FAQs about Non-Vertebrate Animal Identification
Related Articles: Marine Invertebrates, Marine Invertebrate Systems, Marine Invertebrate Compatibility,
Marine Invertebrate Disease,
Marine Invertebrate
Reproduction, Quarantine of Corals and
Invertebrates, Feeding
Reef Invertebrates, Lighting
Marine Invertebrates,
Flow, How Much is Enough,
Related FAQs: Non-Vert IDs 1, Non-Vert IDs 2, Non-Vert IDs 3, Non-Vert IDs 4, Non-Vert IDs 5, Non-Vert IDs 6, Non-Vert IDs 7, Non-Vert IDs 8, Non-Vert IDs 9, Non-Vert IDs 10, Non-Vert IDs 11, Non-Vert IDs 12, Non-Vert IDs 13, Non-Vert IDs 14, Non-Vert IDs 15, Non-Vert IDs 16, Non-Vert IDs 17, Non-Vert IDs 18, Non-Vert. ID 19, Non-Vert. ID 20, Non-Vert. ID 21, Non-Vert. ID 22, Non-Vert. ID 23, Non-Vert. ID 25, Non-Vert ID 26, Non-Vert ID 27, Non-Vert ID 28, Non-Vert ID 29, Non-Vert ID 30, Non-Vert ID 31, Non-Vert ID 32, Non-Vert 33, Non-Vert ID 34 Non-Vert ID 35, Non-Vert ID 36, Non-Vert ID 37, Non-Vert ID 38, Non-Vert ID 39, Non-Vert ID 40, Non-Vert ID 41, Non-Vert ID 42, Non-Vert ID 43, Non-Vert ID 44, Non-Vert ID 45, Non-Vert ID 46, Non-Vert ID 47, Non-Vert ID 48, Non-Vert ID 49, Non-Vert ID 50, Non-Vert ID 51, Non-Vert ID 52, Non-Vert ID 53, Non-Vert ID 54, Non-Vert ID 55,
Non-Vert ID 56, Non-Vert ID
57, Non-Vert ID 58,
Non-Vert ID 60, Non-Vert ID 61,
& Marine Invertebrates,
Marine Invert.s 2,
Marine Invert.s 3, & FAQs about:
Marine Invertebrate Behavior,
Marine Invertebrate
Compatibility, Marine
Invertebrate Selection, Marine
Invertebrate Systems, Feeding
Reef Invertebrates, Marine
Invertebrate Disease, Marine
Invertebrate Reproduction, &
& LR
Life Identification, LR Hitchhiker ID
1, Anemone Identification,
Identification, Aiptasia ID 2,
Worm Identification, Tubeworm ID, Polychaete Identification, Snail Identification, Marine Crab
Identification, Marine Invert.s 1,
Marine Invert.s 2, Marine Plankton,
Friend or Foe 12/27/13
Hi guys and seasons greetings
<And you Kel>
I have found the attached hitch-hiker critter in my marine tank (approx 5
years established)
<A beaut>
Can you please identify it and advise if its friendly/ coral/ invertebrate
safe ? And how likely to populate my tank with offspring if I put it back
in? For the time being its in my quarantine tank in isolation
<Is a Holothuroid of some sort... not harmful to most anything "macro"... >
Have flicked through Julian Sprungs reference guide to Invertebrates and the
hitchhiker section of www etc but i really have no idea - sorry !
<See here:
and the linked files above. Bob "beche de mer" Fenner>
ID please 11/7/13
<Scutus. Bob Fenner>
Hello, I have searched the Internet and WetWebMedia trying to ID this
organism without any definitive results. It arrived on a rock that is home
to a Feather Duster I purchased and now resides in a quarantine tank until I
learn more about it.
Originally, I thought it may be a Stomatella snail except that it is very
thin and about the size and shape of a .50 piece. It may still be a variant,
but, does not resemble the others in my tank. More specifically, it is a
very flat, slow mover, which has two pronounced feelers coming out of what i
would presume to be the head, and has a harder spot - that is cream colored
- in the center. The underneath "foot" is cream colored also.
Is this reef/invertebrate/fish safe?
Any insight would be much appreciated.
Right side up
Upside down
Small, swimming organism ID
Hey guys! Thanks for all you do, I'd be lost without your site and
advice!! I have a local aquarist who took the attached picture of
his tank and posted to our local Reef Club's Facebook page. I'd
thought I'd get your opinion since no one is able to offer an idea.
According to him, there are small round to oblong purple tinted
organisms swimming in the water column. They have a small dot in
the middle and flagella like tail and are very tiny. There are
definitely free swimming. He has said he has no pairs of anything,
so likely not fry of any kind, although he had a recent amount of
macroalgae that could have held hitchhikers. Is this some sort of
pod or anything else you might recognize? Thanks again for you
help and for all you do to assist people to find their way!
<Well, I have only myself to 'blame' for so-often complaining of folks
sending in too-large file sizes... Scott, would you have this aquarist
send us a bit larger pic or two? And describe the motion, jerky, fast? I
can't make much out of this pic. Bob Fenner>
crop |
Re: Small, swimming organism ID
Lol... I think I've been accused of too large pictures myself before!
I tried to "blow up" the picture as best I could. I see two small
purple organisms on this picture, on to the right and one to the left (in
front of the algae/plant). If you still can't ID from this, I'll
attempt to contact him and see if I can get a better description and/or
picture. Thanks for your effort!!
<I tried this as well... already posted on WWM's dailies. Have sent off to
LynnZ for her better input. B>
Re: Small, swimming organism ID 11/1/13
Thanks Bob - see below in <<...>>. I went ahead and sent a
response to Scott through the crew mail. Hopefully, the ID is on the
mark! Take care - Lynn
>Wowzah! B<
Re: Re: Small, swimming organism ID: 11-1-13
Lol... I think I've been accused of too large pictures myself before!
I tried to "blow up" the picture as best I could. I see two small
purple organisms on this picture, on to the right and one to the left (in
front of the algae/plant). If you still can't ID from this, I'll
attempt to contact him and see if I can get a better description and/or
picture. Thanks for your effort!!
<I tried this as well... already posted on WWM's dailies. Have sent off to
LynnZ for her better input. B>
<<Thanks Bob, and hello Scott! My first thought when I saw these
little creatures was that they reminded me of tiny tadpoles.
I ended up looking through all sorts of planktonic larval forms and the
closest thing I could find (given the available general shape only) was the
larval form of an Ascidian/tunicate. Apparently, the nickname for them
is the “tadpole larvae” – go figure! I really didn’t think that this
stage would/could be large enough to be that visible, but apparently
(depending on the species) some are (e.g., Botrylloides violaceus: >2mm
long). At any rate, they don’t appear to be anything worrisome as they
are non-feeding and don’t remain in the water column for very long
(typically from a few minutes/hours, no more than a day) before they settle,
attach, and begin to metamorphose. Please see the following links for
comparison/more info:
If that doesn’t appear to be the correct organism, do see about sending a
bit more info and a new photo or two and we’ll give it another try! Take
care, Lynn Z>>
Re: Small, swimming organism ID: 11-1-13
Whoa, now that's something you don't run across every day!
Hopefully, we'll be able to get a few more details from a photo or two, plus
more descriptive info. In the meantime, I'll do a bit of research - at
this point, I know more about what it isn't than what it is. Take care
- Lynn
>Thank you Lynn. BobF< |
Live rock growth 10/28/13
Hello crew!
<Hey Em>
A rock in my 90 gallon reef has recently sprouted a patch of red sticks with
stiff white whiskers. They are quite beautiful and don't seem to be
bothering the mushrooms they are growing in between. Can you help ID?
<Mmm, have seen this before... I believe this is a Foraminiferan... possibly
Homotrema rubrum. Not harmful; au contraire; indicative of a
healthy set of conditions here>
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Invert ID?
Hey guys! We've found a new dude in our salt water reef tank recently,
and we're not even entirely sure what category of invert he might be.
>Ohhh, I am<
I've posted three pictures here:
He's too tall to be a flatworm, too angular for a sea cucumber, doesn't
match any Nudibranch I can find, etc. We have Chitons in our
tank that also hitchhiked in, but this guy is soft-bodied, no shell.
<Is a Chiton likely... just young>
I've seen PART of his body but not all -- the part I've seen is about an
1.25" long and 3/8 of an inch wide, and at least a quarter inch tall.
There are at least four of those multicolor dots on his back. He's not
flat, although he can flatten out when he wants to, but he's almost
trapezoidal in shape. He's looks creamy under the actinics, and pinkish
under our daylight lights. He moves like a turbo snail, but I haven't
been able to figure out if the part I'm seeing is his head or tail or
something more
like a starfish arm. Any thoughts? We're quite impressed by him,
and he seems to be happy, but not sure if he's friend or foe or how big
he might get.
Susan Weston
<Am pretty sure this is a Polyplacophoran. Thanks for sharing. Bob
Re: Invert ID?
Fascinating! You are, as always, a wealth of information -- thank you!
<Welcome! BobF> |
Question about Saltwater Hitchhikers
Hi, I wanted to see if you could help identify a mass of saltwater
hitchhikers which I believe came along a Frogspawn Coral frag
my girlfriend and I recently purchased. I drip acclimated the frag
and then added the correct dosage of ReVive Coral Cleaner
(recommended by my LFS)
<High mark-up item>
for the last 15 minutes of the acclimation...Well since we added the frag
I had found a couple very small Polyclad Flatworms (which we've been
sucking out with a syringe when we see) and I'm seeing a ton of
these tiny little specs all over the glass near the substrate...Not
really what I was wanting to deal with after purchasing our first frag.
<A good idea to have an intermediate system... for
isolation/observation; quarantine>
I've been researching all over the internet and the best answer I can
assume is that I have an outbreak of Planaria going on in my tank.
There are literally hundreds if not thousands of these things all over
the sand, and glass...
I've attached a couple images with hopes of figuring out what these are
so I can decide whether or not I need to do anything about them...For
size comparison there is a picture with the little worms all over a
shell...That shell is the size of a small pea. In the other
picture you can compare the size of the worms to the size of the sand
grains. These things are tiny, but I fear they'll grow into
something much larger and more difficult to deal with at this point.
<Too small and poorly resolved to make out, but these are likely some
sort of worm... Can't say/tell whether problematical, but not likely.
Bob Fenner>
crop |
Re: Question about Saltwater Hitchhikers... Coral
quarantine/dips/baths... Using WWM
Hi Bob,
<Hey Chuck>
Thank you very much for the quick response. My girlfriend and I will
be definitely investing in a quarantine system for corals
<Actually; all incoming livestock; mainly to "give it a rest". See WWM re>>
before we add anything else to our display tank. I prefer to enjoy
our saltwater aquarium versus having to research and battle hitchhikers and
Do you have any sorts of recommendations on Coral Dips?
<Yes; posted... >
Coral RX? Cleaner dips every few days while the coral sits in
<... yes; commercial and hobbyist; usually just once, on arrival, diminished
(just a thousandth) spg, overdosing of iodide/ate, a simple sugar...>
Any other methods like RO/DI water dip for X amount of time?
<... all gone over on WWM>
What is your recommendation on the amount of time to have corals sit in a QT
before adding them to the display tank? 2-4 Weeks?
<Yes; this is plenty of time>
I used our Mag Float / Easy Blade last night to scrape a bunch of these
things off the glass, turned up the Protein Skimmer to skim a bit, and we
have Carbon / GFO running. We're also going to cut back on the amount
we feed our livestock. I'll just keep an eye on them and see whether
or not they go away on their own. If they continue to grow larger at
least it'd help identify them...All I can tell is that they're very tiny
black worms.
<Do you have a microscope? There are really spiffy, inexpensive ones
nowayears w/ USB hook ups... that can take nice pix>
Thanks again for your help!!
<Cheers, BobF> |
Unidentified organisms in sump 8/17/13
Mr. Fenner;
First off, thank you for putting this site up and for taking the time to
answer (another) one of my emails. You and your crew do an incredible
service for us, so thank you. As for why Im emailing you, I have a swarm of
things in my sump/refugium that I can't identify.
<Oh! I think I can>
My tank has been set up for 10 months. My refugium is unlit and in my tank's
stand, so it is always dark. I had tried growing Gracilaria, but it ended up
shrinking and not growing so I fed it to my tang, and since then the sump
has been unlit. There hasn't been anything in there except a bunch of live
rock, sand, and the odd hitchhiker (such as my Mysid shrimp). The past
couple days I've noticed baby Astrea snails in my tank. They look exactly
like my adult ones, except they're about an eighth of an inch big.
Today I took a flashlight to my sump to see what was in there, and I saw
probably 100 or more of these things attached to the walls and floor of the
sump. I've attached pictures, but they are white cocoon looking things, with
some bristles sticking out the unattached end. My only thought is they are
possibly larval Astrea snails. I did find a couple baby snails crawling
among them. I can't find any pictures resembling them online, and am at a
complete loss to what they are. They have yet to pop up in my display
though. Thank you so much for your help!
<Not to worry; these are Syconoid sponges... indicative of good conditions
here. Do search WWM re. Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Reef Tank Growth
I've got this weird stuff growing in my tank. It is
Looks like a bean sprout but is spiky and it seems to be
branching out.
I have attached some photos.
<Mmm, yes>
You will notice the larger patches of this stuff is far less detailed
but that is because there is sand and dirt covering it.
I should mention that this stuff is growing in the back chambers of my
Biocube 29 where there is minimal to no light.
<A good clue>
I am running Purigen &
Carbon & Poly-Fil & Phos-Guard (although i suspect the PhosGuard is
<I wouldn't replace it>
Also, I have been dealing with very high Nitrates due to no skimmer,
overfeeding, & only 3-4g water changed biweekly. BTW: I have seen the
of my ways and am trying to make things right again.
Thanks for your help!
<This is most likely principally Porifera; sponges. See WWM re their ID.
Bob Fenner>
Nudibranch? ID 5/22/13
Last night I found this little critter on my torch coral, I have noticed it
has been losing a tip every week or so but nothing drastic.
I touch the approach that if it is on a coral it most likely eats it but
wondered if you knew more. It's very light averse and almost
completely flat. It's about one inch long.
<This appears to be a flatworm. Can you describe its
Bob Fenner>
Re: Nudibranch? ID
Hi Bob,
Thanks for the quick reply,
The end to the left of the photo (with the line clear line down the centre
of the animal) appears to be the "head" end and is the direction of travel.
It appears to move very smoothly and quite quickly in the direction
of travel with contraction.
<Ahh, a Platyhelminth>
On close inspection there is a very very thin orange line around the edge of
the work and the coloration is made up of brown spots and lines surrounding
the clear pattering through the centre.
<And notably; I'll note... a bold gross color and marking appearance to a
Chiton... perhaps camouflage. Not likely damaging anything here. Bob Fenner> |
Re: Unknown animal in my reef tank. Vermes, Crust.? 5/4/13
If those are full size than I have something else I saw a couple that
would qualify for 3/4" size range. And even if that is the trick of the
Than what are those crazy squiggly things floating in my tank? I
saw some more last night. Baby blue color aimed to be dominating this
time. But still had other colors too. Are those worms?
<Might be Mysids>
That's a video of those guys.
And yes I'm acting like a chick with eggs. It is first reef tank and I
don't want to screw it up.
Thanks for all the help.
<Not to worry. Most all in/on reefs is innocuous. B>
Can you ID this please? 4/26/13
Hi- I saw this thing on my live rock a few weeks back but couldn't remove
it(110 reef tank).
<Mmm, yes; polyplacophorans are hard to dislodge>
I came back the next day and it wasn't there. I saw it again last night and
able to take a few photos. I was finally able to prior it off the rock with
a metal knife but it was holding on to the rock like glue(very hard to
remove). It is flat with rippled exoskeleton/shell like a beetle. It is
almost like a snail on its underside. It reminds me of some type bristle
worm but none like I have ever seen before. It curled up like a ball once I
removed it. Any help you could provide would be great. Thanks Ron
<See here:
Bob Fenner>
Critter ID? 3/28/13
Hey Bob and Crew!
I was looking at my tank this morning and noticed a hair like thing
coming from underneath my open brain's tissue. The hair like
worm (or structure) had lots of thin wispy tentacles coming off of the
main strand....then when the water movement caused the brain to
lift up slightly I could tell it was attached (a dime sized clear oval
structure) to the expanded tissue on the underside of the brain. When
the hair or worm thing is blowing around it takes on a feathery
appearance. What is this? and how do I get rid of or deal with it?
<Mmm, reads like a stinging Hydroid of some kind. See WWM re
Bob Fenner>
Re: Critter ID? 3/28/13
I drew out a picture of what it looks like! Maybe it would be easier to
identify with a drawing?
<Mmm, again. Likely a Hydropolyp. See here re:
and the linked files above. BobF>
Yes, and ID question.... sorry
You California guys have much info on this????
<What is that? Renilla? BobF>
Identification attempt for 3/27/13 creature
*Yes, and ID question.... sorry 3/27/13*
You California guys have much info on this????
<What is that? Renilla? BobF>
hello! I thought I might offer a guess as to what this creature might be. My
guess is that this is a Chiton, maybe
Cryptochiton stelleri; the colours and shape seem to match.
<<Ah yes Emilie. Please see LynnZ's input below. BobF>>
Hey Bob! I think the critter in question is Cryptochiton stelleri, aka
the Gumboot Chiton. Here's a link with a photo/info:
http://seanet.stanford.edu/OtherMolluscs/#Cryptochiton_stelleri .
Hope that helps!
Take care,
-Lynn Re: Identification attempt for
3/27/13 creature, Chiton 3/28/13
Oh sorry! Next time I'll let you guys do what you're best at! I didn't mean
to butt in! No response necessary, have a good day!
<Ah, no; thank you for your input/sharing. BobF>
Brown Specs on Live Rock 2/9/13
Hi - I have a 110 SPS tank with a few soft corals that bee up and
running for 8 months. I recently noticed brown specs appearing on my
live rock in the last 2 week. They almost give the appearance small
flake food.( see attached photos). What do you think it is?
<Impossible to tell from these pix>
They smear when you touch them.
<A good clue... still could be many things... algal, Cnidarian,
I am assuming that they are some type of brown algae. I should mention
that about 6 weeks ago I added 3 Echotech Marine Radions LED to this
tank but I have been slowly increasing the intensity to acclimate the
tank. I am only running the max intensity of these light at 48%. Coral
are responding well.
However this Brown type algae is showing up all over my live rock.. I
can certainly back down my lighting intensity but just want to make sure
I dont have a bigger problem that I think. Thanks -Ron
<I'd get a look/see through a microscope... one that can make images...
as detailed on WWM... Send along these pix. Bob Fenner>
Re: Brown Specs on Live Rock 2/10/13
Thanks for the response! Just to let you know, I took a piece of rock to
my LFS. They said it was red flatworms.
I never had flatworms and I've been in the hobby for 20 years. I added a
six line wrasse to the tank today. How long do you think it will take
the wrasse to eradicate the problem?
<Mmm, depends... mainly on the species of Flatworm... some are
unpalatable to most all fishes. See WWM re>
I was reading on your site it said to add carbon which I ready have carbon
reactor running. is there anything else I can do?
<In terms of what? See WWM...>
Also what would happen if the problem of the flatworms went unaddressed
and what should I do if I do see any progress from the wrasse?
<All covered... on... WWM. Too many folks panic re... not usually a real
issue. BobF>
Strange creatures in tank...(?) 2/2/13
Hi Crew! I've looked through the archives and I can't find anything
about the weird critters that suddenly appeared in my 90 gallon reef.
(Although I'm sure there is an article, as there seems to be one about
everything! I just am having no luck searching) so I wonder if you might
take a quick peek at these photos and tell me what these are, and if
they are harmful or not? They are cream colored, and crawl up the glass
in DROVES at night, hundreds!!! They're roughly 1/4 - 1/2 inch long,
oval shaped and seem to have mouths on the underside (like a snail?)
<Mmm, yes>
although hard to see. They have what appears to be either scales, or a
some sort of soft shell?
<Is it hard?>
I'm hoping they're just some sort of harmless Stomatella, but I've never
seen any that look like this or that travel in hoards. They hide in the
sand during the day, so these are the best pics I could get, of their
undersides (helpful or do you want me to take some tonight when they
come up from the sand like zombies?)
Thank you so much for your help!!! I look forward to hearing your advice
<My guess is on these being either Chitons or Limpets... Need
bigger/more highly resolved pix of both sides. Bob Fenner>
Re: Strange creatures in tank...(?)
Thanks Bob!! I will get out my good camera tonight at take some close up
shots for you of the topside while they're perusing the glass. I don't think
the shell is soft (sorry, my mistake) I'm looking at one right now and it
seems to be... In separate pieces or layers kind of like armor going down
its back, like a pill bug!
<Ahh, more like Polyplacoporans then>
If I saw it on the ground outside I would think it was a small, cream
colored pill bug. It looks like it can roll up too, sort of.. And the shells
each have several markings going down each side, like brown spots.
Not the best description I'm sorry!! I will send pictures later :)
<Real good. BobF> |
Chiton or Isopod? 12/4/12
<Hello Shaima>
Forgot to add it did curl up when I caught it and float round the tank
in a ball. But when it open upside down it didn't appear to have legs
<It is a Chiton and a useful animal. James (Salty Dog)>
<<Mmm, am almost certain this IS an isopod; on the basis of eyes, color,
Please see here re:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>>
%20isopod.jpeg) |
Crawly Critters Everywhere! 11/12/12
Hi Crew,
I was looking at my tank this evening before lights out and noticed the
glass was covered in tiny little things! They are about a half to one
millimeter in size and crawl all around. Looks like grains of salt all over
the glass. Can anyone tell me what they might be?
<Most likely Copepods.>
I did seed my tank with amphipods and copepods,
<Think this may be your answer.>
so I am hoping they are copepods. But, as they are so small, I have never
actually seen them to know what they might look like. My tank is fallow
right now due to a minor case of Ich, so I just want to make sure the
critters don't have anything to do with Ich!
<Nope. Tomites not visible to the naked eye.>
The best pics I could get are attached, hope they are good enough. Thanks
ahead of time for your response! Ashley
Mr. Fenner
I was hoping you could identify this little guy for me. Thanks for your
<Mmm, from this pic... maybe a Polyplacophoran.... or an Echiuran... is
it segmented? Bob Fenner>
Re: Mr. Fenner
It was some kind of shell-less snail type critter - had a single slimy foot
when I flipped it over.
<Ahh, a Chiton then almost for sure. BobF>
Re: Mr. Fenner
As in no segments sir. Thank you!
<Ahh, they are embedded dorsally... Welcome. B> |
Stuff in tank ID??
Hi Crew,
<Why, why have you sent nearly 10 megs of blurry pix?
We specifically
state... Grrrr>
Thank you for the work you do! I have a 30g FOWLR, 2
months old. Current inhabitants include a Yellow Tail
Damsel, Six Lined Wrasse,
<A bully... trouble likely later>
and Ocellaris Clown - all babies. Also a Choco Chip Star
<Not easily kept, esp. in small volumes as yours>
and 4 Red Leg-egged Hermits. Tank has 2 Aqueon 30, 200 gph
filters, one has carbon and one full of ceramic coils. About 20lbs
of live rock and 2 inches of fine marine sand. I have plans to add
eshopps hang on tank skimmer 75gal before I get any more fish. I
would like to add a Coral Beauty Angel
<... why didn't you just search re this dwarf angel instead of writing?
Your system is too small>
and a Sand Sifting Goby (possibly one more unknown fish) in time.
Also plan to upgrade to a 75 gallon next year or two.
<Ahh, I'd wait till then to add more fish life>
Tested today Salinity 1.21,
<No... perhaps 1.021... too low for your invertebrates>
Ammonia 0, PH 8.4, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 20. Any
comments/suggestions on set up and stocking plan are more than welcome!
Now to my ID question... I have I've searched site but haven't found
anything like what I'm seeing today. First yesterday I saw this
empty shell appear on the live rock, no idea where it came from. Pics
Then today I see this little green thing in the sand. It has a
line or seam on it. Any ideas what these are?
<Your images are too poorly resolved to allow identification. Bob
cropped |
Please help identify surprise guests! 8/9/12
<Surprise gust still a mystery... Need better images/video.>
<Hello Dustin, Mich here.>
I am hoping that you can assist me in identifying a colony I found mostly in
my substrate behind my live rock.
<Will try!>
First off, I have only owned the tank since Saturday, and it is my first
saltwater tank. According to the previous owner, the tank has been running
for about 8 years.
<Long time! Impressive!>
It's a 27 gallon hexagon with a 17" power compact 96 watt
half actinic. Fluval 204 canister and one power head. Lots of mushrooms, a
toadstool leather, a kenyi coral
<Kenya tree (Capnella sp.)>
I believe. Several large polyps,
two urchins, an anemone,
<Careful with the anemone, can cause major problems if it decides to
relocate into the powerhead!>
and 5 fish. One polyp has a vermetid snail attached, that I will be
destroying as soon as I get a chance to buy some super glue gel.
<Why on earth would you destroy an vermetid snail? Please DO NOT!
It's a harmless sedentary filter feeder. It might throw out some mucus
strands that many fish greatly enjoy eating!>
Hopefully, I will be able to attach a small enough picture for your
<Size isn't so much an issue any more. It was with our old server.>
They shrink down and are barely visible with the lights on, and when trying
to scoop one out of the substrate, I found that they retract like lightning.
Also, they appear to be attacking small snails. One appeared to have a long
pointy snail over an inch long and over one quarter of an inch thick halfway
in its mouth. Once the lights turned on it slowly spit it back out.
There is a possibility that it was cleaning the snail, but I haven't seen
the snail move since it started touching it. I will try to describe them as
best I can, but only the high resolution video I have actually shows them in
<Send the video, I can not identify from the images and the description.
If you have difficulty sending it to the site, write me a note, and we'll
figure out an alternative.>
I'll start with the tentacles, which are long and transparent.
They are transparent, but have a purple color with white specs and rounded
white tips. One, near a snail has red tentacles, maybe because it fed or is
happy. The base is a mixture of tan and white with noticeable markings that
resemble diamonds. The tentacles flow like that of a jellyfish.
<Does it have a skeleton?>
I took a very clear video of a close up specimen and of an entire colony to
a local high end fish shop. The owner showed me some specimens of Aiptasia
and majano, which look nothing like what I have. He said he had never seen
anything like it, and that maybe I could find some help on message boards
online. I would be happy to give anymore information you might need. I have
a great high resolution video that shows every detail if needed. I will
attach the best photos I can find, but I was unable to get a very good
picture with the lights off. I would also like to take the chance to thank
all of you for all the answers that I've already found.
<On behalf of Bob and the crew, you're welcome!>
<Cheers, Mich>
Dustin L Thornton
Need help identifying this critter....
Hello again.
I have noticed a few of these recently, one in my main tank and one in
my refugium. I need some help identifying, have searched the site and
not found or have missed a match.
I have had a few egg layings by my Nassarius snails, but I would think
that even in the larval stage this guy would have some type of shell by
now. He is about 3/16" long, has grown quite a bit in the last 2 weeks.
Thanks for any help and thanks again for what you do. Your knowledge is
Bob Colley
Thornton, Colorado
<Look to be a flatworm of some sort... Search on WWM, the Net w/ the
genus Waminoa... and as Doug Adams might say, "Don't Panic". Bob Fenner>