FAQs about Harlequin
Shrimps Systems
Related FAQs: Gnathophylliids 1, Gnathophylliids 2, & FAQs on:
Gnathophylliid Identification,
Gnathophylliid Behavior, Gnathophylliid Compatibility, Gnathophylliid Selection, Gnathophylliid Feeding, Gnathophylliid Disease, Gnathophylliid Reproduction, &
Shrimps 1, Marine Shrimps
3, Shrimp Identification,
Shrimp Selection, Shrimp Behavior, Shrimp Compatibility, Shrimp Systems, Shrimp Feeding, Shrimp Reproduction, Shrimp Disease, Cleaner
Shrimp, Banded Coral
Shrimp, Dancing Shrimp,
Harlequin Shrimp, Pistol Shrimp, Saron Shrimp, Mantis
Shrimp, Anemone
Eating Shrimp, Crustacean Identification, Crustacean Selection, Crustacean Behavior, Crustacean Compatibility, Crustacean Systems, Crustacean Feeding, Crustacean Disease, Crustacean Reproduction,
Related Articles: Harlequin Shrimp, Shrimp,
A Few Common Shrimps for the Marine Aquarium by James W.
Harlequin Shrimp/Systems 1/30/09 Hi crew. <Hello
Kai> I have a quick question. My LFS have 3 pairs of Harlequin
Shrimp for quite some time now, <That should ring a bell.> and I
have been wanting to keep them for the longest time. I have done plenty
of research, and I know that they mainly only consume live starfish and
the like. Just some questions before I attempt this species. How long
do they live? <Not sure, Bob may know.><<Ave. about 4
years... RMF>> The ones at my LFS are around 1.5-2" and I
heard that they grow to a maximum of about 2". I am guessing the
ones at my LFS are about maxed out in terms of size. Will they die of
natural causes anytime soon? <I have no idea.> I would not want
to buy them only to see them die in a few months. Secondly, I have a
Blue Linckia Starfish in my tank for about a month now, and I
occasionally see it come out at night. During the day, it remains
hidden. Will the Harlequin Shrimps seek it out and consume it? Even
though it is so well hidden? <Very likely, difficult to hide from
predators. Keeping these shrimp can get expensive as they will not
accept prepared foods. Best kept in a system to themselves. Do read
FAQ's here. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/harlshrpfaqs.htm> Thank
you for your help. <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Regards - Kai
Re: Harlequin Shrimp/Systems 1/31/09 Hi James,
<Hello Kai> thank you for the prompt reply. <You're
welcome.> I bought them anyways....could not resist, and my LFS told
me they could live for 3-5 years? I am not sure about that. <Bob
states 4 so he is close.> They found a cute little den under my
mushroom rock and are so cute.... especially when they wave their
paddle like feet. <Yes, are rather interesting to look at.> My
tank have rather peaceful inhabitants, so I am guessing it would be
safe for them. Also, the tank is heavily rockscaped with plenty of
holes and overhangs...it should keep them comfortable :) So far they
have not found my Linckia star yet... however I am sure it will not
take long :) <Why do you want to put the Linckia Star at risk? Much
cheaper food than that in the form of starfish. I'd locate some
Asterina Starfish, very prolific reproducers and inexpensive.> Am
very happy to finally purchase this pair, and at quite a reasonable
price...at $25/ shrimp... in Singapore dollars....US should be about
1.2x now if I am not mistaken. Just discovered that one of them is
carrying a clutch of jet black eggs. Coral food in the making :)
Appreciate the help that you guys have given me all this time, and I am
absolutely grateful. If I could just hug you all or buy you a gift I
would! :) <We do appreciate donations to help fund our cause. I like
hugs too.> Take care, and happy new year. Warmest regards- Kai
<Thank you Kai. James (Salty Dog)>