FAQs on Chitons 2
Related Articles: Chitons, Mollusks, Sea Slugs,
Related FAQs: Chitons
1, & FAQs on: Chiton
Identification, Chiton Behavior,
Chiton Compatibility, Chiton Selection, Chiton Systems, Chiton Feeding, Chiton Disease, Chiton Reproduction & Mollusks, Sea
Slugs, Sea Slugs,
Marine Snails 1, Marine Snails 2, Marine Snails 3,

how to get rid of Chitons 2/14/17
Hello crew!
So it seems I have a problem that most do not. I have Chitons in my "was
new" acrylic tank and while most people love them, I certainly do not.
They like to leave giant bite mark trails on my acrylic. Around the
pumps w/ extra flow it seems they are extra hungry to the point where
the acrylic is not even see through. I have got to do something to get
rid of these guys. Please direct me. I am looking for reef safe
solutions. I am considering a harlequin tusk, chemicals, manual removal
(which works off
the tank walls because they move so slow but there are so many in the
rocks, they just keep coming!). I realize that people think they are
helpful, and I can direct these people to my tank to collect each and
every one of mine, if they can see through the damaged acrylic.
<Mmm; well; am given to suggest simply placing your rock away from the
acrylic panels. Having to cross the substrate/sand should deter the
Chitons venturing there. Don't know any predators that single out
Polyplacophorans... poisons of various sorts might work; but will kill a
good deal of the other life on and in the rock. Bob Fenner>
Chitons eat coralline --
10/30/2007 A little while ago I sent y'all some pictures of
some large inter-tidal Chitons from Florida I have in my tank. I them
remember a query we had a little while ago asking if there were any
animals that eat coralline algae. <Oh yes... they do> We know
that some urchins and Chitons will eat it. And now I can tell you
(within a reasonable degree of certainty) that these Chitons eat
coralline algae too. I've been watching them chew little patterns
in it for a few weeks now. :-) Best, Sara <Danke.
Hitchhiker ID 10/16/07 Hello to whoever is on, thanks for
all your WWM work. Just got a few boxes of new Tonga live rock
this morning. I found this slug-like hitchhiker at the bottom of
one of the boxes. It's about 6" long and 1" wide,
and made it alive through 36 hours in transit. I've looked at
the invert pictures on the site, and can't quite find it. It
looks something like a Chiton, <Is> but there is no
bony/plate-like top. <Covered...> It is not colorful the
way most sea slugs seem to be. Kind of like a snail without a
shell, but I've never heard of such. He is alive, and trying
to crawl out of the plastic bin I have him in. Any ideas what he
might be? I'm pretty sure he's too big and ugly to put in
my tank, but if he's safe I might put him in quarantine or
someplace separate. Pictures are attached, one of him trying to
crawl out, one of his underside, one close up of his back when he
curled up. Thanks in advance for any ideas. He is like nothing
I've seen before. Scott <Sorry for the lateness of this
reply. Please read here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/chitonfaqs.htm Bob Fenner>
Re: Hitchhiker ID 10/16/07 Thanks for the reply. You
apologized for the lateness of the reply, but FYI, someone
actually did answer me within about 24 hours. We found a clear
picture somewhere else and did verify it's a Chiton as well.
So no worries. Thank you!
<Real good. BobF>
