FAQs about the Imperator Angel
Related Articles: Imperator
Angels, Pomacanthus
Angels, Marine
Related FAQs: Emperor
Angels 1, Emperor
Angels 2, Emperor Angels 3,
Emperor Behavior, Emperor Compatibility, Emperor Angel Selection, Emperor Angel Systems, Emperor Feeding, Emperor Disease, Marine Angelfishes In
General, Angelfish ID,
Compatibility, Health, Feeding, Disease,

Another photo 3/28/07 Red Sea Imperator
I have had for 8 years. <Thank you for
sharing. -Mich> |

Angelfishes for Marine
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert
(Bob) Fenner
Imperator Angel Hi there, i have been asking every fish site
if they knew, or could even guess how long i takes to when you first
see changes in the juvenile, to reach full coloration or the adult?
<Changes to full at 3-4 inches standard length in general... a bit
longer for more Indian Ocean to Red Sea specimens> seems
that no one knows, but i have been looking for an answer for quite some
time now, so if you have any info I'd love to hear. Thank You, Ryan
Satow <Welcome. Bob Fenner>
My Emp. male or female? hi bob, I have a 12 plus. in.
Christmas island emperor angel. He's in a 240 gal. tank doing very
well. Anyhow my question is . How can I tell if he's a female or
male? Oh and another question is. How come at his large size. He
doesn't have a streamer on top yet?? I've seen Emp.s half the
size of mine with 3 to 4 in . streamers already? Do only males sport
streamers?? <As far as I'm aware there is no reliable way to
sexually differentiate Pomacanthus imperator externally... Have seen
"pairs" in the wild on occasion... w/o visible (to me at
least) sexual dimorphic, dichromic differences... Both sexes can bear
unpaired fin "streamers" from what I know. Bob Fenner>
Thanks, Linstun Lee
Sexing emperor angels bob, I have a huge 13 in. Christmas
island Emp. He's thriving in my 240 gal.. How come he doesn't
have a streamer at the top end ?? I've seen 5 in. adult Emp.s sport
streamers. Do males only have streamers? <Same input/answer. Bob
Angelfishes for Marine
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert
(Bob) Fenner