FAQs about Non-Vertebrate Animal
Related Articles: Marine Invertebrates, Marine Invertebrate Systems, Marine Invertebrate Compatibility,
Marine Invertebrate Disease,
Marine Invertebrate
Reproduction, Quarantine of Corals and
Invertebrates, Feeding
Reef Invertebrates, Lighting
Marine Invertebrates, Water Flow, How Much
is Enough,
Related FAQs: Non-Vert IDs 1, Non-Vert IDs 2, Non-Vert IDs 3, Non-Vert IDs 4, Non-Vert IDs 5, Non-Vert IDs 6, Non-Vert IDs 7, Non-Vert IDs 8, Non-Vert IDs 9, Non-Vert IDs 10, Non-Vert IDs 11, Non-Vert IDs 12, Non-Vert IDs 13, Non-Vert IDs 14, Non-Vert IDs 15, Non-Vert IDs 16, Non-Vert IDs 17, Non-Vert IDs 18, Non-Vert. ID 19, Non-Vert. ID 20, Non-Vert. ID 21, Non-Vert. ID 22, Non-Vert. ID 23, Non-Vert. ID 25, Non-Vert ID 26, Non-Vert ID 27, Non-Vert ID 28, Non-Vert ID 29, Non-Vert ID 30 Non-Vert ID 31, Non-Vert ID 32, Non-Vert 33, Non-Vert ID 34, Non-Vert ID 35, Non-Vert ID 36, Non-Vert ID 37, Non-Vert ID 38, Non-Vert ID 39, Non-Vert ID 40, Non-Vert ID 41, Non-Vert ID 42,
Non-Vert ID 43, Non-Vert ID 44, Non-Vert ID 45, Non-Vert ID 46, Non-Vert ID 47, Non-Vert ID 48, Non-Vert ID 49, Non-Vert ID 50, Non-Vert ID 51, Non-Vert ID 52, Non-Vert ID 53, Non-Vert ID 54, Non-Vert ID 55,
Non-Vert ID
57, Non-Vert ID 58,
Non-Vert ID 59,
Non-Vert ID 60, Non-Vert ID 61,
& Marine Invertebrates, Marine Invert.s 2, Marine Invert.s 3, & FAQs about:
Marine Invertebrate Behavior,
Marine Invertebrate
Compatibility, Marine
Invertebrate Selection, Marine
Invertebrate Systems, Feeding
Reef Invertebrates, Marine
Invertebrate Disease, Marine
Invertebrate Reproduction, &
& LR
Life Identification, LR
Hitchhiker ID 1, Anemone
Identification, Aiptasia
Identification, Aiptasia ID 2,
Worm Identification, Tubeworm ID, Polychaete Identification, Snail Identification, Marine Crab
Identification, Marine Invert.s 1,
Marine Invert.s 2, Marine Plankton,

Egg Id Please -- 4/9/07 Hi <Hi!> I am
new here and like what I see keep it up <Thank you! How may we
help you?> I have spent about 90 min scouring your FAQs etc for
an id on these eggs? They are both in my fuge and display tank,
they are only on the LR none on the glass. The only critters I have
added lately are turbo snails but these don't seem to represent
their egg clusters. <They do appear to be snail eggs. Is there
any chance you might have some Nerites in there? Please see this
link for more info: http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/sept2003/invert.htm Hope
this helps! --Lynn> |

Unidentified Gelatinous Blob - 04/09/07
Greetings from Arizona! <<Backatcha from South
Carolina!>> This morning I discovered a clear gelatinous blob
with red specs in my sand bed. <<Mmm, sounds yummy!
[grin]>> It's about an inch or so in diameter, and other
than swaying in the current it has been stationary. <<Any
defining features? Bumps, ridges, tentacles,
inhalant/exhalent openings?>> My Twinspot goby has poked at
it a few times and it has neither recoiled nor swallowed the goby
whole (thankfully!). <<Is likely harmless>> I'm
hoping you can identify this blob and tell me if should be removed
from the tank. <<Hmm, the pictures aren't sharp/close
enough to be sure...but I think there are a few
possibilities. This may be a species of tunicate or sea
squirt...it may be the Medusae stage of a jellyfish species...or it
may me an egg cluster from a gastropod species. If there
are no openings in its structure, or if it does not move (pulse),
then it is likely the latter of the three. But
regardless, I don't think it is anything to worry about and
will probably disappear as easily/mysteriously as it
appeared>> Thank you in advance, <<A pleasure to
share. Eric Russell>> |

Mystery Growth - Haliclona sponge? -
04/04/2007 Hello crew. <Hi, Tom! Sabrina with you
today.> I'd like to start by saying thanks for the great web
site. I would have left this hobby after a month if I had not found
it. <Wow.... Excellent (and important!)
testament.... Thank you for sharing this. It
is very encouraging to realize that our efforts do reach the
intended goals!> With that I would like to know if this purple
growth can be identified? <I hope so.> It is a deep purple
and in spots has a dark green. I thought it was coralline algae but
have read that it maybe Cyano bacteria. I have looked at a lot of
pictures and can not find any that resemble what I am seeing.
<It actually looks VERY much like an encrusting sponge, maybe
even Haliclona vetulina, though it doesn't seem to have the
"star" pattern that H. vetulina exhibits. It
doesn't look like Cyanobacteria or algae to me, from the images
provided.> The tank is ten months old and is fish only. I have
some dead corals and the growth is attracted to them mostly.
<Any live rock? Any previously live corals, or things
that came from reef tanks, anything like that? If so,
I'm still comfortable saying I think it's an encrusting
sponge.> The water parameters are AM=0, NI=0, NA=10. I do
regular water changes at five gallons per weekend and ten on the
fourth change. I also age the water for three days before I use it.
<Very good.> The tank is a Sea Clear System 2 forty gallon.
There are two inches of mixed sand and crushed coral. I also have
the Sea Clear venture skimmer installed. I would love to get a
better skimmer but could not find one the would work with the
design of the tank. We are waiting on a new custom one hundred and
eighty gallon tank to be built and I have not decided if this tank
will remain or if I will take it down. <If it IS sponge, and you
choose to keep it, be certain NOT to expose it to air, if
avoidable.... keep it submerged, even when moving it
from tank to tank.> So if this is Cyano will I be able to wait
it out a few months? <Probably. If it is Cyano (I
don't really feel that it is), you can try manually removing it
'till the move.> The biological load is as follows. One
Dottyback, one Yellow Stripe Maroon Clown, one Algae Blenny and a
Blue Hippo Tang. The new tank is for the Tang. <He'll
appreciate it, to be sure!> I have included two pictures to
help. Thanks you for your time and effort. <Glad to be of
service, Tom, and again, thank you for your kind and encouraging
words!> Tom
<All the best to you, -Sabrina> |

White Crusty Creatures on the Glass 4/4/07 Hey-
<Hi! Mich here.> I'm sorry not to submit a photo,
<Photos are very helpful.> but I just noticed football shaped,
flesh colored creatures clinging to the inside of my 30gal salt tank. I
have had this tank for 2 years, and have just noticed these creatures
today. I saw about 15 creatures. The smaller ones are about the size of
a pencil tip but a couple are nearly a quarter inch long! They are
crustaceous since I took a rubber spatula and tried to pry one off the
glass---had a very hard shell and took some effort to remove. The
underside is fleshy, with a dark gray spot near the center of the body.
Is this a barnacle? <No, not likely a barnacle.> I did notice
that the crusty shell was shaped much like a chocolate chip, with a
distinct tip near the middle of the shell, and with the fleshy side
squeezed flat onto the surface of the glass. <Sounds like a limpet
to me. Most are herbivorous and not likely harmful based on
your description but would need a photo to confirm.
More here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/mollusca1.htm > BEN in Baton
Rouge, LA <Mich in Gouldsboro, PA>
Re: white crusty creatures on the glass 4/4/07
MICH- <Hello again Ben!> Thanks for your reply. <You are
welcome!> You were right---they are limpets.
<Excellent! Thank you for the follow-up. It is
most helpful to get feedback, especially when relying on description
alone.> I Googled it and saw a picture. <Great!> I just wonder
how after all this time I am now discovering them! <Sometimes,
it's the things we see everyday to which we are most oblivious.>
Ben <Cheer, Mich>
ID... How? 4/3/07 Hello, <Hi Phil, Mich
here.> I have been enjoying your website for quite some time, very
helpful. <Glad you think so!> I am now perplexed by a growth in
my tank. I know the routine is to check all available sources on the
site before asking a question, and I think I have exhausted all there
is to offer. I looked through the sponge articles because I believe it
is a sponge but have not found one photo that resembles this
animal/plant. I took some photos but am not including them because they
aren't that great. <Less than perfect is better than
none! Check to see if your camera has a macro setting, often
the button has a symbol that looks like a daisy or a
flower. This may allow you to capture a better photo.> It
is a mostly white with pink head, and has small white arms and legs all
over its body. <Huh? I thought you suspected it might be
a sponge? Sponge Bob Square Pants is the only sponge
I've seen with a head and appendages. Is it
motile? How big is it? What shade of
pink? What shade of white? Are you starting to
understand how even a poor picture can be helpful?> At first I
thought it was only a piece of shrimp from feeding but there is no way
any of my animals would let that pass. Hopefully this answer isn't
somewhere on your site and I'm not wasting your time. <Send a
picture and as much description as possible, and maybe we can help you,
but with what you've provided, I am at a loss.> Thank You
<Sorry, not of much worth. -Mich> Phil
What is it? 3/30/07 Hi Crew! Well, it's happened
again. I've discovered another unknown creature in my
reef tank. Only this time it's too small for me to be
able to get a good picture, so I'm going to do my best to describe
it for you. The best way to describe it is to say it looks like
sperm. I know that sounds strange, but it has a very small,
sort of oval body that is stuck to the glass and has a long thread like
tail. I have just recently noticed several of these in my
tank. Any ideas???? I think finding all these new
and strange creatures is one of the most interesting benefits of this
hobby! Thank you all so very much for the wealth of information and
help you provide! Thanks, Kathy <Mmm... well... this description is
too vague to be of much use... likely a worm, vermiform organism of
some sort... Do please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/wormidfaqs.htm and the linked files
above. Bob Fenner>
Teeny tiny worm question 3/30/07 Hi
there! <And to you> Wanted to say thanks for all the great
info on your site! It's really helped me and my
little nano project! I have a question about
some bugs/worms that I can't seem to identify that I hope
you can help with. My tank specs are: Equipment:
Eclipse System 6 gal, 32watt actinic/10000K lighting
upgrade (11hrs/day), stock filter with Pura complete, the
powerhead that came with the crappy fission nano skimmer, 8lbs
live rock. Livestock: 4 hermits, <Do keep your eye on these...
all predaceous to extents...> a dozen small feather dusters, one
(so far) Asterina star, various (reef safe) snails, Zoa, Paly,
<And these Zoanthids... too toxic for small volumes> mushroom
frags, an accidental Kenya tree frag (came with frag
shipment), and a whole bunch of cool stuff that comes
out at night when the lights are off! <Neat!> Set up since
Jan 2007. Ammonia and Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: <5 pH : 8.3 Temp: 81
dH: 8.5 Calcium: 360 Phosphates: .25 SG: 1.024 1gal weekly water
changes Twice daily top offs w/distilled bottled water Parameters
have been very stable since the get go, especially for such
a tiny tank! <Good> I've got these little tiny bugs
all over my tank. They seem to be photosynthetic, as they
congregate on the rock near the top of the tank where
there's more light. <Mmm, or at least positively
phototropic...> They're a little less than 1mm long and half
as wide, and have a distinct head to them (distinct as in
it's lighter, and has a darker band below it. Hopefully
the pic will help.) They're kind of a nondescript colour,
some looking grey/blue and some grey/beige. I thought they
were flatworms, but they're not flat and they don't
really look like any of the pictures of flatworms that
I've seen. <They're not> They do move like a
worm though (faster than a snail, slower than an amphipod),
and have no legs that I can spot. I've had them for a
while, came with the live rock, but they didn't do
anything evil before. Now, there's so many of them that
they're hanging out on my zoas as well as the rock and
glass, and the zoo polyps with worms on them aren't
opening up. They don't seem to prefer the zoas though, so
I don't think they're eating them, and there's no
visible damage to any of the polyps. Everything else in
the tank looks healthy, no problem algae, and the zoas farther
down in the tank are opening fine. Do you think a peppermint
shrimp might help eat these critters? <Perhaps> I
was planning to get 1 or 2 shrimp to add some movement to the
system, figured I might kill two birds with one stone if I got
one that had a tendency to eat small wormy
things. Another thing I was thinking of trying
was getting flatworm exit <Mmm, no. Not advised> and
maybe another couple meds that kill worms/nasties, <Too
indiscriminate, toxic> siphoning out some of them and adding the
medication to the siphoned out worms (not to the tank) to see
what kills 'em. I figured this little science
experiment may help id them. Or I could leave
the lights off for a while and starve 'em, but I have a
feeling these guys would out live my frags if I did that.
<These may be worms of some sort (annelids), crustaceans, even
mollusks... I'd leave them be> Another quick unrelated (I
hope) question for ya: I received a frag of a Kenya
tree coral (Capnella) by accident with some Zoa frags about
two weeks ago. It's been opening up great and
looking healthy until yesterday when it didn't open up at
all. Just wondering if this is normal once in
a while, or if I need to do some investigating as to the cause
of this behaviour. <If it stays closed... I would indeed be
"doing something"... moving it> As a
conscientious marine aquarist, I wouldn't have added
this guy to my tank on purpose, but now that he's here
I'm struggling trying to catch up on my research of
this coral (took a week to get an id!!) Any advice you can give
would be appreciated! Thanks! <Mmm, keep enjoying, learning,
sharing... Thank you! Bob Fenner> |

Another ID please. Possibly a Sponge
or a Tunicate. 3/26/07 Hi, <Hi Allan, Mich
here.> Could you please id this little critter for me, I have a
few of these in my tank that came in on live rock, they are about
1-2mm in diameter. <Really, only 1-2 mm, not 1-2 cm, in
diameter? Is very, very tiny. I'm
surprised you could get this good of picture if it is
1-2mm. It is non-motile, correct? Perhaps it
is a sponge or tunicate of some sort. Does look like
there might be sets of incurrent and excurrent siphon
tubes. Sorry, I know this is not terribly helpful with
such a vague ID here, but this critter is not likely harmful, if
that helps any. -Mich |

Invert Ids: Cowry (Cypraea vitellus) and a
Flatworm (Amphiscolops sp.) 3/21/07 WWM crew,
<Hi Stephen, Mich here.> I wanted to see if I could get an ID
one the attached photos. First is what I think is a
Cypraea vitellus. Is this correct? <I would agree
with your identification.> What is your experience with this
species in a mixed reef? <Nothing specific to this
species. Generally cowry snails grow too large and
cumbersome for most reef systems. Several are
carnivorous, some are herbivorous and for many their diets are not
well understood. Probably not the most suitable choice
for your reef.> Second is an unknown invert I saw in
my refugium. Is about 3-4mm in size, translucent as seen
in photo and used a rhythmic motion for propulsion along the front
glass. First one I have seen and have not added anything
new to the tank in 4 or 5 months. What is your advice of
this living in the fuge? <Is a harmless acoel, Amphiscolops
sp. Please see here for a nearly identical
picture: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/flatworms.htm >
Thank you <Welcome!> and best regards,
<And to you, Mich>
Stephen |

Mass of clear tubes??? Sponges, Not Bagpipes --
03/17/07 Hello from Parma, OH. <Greeting from Gouldsboro,
Mich here currently buried in a foot and a half of snow...> I
hope you can help me out. <Me too! Gotta
plow? Wanna shovel?> I have some zoos growing on a
tube coral skeleton. And I have noticed two masses of clear-white
tubes growing on the dead corals branches. What could this be?
<Mmm, Snow, icicles, oh wait, wrong place... Umm,
bagpipes? Does sort a look like bagpipes... OK,
seriously looks like a Poriferan to me, a sponge, no worries
here. I've sent along a photo to assist
you. <Nice photo!> Thanks in advance!!
<Welcome! -Mich>
Scott Seck |

Eggs in pattern on glass -- 03/17/07 <Hi
Calesta, Mich with you today.> I have eggs on the glass of my
tank. They are in a pattern like a leaf, <Hmm, is it a
shamrock?> and when examined closely each part of the leaf looks
like a feather. I have looked up the eggs for the 2 types of snails
I have and the Nudibranch, and these are nothing like those eggs.
<Well they are definitely eggs, likely snail, but beyond that,
really not sure, shouldn't be anything harmful and will not
likely survive long as most other tank inhabitants find them quite
tasty! > I know the picture
isn't very good but hope it will help. <Either the
photo's a little blurry or I've been honoring St. Patty a
little too much! Sorry not really able to provide
anything beyond what you already know.> Thank you
Calesta |

Brown mass under rockwork? 3/16/2007
Greetings Crew, I found under rock work a fairly large mass of
jelly-like substance. It almost looks like frog egg mass
after the frogs have left. It is not near any coral so I do
not think it is the brown jelly disease but I am not sure. <Is
not> I have not been able to find any other references
that seem to fit. I have a mated pair of coral banded shrimp, Regal
tang, 3 clowns, fairy Basslet, 3 Chromis, and 3 neon
gobies. All have been with me for over 3
years. Assorted corals and mushrooms and a bubble tipped
anemone. Again, I have had all for over 3 years. Do you have
any ideas. If it is the disease'¦. Should I tear apart the
rock work and try and siphon it. Really it looks like some
left over egg mass material. Any ideas. Sorry I
cannot get a picture. Thanks for any info Cathy <Likely a sponge,
perhaps some other sessile invertebrate... not possible to tell w/ more
information, image... Not likely deleterious. I would leave it be. Bob
Can you identify 3/16/2007 Hi everyone,
<Kathy> I find your site very helpful and I'm hoping you
can help me identify something strange that has shown up in my reef
tank. All I can figure is it came in on the live
rock. I've attached a picture. Take a
look and let me know what you think. <This is a Chiton... a
Polyplacophoran... Please read re such Mollusks on WWM>
<Welcome. Bob Fenner> |

Coral gall barnacle 3/16/2007 Good
Evening Crew! Good day to you Brad! Mich here. I hope
all is well at the WetWebMedia center. <Making
progress!> I am writing with a "Friend or Foe"
question. <Always try to be friends here!>
Attached please find a crude sketch for discussion. It
is intended to depict a small (approximately 2mm long) sweeping
appendage of an unknown filter feeder. This
"catcher's mitt" looks much like the straining
appendages seen on porcelain crabs, and on many
barnacles. <Most all filter feeder are friends not
foes.> <<Unless you're very small.... Heeeeeeee!
RMF>> I have a newly acquired Frag of a Montipora digitata
that is host to a half dozen or so of these solitary sweeping
creatures and one other fellow that is slightly
different. From my reading these appear to me (the
layman) to be small Coral Gall Barnacles. <Your
sketch resembles barnacles.> Except that the one tiny little
fellow appears to have two legs sticking out the front door of his
cave. Could he possibly be a Coral Hermit
Crab? <Not likely a Coral Hermit Crab (Dardanus
tinctor). Maybe an Acropora crab or a coral
crab. A photo would be most helpful here.> Currently,
this coral specimen resides in my 37 gallon hospital
tank. The question is: will it harm my 130-gallon reef
tank to introduce these creatures along with the
Montipora? <Unlikely.> And, if so, what is your
recommended plan of action? <Watch and enjoy!> As always,
thank you for your thoughts and for your wonderful site. <Thank
you for your kind Brad in Basalt |

Mystery Creature in my tank
3/16/2007 Hi, Thanks for a great service!! <You are
welcome. Thank you for the kind words.> I have a
mystery creature in my tank that appeared yesterday.
<I have one of those about every two weeks.> I have attached
two photos taken from inside the tank. It is about
1" long and is stuck to the glass.
<Mmmmm. The photos are difficult to see.> The
point of attachment between the creature and the glass is the
entire length of its body. The other side is covered in
small "spikes." <It looks like some sort
of Flatworm, Sea Cucumber, or possibly a
Nudibranch. Very difficult to tell, is it possible that
you could send a better picture?> It has moved about 16"
over the past 20 hours from near the sand (where I first saw it)
toward the top of the tank. I did add a clam to the tank
(t. derasa) yesterday, but there was definitely nothing attached to
it, <That you know of.> and I also did a water change
yesterday afternoon. I have no idea where this came from
or what it is. <See above Re: better photo for more accurate
identification. At any rate, I don't think that it
is cause for terrible alarm. Just grab a siphon hose and
suck the critter out, or watch it and enjoy it for a
while. If it starts to show malicious tendencies, suck
it out of the tank.> Thanks!!
<You are --- Brian |
