Related FAQs: DIY
Protein Skimmers, Marine Physical
Filtration, Ozone &
Ozonizers 1, Ultraviolet
Sterilizers, Wet Dry Filters,
Best Skimmer FAQs, Best Skimmer Selection FAQs, Best Skimmer Op./Maint. FAQs, CPR Skimmers, ETSS Skimmers, Euro-Reef Skimmers, Prizm Skimmers, SeaClone Skimmers,
Skimmers for
Eclipse Systems, Skimmers for
Small Systems, Skilter
Skimmers, Tunze
Skimmers, Algae Control, Outside Power
Filters, Canister Filters,
Related Articles:
Protein Skimming: An
Important Tool For a Successful Reef Aquarium by James Gasta,
Skimmers by Steven Pro, Marine Set-Up, Marine Filtration,
Mechanical & Chemical, RedOx, Protein Skimmer Impressions
By Steven Pro,
/The Conscientious Marine
DIY Protein

Euro style skimmers
Anthony Calfo's kind offer of a prototypical DIY skimmer:
DIY Counter Current
Advantages: inexpensive to build and operate,
sturdy, produces excellent skimmate reliably, simple to construct
and repair.
Disadvantages: learning curve of days to weeks for
new aquarists to fine tune, aesthetically modest (simple PVC),
slightly more maintenance to run.

* Air to be injected through tapped and threaded
fitting (ideally) in narrow length of neck. Use air check valve
inline from pump. Power with very strong air pump, injecting air
through a rigid stem approximately half the length of the main
body. Change lime wood/basswood airstones monthly for best
From the Book of Coral
Propagation, Reef Gardening for Aquarists: Volume 1 by
Anthony Calfo (2001)
Illustration by Kevin Carroll
Pressure Rated Pump for DIY Skimmer 4/26/07 I am
trying to find the right pump to use for a DIY skimmer that I
built. <Neat.> The skimmer uses a ?" Kent Marine
venturi at the inlet, and puts too much back pressure on the Mag
9.5 I bought for it, to produce good flow through. <A pressure
rated pump is in order here.> I am thinking that I should go
with an external pump that is pressure rated, <Bingo.> and
am thinking of going with the Gen-x PCX-40 or PCX-55 as they seem
to be the most economical. <In price yes, but not in noise or
life...from my experience. I would prefer Iwaki.. My first
question is, what exactly is the difference between the two
pumps, as they are both "comparable to the Iwaki
55RLT"? <One is rated for more pressure/head than the
other I believe.> My second question is, how noisy are these
pumps? <At least the sound of a normal conversation, IME.>
I have read some reviews saying that they are quiet,
and some that compare them to having a lawn mower in the room.
<I'd say in-between those two, Adam J.>