildly whenever my hands enter
the tank. I'm currently feeding him Mysis or daphnia or minced
cocktail shrimp soaked in either Selcon or Vita-Chem. <Nice
supplementation...!> I want him to OD on food and let his own immune
system handle this, because the stress of capture and quarantine may
make matters worse. Beside, the QT has an ocellaris clown which has 3
weeks of QT left! My nitrates don't even register on test kits and
the tank has been set up for 8 months now with an Eheim wet/dry and a
Prizm skimmer and as of last night a Remora which is yet to produce
anything but noise... <Give it time!> Thank you!!! Narayan
<Well, Narayan, I think that you're doing the right thing here.
Just maintain the most pristine water conditions possible, and keep a
close eye on this fish to make sure that the condition doesn't
worsen. If you don't want to subject the fish to a quarantine
system, you could net him and give him a dip in tank water with some
Methylene blue, which has strong anti-bacterial properties. In the end,
though- you be the judge. Hopefully, with your continued dedicated care
and tank maintenance, the fish will make a full recovery with little
additional intervention on your part. Hang in there! Regards, Scott
Pajama Cardinal Fish Disease
7/28/06 Dear Crew, <Paul> One of my Pajama Cardinals
developed a white fuzzy growth along its mouth and stopped eating.
<Mmm, likely "banged" into something> A portion of the
filamentous growth was about a quarter inch long and dangled from its
lower jaw. After a week the fuzz disappeared and the fish is
starting to eat a bit, but there appears to be a small hole in its
lower jaw. The growth did not appear to be an isopod or parasitic
invertebrate. It does not seem to be affecting the other
cardinals, blue damsels, clown fish or hawk fish that share the
75-gallon reef aquarium. What could the disease have been?
<A physical trauma> Is any treatment required at this
point? <No, not likely of benefit. Too likely too stressful to
all.> Thanks very much! <Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Banggai Cardinal Deaths...Very New System - 07/27/06 Hi
there! <<Hello!>> I have a 72G reef ready Oceanic tank
being filtered by 110 pounds of cured live rock and a 20G refugium
w/protein skimmer. I only run the skimmer for about a week
in six. <<Mmm...am a firm believer in running skimmers
24/7>> I perform a 15% water change every 10
days. Water parameters are all spot on. Ammonia
& nitrite at zero. Nitrate never above 25ppm.
<<This is a reef tank? Nitrate should be below
5ppm. If this is a FOWLR/FO you should still strive to keep
nitrates below 20ppm>> The tank was started on May 6th of this
year, as defined by the placing of the rock in the tank. <<Ah, a
very "young" tank indeed>> To date, livestock consists
of 5 Blue/Green Chromis, 1 Six Line Wrasse, 1 Blood Shrimp, 2 Turbo
Snails and about 12 Blue Legged Hermit Crabs. All of these
animals have been doing great since their introduction into the
tank. The problem occurred when 4 Banggai Cardinals were
added. They all started out great. Eating
enthusiastically and swimming vigorously. After two weeks
they started (one by one) losing their appetites, becoming lethargic,
demonstrating labored breathing (some had stringy white feces) and
dying. Per fish this process took about 3 days from loss of
appetite to death. <<Possibly environmental, compounded with
stress from conspecific aggression>> All of the other fish are
still doing fine. Can any one tell me what is happening.
<<Banggai Cardinals are generally hardy once acclimated to a
"mature" system. They also can be quite intolerant
of conspecifics unless in mated pairs. The problem you
describe may be a combination of a "too new" system (for this
species) and aggression related stress>> I have a Purple Firefish
in the quarantine tank and I'm afraid to put it in the main tank
until I have some clue. Any help or advice would be greatly
appreciated as I'm new at this. I would give this system a couple
more months to mature/reach a balance before adding more cardinals...or
the firefish for that matter. Letting your skimmer run
continuously will also be of great benefit, in my opinion>>
Thanks!! Jan Harrison <<Happy to
assist. EricR>>