FAQs about Non-Vertebrate Animal
Identification 29
Related Articles: Marine Invertebrates, Marine Invertebrate Systems, Marine Invertebrate Compatibility,
Marine Invertebrate Disease,
Marine Invertebrate
Reproduction, Quarantine of Corals and
Invertebrates, Feeding
Reef Invertebrates, Lighting
Marine Invertebrates, Water Flow, How Much
is Enough,
Related FAQs: Non-Vert IDs 1, Non-Vert IDs 2, Non-Vert IDs 3, Non-Vert IDs 4, Non-Vert IDs 5, Non-Vert IDs 6, Non-Vert IDs 7, Non-Vert IDs 8, Non-Vert IDs 9, Non-Vert IDs 10, Non-Vert IDs 11, Non-Vert IDs 12, Non-Vert IDs 13, Non-Vert IDs 14, Non-Vert IDs 15, Non-Vert IDs 16, Non-Vert IDs 17, Non-Vert IDs 18, Non-Vert. ID 19, Non-Vert. ID 20, Non-Vert. ID 21, Non-Vert. ID 22, Non-Vert. ID 23, Non-Vert. ID 25, Non-Vert ID 26, Non-Vert ID 27, Non-Vert ID 28, Non-Vert ID 30 Non-Vert ID 31, Non-Vert ID 32, Non-Vert 33, Non-Vert ID 34, Non-Vert ID 35, Non-Vert ID 36, Non-Vert ID 37, Non-Vert ID 38, Non-Vert ID 39, Non-Vert ID 40, Non-Vert ID 41, Non-Vert ID 42, Non-Vert ID 43, Non-Vert ID 44, Non-Vert ID 45, Non-Vert ID 46, Non-Vert ID 47, Non-Vert ID 48, Non-Vert ID 49, Non-Vert ID 50, Non-Vert ID 51, Non-Vert ID 52, Non-Vert ID 53, Non-Vert ID 54, Non-Vert ID 55, Non-Vert ID 56,
Non-Vert ID
57, Non-Vert ID 58,
Non-Vert ID 59,
Non-Vert ID 60, Non-Vert ID 61,
& Marine Invertebrates, Marine Invert.s 2, Marine Invert.s 3, & FAQs about:
Marine Invertebrate Behavior,
Marine Invertebrate
Compatibility, Marine
Invertebrate Selection, Marine
Invertebrate Systems, Feeding
Reef Invertebrates, Marine
Invertebrate Disease, Marine
Invertebrate Reproduction, &
& LR
Life Identification, LR
Hitchhiker ID 1, Anemone
Identification, Aiptasia
Identification, Aiptasia ID 2,
Worm Identification, Tubeworm ID, Polychaete Identification, Snail Identification, Marine Crab
Identification, Marine Invert.s 1,
Marine Invert.s 2, Marine Plankton,

Unidentified Coral?/Sponge? on Fiji LR... Likely
a Foram (Homotrema rubrum) -11/27/2007 This coral?/sponge?
<Mmm, looks like a sponge or a Foram (Homotrema rubrum).> is
on a piece of curing Fiji live rock and is about the size of a
quarter. Very hard and stony and dark maroon. There are a lot of
small ones popping up in different places on the same rock. All are
growing. <Sounding more like a Foram. Forams are harmless filter
feeders. More here:
http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2003-07/rs/index.php > Can you
help me out with an id on this? <Hopefully!> Thanks!
<Welcome!> Ted Russell <Michelle Lemech> Carrollton,
<Gouldsboro, Pennsylvania> |
photo, ID. RMF
White Spots on Glass? '¦Don't Use
Windex'¦ Spirorbis or Nerites eggs 11/22/07
Good evening gentleman <Good morning! One of the ladies with you
today.> this is my first post. <Heehee! Not mine!> I have been
a long time reader and really appreciate the long hour that you guys
have dedicated to this site. <Thank you for your kind words.> My
question is in both of my tanks (75 Reef & 30 nano) I have little
white spots on my glass they seem as if they are calcium build-ups. But
this is just my un-educated guess when I run my hand across or try to
scrape with my nail that's what it feels like anyway. <Well
likely one of two things. Could be tiny spiral tube feather dusters
(Spirorbis spp) or may be Nerites snail eggs, which generally do not
result in new snail. You can see both on this page:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/snailid10.htm The Spirorbis can be seen
under the snail on the query dated 4/21/2007.> I have fairly good
coralline growth in both tanks is this related to it? <No not
likely.> I have searched your site and could find nothing thank you
for your time I greatly appreciate it. <Hope this helps.
Re: Help with identification of something growing on
rock 11/11/07 <Hi Carlos!> Cool! <Yup!>
Thanks Mich much appreciated. <Welcome!> No problems with
allelopathy thus far. <Glad to hear, but you should be aware that
this often becomes in issue in small systems as time passes and corals
mature.> I do a weekly 20% change at the least or a small 5% change
every 3 days when time allows. <Excellent!> Re: the high specific
gravity, I had read somewhere that it was better for the corals to run
a little on the high side. <Yes, you are correct. This is stated in
the Borneman book.> Thanks again. <You are quite welcome!>
Cheers <And to you!> Carlos
Two unidentified 'things' and a
Condylactis anemone problem <Hello Anonymous Querior, Mich
here.> I have what I am fearing might be a pest of some sorts,
it resides on the rock with the Zoanthids and the mushrooms. I have
tried to take pictures of it, and I will send those along.
<Looks like a Chiton to me. Chitons are harmless
herbivores.><<... Mich, count the body segments... look at
the legs... RMF>> Our population of Zoa polyps has been
slowly shrinking, several of the different kinds on the rock have
altogether disappeared. <Not likely related to the Chitons.>
This 'thing' is reddish in color, about 1/4 inch long, hard
to the touch, yellowish underneath, and looks like it has
'plates' on it's back. I picked it off the rock this
afternoon and sucked it up in a baster (kept just for the tank) and
placed it in a shallow container until I find out if it is ok to
keep in there. I guess it reminds me most of a roly-poly bug, but
flatter. <This does not look like an isopod to me.>
<<Does to RMF>> The other thing is in the sump on a
small piece of rubble rock. It looks almost like 'skin' and
has two inlet/outlet tubes. <Sounds like a tunicate, a harmless
filter feeder.> It's mostly clear and has a texture to the
surface like a fingerprint. This is just a pure curiosity question,
since I am sure it's not harmful. <Nope, not harmful.>
The final thing, while I have someone's 'ear' is about
our Condy. It looks like it has the measles. I'm not joking. It
has small reddish spots all over its tentacles, it has white spots
on its body. <Brenda, our resident anemone expert, said this can
be normal color variation, but without a photo she could really say
much beyond that.><<? I have never seen such a
variant>> I fear it is not doing well at all. <I'm
sorry. Is there anything beyond the color changes that make you
think this?> We have had it since last January or so, and it did
wonderfully up until about 3 weeks ago. All of our water chemistry
is in normal parameters. Thank you for having such a great forum
and making your time available to those of us still learning.
<Welcome! We are all learners here. Mich> <<I'll
say! RMF>> |
An isopod.
Re: Two unidentified 'things' and a
Condylactis anemone problem -- 11/12/07 Thank you for your
reply. Sorry I forgot to say, my name is Veronica. <Hello
Veronica, Brenda and Mich here! Brenda is handling the anemone and
Feather Duster questions. Michelle is taking care of the Chiton
ID.> I hope that Chiton is still alive; it was rather neat to
see once in a while. <Hello formally anonymous querior! Mich
here! RMF say's this is not a Chiton but is an isopod. You
should be able to tell the difference by looking at the underside.
If it has feet, it is an isopod'¦ if it has a snail like
bottom it is a Chiton.> I did do a search and confirm your ID.
As for the Anemone, the appearance of the red spots was sudden; its
normal color is uniform pinkish tan. I got a good picture to show
tonight, I will attach it. We have a 2 year old who likes to throw
stuff in the sump, and we found a battery in there one day and a
couple of metal balls that go with magnetic toys. <That would
definitely explain the sudden change. It is time for some child
safety locks.> We lost a birds nest coral (very small) and the
anemone bleached. <I'm not surprised.> Then it got these
red spots all over it. It relocated (had stayed where it was from
the day we got it). It has been shriveling and re-inflating more
than normal. <It is expelling waste and trying to rid itself of
the toxins.> It does appear to be recovering from the bleaching.
<Good!> We've done water changes and are running carbon
to remove any toxins. <Keep up with the water changes. I also
suggest changing carbon at a minimum of every few days for a
while.> Since writing my last letter to you, our feather duster,
which was losing 'feathers' for the last week disappeared
altogether. It has done so twice before, but never have we noticed
it losing feathers like that. <Everything in your system has
been stressed in some way because of the objects in your sump.>
I guess time will tell if it is ok. <Yes, time will tell.> I
am always very grateful for your advice and input. Veronica. Ooops!
I forgot to attach the picture to my email. Here is my spotted
anemone. <Yes, I see this. It is definitely bleached and
spotted. Likely caused from the battery and other items placed in
the sump. A lot of water changes, proper feedings and good
husbandry is the best you can do for now. Good luck to you! Brenda
and Mich> |

Tiny 9-point critter... Hydroid Jellyfish
(Staurocladia oahuensis) 11/9/07 Hello WWM, <Hi Jesse, Mich
here.> I have a picture of an interesting critter that is eating
copepods. At least I think they are copepods. You can see them in
the picture being eaten. Maybe it's common but I'm still
new so could you tell me what it is <It is a Hydroid Jellyfish
(Staurocladia oahuensis) More here:
http://www.ronshimek.com/Animal%20Groups%203%20Cnidarians.htm >
and will it eat much of the fishes' copepods? <No.> We
just noticed them and there are about 5 we could find quick and
easy. <Their populations tend to wax and wane.> They do seem
to move when they feel like it. <Yes.>
<Welcome! Mich>
Jesse |

White Gelatinous Growth in Reef Tank Dark Area
11/4/07 Hello WWM crew. <Hello Karl, Mich here> After much
searching on the Internet and WWM site I could not find an answer to
the growth that has appeared in my nano-cube (established tank over 1
year). In the rear pump chamber (no light but substantial water flow) I
have a number of grayish-white gelatinous growths, one appears quite
domelike but the rest are more irregular in shape. These are not
appearing from what I can see in any areas of the tank exposed to
light. Can't send a picture due to their location. They are quite
"jelly-like" to the touch. <Perhaps tunicates? Sponges?
Reproductive material? Is difficult to say without a photo... really is
just guessing...> The tank is quite stable, all parameters check out
within limits and regular water changes are performed (may be a little
guilty of overfeeding with Mysis shrimp at times). The closest I could
come in my search is some reference to "reef-snot" possibly a
phrase coined by Mr. Fenner, not sure <Heeeheee! A possibility...
--- that accurately describes their appearance and texture. <Mmmmm,
yummy!> Big question is one of removal or not. <I would say no.
Are likely harmless filter feeders. >> Generally I have learned
not to mess with the various organisms that appear from live rock, and
have been able to learn from the WWM site as to what they are, but this
one has me stumped. Any idea on what I might have? <Mmm, "reef
snot"? Heeeheee!> Can I let it be as part of the natural
system? <I would.> Thanks once again you guys are great when all
else fails...... <Welcome Glad we can be of help! Mich> Karl
New question... Just invert. ID, SW
10/2/07 Been searching, kind of half heartedly, not sure where to
begin the search. <Mmm, at the beginning... not to be rhetorical,
but what is the nature of what you're interested in? Can you
characterize 'it'?> I haven't seen the actual critter
involved yet, so kind of stuck there. The new live rock with five lacy
mushrooms and a large number of stars. More than 5, starting to lean
towards 8 at this time. Anyway back on track, this critter started out
making a tube, similar to a tube worm, about 1 1/2" long, clear
the first day, thought it was a slug and it moved on day 2 to a
location where the rock curves down, so all floating foods will fall
down that grove and into this tube that it made. On day three it
started picking up small broken pieces of shell out of the gravel and
attaching it to the outside of the tube. <Ahh!> Kind of almost
looks like something a trap door spider would do. I see little bursts
of debris flying out, like it's cleaning house, but I most
definitely can not get a look at what's inside this tube. It's
just to <too> quick, even with me standing over the top of the
rock. Sorry to bother you, I know your <you're> soooo busy.
I'm just not sure where to look for this guy on the site. First
thought was spider but that was ruled out, tube worms where ruled out
as well. Confused Bridget <Might be a worm (most likely), though
could be a crustacean of some sort... Please see WWM re ID of these
groups... pan through the graphics presented:
http://wetwebmedia.com/marinvind1.htm Bob Fenner>
Baby Tube Anemones? ID Polychaete Worms
10/2/07 <Greetings random aquarist with poor punctuation,
Mich here capitalizing your "i"s> I have a 60-gallon
with a tube anemone in it... <And hopefully not too much else as
these beauties can pack a powerful sting.> about 6 months or so,
it started spewing out eggs. I have video that I took of it. It was
spewing out little purple eggs that some of the fish were eating...
in my 20-gallon tank where I have another tube anemone, that one
started spewing out what looked like sperm. Looked like it was
shooting out white milky looking substance into the water.
<OK.> Anyways..... my 60 gallon now, the one that had eggs
shooting in it... there are those little tubes you see in the pics,
they have a single looking worm coming out of them. And they are
starting to show up everywhere on the rocks and sand. I have not
added any rocks in over a year in my tank. I'm wondering what
these little tubed worms are? Probably something common and not
what I'm thinking.. but what are they? <Is a Polychaete
worm, perhaps a Terebellidae, Sabellaridae or Sabellidae species.
Hard to tell by just looking at the tubes, but I suspect something
along the lines of a spaghetti worm though some type of feather
duster may also be a possibility. Likely something similar to the
ciliated feeder seen here:
http://www.dtplankton.com/images/figure02.jpg and will anything
take care of them from spreading so much? <They are harmless
filter feeders. I would not discourage their spread. But many
wrasses will nip at these.> Thanks. <Welcome, next time
please capitalize your "i"s and the first word of each
sentence. Mich> |

Calcareous crud? '¦Spiral Tube Feather Dusters
(Spirorbids). 10/29/07 Hi Crew! <Hi Jessica, Mich here,
apologizing for the delayed response.> I have a 55g reef tank.
Ammonia, Nitrates, Nitrites, Nitrates, Phosphates all 0. Specific
Gravity (with refractometer) is 1.024 and temperature varies
between 78 and 80 depending on the time of day and the lights. In
the tank I have approximately 55 pounds live rock, 3 inches live
sand, a small yellow tang (maybe 1 inch) a blue tang (also about
an inch), <I'm sorry, but this tank is too small to house
either of these fish for more than a couple of months, let alone
both of these fish.> a fire shrimp, a skunk cleaner shrimp, a
pair of tank-raised clowns, a green mandarin (have a small
refuges and eats Mysis and Selcon soaked brine very well)
<Glad to read.> an, a few button colonies, some mushrooms,
a handful of crabs and snails, and anemone, <I hope all you
intakes/overflows are covered.> and a small brittle star.
Everyone appears to be doing great! (I plan to upgrade to a
larger tank when the tangs outgrow this one.). <Glad to read
this.> I hope to begin adding some more demanding corals
shortly. <Be patient and take you time. Better to go
slowly.> My question is this- the intake pipe that runs to the
canister filter (Eheim 2028) and the intake for the protein
skimmer (Prizm pro deluxe) are covered in some kind of calcareous
stuff!. <Nothing to worry about.> At first I thought they
were just bubbles, must when I went to wipe them off they were
hard and upon closer inspection I noticed there were hundreds of
them! These things were tiny, maybe a centimeter, white, and for
purposes of comparison, they closely resemble a necklace clasp
when open. (If that makes sense) I have no clue what these things
are, why they are in my tank, or how they got there! The best I
could come up with was that they are barnacles? I attached a
picture below- not the greatest but the best I could do. Please
help to identify these things and determine if they are harmful
or not. They are not harmful. They are Spiral tube feather
dusters (Spirorbids). Often times the actual feather duster are
difficult to see. But I am fairly certain that this is what you
have by the looks and sounds of things.> Thanks bunches,
<Welcome! Mich> Jessica
Re: Calcareous crud? '¦Spiral Tube
Feather Dusters (Spirorbids)...LR turning white 10/31/07 Wow!
That makes me feel much better! <Ah, very good Jessica!>
Just surprised that so many little feather dusters can accumulate
in one place! <Not uncommon.> Just one more question and I
won't bother you again.... <No bother!> for a little
while anyway. heehee. <Ahh, that's better!> My rock
seems to be turning white in some spots! <A picture would be
helpful.> Lights are the nova t-5's with lunars. The blue
<actinic> lights are on for 10 hours and the daylight ones
are on for 8 hours each day. <Ok. Twelve hours of daylight is
typical of natural reef conditions.> Alkalinity, I assume is
pH? <These are different, but I understand what you are
saying.> If so it's been pretty stable at 8.3. I do not
test for calcium because, this may be a horrible reason, I do
weekly water changes of 10% and use red sea coral pro salt which
has a calcium of 450ppm. <Is not a horrible reason, but is
still good to measure with some degree of regularity.> Iodine
I assume has been fine because the 2 shrimp molt approx. every
3-4 weeks. <I would have your LFS test occasionally.> Why
is this happening? <I'm not sure what it is, that is
happening.> I did add a red slime remover that my LFS said was
safe for everything in my tank, including the rock. <Am not a
fan.> Could this have contributed to the bleaching? <Your
coralline is bleaching?> How can I fix it? <Sometimes this
just waxes and wanes. And sometimes it just sort of sheds, you
might want to try scrubbing the coralline with a toothbrush,
often there is purple under the white.> The rock is super
expensive and would love to correct the problem before it gets
any worse. <I suspect this is a normal process.> Thanks
again for all your advice! <Welcome! Mich>

Perhaps you could help me with a situation with my
tank... white strings/cloudy material periodically coming from the live
rock -- 10/28/07 Hi guys, <Mike> Perhaps you could help me
with a situation with my tank. I currently have a 54G tank with wet/dry
sump with bioballs, Aqua C remora with MJ 1200 and preskimmer box with
activated carbon, two MJ 900 power heads, 40 lbs. live rock, 6
margarita (sp?) snails, two Mexican turbo snails, 2 emerald crabs,
numerous Stomatella that came with the live rock, 1 false perc, and 1
royal Gramma. Conditions are 78 degrees, 1.023 specific gravity,
<I'd raise this> ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 5ppm, ph 8.0,
calcium 480, dKH 7, phosphate 0. I perform 10% water changes 2x per
week. Set-up has been running for about 2 months. <Okay> About 10
days ago, I noticed white strings/cloudy material periodically coming
from the live rock. <Not to worry> The water always looked clear,
but now has particles in the top of the water column that water
changes/filtration will not remove. Perhaps coincidently, my skimmer
stopped removing about a half-cup of black skimmate a day at the same
time; currently it only has skimmate in the tube leading to the cup
(which I clean daily), but no water in the collection cup. This morning
I noticed very small white particles dispersed on the glass that my
clown was continuously graving on (but it does not look like snail eggs
pictured on WWM). Could these particles be gametes from
snails/Stomatella? <Yes> I've noticed some very small
Stomatella that were not seen in the tank before. Is the performance of
the skimmer related to the particles in the water or are we dealing
with different issues? Lastly, both the clown and the Gramma look great
and appear to be unaffected by the condition. Any ideas about what to
do if anything at all? Thanks, Mike <Yes... nothing at all... other
than continue to enjoy the experience. The white, stringy stuff is
likely either embedded worms... or Vermetid snails... Not to worry. Bob
ID Please?... Bryozoan 10/27/07 Hi crew,
<Hi Deryck, Mich here.> Love your hard work. <On behalf of
Bob and the crew, we thank you.> Wondering if you might be able
to identify the white bits growing under some of my live rock?
<ScottF and I think it's a Bryozoan... though a sponge may
also be a possibility, but leaning more towards a Bryozoan.> You
guys/girls do a great job, thanks for any help you can provide!
<Thank you for your compliments they are indeed appreciated.
Sincerely Mich.>
Deryck |

Another Unidentified Aquarium Object... Snail
Eggs 10/23/07 Hi there, <Hi John, Mich here.> I
know you guys get these a lot (especially since I searched through
everyone I could find) so please excuse the standard what is this
and is it hazardous? <Heehee! No worries. There are a couple of
us who enjoy this type of query!> See the attached pictures. The
close-up is from the "underside" of the creature if you
will. <Is a mass of snail eggs.> I looked through a lot of
your previous posts (mostly the invert/ hitchhikers and worm type
ones) and didn't see anything similar. They seem to be active
during the day and are most often curled up upon themselves, rather
then strung out as seen. The tank is approximately 9 months old and
well cared for. <Will become food for you tank soon.> Thanks
for the <Welcome! Mich>
- John |

Mystery Coral... No, Is a Sponge
10/21/07 Hello All, <Hi Jonboy! Mich here, not on
Walton's Mountain, but in the Pocono Mountains.> I've
used your website for the last couple of years and have found a
wealth of knowledge on it. <I'm very glad you have found it
helpful!> This is my first email since I usually can find
answers to my questions from your archives. <This is wonderful
to read.> My problem is that I can't identify the coral in
the picture attached to this email. <Heehee! That's because
it's not a coral!> The LFS told me it was an 'orange sea
fan.' <Nope, is not a Gorgonian either!> Though it is
orange it doesn't resemble any sea fan that I've been able
to locate. <Is not a seaman. Is a Poriferan, Looks like an
orange tree/paddle sponge, a Clathria spp. to me. You have been
sold an inappropriate creature for captivity as most Poriferans
are. This is not a good genus to keep in an aquarium. This sponge
can be toxic and may harm other animals... particularly if it dies,
which is a good likelihood as these animals are difficult to keep
in a home aquarium setting.> It stands about 5 inches and has
incrusted on the rock. It also has a very bumpy exterior that I
believe is a way for it to catch organic matter. <Yes, is a
filter feeder.> I've never seen this coral before and the
LFS told me that it would do great under my PC's. <No, it
won't. It prefers dimly lit conditions and may actually be
harmed by brighter lighting.> I hope the picture turns out well
enough for you to identify this for me. <The picture is
fine.> Thanks in advance, Jonboy
<Welcome! Goodnight Jonboy! Mich> |

Hitchhiker ID 10/16/07 Hello to whoever is on, thanks for
all your WWM work. Just got a few boxes of new Tonga live rock
this morning. I found this slug-like hitchhiker at the bottom of
one of the boxes. It's about 6" long and 1" wide,
and made it alive through 36 hours in transit. I've looked at
the invert pictures on the site, and can't quite find it. It
looks something like a Chiton, <Is> but there is no
bony/plate-like top. <Covered...> It is not colorful the
way most sea slugs seem to be. Kind of like a snail without a
shell, but I've never heard of such. He is alive, and trying
to crawl out of the plastic bin I have him in. Any ideas what he
might be? I'm pretty sure he's too big and ugly to put in
my tank, but if he's safe I might put him in quarantine or
someplace separate. Pictures are attached, one of him trying to
crawl out, one of his underside, one close up of his back when he
curled up. Thanks in advance for any ideas. He is like nothing
I've seen before. Scott <Sorry for the lateness of this
reply. Please read here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/chitonfaqs.htm Bob Fenner>
Re: Hitchhiker ID 10/16/07 Thanks for the reply. You
apologized for the lateness of the reply, but FYI, someone
actually did answer me within about 24 hours. We found a clear
picture somewhere else and did verify it's a chiton as well.
So no worries. Thank you!
<Real good. BobF>

What's On My Glass? 10/15/07 Hello <Hi
Chad> I can usually find answers to whatever question I have on your
site but this time, I'm having trouble. This evening, I noticed
something on the inside of my glass. It wasn't there last night and
my initial thought is it's some kind of eggs. Upon close
inspection, the eggs (or whatever it is) are arranged in a kind of
feather shape. There's several strands of this. It's a
whitefish color, almost clear. I have several Nassarius snails, one
cerith snail, a conch, and several turbo snails, and two jumbo Mexican
turbo snails. After looking at other pictures, nothing matches
what's on my glass. As far as fish go, I have a fairy wrasse, a
fire fish, a yellow watchman goby, three blue-green Chromis, a royal
Gramma and algae blenny. I have a tiger pistol shrimp and a cleaner
shrimp. Any idea what this is? <Boy, be tough to accurately ID just
by your description. I'd guess they are snail eggs. Thank you.
Great website. <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)< Chad
Parasites in the filter? Nope, harmless Syconoids!
10/13/07 Dear Crew: <Hi there Kathy and Dennis> Hope you can
help with our mystery. <I think I can!> In the filter, I found
dead little clear-to-white pulpy-looking critters (worms?), each about
the size of a small rice grain, with a few feathery spikes coming out
for a tail. My tank has a large cleaner shrimp, small crab and small
chocolate chip starfish. I wonder what these lil fellas are, and if I
need to take precautions in case some are alive in the tank, or if its
ok for my starfish to.. um, eat them if he runs across them. <No
worries, those are most likely harmless little Syconoid sponges. Please
see the first link for comparison, and FAQ's at the second link:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/spongeidfaqs.htm> Thanks- Kathy and
Dennis in Stilwell, Oklahoma <You're very welcome! -Lynn in
Everett, Washington>
Sea Monster - 10/08/07 Creature Feature: The Brittle Star
Snatcher! 10/6/07 <Hi Mike> I transferred some baby Brittle Stars
to my tank and when they hit the sand bed some got tangled up in the
hair size tentacles of this thing and it ate them. <Yikes, poor
little guys!> Any thoughts on what this is? <Unfortunately, I
can't see it well enough in the photo to be able to tell.>
<<Indeed, the image just isn't clear enough to post.
-SCF>> It looks like a toad stool with 8 to 10 hair fine
tentacles. <Hmmm, maybe we can narrow down the possibilities a bit.
What color is it? How large (across) is the entire organism? How long
are the tentacles - are they tapered, smooth, or branched/feathery at
all? Do the tentacles appear to be floating about in the current, or do
they seem to stick to the substrate?> This is the best pic. so far.
It is in the center. <If you can at all get a sharper photo that
would be super. If you have a macro setting (usually represented by a
flower on your camera), definitely give that a shot!> Thank You Mike
<You're very welcome, Mike. Let's see if we can't get
this creature Id'd! --Lynn>

What Is This...A Worm, Coral, Pest, Any Clue? --
10/06/07 This thing emits strings of mucous, which it
periodically releases into the current. It acts like a tubeworm and
when I touch it, it goes into its shell, and its orange head almost
penetrates the tip of that shell, but never more than about a
quarter-inch. I can see what look like hairs in there, but they
never extend. It sends out mucous when I feed the fish/corals brine
shrimp. Any clue what this is? <<Yes, not a worm, coral, or
pest but rather a type of mollusk'¦Is a Vermetid
Snail'¦a beneficial detritivore>> It just grew
there. <<Indeed>> I can't find it in any books.
Thanks! <<Try a keyword search of our site/the Net. Regards,
EricR>> |
Two new creatures from my TBS live rock, I
can't identify. 10/3/07 Hi Fellas and Ladies, <One of
the ladies tonight!> I have two creatures I've been
searching through your pages for, but I just can't seem to find
them. I just bought 20 lbs of Richard's Live Rock from TBS,
it's in it's own tank. I wanted to do an experiment and see
just what would grow all by it's self. <Cool!> So, I
found 1 hermit crab, he's got white legs with what look like
purple stripes. He's not very out going yet. LOL! <Careful
here!> Then I found a white fuzzy snail on my glass tonight.
Here are pictures of him. <Neat!> While I was taking pictures
he did the weirdest thing! Spinning around on his foot like a wild
man! <Sounds like the behavior of a Nassarius snail.> I
though he was going to fly right off the glass! Back of the shell.
I guess I want to know, is he reef safe? <Likely so.> Or
should I worry about him? :) <I don't think so.> The
other creature I found is like a very delicate flower, but I'm
pretty sure it's a tubeworm or something like one. It's
very, very tiny, not short but like fine thread. The head pivots
and rotates, reminds me a little of a feather duster, but not
quite. <I do think this is a feather duster.> The red is
Macro algae, so you can see how delicate it is! <Beautiful!>
Aren't Richards rocks amazing? <Yes... most all live rock
is! Mich> |
