FAQs on Chiton Identification
Related Articles: Chitons, Mollusks, Sea Slugs,
Related FAQs:
Chiton ID 2,
Chiton ID 3,
Chiton ID 4, &
1, Chitons 2, & FAQs on:
Chiton Behavior, Chiton Compatibility, Chiton Selection, Chiton Systems, Chiton Feeding, Chiton Disease, Chiton Reproduction & Mollusks, Sea
Slugs, Sea Slugs, Marine Snails 1, Marine Snails 2, Marine Snails 3,

Please help with ID: Cryptoplax sp. Chiton -
8/24/08 Hello, <Hi there, Lynn here this evening.> I
have a good one for you, I was looking in my tank this weekend
and found one of these buggers sticking out of a rock (see
attached pic). <Neat!> I think without a reason of a doubt
that it is a cute of some sort, <I can see why you'd think
that, but it's actually a Polyplacophoran, aka a Chiton --
likely Cryptoplax larvaeformis. Please see the photo at this link
for comparison/confirmation: http://www.poppe-images.com/lab/image_info.php?picid=500244
More here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/mollusca1.htm > ..but
just wanted to know what the heck it is so I can find out if
it's best to get it out and/or what it needs to eat to
survive. <These are herbivores/mostly algae grazers, reef
safe, and nocturnal. I'd leave it.> I was lucky enough to
find a bunch of them DOA in a friend's live rock shipment so
I could get good pics of them (my camera can't take
photos in dark areas). <Nice photo/very helpful, thanks!> I
tried to see if anyone in my local salt club (TCMAS) knew what it
was but didn't get anything more than what I knew. They have
a series of armored plates on their backs that aren't
connected or overlapping. The rest of the body was soft. The live
one I saw in my tank looked exactly like these guys but was a
sandy tan instead of reddish (think due to the fact that they
were mostly dried out when I found them). <They can vary a bit
in color as well, but no matter. If what you have looks like
what's in the photo, then it's either Cryptoplax
larvaeformis (a not uncommon hitchhiker) or another specie in the
same genus.> I tried to find a pic of these guys on Google,
but to no avail. Thanks for all your help. <You're very
welcome! For more information on Chitons in general, please see
this link:
Polychaete worm photo... Chiton 8/5/08
Hello, ????????? <Mich with you today.> Thanks for the
awesome service you provide to reef keepers everywhere. <On
behalf of Bob and the crew, you're welcome!> I have had my
125 gallon reef setup for about 5 years now. <Very nice!> One
on my favorite things to do in the evening is to see what I can
find among my live rock, <Heehee! Mine too!> well I found a
strange looking worm. It is about 3/4 of and inch wide and am not
sure how long it is. I have watched it extend about 4 inches from
the rock without ever revealing its end. Attached is a picture of
the head or front of it. I appears to have a pink triangle-shape on
its head and its body is black and green. I hope you can help me
identify this worm. <It is a Chiton.> I know its not harmful,
<You are correct.> I just want to learn more. <Glad to
hear! Something to start you! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiton
> I have scoured the Internet and nothing looks similar.
<Heehee! Hard to learn about what you can't ID, eh? The
picture I attached is of the top of its head. Thanks <Welcome!
Enjoy your newly identified friend! Cheers,
Mich> |

Please Help! (Live Rock Hitchhiker Paranoia) --
03/04/08 So I got a piece of live rock from a guy on my local
board (San Diego) and I immediately identified some Asterina
anomala. <<Mmm, yes 'a controversial genus/species.
Some folks swear they consume their corals 'others swear
they have no problems at all with them>> And tonight I saw
this guy near a piece of encrusting Montipora that appears to be
receding. I was bummed before that I didn't dip and quarantine
the rock and now I am even more scared. <<Dip? As in
'freshwater dip?' Quarantine, sure'¦ Cure if
necessary, you bet'¦ But 'dip' as a prophylactic
treatment for live rock? Not how I would treat 'my' rock.
Seems such a waste to spend the money on live rock only to destroy
so much of the emergent life on/in with a freshwater or medicated
dip>> I am picking out everything I see. <<Really?
Everything? Just because you found an Asterina spp starfish?
Don't you think you might be overreacting? If you are certain
an organism is harmful is one thing, but otherwise, you are
defeating much of the purpose of introducing the rock in the first
place (bio-diversity)>> Can I get an ID on this guy please? I
think the red dot on him is a result of the tweezers but he is flat
(so I thought flat worm) and has an obvious spine looking thing
running down its back. The worm or whatever it is hard and curls up
like a roly-poly out of the water. <<The pictures are not
good at all'¦ But from what I can discern, and from your
description, I'm fairly certain this is a Chiton (do a keyword
search and see what you think), a beneficial algae/diatom
scavenger 'and certainly nothing to be fearful of re your
livestock>> What are the odds that there are more of these,
this guy is 4mm in length? <<The odds are very good there are
more 'if you are lucky [grin]>> Thank you! Mike
<<Happy to share, Mike. Relax and enjoy/study the emergent
life in/on your rock 'most does turn out to be a
'good' thing. Regards, EricR>> |

What is this and what is it doing? -Chiton ID
01/30/2008 I was looking into my 75 gallon reef tank this
evening, and noticed this very odd looking creature sticking out of
a hole in my rock, secreting long strings of fluid into the water.
I didn't have my camcorder handy, but I had my camera and was
able to capture some video - albeit not the clearest. I am
providing a link to the video clip instead of attaching it because
of its size. http://www.vjnexus.com/aquarium/thing_in_tank.wmv
<Cool video... looks like a spawning Chiton. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/chitonfaqs.htm
The creature appears to have a plated backside, and has been
secreting this white liquid for over ten minutes now. He is about
an inch in length, and has the same coloration as coralline algae.
I do not recognize what this is, and was hoping you may have some
insight into this whole occurrence. Is this something I should
remove? Is it attempting to fertilize? <It looks like a Chiton
which is spawning while grazing on your rock. I doubt there's
any real need to remove it unless you think it's hurting/eating
something you don't want it to.> Okay, I just went back to
the tank to look again, and now the snail (which can be seen in the
upper portion of the attached photo) has also started secreting a
white fluid. Is this the mating practice? <It is most likely
spawning, which I suppose you could consider a type of
"mating."> Is that other creature just a funky looking
snail? <No, looks like a Chiton.> Or is it coincidence that
both animals started secreting one after another? <Maybe, maybe
not. Sometimes the spawning of one animal can "inspire"
the spawning of the other. Or, they could both be stress spawning
from the same stressor.> Thanks for any input,
<De nada,
Sara M.> |
Bingo. RMF
Hitchhiker ID 10/16/07 Hello to whoever is on, thanks for
all your WWM work. Just got a few boxes of new Tonga live rock
this morning. I found this slug-like hitchhiker at the bottom of
one of the boxes. It's about 6" long and 1" wide,
and made it alive through 36 hours in transit. I've looked at
the invert pictures on the site, and can't quite find it. It
looks something like a Chiton, <Is> but there is no
bony/plate-like top. <Covered...> It is not colorful the
way most sea slugs seem to be. Kind of like a snail without a
shell, but I've never heard of such. He is alive, and trying
to crawl out of the plastic bin I have him in. Any ideas what he
might be? I'm pretty sure he's too big and ugly to put in
my tank, but if he's safe I might put him in quarantine or
someplace separate. Pictures are attached, one of him trying to
crawl out, one of his underside, one close up of his back when he
curled up. Thanks in advance for any ideas. He is like nothing
I've seen before. Scott <Sorry for the lateness of this
reply. Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/chitonfaqs.htm
Bob Fenner>
Re: Hitchhiker ID 10/16/07 Thanks for the reply. You
apologized for the lateness of the reply, but FYI, someone
actually did answer me within about 24 hours. We found a clear
picture somewhere else and did verify it's a Chiton as well.
So no worries. Thank you!
<Real good. BobF>

Help with identification Hi, I'm trying
to figure out what this is. I found it my reef tank last night. I
showed the photo to my LFS and they told me it could be a Chiton,
Cryptoplax or Stenoplax. I've looked hard doing Google searches
to find exactly what it is to no avail. Do you think it is reef
safe? >From what I can tell so far it grazes on algae. Thanks in
advance, ART KOUNS <It is definitely a Chiton of some species...
and reef safe enough (an algae eater. Bob Fenner> |

Re: Help with identification thanks, it
narrows it down slightly. at least I appears to be reef safe.
it's kind of funny this was the first time I've seen it
being that my tank has been going for 2 years. <Amazing, but
happens "all the time"... and testimony to your
consistent good care. Bob Fenner> |
Chiton Questions 3/26/04 Hello Bob, I am a member
at Reef Aquarium Guide and I am trying to find information if there is
possible a bad hitchhiker Chiton that can arrive on live rock.
<hmm... Chitons are overall very very "reef safe" as algae
grazers. Limpets are often confused with Chitons and can be predatory
no reef animals. Are you sure it is a Chiton?> I have a 125 gallon
reef . I watched as my post prized Zoanthids disappeared over a few
days time. The rock is mostly covered in coralline except where the
polyps were at. I noticed a bright pink to purplish bumpy spot on the
rock. I watched the rock for several days and the Chiton finally moved.
I took the rock out immediately and took the Chiton off. <yes
perhaps> I had 2 huge rock with polyps disappear in 2 days time. The
Chiton was the only thing on the rocks. Any info you can give me would
be great. Vicki <without a picture of the animal, there is not way
for me to be able to ID/confirm. There are many possible predators on
your Zoanthids. Do keep an eye out for Prosobranch snails instead of
your suspect polyplacophorid. Anthony>
Strange Critter ID Please: Chiton 5/10/07
Hello there! <Hi Jo, Mich here!> I know that you guys are
really busy but I was hoping you might be able to help me ID this
critter. <Certainly will try!> We are currently setting up
our second reef tank. The LR is from Indonesia as far as I know and
this "thing" has showed up twice now, both times at night
with all lights off. It seems quite shy and retracts slowly back in
its hole as soon as the room light is put on. I find watching the
LR and the critters on it one of the best things in this hobby.
<Heee! Yes, I would agree. One of my favorite parts too! When I
was setting up my tank most people just didn't understand when
I would tell them how excited I was watching all the life emerge
from the LR. I would get comments, with undertones questioning my
sanity: "So you've spent the last hour staring at
rocks?" > We had new forms of life coming up in our 2.5
years old reef right up to the end and managed to ID most of them
but this is really unusual. Any thoughts? It is flesh colour and I
thought it was some sort of bivalve but it seems quite soft, a bit
like an anemone. <Looks like a Chiton to me. They are reef safe
and generally graze on algae. A lucky addition! Do enjoy it!>
Many thanks for your time and looking forward to hearing from you
soon <Welcome! Mich>
Best regards,
Jo Vasey |
Re: strange critter ID please photo now added,
Chiton 5/12/07 Hi Mich and thanks for the quick reply! <Hi
Jo! You are quite welcome.> Are Chitons what some call
"Stomatellas" (please forgive me if I've spelled this
wrong)? <No, they are two different critters and your photo is
not a picture of a Stomatella snail.> I did a search on Google
but the critter doesn't look much like the search returned on
Chiton - the main difference being the lack of a shell on his back.
<Many different species, not all have the "classic"
Chiton look.> The 2 black holes/openings look a little bit like
craters? <I think you will find there are more than two
"holes", there are likely 8 "holes" or eight
linearly arranged overlapping articulating plates, which make up
the shell on his back.> Any more thoughts? <Nope, I still
think it is a Chiton. Please see similar photos here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/invertidfaqs.htm Chiton ID
9/9/03 and here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/snailidfaq3.htm Prehistoric
worm...errr...??????? 1/30/04> I think I saw it last night quite
longer and stretched inside the rock which is very porous and you
can see through but could be wrong. <Likely so, they do tend to
stay in the same location emerging typically at night to feed. The
behavior you described in your prior email is also consistent with
a Chiton.> It is really bugging me now. My LFS is kindly looking
after my livestock during house move and upgrading the tank. We are
getting our corals back soon - I am trying to decide if I should
remove the piece of rock with the critter to the sump where it
won't be tempted to munch on anything? <Most are harmless
algae eaters. If it were me/mine, I would not be concerned.>
Many thanks again and looking forward to hearing from you again!
<You're welcome! Hope this gives you more confidence in the
ID. Mich> Best regards
Jo |
Re: strange critter ID please photo now added...
Polyplacophoran 5/12/07 Hi Mich, <Hello again Jo!> Thanks
for the links. <You're welcome!> Yes, it looks very much
like the one in the first link and thanks God it's not 6"
(yet!) like the one in the second link. <Heee!> Thank you for
helping me ID it, I didn't mean to doubt you but my not very in
depth search on Google returned completely different images. <I
can appreciate and understand. And just found another photo here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/invertid24.htm Can you
identify 3/16/2007 > As for the 8 "holes" I did think
that there might be more than 2 but couldn't see properly as it
wouldn't come out of the rock enough to see properly. <Yes,
Chitons can be quite shy.> I will continue to observe it and
will try to learn a bit more about its feeding habits.
<Excellent!> Many thanks again! <You're quite welcome!
A pleasure to assist! Mich> Jo |
Look's like a Chiton - about 6 inches...
images an order of magnitude too large... PLEASE> FOLLOW
DIRECTIONS!!! -- 2/26/07 I own a copy of your book as it saved
me when I first got my tank from making a lot of mistakes. I have
elevated my knowledge in the last year alone and added two more
tanks to my system and have used some GARF products to help to
boost my tanks performance. <Brad, you've crashed our
server...> We had a power outage for over 24 hours and I kept as
many of my fish alive as possible. In the end I lost two including
a black clown that was being eaten by a crab in the picture. I
usually would not let the crab eat a fish, but I wanted him to
leave the sluggish tired fish alone in the tank as my batteries had
run out and a generator was still hours away. I found this critter
doing a hot lap past the crab and clown that appeared to be a
Chiton. I was curious though as it changed color to a darker brown
and kind of green one subsection at a time right as it approached
the crab eating the fish. I watched in anticipation, but in the end
it just kept scooting on out of site. I have never seen this guy
before and he is fairly substantial in size. I took 32 pictures of
this guy, these are some of the clearer ones since I was shooting
through the gals of the tank. I didn't want to take him out
since he appeared harmless to my tank inhabitants. That is until
proven guilty as I have been removing Zoos from this tank since
they were not fairing well for some reason? Let me know what you
<Is a Chiton. Bob Fenner> |

Invert Ident: Woodlouse on Land = <Actually doesn't
equal> Chiton by Sea. 1/31/07 Hi Crew <Hello Darren, Mich
with you today.> First time questioner and marine newbie!
<Welcome to our salty world!> When re-arranging some rock in my
recently set up 42 gal, I noticed a strange creature - about 1/4 - 1/2
inch long, pale coloured with a yellowish end, slow moving and
segmented like (and reminiscent of) a woodlouse, although with no
visible appendages. <Hmm, very interesting. I have never heard of a
woodlouse. I did a search and now I can ID your critter. I had no idea
there was something so similar on both land and sea. What a world!
You've got to love it! What you have is a Chiton. For more info,
please read here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiton
> Worth worrying about, or just another example of nature's
diversity imported on live rock! Just another example of nature's
incredible diversity, a fine reef safe addition. Lucky you! Thanks and
keep up the sterling work! <You are quite welcome! Thanks for
teaching me something new today and for reminding me just how amazing
life is on our planet! -Mich> Darren Unknown creature... Chitons
in Cozumel 1/30/07 <Hi Tracy, Mich with you today.> While
vacationing in Cozumel Mexico we saw these strange creatures attached
to the rocks by the water. My Uncle is quite curious as we all are what
they are and the back ground on them, if you could help me. <These
are Chitons... living fossils. You can find more here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiton > Thank You,
<You're welcome. -Mich> Tracy McCullin
Name that Invert :) ...In six notes
or less: Chiton 5/23/07 Hi Crew <Hi Jackie,
Mich here!> I was hoping you could help me identify this
invert that I purchased. <Better to ID first then
purchase.> I am very new to reef keeping and have been
researching every animal that I have. This one, I cannot find
anywhere. It seems kind of like an abalone in that it has 4 small
holes on top of its back. <Hmm, Chitons typically have
eight.> However, it does not have a shell. More like a
leathery smooth back. I am enclosing a pic, but I apologize it
isn't very good. This is what I have observed. It is
nocturnal. It is grayish, brownish, green colored with dark brown
stripes around it on the fringe/feathery area (cerata?) below the
mantle but above the foot. Its shape is oblong with perhaps a bit
of a point on its rear end. It has two rhinophores (striated
bulbs I think). It spends almost all of its time on the live
rock, but sometimes ventures to the glass, stays low in the tank
anyway. I have not seen it on the substrate ever. It can retract
its head into its mantle - when it is resting or frightened it
pulls itself into the mantle and appears more circular/oval in
shape. It can be somewhat flat (1/8th inch perhaps), but have
noted a few instances where the foot/ underside seems to almost
inflate such that it doubles in width. I have trouble thinking it
is a Nudibranch since all that I have seen suggest they are quite
colorful - this invert is almost hard to see when it's on the
rocks. It doesn't seem to have a shell even though its top is
smooth and seems thickish. Nothing else in the tank bothers it.
For the longest time it seemed to spend all its day time resting
in the crevice/cave that my Daum reef lobster hangs out in during
the day - oddly, since the lobster is very possessive of it's
lair and nothing else seems to be able to even approach it
without getting snapped at. It seems to feed off the rocks/glass
and I have not seen it bother any snails or my crab or clowns. It
rests upside down almost exclusively. It is about two inches long
and about half inch across, eighth inch width I guess. So I hope
this helps you to help me find out what this creature is. <I
believe you have a Chiton, though a limpet might also be a
possibility, but I'm leaning toward a Chiton. More here:
> What is its diet? <Chitons are herbivores.> Where does
it come from? <Chitons are found in all seas.> I tried to
find out more from where I got it at the pet store but I am now
doubtful of the knowledge of the staff there since they also sold
me a sand sifting tiger star and I have neither the substrate
depth or tank size to sustain it (I am going to try to exchange
it). <It is always best to do your own research before making
any purchases. Unfortunately, sand sifting stars typically starve
to death in captivity.> My tank is 20 gallons. I have about 10
pounds live rock. Aragonite substrate about 1.5 inches. Rio Nano
Protein Skimmer. Aquaclear hang on filter with foam and carbon
inserts. Elite hush hang on filter with BioMax in place of
cartridge. T5 Glo Daylight and Actinic lighting. Tank occupants
are Red Mithrax Emerald Crab, Green Bubble Tip Anemone, <Mmm,
I personally am not a big anemone fan. They like to go for walks
at the most inopportune time, which can spell disaster,
especially in such a small system.> Daum's Reef Lobster
(purple), <Should be in a larger tank, closer to 50
gallons.> Two false Percula, Sand Sifting Star, 3 Star Snails
and one bumble bee snail that is currently missing in action.
Water parameters are all good. <Vague.> Using RO.
<Good.> Salinity is 1.026. Temp is 80. Thanks for your
help. <Welcome! Please do get in the habit of researching
prior to purchasing. Mich> Jackie
Re: Name that Invert :) ...In six notes or
less: Chiton 5/24/07 Hi Mitch <Hi Jackie, Mich
with you again.> Thank you for your prompt reply.
<Welcome!> Please know that I have definitely learned a lot
of (hard) lessons since setting up my reef one month ago. Rest
assured that I will never purchase another animal for the tank that
I haven't researched in full. <Glad to hear!> I was just
taking the advice of the LFS staff who just said yes or no to
compatibility when I pointed to stuff in their show tanks. The
learning curve to marine tanks is steep. <Yes, there is always
something more to learn.> This site has been a plethora of info
for me. <And everyone else!> I agree that the invert is
likely a Chiton. <OK.> The thing that bothered me about
giving it that classification is that I could not see eight holes
on top and it does not have identifiable plates. <Some look
fleshy or leathery.> In fact last night I think I saw more like
what looked like a whorly type of lineage on its mantle top.
<Possible.> It was on the front glass last night and I saw
the bottom is very smooth and very much like a Chiton. It has a
fairly large orifice for a mouth, with what looks like a red
radula? <OK.> Thanks for your help. <Welcome!> Water
parameter last nights test Nitrates and Ammonia are somewhat
elevated at 5.0 and 0.25 respectively <Zero for both is
optimal.> (I think since I have been overfeeding in fear that
the sand sifting star will die before I can take it back)
<Shouldn't starvation is typically a slow death.>
Nitrites 0.00 and pH 8.2. Temp 80. Salinity 1.025 Have a bit of
brown algae still and some of it is a bit like hair. Substrate
these days looks a bit littered with rusty patches? <Nuisance
algae, Likely Cyano/BGA.> I feed HBH Flake Frenzy for the two
false percula and HBH Super Soft (about 5 pellets a day). Every
other day I give a quarter square of frozen Mysis shrimp. (Which I
try to squirt with a baster around the bubble tip) Too much?
<Does sound like a hefty amount for a twenty gallon tank.>
The clowns always look hungry. <My cats always look hungry too,
and will eat to the point of vomiting if allowed.> A few other
questions - I have the Master Saltwater Test kit, which tests
nitrates, nitrites, ammonia and ph. What other tests should I
purchase? <Likely Calcium and Phosphate. Would consider other
brand names as well... more here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/mtestbrands.htm
> Since I am now using RO water exclusively, what kind of
buffers do I need or do I? <pH/Alkalinity, Calcium more here and
related links in blue: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marphalk.htm
> Thanks again! <Welcome again!> Happy fish keeping.
<And to you! Mich>
Jackie |

Hitchhiker ID: Polyplacophoran/Chiton -- 10/10/07
Greetings WWM Crew! <Greetings, and good morning to you as
well!> I dug through the hitchhiker ID's in the FAQ and
didn't come across this one (maybe I just missed him?). Pic
is attached, came in with a colony of Zos - he's a
pretty mean looking guy, fuzzy with spikes running down his back.
<It does look a bit intimidating, doesn't it? Heeee.. you
can name him/her Spike! The good news is that this is a neat
little Polyplacophoran, or Chiton. They're herbivores/mostly
algae grazers, reef safe, and nocturnal. I'd be curious to
find out where this little guy arrived from, as it looks very
similar to the species Cryptoplax striata (see this link for
comparison: http://fjas.nl/cryptoplstriata.htm ). Additional
general information here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/chitonfaqs.htm I have one last link
for you because it's just too great not to share. It's a
species list with some terrific images of live Chitons:
http://fjas.nl/livingpolyplacophora.htm . Enjoy your new
addition!> Thanks! <You're very welcome! --Lynn>
Hitchhiker ID: Polyplacophoran/Chiton Follow-up --
10/10/07 <Hi Dave!> Thanks Lynn <My pleasure> -
the one in that first link you sent looks just like him.
<Excellent. That's a pretty little Chiton.> Spike has
been moved to a happy new home in our 150 gallon live-rock sump -
it's a lit sump, so lots of algae to graze on. <Good to
hear. Chitons graze on hard surfaces, so it sounds like he'll
be fixed up.> He came with some Zos from Fosters and
Smith, no idea where they originated. <LOL Yep, no telling.
Those Zos could have been in a holding tank with specimens
from all over the world. At any rate, it sounds like Spike's
got a nice new home!> Cheers,
<Glad I could help. Take care - Lynn>

Cryptoplax, Chiton ID, aquarist input/help 9/25/07 Hi,
<Enrico> Do not know, if you meanwhile solved the identification
of the Cryptoplax you found from a tank. The species is Cryptoplax
burrowi. Compile a distribution database for Chiton species, so would
be interested if you could provide detailed data, and if you came
across other species. <Mmm, what little WWM has re Polyplacophorans
is posted here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/chitonfaqs.htm> Cheers,
Enrico <Danke, Bob Fenner> -- Enrico Schwabe Zoological State
Collection Munich (ZSM) Dep. Mollusca Muenchhausenstrasse 21 D-81247
Muenchen Germany field of work: world-wide Polyplacophora (main focus
Indo-Pacific) http://www.zsm.mwn.de http://www.worldwideconchology.com/BaliChitons.html
Chiton Pix 9/12/07 Good afternoon, <Now
early morning.> I know you guys like pictures. <Yep... I like
to take'em too!> So how about some of my Chiton buddies?
They're really cool. My invert-guru friend says that these ones
are probably intertidal and that's why they're not afraid
to craw in and out of the tank. <Heehee! Cool pics. These guys
would likely become kitty toys in my house!> Sara M.
<Hey... aren't you part of the crew? ;) Mich> |

Chiton... 7/31/07 Hi guys... <Hi Jo, Mich
here.> Can you please tell me if this guy is a Chiton...he's
around 2inches long and flattish...there's plenty of pics
around of the shell side of these critters, but none showing the
mouth etc...I took him out of my tank just in case he was a baddie,
but if he's a goodie, he can return... <Does look like a
Chiton to me. More pics here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/chitonfaqs.htm or do a Google image
search using "Chiton" and "ventral".>
Thanking you...
<Welcome... Mich>
JO... |
