Related FAQs: The Fishes of the Cook
Coverage of families in the Cooks: Surgeons, Doctorfishes, Tangs, Triggerfishes,
Hawkfishes, Wrasses
Related Articles: Introduction
to Fishwatcher's Guide Series Pieces/Sections,
/Fishwatching: Adventure Travel Series
Pet-Fishing in the Cook
Long Version, Pt.
To: Pet-Fishing in the Cooks, Short Version,
Longer Version: Part I, Part II, Part
>Underwater: Invertebrates
Plenty of species, diversity, abundance of all major marine
invertebrate phyla.
>Soft and Hard Corals
Rubble washed up on beach are stony skeletons, a Lobophyton,
massive colony of Goniopora in six feet of water, and an equally
shallow mass of Montipora.
>More invertebrates
Molluscs (shown a Tridacna clam, Spanish Dancer nudibranch),
and one of many species of Sea Cucumber.

Cooks Fish Families, Species of use to aquarists N=
547 total >A
Acanthuridae of the Cooks: Surgeons,
Doctorfishes, Tangs
vN=27 species/Cooks
vGood quality, numbers
vNone collected for the trade from here
vAcanthurus achilles, A. dussumieri

>Cooks Ctenochaetus Tangs
Shown: A juvenile and adult-colored Chevron Tang,
Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis; a Striated Tang, C.
striatus, and a Kole or Yellow-Eyed Tang, C.
>Cooks Genus Naso Tangs
N. brevirostris, N. hexacanthus, N. vlamingii, N.
lituratus, N.unicornis.

>Zebrasoma in the Cooks
vZebrasoma scopas, Z. veliferum. And
have Z. rostratum according to, but I’ve
never seen it there. |