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Pseudochromis ID/Differentiation Question
Pseudochromis coccinicauda 8/24/06 Bob, crew <Wayne> I have seen Pseudochromis coccinicauda on some export/import lists but am unable to find any more than the most basic of info on them. <Here on fishbase: http://fishbase.sinica.edu.tw/Summary/speciesSummary.php?ID=25685&genusname=Pseudochromis&speciesname=coccinicauda> I haven't even seen an image of them yet despite a variety of internet searches. <Me or Google neither> Have you seen them/kept them/ best still an image? <Mmm, might have as unknown pix from visiting the Maldives...> Are they in any of the Scott Michael books (which I sadly don't have copies of) <Don't know> I have speculatively ordered a pair so I guess if all else fails you'll get an image form me in a months time! Hils Wayne Oxborough Norway <Some Dottybacks are not all that attractive, I hope these are... and some are downright agonistic (e.g. steenei), I hope these are not. Bob Fenner> Impulse Buying Makes Adam Sad: Eels (not really but sort of) Pseudochromis/Congrogadinae 10/29/05 Hello I just got an eel that when I bought it they said it was a green wolf eel but it is yellow with a little green under its mouth what kind is it and what can I feed him/her thanks for the help. <The fish commonly sold as the 'Green Wolf Eel.' This eel is not really an eel it is actually from the family Pseudochromidae (basically on overgrown dottyback), in a sub genus Congrogadinae. These animals are occasionally sold in freshwater to brackish conditions but are best kept (they require) marine conditions. I would offer meaty foods of a marine origin, depending on the size of the animal anything from mysis to chopped silversides. Also in the future it is prudent to research animals prior to purchase as often impulse buys lead to trouble. Incompatibility with current tank mates, expert-care species and so on. Just remember this phrase: 'If you don't know what it is you don't know how to take care of it.' Adam J.> I've been trying to find this P. Splendens you referred to as an alternative to Pseudochromis porphyreus. The only thing I could find were flowers and Siamese fighting fish. Is this a commonly sold fish? I looked at WetWebMedia, and your site also only has reference to this as the fighting fish. Where can I find some info on it? <Just a more recent than the books popular species... It is a Dottyback, Pseudochromis splendens... a much "nicer" member of the family/genus that is being cultured in good numbers by ORA/Harbor Marine in FL.> >> >> What a day... ever get the feeling that something isn't quite right? Me, most all the time... The instance I'm referring to is the fish actually called P. polynemus, Fowler, 1931, aka the Longfin Dottyback... this is the fish in question... Sheesh, and mea culpa, Bob Fenner Re: Restocking and my previous/egregious Error Bob, I tracked down ORA, and found that my LFS gets their clownfish from them. The catalogue that the LFS had included a photo of the P. Splendens, in fact they had a specimen in the store. It looks like it would be a great addition to my tank (though expensive at $70). I have not been able to find a pic of the P. polynemus however. Any idea where I might be able to see a pic? <Ah, yes... cut and paste this URL: http://www.fishbase.org/Photos/PicturesSummary.cfm?ID=12714> Given that my main tank is now 82 degrees and SPG 1.020, (I'll take it down to 1.019 or 1.018 tomorrow) and that it contains ONLY inverts, I have a question. Is it necessary for me to quarantine whatever I buy first? I'm thinking that the conditions in my main tank are much better than I could create in my quarantine tank. I would do a dip, of course. <Yes, unless you want to risk introducing and entrenching infectious, parasitic problems in the system...> Also if I place them straight into my main tank, it has the bio system to handle a larger initial load. What is your opinion on restock? If I proceed gradually, territorial disputes would be a bigger problem. If I go all at once, and treatment is required, I don't think my quarantine tank could handle the load. <Here's where intelligent planning will shine... shy, more tough, less rambunctious species, specimens first... in batches if need be> Thanks o' wise one..., for all your past present and future help. Marty >> Soitainly, Bob Fenner Re: Restocking and my previous/egregious Error Bob, No fair! the link you sent is for Pseudochromis splendens, not Pseudochromis Polynemus. Thanks, Marty >> <Don't know if you can sense my chuckling over the Net... okay, let's give trying to clear this confusion up one last go: http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?ID=14281& genusname=Pseudochromis&speciesname=polynemus is Fishbase's shot at the species (the real one...) w/o an image (!)... And yes, this is a different, though closely related species to P. splendens... and here's the clincher... both are sold "interchangeably" in the trade/industry... Yikes... Take a longer look at polynemus (the real, most commonly available species... the one you saw that was cultured by ORA)... as it is the more peaceful... Bob Fenner Green wolf eel I saw a green wolf eel in the LFS they said it would not eat hermit crabs and was not in the moray eel family. Do you know anything about this type of eel? <Yes... as bizarre as it may seem, this is a member of the family of Dottybacks, Pseudochromidae. Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/pseudoch.htm This species is covered here. Bob Fenner> thanks, j Colgan Green Wolf Eel/Pseudochromid Dear Mr. Fenner, I have a green wolf eel and I cant seem to find any information on it. can you help me? <A little perhaps... this fish, Congrogadus subduscens is actually classified as an Eelblenny (subfamily Congrogadinae) of the Dottybacks (family Pseudochromidae) of the tropical Indo-Pacific. It's actually not an uncommon offering in the trade... and generally takes most all types of meaty foods with little training...> I also have 2 lion fish, I cant seem to get the one off gold fish, I tried starting him on frozen foods, he would not eat them, I gave him gold fish and he loved them. how can I get him on frozen? the other lion fish eats it but he wont. and are silver sides a good food or are they the same as gold fish. well, those are my questions. thanks again, Mike Mastronardi <Please read over the "don't feed goldfish" and pseudochromid pages and FAQs posted on the www.wetwebmedia.com for answers to your queries. Bob Fenner> Dottyback Identification <<JasonC here helping out while Bob goes diving>> hi I bought what I think is called a flame head Dottyback it is doing great in my tank and its body has gone from gray to a blue colour I was just wondering if this is the right name for it because I have only found one site where someone has one is there something wrong with this fish? THANKS <<without any more description, I can't be of much help. Better for you to perhaps help yourself to the following link: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/pseudoch.htm which has a good set of photos of most of the Pseudochromis [Dottybacks] - perhaps you will see your fish there. Sometimes a name like a "flamehead" is more of a descriptive name, applied at the fish store, than the actual common name... happens sometimes. Good luck, J -- >> Strange Pseudochromis I purchased a gorgeous pseudo a couple
of weeks ago that was i.d.'d as an "Australian flame
pseudo". Interestingly I have not been able to find a
photo in a book or on the net that is really very close. Of
course I don't have a photo - partly due to the problem I'm
having (see below). It looks vaguely like the female
Queensland Dottyback on your website, but much more
intense. The front is dusky blue/gray, quickly blending to
the most gorgeous rose color on the back 2/3. The margins of
the upper and lower fins are bright blue in a very fine line, and the
last 1/8" of the tail is yellow. It is currently about
3-4" long. An id would be nice, but I can live without
it. <I would try fishbase.org (run a search for Australia... and
re-sort by family... then look at all the species listed for
Pseudochromids... it may not be shown... or even described... there are
a few species to go (pers. comm. Dr. Jack Randall)> This is my first
pseudo, and I'm surprised by how shy it is! I rarely ever see it
full body. <Not atypical... some species are more outgoing... but
only the tank bred/reared ones come, stay out much> Usually it is
only a dusky blue head peeking out of the rockwork. I have a
fairly active full reef with 2 Zebrasomas tangs, a flame angel, and 2
polymnus clowns. It has shown absolutely no signs of
aggression, and turns tail if another fish comes into view. I'm
concerned about feeding. It doesn't come out at feeding
time - the activity seems to drive it deeper into the
rocks. It still seems fat, but if it is eating, it must be
doing the worms, copepods, etc. diet. Is this possible, and
is it a long term option in a 135 reef? Any ideas on how to
feed it? <Keep offering small meaty foods... it is likely consuming
what you're producing in situ> Will it become more outgoing with
time? <Likely yes. Bob Fenner>
- Which Fish is This? - My LFS recently got in a beautiful fish I have never seen before. They have labeled it a "blue barred Pseudochromis", but the only picture I can find that looks anything like it (navy, almost black, with two longitudinal metallic blue lines down each side) is a red sea cleaner wrasse. <Hmm... well, there are a lot of Pseudochromis that aren't even described. Could be you have the genuine article.> What's more, I observed it trying to clean a couple fish in the tank. <Well... there are quite a few non-standard cleaners that clean as juveniles. Could be this is the same behavior.> Is there some other fish, i.e. a "blue barred pseudo" this might be (best guess without a picture, I know), and assuming it is a red sea cleaner Larabicus quadrilineatus, this is a fish you would recommend strongly against (cause it is beautiful!)? <Actually, would recommend against the Larabicus quadrilineatus because the adults are obligate coral polyp eaters.> Jim <Cheers, J -- > Mystery Dottyback! Hey guys.. <Scott F. your guy tonight!> I found this dotty back at a local shop labeled "pink orchid Dottyback", but could of course come up w/ no info on it.. I did however find this pic http://www.themarinecenter.com/pseudounid.htm which is an exact match... You ever seen these? Know how large they get? <Well, my guess is as good as yours! Could be a geographic color variant on a known species, or, indeed- an undescribed species. It kind of looks like a Pseudochromis tauberae to me, but I'm basing this on some not-so-good pictures and personal "sightings" of this fish at local fish stores myself. If it is a P. tauberae, it reaches a length of about 2 1/2-3 inches. On the other hand, if it is Labracinus cyclopthalmus (another possible suspect here), it can reach up to 8 inches, and be a holy terror! You might want to check out fishbase.org, and do an old-fashioned search using the various Dottyback genera: Pseudochromis, Cypho, Labracinus, and Obgilbyina, and look at the pictures there. Maybe you'll find something! > The two in the shop are eating flake/frozen and seem fairly easy going.. One of them in fact is quite timid in a tank w/ clown fish and some Anthias. The other is quite active despite the presence of a neon dotty and some other normally aggressive Pseudochromis fish.. Any ideas are appreciated. Joe <Well, Joe- fire up the 'puter, make some strong coffee, and shuffle of to Fishbase! Happy hunting! Regards, Scott F.> Longest Running Aquarium Club in Oklahoma - Since 1949! Oklahoma City Aquarium Association http://petsforum.com/okcaa/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/OK-AquariumAssociation/ Steene's Pseudochromis I recently purchased what I was
told is a "Steene's Pseudochromis. I've
searched the web for information on this type of Pseudochromis and
haven't been able to find anything. Additionally I
haven't been able to find a picture of a Pseudochromis that looks
like what I bought. It's hard to describe a fish, but
it's most distinguishing characteristic is it's yellow head and
dark almost black body. It also looks to have fairly large
teeth, but it may just be the color of the mouth that appears to look
like teeth. Have you ever heard of a "Steene's
Pseudochromis? <Yes, our pix and coverage are here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/pseudoch.htm
named in honor of Roger Steene... a meanie! More on fishbase.org Bob
Fenner> |
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