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Diadem Dottyback in a nano reef tank? 5/18/08 Diadem Dottyback in a 10gal: Nano "No-No" or Acceptable Idea? Good afternoon Crew <Hey there! Scott F. in today!> I was looking to buy a Diadem dotty for my 10 gallon nano reef tank. I was not going to buy any fish because I wanted to keep my water in prime condition for SPS corals. But some how I fell in love with this little fish. <They are endearing, but extremely nasty to other fishes! One of my faves, too!> So, do you guys think a fish this size can ruin my water quality? <If you overfeed and have poor husbandry practices, I don't think that the size of the fish would make any difference. If you are diligent in maintenance, I think a fish the size of this Dottyback could work. However, this really needs to be the ONLY fish in this aquarium. This Dottyback will simply beat the daylights out of just about anything else you add to this aquarium. Keep the water quality high through regular frequent water changes, and provide good quality foods to keep the colors brilliant.> I'm doing a 1 gallon water change once a week. If I add this fish (and only fish) should I do two water changes a week to keep my water quality up to par for my SPS corals? <Yup...Very good idea. These fish have healthy appetites, and do need to be fed frequently. While you don't need "sterile" water for success with stony corals, it is appropriate to keep the water quality as high as possible. Remember, good water quality is only one component to success with these corals. Equally important is water motion, light, and food (the Dottyback will provide a good nitrogen source for your corals). As you are probably aware, bad things can happen fast in a reef system, particularly a "nano" one with small water volume, so be very diligent on maintenance. Remember, even though your aquarium is 10 gallons, the amount of water displaced by rocks, corals, etc can be significant enough to reduce the capacity of the aquarium substantially.> Thanx for all you do!!! <And good luck with your aquarium! Regards, Scott F.> Re: Diadem Dottyback in a nano reef tank? 5/23/08 Nano Aquarium Water Parameters Good morning Mr. Scott <Scott here, captain!> Sorry for my second question but I like doing things right the first time if I can. <Much easier than fixing mistakes after the fact!> As we spoke I'm in the process of building a 10 gallon reef!!! And right now am playing with water temp and lighting, And of course no animals yet. <All in good time.> I just want to know where are my parameters before I start adding those beautiful Acroporas and Montiporas!!! So my question is... what would be the right water temp to keep these awesome looking animals healthy and growing, and how long should I keep the lights on? I'm currently running a Sunpod 20 inch 150 HQI lamp. Thanx Again Scott and have a great day!!! <Well, as far as temperature is concerned, I'd be inclined to recommend "normal" reef temps, ranging from 77-81 degrees Fahrenheit. Lighting should be run on a "normal" day/night schedule of 10-12 hours per day, IMO. Of course, with a small body of water, heating is a constant concern, so do take the necessary means to prevent heat buildup and big temperatures swings in the course of a day, such as cooling fans, good ventilation, etc. Hope this helps! Regards, Scott F.> Planning a Dottyback setup
3/28/06 Dear WWM crew, I
miss not having my reef tank! When I moved from Rhode Island to the SF
bay area I switched to a FW planted tank since I've never done one
and FW seemed less risky than SW in an earthquake prone area. Having
lived here for almost a year now, I do not think such paranoid thoughts
on a daily basis any more! <Ahh! Human nature as the label goes>
So I'm in the process of slowly (over 4-6 months) planning a setup
that will house... 1. A tank bred mated pair of Orchid Dottybacks, 2.
Frogspawn and Hammer corals, 3. Feather Duster worms, 4. A Lysmata
debelius 5. A smallish brittle star and 6. Misc snails ...in that order
of must-have-it-in-the-tank... I'm currently
researching aquarium sizes. Due to space considerations, I'd like
to stick with a 36" tank, and due to weight considerations I'd
like a 50 gallon tank, size 36L x 15W x 20H with about 45#s of Tonga
branched live rock and a 4" DSB. I don't know if I will have a
sump or be sumpless -sumpless, I calculate about 35 gallons of water. I
know this would be plenty for a single Dottyback, but is it adequate
for a pair? <Yes> If yes, just marginally so or...? Sorry for
asking such a vague question... Thank you, Narayan <Sounds like a
very nice set-up thus far. Bob Fenner> |
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