FAQs on Carpet Anemone
Related Articles: Carpet Anemones, Stichodactyla spp., Use in
Marine Aquariums by Bob Fenner, Carpet Anemones, big,
beautiful and deadly by Mike Maddox, Bubble
Tip Anemones, Tropical
Atlantic Anemones, Anemones,
Anemones, Cnidarians,
Marine Light, &
Related FAQs: Carpet Anemones 1, Carpet Anemones 2, Carpet Anemone
Identification, Carpet Anemone
Behavior, Carpet Anemone
Compatibility, Carpet Anemone
Selection, Carpet Anemone
Systems, Carpet Anemone
Feeding, Carpet Anemone
Disease, Anemones in
General, Caribbean
Anemones, Condylactis,
Anemones, Anemones and
Clownfishes, Anemone
Reproduction, Anemone
Lighting, Anemone
Identification, Anemone
Selection, Anemone Behavior,
Health, Anemone
Placement, Anemone
Feeding, Heteractis malu,
New Print and
eBook on Amazon:
Anemone Success
Doing what it takes to keep Anemones healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Carpet anemone question 6/22/19
Hi Bob,
<Hey Frank>
I hope all is well. I have a question for you regarding a carpet anemone I just
received. To my knowledge, carpets reproduce through shooting eggs and sperm
through their mouths
<Yes; sexually... they do asexually divide, leave bits behind as well>
(my rock anemones did this which I did record the action on video and I actually
had little rock anemones show up months later).
This one I received had a little carpet growing on the underside of its column.
Did you ever see something like this and do you have any knowledge of this as
another way of reproducing like budding? Thank you as always!
<Have seen and wondered re... Is this "just" a bit of the capitulum (top) being
extruded from the pedicle/stalk of this animal? Or... yet another means/example
of asexual... fragging; if you will? Bob Fenner>
Re: Carpet anemone question 6/22/19
That can be interesting if does reproduce asexually as well. I didn't check for
a small mouth. However, I will investigate and see. Thank you
<Please keep me/us "in the loop" Frank. BobF>
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Mini Carpet Anemone 7/21/14
Dear Sirs:
Earlier today I did a routine partial water change in my 100 gallon.
<Mmm; the water was pre-mixed, stored ahead of time? We've had a spate
of "water change" queries, both fresh and marine...>
Everything was as it always is after a water change and acrylic
scraping, all shiny, clear, and pretty. So this evening I notice that
the water had become cloudy and there were many, many tiny white spots
floating everywhere. The spots did not appear to be swimming like "bugs"
might and the royal gramma was not chasing them like he would if they
were "bugs".
They have lessened now and the water is less cloudy, but while all this
is going on I notice something going on with the two mini carpet
anemones that share a rock up high in the aquarium. In the more than a
year that I have had these two, one green and one red, I have not seen
them do this: Green was secreting long white streams of stuff. I am
guessing it's not poop since the royal gramma ate one of the larger
streams that floated by him.
Green seems to be finished with his business. Now, at the same time, Red
is secreting tiny brown irregularly shaped pellets of something, I am
guessing poop. No one is eating what he's secreting. They are coming
from a tiny opening in his center. Oh my gosh, I just went to take
another look to see if Red was still pooping, and I'll be darned, he
shot out a huge amount of these pellets, like a volcano erupting!! Those
white spots that are everywhere are coming from Red! This has been going
on for a good hour or more. What do you think is going on and why
haven't I seen this before?
<Sounds a great deal like reproduction to me>
Thank you,
P.S. he just did it again!
<Do keep your eyes on all... I'd mix up and keep ready as many gallons
of new water as you can; as well as a back up of chemical filter
material (GAC). Bob Fenner>
RE: Mini Carpet Anemone 7/21/14
Wow, that's kind of cool. So you think like male (Green) and female
(Red), anemone version of eggs and sperm?
<Possibly; yes>
I will do as you suggest, change the filter media (I use Chemi Pure
Elite and bags of GAC) tomorrow, and change some water the next day,
using the water I mixed up this morning.
By the way, I think I was wrong when I said no one was eating Red's
I noticed one of the pajama cardinals hanging close as though waiting
for the next batch to be expelled and the cardinals appeared to be
eating too, in their corner of the tank.
Might I find baby anemones in the near future?
<Mmm; not from sexual union in aquarium conditions; no>
Thank you Mr. Fenner,
<Certainly welcome. BobF>
Carpet Anemone reproduction: Not much to go on with this
one...... 6/29/2010
green carpet anemone can they split
<Yes, usually as a result of favorable or unfavorable
Read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/carpetanemones.htm
New Print and
eBook on Amazon:
Anemone Success
Doing what it takes to keep Anemones healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner